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Everything posted by duckyvee

  1. Me, either. I didn't get MOAM until my way home from work on the day of release. It was so hard to wait, but I didn't have time to go in the morning. I still remember the anticipation while struggling with the shrink wrap. I hadn't heard any of the clips and could barely wait to get it in my car CD player. I don't remember when I got the others (baaaaad fan), but we listened to ATDW in advance anyway, didn't we? For this one.... who knows, I might just go to a CD release party. Probably not. But you never know. It could be fun. Definitely WITHOUT. The bears are adorable, cotton!
  2. I just added another show - April 27, matinee. :Boss: Oh, and then there's May 4, evening show. :Boss:
  3. ROCKWELL! w/backing vocals by Michael Jackson I would love to hear Clay do something like that song! Not just the theme, which I agree is perfect, but the sound. He could so pull off that sound. I do wonder how Clay will incorporate the last five years into his songs, but past experience tells me that Clay is pretty... what's the word...... loose comes to mind, but that isn't it...... maybe elastic ....in his conceptualization of such things. I'd love to hear something truly reflective of his experience the way that I imagine it to be, but that might not match his experience. And since I overspeculated excitedly about what 1000 Days might be about when we first heard the title, and it ended up being about battling angels and whatnot (rolls eyes), I'm trying not to think too much about it. I think almost anything could fit that theme. But, for the fun of it, maybe we could get a social faux pas song (hand over mouth, foot on armrest), a screamining Mimi song (enthusiastic fans), a song about surviving evilness (but we already have that), a song about how Clay diverted his mind while sitting in the hair stylist's chair, the possibilities are endless. I just don't think it will be that specific. No matter. Whatever. Whenever. With whichever look. I'm ready.
  4. Yes. No matter where you're going or what you're doing, the answer to this is always "Yes". And shoes to match. Ah, but Stacie and Clinton say matching your shoes and bag is not required.
  5. Sounds perfectly plausible to me - it's been my fantasy since I saw Clay in Spamalot in January. I stopped short of the starring role in an original Broadway show, though. Not that it's not a great idea - just beyond my vision. I like the way you think, keepingfaith!
  6. I han't heard that either and I was there! I know my favorite shipping partner was there, and by that I mean Kelly! Yes, she certainly was. I saw her up close that night and she was totally adorable. (bolding mine) So duckyvee, was this Tyra you refer to as 'seeing her up close' that evening? I would love to hear more details of that, if so. I was there and remember KC being there but not Tyra which I think would be great to know. Pretty please share more if you can. No, sorry for the confusion. It was Kelly. We were sitting relatively close her and her group. She seemed to be a regular girl just having fun at a concert. She was much tinier than I expected and so CUTE.
  7. OK, I'll weigh in on this topic. I am thrilled that there are people with the ambition, skills, means, and energy to get the great seats it takes to gather premium Clack, even if right now that only means pics at the stage door. They are so generous, not only with those goodies, but with telephone reports, re-caps, and posting things as quickly as possible. What they offer helps so many fans who can't go to NY to have a vicarious experience. I see a true generosity of spirit, a sincere enthusiasm that is infectious, and a positive benefit all around. BUT..... I also feel badly for those people 5 back at the stage door rail who have never seen Clay up close or had anything signed, and think it might be nice to make room for them. Can I give up those wonderful pictures for the benefit of a stranger's opportunity to get close to Clay? It would be hard, for sure, but I think so. {{{jumping jacks}}}
  8. I han't heard that either and I was there! I know my favorite shipping partner was there, and by that I mean Kelly! Yes, she certainly was. I saw her up close that night and she was totally adorable.
  9. Yup. From 30th Street he can take Septa to Trenton and then switch to NJ Transit to New York. The ROUNDTRIP fare is $37.50, so the one way should be about $18.75. I can give you all the details. PM or call me. Or, if you don't mind driving part way, but don't want to deal with NYC traffic, you can drive to the Hamilton Station in NJ (about 50 min. from Philadelphia) and take NJ Transit into NY Penn Station. I think it was $22 round trip when I went on a Saturday. At some times of day on the weekends, round trip is as low as $20.50. Parking is convenient and inexpensive, and the train station is very small and easy to manage. I go that way most of the time. The length of the train ride on that route varies a lot, though, depending on the day of the week and time of day. The 10:37 on a Saturday morning takes 73 minutes. This is probably the NJ Transit train into NJY you're talking about claygasm, just from the next station along the line in NJ. I've never tried taking SEPTA from Philadelphia to the NJ stations, though. I might try it.
  10. Favorite new line from Clay: "this that, this that, this that, this that" I can just imagine! As for the CD - not thinking about it. I have long since given up expectations. It will be what it will be. I sure like Clay's attitude about it, though.
  11. I forgot about that. I wore tissues on my head many times! Seemed we were always walking over to church from school for something or other, and I wasn't always prepared. If you didn't have your little head doily or manitlla (loved that!), you had to put on a tissue. Our grade school sold mantillas in Mother Superior's office . You were allowed to buy one after 3rd grade. All those rules.....
