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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Everything from CH goes to the CV vault and vice versa, and everything from both goes to Clack Unlimited, so sharing is definitely allowed. If it is captured, we'll all get it. And, it looks like geekette's going to get it. Yay!! Thanks, bottle. Eeeee-hah!!
  2. Oh, thanks, jmh...I didn't mean that I hoped you would.... But that might be an interesting exercise, uploading to the vault from there! If geekette does though...if someone from CH could share with the rest of us.... (on second thought, guess that isn't allowed on there, is it) Well, back to my original thought....hope someone gets a chance to DVR it!
  3. Hey, does that mean you'll be watching Clay on WRAL tomorrow? The high school theater award show that Clay presented at in May will be broadcast tomorrow. From the CH's calender: Oh gosh, I hope someone gets that for us...I would LOVE to see it. Raining cats and dogs here in Fredericton, New Brunswick...that may, unfortunately, put a stop to my plans to go tour the Bay of Fundy tomorrow. Guess we'll see what the morning is like. Taking pictures in the rain is not good.
  4. georgiesmybaby Not a holiday, I'm afraid....I'm working. But I'm in a very nice hotel tonight! Re FB.... right back....WOW is all I can say. Couchie, hope you have a wonderful birthday!.....and WOO-HOO for Clay's book! I think I might need a few! I'm just thinking he must be in LA, celebrating a very first Father's Day with his little cutie-patootie. He looks SO happy in those pics yesterday.
  5. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh!!! Clay must have misunderstood my FB post....I'm leaving TOMORROW for New Brunswick, with very little computer access, Clay, not today! CHEST HAIR!!! ....and did you notice his luggage tag? That's gotta be a gift from a fan who will be thrilled to see it. .....and MY favorite glasses. merrieeee Eeeeeeeeehhhhhh!!!! ....and did anyone notice the JustJared photographer seems either to know what we like....or have the same fetishes him/herself??
  6. :lmaosmiley-1: I didn't do that I would LOVE another book from him. Anything. In the meantime.....anyone familiar with Michael J. Fox? IMDB MJ Fox I've just started reading HIS new book "Always Looking Up" and absolutely LOVING it....45 pages in, I've laughed out loud, shed tears, and really, really enjoyed it. He strongly reminds me of someone else we know who might be writing a book, personality-wise. Family man, funny, intelligent, diverse, lots of integrity. While we wait.....I highly recommend it!
  7. Thank you liney! That sounds wonderful! I love the sour milk addition.
  8. Yum indeed! I love rhubarb...would love the recipe when you have a few minutes. Preden, condolences to your friend's family and you and your coworkers. How tragic! Fear, so wish I could go with you! I could use some singin' right now. I worked yesterday from 3 PM until 6 AM this morning, and my butt is dragging big time. I hate these days, they play hell with your internal clock. Gah.
  9. Here's a VERY interesting article on effeminacy and the GLBT community. Warning, it's long....but I think it's well worth reading while we wait Why can't you just Butch it up?
  10. All of it. Every word. .....and I bet I know who wrote the letter, don't I? ........
  11. Begin rant... I've just spent a half hour I'll never get back, over at the OFC. Good Lord. In the question thread,I can't even understand what they're asking much of the time; I understand the difficulty, and admire the people trying for whom English is not a first language~but for those for whom it appears to be...or some form of it at any rate......many of them are completely unintelligible. WTH?? No wonder he isn't answering questions anymore. The one or two good and interesting ones are buried in the 10,000 nonsensical/misspelled/lack of grammar/WTF ones! One person in the "Clay's store" thread has suggested a "grill with Clay's new teeth" for the store. Are you f****ing kidding me? If that was intended to be amusing...it's not. Others have suggested items that already exist in the store. The point being.......that they didn't bother to look first?? Now there's a selling point! Given that Clay's said this is the only board he reads (not that I believe him, really)....how f***ing embarassing!! He must think we're ALL a bunch of morons! End rant... Sorry....just had to get that out.
