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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. It should automatically deduct from her GC if the GC itself is on Amazon....which it would be. Amazon always takes the $ from a GC if it exists on her profile....unless you say not to. So............I've been looking at those pics for a while.... -in the group pic, the guy to Clay's right....just me, or does he look enough like Reed to be his brother perhaps? ...and they've all three got Clay's ears! -and in the pic of Reed and the girl, with Clay in the background.....WHERE do I know that girl from?? Can anyone help someone with Part-timers?
  2. Thank you so much to whoever originally brought the pictures over, as I'm travelling and can't access CV on my laptop either. He looks like he's having a wonderful time!! As bowling was one of the options suggested for the "CV10" dinner (when they had to cancel Celine), I'm guessing it's one of his favourite things to do. By the looks of the comment from Brian Curl (who seems to be dusting his fingertips at beating Clay) Clay's pretty good. WOW, does he ever still look swollen though....I'm wondering if it's an off-and-on thing, as in some pictures he looks OK, and in others very swollen. I'm just so thrilled to see him looking like he's having a GREAT time. ....and that "getup" BTW, should pass ANYone's test. He looks absolutely delicious!!....or is that just me?
  3. You DO realize we'll expect you to have "baby" pics on the weekend, right? I saw the pictures you had on FB....beautiful!! I loved the beige one with the warriors and the red one. If you don't do it, you'll always regret it. Ditto the fabric, of course...is it a silk kind of a thing? You could make a fabulous quilt from silks, and they're great to work with if it's tussah or something like that that's not too slippery. Three favourite TV shows? There's not really anything I've felt as passionate about as some of you folks are...other than AI2. But there's the odd one I'll turn on if I'm home anyway: 1. ER for sure, more so in the early years. I don't watch it anymore. 2. SYTYCD....MUCH better than DWTS!...but I'm with you Couchie, once it's done it's done for me. 3. TAR...really enjoy the bits of travel stuff you see and the competition. One of the things I like about it is that there's no "obligation" when the show ends. No CDs to buy. No shows to see. 4. (sowwy!) Two and a Half Men...fall-down funny! Even though Charlie Sheen is an a-ho!
  4. There I have to disagree....there are numerous factors that might prevent Clay from accepting an invitation. I agree with your premise, which I think is that if Clay were invited he'd want to accept; but that doesn't necessarily mean that he is able to. I cefinitely don't agree that if we don't see him....he wasn't invited. Huge jump there.
  5. And a bazillion more from the appearance on AI5..... I personallly don't think he's going to be on; just a feelin', with absolutely no basis.
  6. Well, nice to see Reed is having a big party for his final day (wouldn't have expected anything less)...but that must have required a little detective work! (not you, Kim) Good heavens. Eeeeeeeeee!!! (S)he's so cute!! How old, gender, what is his/her name....!!! Never mind!!
  7. Here is the link to Theo's official site, and I believe I must have signed up there to recieve the notifications I get. Seems he has a new single out this week! Hope I can d/l it on iTunes. Thank you! I LIKE it!!
  8. Then I'll depend on you to let me know when he's in these parts! Wouldn't mind seeng him live at all! Any chance you could link the blog?
  9. Me too. It varies for me; some years I watch the auditions (NOT for the bad stuff, but for the nice surprise of some of them) and then get bored by the top 10 or whatever and don't watch any further. Some years I don't get past the Hollywood stuff....some years I've watched til the end...but I've never bought anyone's CDs, and have only purchased a track or two from Jennifer Hudson other than that. I like Canadian Idol better; the judges are better, and most years there is at least one person I think is genuinely talented, although they certainly haven't all won. I have several tracks on my Zen from Eva Avila (who I think is excellent) and I'm certainly a fan of Hedley (GREAT songwriting and real showmanship) although I've never seen them live. I liked Billy Klippert, although he seems to have kind of disappeared off the scene, and have several of his tracks. I have one of Kalen Porter's CDs and some of his tracks from Itunes. Here's some youtubes to see what kind of thing we get from Canadian Idol: Eva Avila Billy Klippert ETA: a youtube from Theo Tams, who is last year's CI winner and also very, very talented I think. Theo Tams live Scott Savol? I'm kind of in the "serial killer/pervert" car....sorry! PPS: If any of y'all fall in love and want us to pick up a CD or something, let us know!
  10. Maybe we need to talk Clay into having Clay cards only, so we have something else to collect without giving all the money to 19. Hmmmmm, pieces of Clay's outfits? Makes it a little more interesting, doesn't it? OMG, how cool would THAT be! Doubt it's going to happen for Clay's cards though, given AI's history with him.
  11. Here, at last, is the "Papa's Beautiful Star" VIDEO version of the montage from hosaa VIDEO of Papa's Beautiful Star, thanks to her for letting us know where it is. PS You can hear Poppa clearly in this....
