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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Me too!! Ah!! smotes forehead.... I bet you're right! Give it up, already, people! He's far smarter than the questioners! Loved the triskaidekaphobia answer too! ....and the one about forgetting who he is! Been there!
  2. I could be wrong, but I believe Clay stated in the beginning that Parker's name was a bow to Brett, not his step-dad; I think Clay has long since gotten over his ill-will with Ray, though. THANKS so much!! Well....just to help clarify....it was NOT Ray's car, it was Clay's....I'll grant you the "without insurance"; indeed not smart. "Certainly could not afford another one" absolutely is untrue. I have no clue where people get the impression the family were the proverbial church mice; that is patently not true. As Ray had no opportunity to think the car was stolen OR hope he didn't have an accident before seeing the vehicle at the mall, there was no Ray-angst involved. And I would certainly hope that your temptation to whack him upside the head wouldn't turn into the public assault that happened that day. That's just wrong. Noone deserves that. Having said all that.... I don't think Clay holds a grudge against Mr. Parker to this day, like some fans do (not me).
  3. Biiiiiig favor, please, for anyone who can! I'm travelling for business at the moment and ONLY have access to FCA on the business laptop. I'm SO bummed to have to miss the cellcert tomorrow night....PLEEEEEEEEEEZZZZ could the recaps, red notes and highlights be brought over to FCA??
  4. Ya think??? OMG, it's genetic. That "Yo, whut you talkin' bout Momma??" face is just too priceless!! I'm SO thrilled we have these pictures! I thought the whole article was weird...until I realized it was likely done well before Clay "signed on" for the event. I do realize it's dated today, but it reads as though it was actually done some time back. I have a feeling Clay was not sure for whatever reason, until very shortly ago, that he was going to be able to do this...whether it was because of his surgery or something that was planned at the same time that fell through...who knows. But it just feels to me like it was fairly last minute.
  5. Wow, luckiest1, the kitchen looks wonderful! Happy Mother's Day! jazzgirl, a Botticelli painting! That's it! It's been nagging the back of my mind and I couldn't place it...that's exactly it. A beautiful, beautiful baby boy who looks like an angel little devil from the look in those mischievous eyes!
  6. Ask him!! I bet he'd laugh his butt off....and answer! PS I laughed and thought the same thing exactly.
  7. OMG, the lipbite and Clay's ears!! ....AND tp and diapers LOVE it!! LOOK at those cute baby toesies!! What a great Monday!!
  8. OMG, that is even MORE adorable. Looks like he has Daddy's long fingers as well.
  9. Awwww, he is such a beautiful baby!! .....and I don't have time to search through my pics right now, but he looks SO much like his Daddy at that age!! Red hair and all, by the looks of things....AND striped socks, from what I can see! Probably less chance that there would be a mob scene with Jaymes with him, than with Clay...and I'm glad the site is respectful as well. Take that, TMZ!! thumbsnose PS Parker needs some sunglasses
  10. PREDEN Reed does seem to have somewhat of a featured role in the production...and he looks like he's having fun! That's the main thing.
  11. OMG, I can hear it in my head!! Exactly. OMG, those and Clay's answers totally made my night!! Mylene is a good singer, but.....OMG.
  12. ldyj WOW.... Take good care of both of you. Just a reminder that we have a thread HERE for our famous after-Gala breakfast party. If you plan to attend, please post at the link above and I'll get you added. Nothing fancy~but we have fun!
  13. evelyn, I've added you. girlcanuck, there is much more informationHERE Many people are staying at the Gala hotel, but there will be people staying in other locations as well. There are many hotels in downtown Raleigh. NB that hotel cancellations must be done PRIOR to your reservation date, and differ as couchie said. They can't be cancelled after the fact, and the hotel will charge you if you don't show up without cancelling. Breakfast list done to here.
  14. Isn't there some rule somewhere that doesn't allow the interuptus of the smuttus? :clay: And I still contend that this little person is using the international sign for "hand job"...yes/no? ---> anyone? I can barely see that little hand....but I managed, somehow, when you said that!!
  15. Bottle, I thought the same thing...just not as his reason for being in LA. I guess Merrieee will let us know! Couchie, glad you got your ticket confirmation! ETA: Eeee! My package status is "shipped" as well! Not that that means anything....there's still the customs
  16. I would SO go but have to work that day....in Ottawa, which is about as far from Vegas as you can get and still be on the continent....I'm withya!! Couchie, looks like there are different categories of ticket? Could you try another category and get a ticket perhaps?
  17. Yeah, but it still sucks. I realize not everyone can afford to donate, but most people could part with a buck for a song for goodness sake. ...and !! He didn't answer mine either Off to pick up my son from the airport. Call/texts will all be appreciated, I'll be offline likely until Tuesday PM. But
  18. As per Clay....to 1 PM EDT, there have been 2097 downloads of the song, and 298 donations made online.
  19. Clay is online again in the "Honor System Blog" thread in The Man.
  20. Oh, no KIDDING, huh?? I'm betting, working with him, it isn't the first one! Huh?? Don't know about you, but I've had BW since the day ATDW came out....and it's my very favorite too! It's an absolute piece of art. Don't tell me I have a speshul copy!! Yes, noticed that last night. OMFG tm cindilu2 That was the bestest Friday night EV-AH since 2007!! I didn't get home until around 10 PM and thought I would just checkin quick before going to bed as I have a busy day today. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight........... Like mariedrummond, I pretty near needed Depends. Why IS it that I can't even bear to leave to go to the bathroom when something like this is going on?? It's not like it's going to go away! I laughed out loud (TOO loud), I cried (the water picture and the career thing and the "gay" girl) and I was absolutely, totally, completely GLUED to this screen. Just You is freakin' AWESOME!! .....and is it just me that thought it was way cute that he set it up as a sendspace for us? I don't even know why, just thought that was cool. Just like one of us. Donation done...but I think I'll actually go back and do a monthly donation thingy; I can't imagine why I haven't done that before, I do it for UNICEF.... Just in case it needs to be on this page again: TBAF Donation page Remember....FCA MAD ETA: CRAP! Now I know why I haven't set up a BAF monthly...because you can't! I'll see if that's possible some other way than online, and let you know.
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