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Everything posted by duckyvee

  1. I love that 'raindance-y' sound near the end.
  2. I love the sound on this one - there are some great sounds. But the ideas don't stick together for me. Maybe I'm missing something.
  3. True. When I say 'he,' I really mean the singer or songwriter, not necessarily Clay. It can generalize to anyone who feels it, really.
  4. I didn't see this as an 'up' part. I took it to mean, the one time you step out of that comfort zone, the result is too much
  5. Exactly. He's talking to himself, in my mind.
  6. Mine, too, cagney! It seems as if it has 2 lyric lines to me. Like someone is trying to talk themselves down - to gain perspective.
  7. I love the background vocalists singing "Don't you wish you were?" before the word 'unbreakble'
  8. This is another favorite for me.
  9. be leeeeeee eve! Well, that was fun! Thanks for hosting ldyj!
  10. I love the over-articulation of 'the' at 1:25 (or thereabouts)
  11. There are some great lyrics in this song: how much will they take before I'm empty self-inflicted circus clown shattered dreams, they follow me, they haunted me hiding in my skin and of course: Reveal me completely. and: frailty
  12. I agree. Well, maybe not whiny, but something that doesn't appeal to me. It's a beautiful song once it gets going, but I hear a Disney character in the beginning. Not a bad thing, but not a good fit for a pop CD.
  13. I have a very low tolerance for schmaltz. Not that I think this is a schmaltzy song.
  14. I hear a bit of 'Careless Whisper' at the end.
  15. I'm not a fan of the key switch, not just in this song, but generally. I like the techno sound of the echo.
  16. This one makes me a little sad. I like it, though. It's up there in the top half for me.
  17. Claygasm, I totally agree on your interpretation of the meaning of the song.
  18. I love the sound of Clay's voice on 'closing.' His versatility still surprises me sometimes. Yep, I officially love this song.
  19. I like the synthy-thing in the middle, especially how Clay comes out of it mid-syllable. Unexpected.
  20. I get a Simple Minds vibe in the beginning of this song, only much better.
  21. I think I'm missing the sentimental gene.
  22. So, what does this mean? "Stop the music. Play the song."
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