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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Post-ho'ing tonight...first night I've been home from work before 8 PM Here's a nice little "review" of TVBOCA from a music blogger: Scroll down a little to see...
  2. ....and just because.... Here's a little something on abc about one of my OTHER favorite people...Michael J. Fox. I think he's truly amazing, I'm so proud that he's Canadian....and I think you'll likely enjoy this: Michael J Fox on ABC ETA: thanks for my new calendar, cindilu2!...and thanks bottlecap for the picture info. Could I just mention how much I HATE that for the first time EVER I was not able to purchase Clay's new CD on the release date?? I am totally sick that it looks as though Clay's CDs are no longer being released in Canada. WTH???!!!
  3. That last one is new to me, bottlecap...where is it from? I mean I know it's from GLAAD because of the tie , but the source of the pic?
  4. I tried to order from Amazon.ca Monday and they said it was "not available" (this after getting an email from them a week ago suggesting I order it) , so I ordered from Amazon.com instead. Got an e-mail yesterday saying that it's already been shipped from the U.S. so I'm glad I did what I did. Yes, I ordered from Amazon.com as well, before .ca came up actually. I'm so glad I didn't cancel that one! My .com order was shipped yesterday, so I'm guessing 2 weeks or more. Sigh.... Which is one of the reasons I'm driving south....I'm not a good waiter!!
  5. I feel the same way, Reed! Claynadians.....FYI, I got an email this morning basically cancelling my order for TVBOCA. I don't for the life of me understand why they would advertise for sale, something they can't sell....????!!! OTOH, as I mentioned last night, I am on vacation at the end of this week and will definitely be going down to the US to forage for copies there....so if you want me to pick you up however many, PM me!
  6. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! GALAAAAAAAA!!!!! My room is booked Off to look at possible flights. :lmaosmiley-1:
  7. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Re the hotel: Actually, annabear, there is a Sr rate of $118.00 per night during the dates of the Gala. In absolute honesty, I hated the hotel last year! so I'm hoping they've cleaned up their act. But it is very convenient to be at the Gala hotel, no doubt about it. The rooms are very nice, but the staff were incredibly rude and every.single.person I know that stayed there was overcharged for their room in some way or form. Anyhooo.....I'm so there! Room booked....now off to look at flights, which I think are quite good right now.
  8. Here's one more bit of video from bigappleforclay which she just found on her camera; makes me laugh....can you imagine trying to respond to all that yelling??
  9. (((mamabear))) been there too...my Hershey lived with me for 21 years and survived a 3500-mile move before sleeping away peacefully 6 months later. merryclay, thanks for bringing over that Youtube of his and Tyra's speeches! Awesome!!
  10. I think you likely can; I've never seen one you couldn't, you just get the "copy" warning. I just think perhaps she didn't realize that. But maybe I'll find out different when I get it. .....and me too!!
  11. I'm so thrilled for Clay that THIS family "gets" him!! Oh, thank God! I thought maybe I was alone in the world. Cripes, forgot the whole reason I was here! It's all your fault, Muski! From those who have managed to find a copy of the new CD in advance....apparently it's a real keeper! Everyone is thrilled with the "extras"!
  12. Wow, I guess you folks need to read where I read! Cuz I've seen NONE of that....not a single solitary post. I was just kind of enjoying it, really.
  13. Maybe it's just my monitor...but all I could see in those crowd shots was a big black blobanothing. Just in case others have the same problem; I've lightened and sharpened and cropped. In doing so, I lost the photographer's tag, which was not intentional. They were taken by megleisey. If you could see something other than a big black blob, scroll on by!
  14. Yup, there's another moment he never thought would happen, in junior high!!
  15. Awww, that's adorable! Tyra looks like she could just eat him up. Thanks, Kim!
  16. Ahhhh, he looks absolutely gorgeous!! Shades of 2003/2004....wow. The gentleman that is the president of GLAAD looks familiar, but I can't place him....anyone? I'm just now back from our cluncheon today....it was great! I had to laugh when I sat down for a few minutes rest from my hike to the car, on a bench outside Club Monaco...one of the young guys who is staff in the store came to the front to look at the traffic. And he was wearing a dark bow tie, a striped shirt and jeans....and looking VERY trendy! Kim, would you mind amplifying on your explanation of the white ribbon? It is in support of marriage equality, is that what you meant?
  17. I remember how excited we were almost 5 years ago when we went to get our pup. We had to drive from Toronto to Napanee (Avril Lavigne's hometown) and back in one day, but it's been so worth it. I don't know if I'll ever be without a furry family member again. I'm picking up Claymatron at the train station this morning and we'll have some time to visit before we see everyone again. It's been too long! See you all there!! Karen, it is my understanding that Cndn Walmart's ARE going to have it, but as I spoke to my source quite a while back (when we first heard) he wasn't 100% certain. If they don't, I'm going to be going to the US to pick some up; so, if you like, I can pick you up however many you need and get them to you. Am I the only one who doesn't know about this? Stage 46 - Amazon link Sounds like it might be a good laugh!
  18. Here's a quick workup that Clayizzaqt from CV did of a recent pic of Clay compared to one of the ones from Saturday. It makes the swelling really visible, in the comparison. Sure hope he wasn't feeling really crappy through the whole party! He did look like he was having a great time. It's awesome to see him still connecting and having fun with old friends, family and new friends as well.
  19. I wanted to suggest he get all naked and dace in the rain, to learn to enjoy it....and then I thought, nah....I can't get there that fast and therefore what's in it for me??
  20. Put a smile on MY face as I head off to work! Thanks, Karen!
  21. Love the pix!....and who is Sarah, I wonder, other than the person who is going to get photoshopped out of all those pictures? Was thinking yesterday, and meant to add: Clay has just a GIFT for giving the best gifts ever....Brett's car, the paying off of Faye's house, Kelly's poster, our AIW and the Christmas book......and Reed's party. I bet Reed absolutely LOVED that!
  22. clayzycoffin, Aron posted the news about your cartridge drive on the BAF FB page. You're famoose!
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