  12. Well.....let's try this one more time....last time trying to reply locked my computer up so bad I had to reboot. So~I thought I had a video version of Papa's Beautiful Star from hosaa, but all I can find is the audio version. In any case, it's beautful either way. Here is a 4shared link to DL it for those who don't have it: Papa's Beautiful Star audio and I have contacted hosaa to see if there IS even a video, or I'm just mis-remembering as usual PS thanks for all the suggestions...I know both Danny and Andy, and neither of them is the person I'm trying to come up with...thanks though! PPS As I recall, the person who won the dinner with Clay at GFI is from Atlanta; and Clay said he would come to her...so he may be killing two birds with one stone. Glad to hear he's having fun, whatever he's doing!
  13. Daniel Pearson or Andy Abad, maybe? I think it was Daniel, but not sure. Nope....I can just SEE the guy but can't remember his name! Talk about Alzheimers...... Thanks, though!!
  14. I was there in the 5th or sixth row. I didn't hear what his grandfather said but I believe it is on one of the videos . I'm thinking jojoct. He said "Go boy" and a few other short comments. That song was discussed at length by my three friends who went with me on the almost two hour drive home. None had seen Clay perform before in concert. They absolutely loved the JNT5. It was a wonderful night in Raleigh. There was also the lighted banner which went around the venue. It said "Welcome home Clay". I was there too, sitting just in front and to the left of Mr. Aiken. Tribeca, it might help to know a little of the backstory; I'm not sure if you've read LTS, but in it Clay tells us that his Grandpa suffers from Alzheimers. Usually Clay feels that he recognizes him, but he can't verbalize Clay's name. However, Clay's music calms him and he listens to it quite regularly. That night, when they started the bluegrass piece and Clay dedicated it to his Grandpa, Mr. Aiken several times "shouted out" to Clay~saying "you go, boy" and "you go, Clay", and trying to sing along a bit. It was very emotional simply because of his recognition, which doesn't often occur; and the connection between them. ....and a little story about the banner around RBC: it actually said "We celebrate you home". For the life of me, I can't remember the name of the guitarist in Clay's band who at that time was his musical director as well....anyone? Aaargh!! In any case, he had been contacted prior to the Raleigh performance, and helped with his contacts at RBC (the whole tme keeping it completely quiet from Clay) to arrange for this to happen. It was set up by the Raleigh Claymates, and was a complete surprise. I think it went well. What a night! Another one for the memory books, for sure. FYI, hosaa has an absolutely WONDERFUL montage which blends the LTS reading and Clay's performance that night. I've looked, but I can't fnd it in the jungle that is clackunlimited. I know I have it, so later tonight I'll upload it to sendspace if someone hasn't found it by that time. ETA: There is one HERE for CV vault members, from goldarngirl and luckiest1 which I'm sure is equally awesome....
  15. Not even going to comment on all the nonsense about where Clay was when.... Well, I wasn't going to! To me.....looks like someone got caught in a "fib" about where Clay was at a point in time; and then when, clearly, he was somewhere else (their bad luck ) now they won't come clean. Could be completely wrong. Often am. But....Good Lord! Couchie that sounds like an awesome opportunity!
  16. I don't go to blogs, so I'm not sure what you're referring to there....but no, I don't know what the date of the picture is. Its properties say that it was taken today, but I know for sure that isn't accurate. Re the "R", I'm going with bella on that one; I think it's a Roots hoodie. But it could STAND for anything he wants it to stand for!
  17. Oh, you're right!....that's the OTHER guys hand behind Reed's back! Apparently I wasn't looking at him, as I never even noticed the hand on his shoulder
  18. Well, amongst you and I it's just you! Have you ever known a car place that didn't??
  19. Possibly if you have Xray vision! as his left hand is behind his body....but he does have a school ring on his right hand. Here's a fun little sighting from a friend of a friend in NC: Here's the picture (had to clean it up a bit so you could see it)
  20. Totally out of the loop, because I'm just not a movie buff! Oh sure....TODAY she comes to Toronto! Yesterday I was at The Beach all day, but was she in Toronto THAT day?? NO!! Have a good one!
  21. Well, I dunno! Maybe London isn't considered to be in Canada anymore? Or maybe you didn't try actually pressing Play? Here's what I get.....
  22. Oh, I bet! I'll probably let Muski deal with that one....but yah, I'd be interested in knowing what music he has in his collecition too!
  23. Anyone except Canadians, that is How completely imbecilic to block a show that plays here!
  24. IIT .....KEWLL!! But someone needs a fact-checker once again. I don't imagine Clay was all that psyched to meet Tina Fey, because he already has.... I dont' watch 30 Rock (or much of anything else on TV) but if Clay's going to be in it, I'll start! Which is kind of the point, I guess.
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