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Carolina Clay

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Posts posted by Carolina Clay

  1. And KAndre, I did the same triple take over Jesse Helms, too. I'm FROM North Carolina and have always been embarrassed to share something with that man.

    Ditto, Muskifest! :lilredani:

    Thnx for the Macca link, Sally. I believe you still have a related story to share. Hmmm, bet I'm in trouble now. :lol:

    :eusa_whistle: I've been keeping up, so thnx for providing much food for thought in your discussions. JaMar, kudos to the response by your son ... Loved seeing Clay and his grandmother again on the Martha Stewart Show this morning. You are right, YSRN; he could not be cuter! :)

    Thnx to those who have stopped by my blog. I now have the Thistle Hut's new link corrected in the blogroll. Leaving all the scoops to others, I usually update every three days and already have some ideas. Wonder how those rehearsals are going? The Knoxille tickets arrived today! :Tour3:

    Y'all have a great day! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Caro listen.gif

  2. What amazes me is that Clay could produce such a sensible, articulate blog with just the right tone "after 3 flights, 8 time zones" and very little rest. In many ways, he is extremely wise beyond his 28 years. :)

    KAndre, I thoroughly enjoyed your ballet post. I raised a ballerina, and we attended several performances "in costume" prior to the ones she participated in on stage. :P

    Caro listen.gif

  3. Greetings, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Sheesh, I joined your board and RL immediately moved in. However, somehow I've been able to read all your great posts and lose my eyeballs -- and heart -- over the awesome high-res pix, just not post.

    Sally's sister is a huge Paul McCartney fan, keepingfaith, with lots of MACCA stories to tell. Aspiegirl created a montage and printed one of the stories in a blog about a year ago (7/2/06). Here is the montage at YouTube:


    Laughn, I'm so glad you brought your Jennifer-Clay Adventures to FCA's Creative Writing thread. Kudos for all! :clap:

    YSRN -- I followed the link to the Thistle Hut. The bird bath pix from 6/2 are amazing! :)

    bananatype.gif Prior to our guy's latest update, I posted a new blog at the OFC and Carolina On My Mind, a humorous take on Clay's Angels. This was a huge deviation for me, usually the straight news/feature writer of my journalism background. Several talented graphic artists -- Cindilu2 and CV's PSP crew -- help pretty up the place. :wub:

    Thank you, Playbiller, for stopping by the previous entry. I left you a note in your OFC blog, which I'm not sure you frequent anymore. And you are right -- a couple of paragraphs from the Kat Drama should be posted on Clay boards everywhere. Fans can certainly make the entertainer look bad, as we well know.

    I often wonder how I can be proud of someone I've never met and only admire from afar, but dang, Clay Aiken is one fine example of a human being, so much more tolerant than I.

    So true! Clay's latest flat did me in. I had fallen asleep watching a movie and somehow intercepted the "He Blogged" vibes in time to read it while his name was still in the list. The word's out, but I still feel sad for those who don't have Clay Aiken in their life.

    Couch Tomato, I love your analysis:

    This is what I took from he said

    Stop fighting my battles

    Stop fighting each other

    What the board becomes is up to you

    Don't feed the trolls

    Simple as that.

    I'm a great believer of the "Ignore/Scroll on By" plan. I do like that one of the by-products of the OFCMB lock down has been the revival of previously dormant journals, as well as the unveiling of several new ones; and I hope they continue.

    Atinal -- all the best with your show! :bravo:

    :affection:Maddy, hope your eye continues to heal on its own.

    Karen Eh -- looking forward to a new round of your wonderful photos from this summer's tour. :Tour3:

    I'm very intrigued what he has planned...is it something more on line with the JBT? A walk down memory lane? Will he do different eras, tell a story... heee can't wait to find out.

    Reckon Clay got word of DCAT and threw his own tour name into the hat? It's all good to me. I ordered my pin this weekend and hope I get to wear it in the hills of Tennessee. A heart procedure on June 26 will determine that. LOL, and Clay thinks 28 is old! :lol:

    I'm worn out from this three-day catch-up post. Y'all have an awesome Sunday! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

    ETA: I can't believe how many mistakes jump off the page only after you send a post through. :lol:

  4. I've been in CHAT for the past 15 minues -- it's loaded, btw -- and a couple of mods are in there talking about all this. They didn't know the board was going to shut down until a few minutes before the others. :o

    I rarely go the message board, so I am unfamiliar with what is being described. Sounds awful, and I know Jaymes/Clay under the Clayandr name have been reading certain threads, according to the reports in the chat room. I'm sad Clay's fan site has been treated this way by members. :(

    ETA: Welcome, Jerrijan! I think you have the OFC solution. :)


  5. Welcome to FCA, Maddy! Look forward to your joining the discussion over here. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Caro listen.gif

    P.S. You have an email full of EEEEEEEEEE's and !!!!!!!!!!'s because I noticed your name as the newest member at the bottom of the page. :lol: :eusa_whistle: :lol:

  6. Welcome, oldnaiken! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    British Columbia -- so weren't you breathing the same air as Clay and David Foster a week ago? :P

    I'm a newbie, too, just a week ahead of you. I never have been able to handle the OFCMB, except for the blogging threads we have in the Fan Club Forum. I do enjoy writing/reading in the blogs and have many friends among that community.

