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Everything posted by goldarngirl

  1. ETA: Whoa usually I have trouble quoting once and I quoted twice in the same spot. It's a good day. I think?
  2. AWESOME!!! The things that man can do to for with a microphone. And you captured them all! So where's the download??? Download in hub and the wmv was ul to CV. That's about all I know.
  3. OMG, do we get a prize when we reach 400? :o Hmm retirement???? We should hit 400 or close to after this next one.
  4. Thank you, it was fun. Bolding made me what have you and I been doing for the last four (count them four years ) Actually if you want a shock, I started counting these things that we've done are you ready??? 395 so far
  5. Also thought I would throw a youtube link in here for a montage I just finished. It's been a couple of years since I have done a single montage but this song just hit me. Lover Come Baaack Hope you enjoy.
  6. Need Help Just came across this on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/Monty-Python-Spamalot-...id=p3911.c0.m14 I reported on ebay and send a note to taping@actorsequity.org in case they are interested that someone is selling their shows. Anyone who might want to help out, I would appreciate it.
  7. That sounds terribly familiar. I might even miss some of that stuff. Glad you are taking clack though.
  8. I am sure these things will be sold. I know I've seen a lot of posts on CV too asking for tickets, so I think it's just a case of getting the word out.
  9. I think luckiest1 was asked by me to hold tickets for mblovesclay and megaclayfan. SO if they are both covered, then yes we are doubling up and luckiest1's tickets are again free.
  10. We have someone who did not get a ticket and needs one. Can you help? You guys prolly know her mblovesclay needs a ticket. luckiest1 and group we DO know her but you might not recognize the screen name....please hold ticket for her!!! luckiest1 just copied you in on mblovesclay email to me. Hopefully you can help and she can sit with you OR someone she knows.
  11. I wonder how many times I can say OMG (in trying to decide) before I make a decision (sigh).
  12. Hmmmm, what might you be up to? Hmmm well it doesn't quite involve JNT Vancouver???? (busted)
  13. Glad you're home safe. I know where Alliston is now! After the Rick Springfield concert, I stopped there at a grass strip on the way back from Orillia, to see ClayItAgain. It was black today around noon here and we had a bit of a storm but yeah it was really windy here and storming and the satellite went off several times and we had a couple of flickers of the lights. Yep Vermont is right. That animation was a Christmas concert, no idea where, looks like the Merrillville suit (but that doesn't mean much from me). I know that there was a bit of mic stand fingering during the JBT maybe BOTW? possibly Toronto? Can't remember 100% but something similar to that.
  14. HELP I need some help. I am looking for outstanding microphone moments (caresses etc) ...pics and video from each tour. AI, IT, NAT, JBT SRHP. I think probably the Pop tours. I would appreciate any suggestions that you might have. Thanks. OH and FromClaygary you should have kicked me off the computer. I would have shared. ETA Had a terrible storm here too just a bit ago. ETA someone guided me to the mic throw. Thanks.
  15. Weeeeeeee now I can : smack : people yippeee Hope I remember how when I need to. Thank you jmh123.
  16. I couldn't find the smack emoticon that they have at CV so this will have to do (not that I can find it at CV either) Wut? May I be of assistance? I have lots of other abusive type emotes in my arsenal: Any of those work for ya GDG? I have a few pages to catch up on.... Thanks, as anyone who knows me, I can never find the emoticon that I need. The only reason I find the laughing one is cause it's at the top. I would have been less violent if I had known I just had to type in but then again, by the time I need it next time, I will have forgotten. AND cindilu2 you know wut. *sigh* obviously my doesn't work. Probably since I don't have a photobucket to pull from hmmm heee now I'm a thief. I'm usually v. appreciative of emoticons but you guys are giving Solo too many ideas. How about if one of you sits next to her at the next show/concert/thing-that-has-not-YET-been-announced? OMG I just I totally forgot about that BUT if that was what hinged on a new concert tour, could you take just one for the team?
  17. I couldn't find the smack emoticon that they have at CV so this will have to do (not that I can find it at CV either) Wut? May I be of assistance? I have lots of other abusive type emotes in my arsenal: Any of those work for ya GDG? I have a few pages to catch up on.... Thanks, as anyone who knows me, I can never find the emoticon that I need. The only reason I find the laughing one is cause it's at the top. I would have been less violent if I had known I just had to type in but then again, by the time I need it next time, I will have forgotten. AND cindilu2 you know wut. *sigh* obviously my doesn't work. Probably since I don't have a photobucket to pull from hmmm heee now I'm a thief.
  18. I couldn't find the smack emoticon that they have at CV so this will have to do (not that I can find it at CV either)
  19. Thanks cindilu2 stupdendous as always. I am sure you don't miss him. The fact that we spent last evening watching clack rather than going out and watching some other entertainer in the park. That's normal isn't it???? WELLLL ISN'T IT????
  20. You know Scarlett that's a great idea. I had thought at one point that it would be great to have a zip folder of the pics that have been posted per venue/event/etc. I suggested it at one point (not at FCA) but it never flew. Of course this is purely selfish and lazy on my part, it would save me a lot of right clicking, BUT I think too, it would give a back up to the photogs (like we do the videographers) just one more safe place to have this history stored.
  21. Both of these are real. Does anyone know why Clay Aiken is listed under United Kingdom in the Chrysalis Music Around the World? I think it had to do with the writers of the songs, not the singers.
  22. Friday night dinner? 5:30 PM, ESM on Wonderland. On FB, and you should have gotten an email from FB...or PM gdg. No got nuttins from Facebook but I was already emailing with GDG re: some clack she was hoping for and I asked, so she just explained. Will have to play by ear cuz if weather cooperates, I'm supposed to take the plane to get an instrument replaced in Brantford. I should be able to get back in time. I hope. I might be all sweaty though, lol. I'll go check FB in a few...gotta go back outside to clear smore brush. Bleah. It's not THIS Friday though, it's the 7th, just to be clear.
  23. Friday night dinner? 5:30 PM, ESM on Wonderland. On FB, and you should have gotten an email from FB...or PM gdg. Already taken care of thanks.
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