  12. Mmmm-hmmm. Me neither. I didn't mind him on the show...but he's turned me off since then. WTF? Baubel? I don't wonder why. idjits How ironic!!...and THANK YOU for NOT posting the new name. I'd rather wait for Clay. Could be just me.
  13. Beautiful pictures, cha cha! I "borrowed" a few. Oolsee, best wishes for your recovery! I've never had bronchitis, but I hear it's a beast. Just to show you're never all alike, I thoroughly enjoyed the Tony's last night....and didn't see NPH's final number, as my hours in the day ran out before the Tony's did. But I thought to the point I'd seen, he was a great host. PS cha cha....fortune cookie??
  14. That looks and sounds great! Mine has to be a business case, unfortunately, as I do use it for work. I would love one with the wheels like that as yes, I have to carry mine down plane aisles. And yes, that's a huge part of the issue, for me, is getting it up and down from overheads. For anyone with a bad back it's a nightmare. And that thing that they always announce about the crew helping you if need be? Riiiiiiiiiight. Preden hang tight, he'll be back! My guess is UNICEF trip, I can't imagine his not being there for Chris last night if he was available. Yes, I watched part of the Tony's last night (it went too late for me to see it all) and thoroughly enjoyed it.
  15. Yes, me too, and I like it...but my chiro tells me the "slightly turned and pulling" action is just. not. good. Yah. Not him carrying the backpack.
  16. clayzy, I have a backpack with a laptop compartment which my chiropractor insisted on * insert eyeballroll here*. I'm not from the backpack generation, so that may impact my "enjoyment" somewhat~but honestly, I can't stand it! My laptop is soooooo heavy I can barely lift the whole contraption when it's in the backpack, to get it on. Let alone when I have to add stuff like paperwork in files, and cords and my purse and stuff. I've given it up. Not a good way to carry a laptop IMO.
  17. Oh, that's wonderful to see! Thanks so much for bringing it over fear, and ldyj for the accompanying pictures. He looks so gooo-oood!!
  18. I request if anyone finds the new name that they not post it. Thanks so much for the warning!....and agreed.
  19. Wow, cindilu2, GREAT banner!....and thanks for the June calendar which I stole from your Yuku site, it is awesome too! One of my favorite pictures... SYTYCD...I watched it too, and thought it was disgusting. I didn't notice the music, but the "you might like it" comment blew my mind. Generally, Nigel is reasonably kind in his judgments on this show, and I like it much better than Idol; but he lost any respect I had for him the other night. Not that he knows or cares.
  20. Me too! Sort of.... I wondered that as well...I literally copied and pasted it...but I think it's where the author has used "~" to indicate a pause, and it hasn't translated properly into the html when it was added to the site. Beautiful day here.....but WINDY!! Whew! I'm off to work in about 3/4 hr; hope I don't get blown away on the highway!
  21. I'm going to post this verbatim because I believe it has been used at the GLAAD awards in part, and on other occasions recently. But, in reading it, I found some parts I'm pretty sure I've never heard before. This is Clay's biography on the OFC....I LOVE it!!
  22. The public transportation system is fantastic! MBTA. Safe, easy to figure out, goes everywhere, inexpensive. Thank you for the link! It IS cheap!! We'll likely use that a lot. Karen, these are wonderful! Made my day!! Especially this:
  23. Exactly!! Eeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!!! I just booked myself (and hopefully a friend ) a trip to Boston in August for 5 days. It's someplace I always wanted to go, and an airfare of $49 one way made up my mind for me. This time, on her suggestion, I did Priceline.com for the hotel, received an upgrade to a 4-star hotel AND saved $55 a night. I'm excited!! ...and this should mean that Clay will immediately announce something exciting for August for the rest of you. PS I am NOT renting a car!! That, I hear, is the big drawback to Boston, the driving.
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