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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Ya know, the words beefcake and Clay Aiken never crossed paths before in my secluded and horny little Clay world, but NOW? NOW!?!! Holy fuck me, batman!! again and again and again and...
  2. NEW PICTURE New tweet - Clay Aiken with David Novik, Head of A&R @deccalabelgroup http://twitpic.com/fhr6u It's official - Clay Aiken is a fucking stallion!!! Look at that torso. He looks like he's been working hard on that new hard body!!
  3. So Happy Together - The Turtles
  4. Once again ldyj So NOT FAIR!!! And while #2 screams adorable at me I had to go with #1 because well...as difficult as it was I just wanna hit that!
  5. After thoroughly licking
  6. Here, There and Everywhere - The Beatles/Clay Aiken Could this be the Clay/Beatles thread?
  7. Ok, this made me again. Damn leaky eyes. - NYTimes And this? I will assure you that one of those pictures will NOT be in the photo tourney, although I almost did it just to be a little shit. Hee.
  8. I wouldn't mind if it were simple but fun. I tend to like those types of clues as much if not more than the difficult ones. Sometimes it's just all about the FUN
  9. Everything's Coming Up Roses - Ethel Merman
  10. I'm sorry, canfly, did you say something? lol
  11. Cha Cha, who took the picture, and when was the vigil? I should add it to the new Carolina On My Mind blog about Teddy Kennedy, a driving force for the rights of many who could not speak for themselves like the disabled. I kept thinking of Clay when putting the blog together, and I included gerwhisp's Measure of a Man montage. Have a great week, all! Caro Great blog, caro! I loved the video too :thbighug-1: Thankyou for posting the photo of the vigil, cha cha! I have cried a bit off and on today.
  12. Re: Atlanta Airport pic - Actually, his collar in that picture looks like he had his bag strapped across his chest at one point. His left collar looks completely different from the right one. Leading me to believe it was crushed under his bag strap and it looks like either some stuff from under the strap was left on his colloar or it is pilling up. Wow, that was a mighty deep post for moi!
  13. So, jmh, are you working on posting your clue?
  14. Organ pipe coral - also a bi-valve = Heart
  15. Saturday Night's Alright - Elton John
  16. MacArthur Park - Richard Harris
  17. I'm not cha cha, but anything from "Help" or The Beatles hypnotizes meeee. content: none really
  18. Sorry.....I'm here now! and the answer to your answer is No. BUT you are verra close!! Next Clue: It is a very early song/performance. Hope this is helpful.
  19. Oh my! I can't even stand up after an "O"!
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