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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. No. No. No. But those are some intersting guesses
  2. Great balls of fire? No. Oh hell, it's just a plain old fashioned clue
  3. Ok, but that was a stretch IMO If we're going to play it that way, then.... Clue for next song: Troubling news for the pipe coral
  4. Solitaire! spider solitaire diamond settings ...but the "password" had me stumped. heh
  5. Bwah, yeah that! It does make it tough when nearly all of the fan pics, taken through the eyes of love and/or lust, are so freaking wonderful. And different. So many facets to the man and the fandom, eh? But I had to go with #1!!!! Oh those eyes.....and everything else!
  6. WTF?? Is my post invisible or sumthin'? Do I get to deduct points for you now? Try again, missy.
  7. treenuts

    20 questions

    Are batteries involved?
  8. Spill The Wine - Eric Burdon & WAR
  9. treenuts

    20 questions

    Does one usually hold it in their hand when in use? CRG! Wow, you've been lurking a really looooooooong time!
  10. Was it something he sang while on a Unicef mission?
  11. Soooo, does this mean my guess(s) were wrong?
  12. How cool! Somehow I knew it would be a blast! *sniff* Pollyanna wrote:
  13. My deeply profound summary from today's thought provoking posts: I fucking love ATDW! Especially Right Here Waiting! Fucking awesome!! I have belonged to and possibly still hold my membership card to the FURCA club. I can.not.fucking.wait for Clay's new kick ass CD. Whatever it may be, his fucking fantastic voice will be on it! And yes, I want to fuck Clay Aiken
  14. America The Beautiful? oooooorrrrr If you are basing that clue on the personal interpretation of the actual song by the writer then.... Sleigh Ride? nah hee
  15. (HA!HA! You need to stop rubbing up against me then ) frozen Breyer's Peach
  16. Hmm maybe there is one "little" thing you left out? Little? Little? I'm racking my brain here woman, and I can't think of anything little about that man! Hands? Feet? Accent? Power tool?
  17. And all I heard was - Now for my next lame attempt at creative song clues...lol hallucinogenic concubine
  18. Well shit. That would have been so fun to attend! But alas, even though there are several locations within driving distance to me on that list, none are close enough for me to make it from here on my ass to there on my ass in less than hour P00P!! Thanks for the quick response and info though, ldyj Maybe you could provide a brief recap of the hilarity soon to ensue? pweese
  19. Maybe he was looking for some of that career, marketing, and recording advice his fanagers are always so ready to offer him. Oh man, now I'm jealous! Where do you find out what their appearance schedule is?
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