  12. I forgot about that. I wore tissues on my head many times! Seemed we were always walking over to church from school for something or other, and I wasn't always prepared. If you didn't have your little head doily or manitlla (loved that!), you had to put on a tissue.
  13. Those were my thoughts as well. I can only imagine what the stage door experience would be like for Clay without Jerome there, given his history of anxiety.
  14. So, how does this work? I can make my recommendations, but am I suppose to post links or make mp3's too? If so, I might need directions as to how to do that.
  15. Me, too! I have tickets for March and closing night, and have general plans for once in April, but February is looking awfully empty.
  16. That pretty much sums up my reaction to the article. The only thing 2 things that really bothered me were the way she quoted him in an accent and the picture. Spelling his comments in what sounds to me like an exaggerated accent always annoys me. And the picture. Really bad picture, unnecessarily so. As for Clay's comments on dating and relationships, they pretty much match what I thought anyway. He's a complex guy. He's not going to follow a traditional path. What others want for him is inconsequential, IMO. He seems happy to me and that's enough.
  17. Now that I've seen Clay in the role, I think I'll check out the clips of DHP. I just wanted it to be fresh the first time I saw it, and since I didn't have to wait too long, it wasn't too hard. I'm fortunate to live close enough to NY to be able to go a few times with minimal travel costs. I wish everyone could go.
  18. OK. I wasn't going to post a recap because I don't think I have anything to say that hasn't already been said, but I'll give it a go. I was at the matinee yesterday with a couple of friends who are also Clay fans. So fun. The show was the kind funny that makes you cry with laughter, and I think I cried all of my eye makeup off by Intermission. Clay was beyond wonderful, so fun to watch. We went to the box offcie and bought tickets for closing ngiht, so I guess that about sums it up. Here are a few favorites: Favorite scene: There are so many, but two come to mind quickly: -The first time Sir Robin soiled himself. I am still laughing. -The Brother Maynard scene - Clay's portrayal was hysterical. Those lines must have been difficult to learn, but he delivered them quickly, crisply, and with just the right expression. It was pee your pants funny. He was great in his big number, of course, but I expected that. Favorite lines The entire 'swallow/coconut' exchange Favorite facial expression Clay's facial expressions were priceless, but my favorites were the multiple facial expression changes during Brave Sir Robin. He communicated so much without saying or singing a word. Clay's dancing I thought Clay did really well with the dancing. He seemed natural and comfortable. Good for him! I loved watching him dance. Clay's portrayal of Sir Robin Other than Sir Robin's big number, I didn't watch any clips of the show with DHP in the part, so I didn't know what to expect from the character. Clay plays him in a very endearing way, IMO. You like Sir Robin. He is the most appealing knight to me, and not just because Clay played him. Non-Clay favorites Herbert - hysterical - what a talented kid! Patsy The Laker Girls Sir Gallahad was excellent, too. I mean Sir Dennis Gallahad. They were all good, really. It's a wonderful ensemble cast, and Clay fit in really well. The stage door We went to the stage door after the show. We didn't get that close to the barrier, maybe 3 people back. One of my friends got her playbill signed! I'm not sure she'll ever be quite the same again. I didn't try because I wanted to stand back a bit and watch. I followed Clay around the line, could see him really well, and could hear his voice at times. I loved that! He looked great in his long camel coat and jeans. The tousled hair is a good look for him. Aside During Intermission I talked a bit to the guy sitting next to me. I just said the show was great, wasn't it, and he jumped right in. He liked it quite a lot even though he was only there becoss Wicked was sold out. He lives in NYC and goes to a lot of shows. I didn't mention Clay, he did. He said, and this is close to a direct quote, 'I like Clay Aiken and all, and he has a great voice, but there are a lot of great voices up there. The cheering for everything he does is a little too much.' I commented that Clay fans just do that. It's not really voluntary, and he nodded. None in my group cheered for Clay other than at the end of his numbers, but there was some cheering at atypical times. Not a lot though. I barely noticed it. And really, I don't think they can help it. Didn't bother me at all. Just not something that comes naturally to me. It was all good.
  19. I saw the Mike and Juliet show live this morning, but haven't been able to report until now. Dang work interferes with my fun. The way he delivered that "Noooooo...." in response to the question about whether he hit the clubs in NY was way cute. And when Juliet said something about coming back to co-host he told her to 'bring it,' or something like that. My only complaint was that it was way too short. I wonder how many minutes it was in the end? Only a few, I think. Makes me wonder if it's worth making Clay dragging himself out of bed early in the morning after a show. It was worth it from my selfish perspective, of course. Made me smile. Again. As expected. Clay Aiken is good for what ails you.
  20. Yep. And those pictures! I am going to the show on Saturday. I can hardly wait!
  21. I think he said something about his first reaction to the loudness of the fans and the cheering for him.... being afraid that it would embarrass him in front of his new friends (so cute...), but that the cast really appreciated the ethusiasm.
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