    You will have to show us some of your gardening handiwork sometime. Hope you enjoy FCA! :RedGuy:

    Caro listen.gif

  7. **Sniff** All I see are red X's! Does that mean they're X-rated???

    I'll let you decide...

    And I'm marrying the first of these three pictures. Ya'll can come to the ceremony...no gifts though please. *g*

    Wow, Idyjocelyn, thnx for clearing up the red X's! Let me know when the ceremony is, and I'll bring my flute and oboe to play you down the aisle. :wub:

    Can we market these PP badges? Because I'm pretty positive I'm a member too. Proud of it too, damn it. But let me add a definition here, as Couchie alluded too -- being a PP doesn't mean I think everything has gone fine with Clay's career. It really doesn't. It just means that I prefer to look at things in a positive light. So -- ATDW didn't sell a gazillion copies. Big deal. Clay will still be around for a long time to come.

    WORD!!! I think several others said something similar, but I got the quotes mixed up, obviously not my forte. :lol:

    I've been a member of a small private -- along with another not-so-private -- board for a long time. Members speak their mind, often use first names, and -- best of all -- gathered in G'oro when Clay came to sing on the eve of my birthday (the NAT, I believe). I hosted folks from three states and Canada. Talk about a fantastic party! :partygirl:

    Well, I have stopped to make a blog comment in the midst of this post. The topic has moved on, perhaps to ... :Tour3:

    Cheers! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

  8. rcknrllmom, your montages are simply fabulous! I am in awe! Thanks for the reminder keepingfaith.

    Is it okay if I fame-ho a little and ask if anybody has ever watched my meager efforts? I don't know if they made their way here to FCA or not. Black Velvet was my first ever, and Once Upon a Dream/Dream On my third. (#2 is just a montage of my wallpapers).

    And don't forget Sunshine! Love all three, Cindilu! :clap:

    With Cindilu2, Rcknrllmom, and Aspiegirl, FCA has some very talented montage makers. I didn't know Aspie was a member until I started looking at the list. Btw, I gave up in the C's, so there are probably many more creative artists in this medium here. :P

    Hi, Champion! :)

    I have to back track and read the wonderful discussion about the fandom before I comment further, but I must say it is awesome that we can talk about all this. Back in a bit!

    Caro listen.gif

  9. :welcome:Claytonfan20! Jump right in -- the water's fine! :)

    JaMar, great to hear that Creole is still around; tell her "hello" for me. I believe we met in Greenville, SC, at the JBT. :RedGuy:

    Caro (recent newbie)

  10. I do think most folks ARE joking when they make comments in Clay's blog. The internet allows a certain familiarity that no other medium allows. Combine that with how we found Clay and the feeling like we are actually playing an active role in keeping him around and that familiarity makes further leaps.

    Clay does have an extremely good memory though. My meet and greet was at the JBT in New Hampshire. I don't know how far he can see back but I'm not normally in the first 5 center rows. But he sure as heck remembered couch tomato at Kimmell after a year and a half. That kind of thing makes you feel good and you just have to slap yourself back to reality and tell yourself that he ain't your close and personal friend. :cryingwlaughter:

    Wow, I had forgotten that -- FCA has THE Couch Tomato! I'm most impressed! :00000442:

    You are right about the wide variety of comments, agendas, etc. I just happened to see the comment I quoted because I was on the OFC when Clay blogged, and I believe it was in the first nine. It was also reprinted by the author at CV. :rolleyes:

    ETA: **waves** to JennaZ!


  11. Apropos of nothing really, did you know there are 52 frames in this teeny little smiley? Had to erase the sign part from each one individually. I am still squinting! LOL.

    Dang, I'm impressed, Cindilu -- 52 FRAMES!!! :RedGuy:

    I hatesss commenting on any gossip page shstuff, but I'm totally intrigued as to why he would be going to Paris (if true). I can *totally* hear him saying, 'get the PM on the phone' (hell, I'm just glad he knows we have a PM and not a President, lolol). If the gossip mongers around him can't recognize a joke when they hear one - screw 'em! Vive l'Aiken!

    WORD!!! Vive l'Aiken, and get the PM on the phone! :eusa_whistle:

    bwah..it's funny to me too. I don't need all of my Clay mentions to be fangirly and free of f snark - just don't be freakin evil and mean spirited. Clay needs his stuff pinned inside his coat like my mom used to do me when I was in elementary school.

    ETA: to change a curse word to something more acceptable so as not to fighten away the newbies.

    Not on this newbie's account -- my mother cringed with my "sailor-like vocabulary" picked up working on a newspaper in my teens. I still remember most of the lingo. :asking02: And Clay really does need his stuff attached. :lol:

    Does Clay screech? I'd say yes. I think it's totally adorable when he does that high pitched thingy, when he's excited.

    Ditto -- that's just Clay when he's not ... :00000462:

    :handshake: Hi, Cha Cha! While you were gone, they left the barn door open, LOL!

    Roseviolet :bravo: to your comment at CV this morning!

    The remark/blog comment was made that Clay "has waaaaaaay too much time" on his hands that might be better spent "writing songs or something."

    LOL, Roseviolet's reply: I'm not sure how one can come to that conclusion. In any case, I'm sure he saves a lot of time by not surfing message boards.

    WORD, WORD, WORD!!! :clap:

    Just got home from annual stirrup time and enjoyed catching up here. Have a great day, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


  12. Caro, that's cool hearing that story about interviewing the first violinist in one of the orchestras, and what they had to say about Clay. And EEEEEEEE! Another musician!!!!!!!! Finally, spent some time poking around your blog -- it's neat!

    Thnx! If you are passing out refreshments, I'll take some vino. :eusa_whistle:

    Caro :music:

  13. Hey you taught music and orchestra???? You must've been good at the little quizes last tour.

    I knew most of them without a musical dictionary. :lol:

    When Clay performed in Greensboro, I called one of the 1st violinists the next day and "interviewed" her for my blog. She said they loved working with him and talked about what a professional he is.

    During dinner, he told them about the terms and the fact that one group had helped him make up a word. He asked the G'oro Symphony to help come up with a really tough term, which they did -- flagioleto or flagioletto, depending on how one spells the word. :)


  14. Hello, FCA!

    I jumped right into posting a few days ago without introducing myself. I'm Carolina Clay at Clayversity, the same with no space on ezboards (or whatever they are now) and the OFC. I usually post once daily in CV's main thread, but many times in the Paint Shop Pro Forum where I am a cheerleader, a position I take very seriously. :nanalove:

    I began writing for a newspaper when I was 16, planned to major in journalism, but switched to music because I was living in the music department ... playing all the time ... in groups ... on my oboe. New paragraph! :lol:

    Married a Texan and finished my music ed degree at UT-El Paso, taught band/orchestra in Lubbock, worked for a couple of West Texas newspapers, and moved to Nashville when my husband had to change his lifestyle due to high blood pressure. He also was a band director. We raised a daughter, and he played country music, though we both continued performing in classical groups, too. I taught privately, as well as in the public schools.

    We split, though we're still very good friends; and I moved home to NC where I completed several more years as an orchestra teacher. I retired early and now teach an interesting group of private students violin, viola, oboe, flute, and piano. Our recitals are never boring. :P

    I loved the VOX the minute I heard Clay sing in 2003, and I've been following him ever since. In 2005, my friend Sally, also a new FCA member, talked me into writing a blog at the OFC. I didn't know one thing about HTML codes, but she gave me links and helped get me started. Last summer I started posting the OFC entries on Blogspot: Carolina On My Mind.

    The few days I've been here I have seen lots of familiar names, some I have been missing at CV; and I really enjoy this board. Many thnx to Cindilu2 for the invite. Finally, I am ding dang glad that Bottlecap brought over her CV avatar! :)

    Caro :music:

    P.S. You mean you didn't want a book? :cryingwlaughter:

  15. Welcome PuddinsJoy!! I also neglected to welcome 00lsee and Caro, and I hope we'll be hearing from y'all again soon.

    Thnx, jmh123, and ditto to the greetings to 00lsee and PuddinsJoy! :00000441:

    Luckiest1 -- great to read your report from this weekend's adventure! The Finale photos I saw were amazing. Now if we just had one of the good-looking dude standing in the wings dressed in black! :foto:

    I couldn't make it to CHAT, but I would be interested in reading the transcript, in case this is available. :P

    Y'all have an awesome day! :00000462:

    LOL, I just discovered all the extra emoticons. :eusa_whistle:


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