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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. I'm a little reluctant to part with TBAF as well; I'm not usually resistant to change, but in this case.... I made a few suggestions in the blog comments as well; have no idea which way they'll head. I know Aron mentioned to us, in Raleigh, a few of the ones they were considering but I'm having a brain furd and can't remember any of them. I hope he does post a few of the ones under consideration. I can well imagine that Clay is NOT a good patient! Being a man and all... ...and with his high energy I imagine he's chafing at the bit and driving Jaymes nutso. But he sounds a bit weary and depressed, and I hate to hear that. Could very well be just me. Although I know it's well meant, I also hate to see all the comments saying "we want you to sing to us soon". At this point, I bet he's wondering (unnecessarily, I'm sure) if he's done the right thing, and if he'll ever be able to do that again....so no point in rubbing salt in it, IMO. Ahhh well.....get better soon, Clay!! Aaack!! Forgot to mention what a beautiful banner that is! Thanks oolsee!
  2. I think another part of it is people always have trouble with the name...."Bubble" Aiken...Boo-BELL...we've heard it all. Something simple and strong would be great, but it IS going to affect name recognition that a lot of people have worked on forever.
  3. Goodonya, clazycoffin! Every cent helps. I bet a school and its students goes through quite a few cartridges in a year!
  4. LOVED the book!....and would love to be able to hear Greg Mortenson! He's a really inspiting man, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  5. Gaaaahhh!!! Well, who knew?? THANKS!! ETA: I like the CD tracklist....this will be a GREAT CD for indoctrinating new victims potential fans into the cult gorgeousness! I might just have to have more than one. ETAA: I wonder if there'll be a "booklet"?
  6. Here's the answer to the conundrum, from a poster at CV:
  7. Ahhhh.....THIS is a completely different video from the one linked at FB. ETA: Weird, ldyj! It certainly doesn't for me! It brings up what I mentioned above, which as far as I can see, Reed is not in. I've signed out of FB and tried again....and the same thing comes up for me.
  8. I changed the title of the link to the correct title, and I haven't watched it yet... Ummm.....is this a link to the right video? I don't see anyone in those little teeny people that looks like Reed's body type, and he is not listed as being in the video (the poster has added a list of who is in it). This video is on Kenway Kua's FB, and shows a group number to someone singing "Higher Ground". Jesse IS playing the piano, though!
  9. Knew there was something I forgot!! Claynadian FYI.... I was downtown working today, so I stopped off at the huge HMV store in TEC and spoke to the manager there. I asked about Clay's Playlist CD, and she checked their system for it; it is currently NOT listed, which means one of two things: -it will not be released in Canada -it will be released at a later date in Canada (they have listings currently past the end of March) She did not know, of course, which...so my best suggestion at this point, would be....consider ordering if you want it, or a trip to Detroit or Buffalo. I will likely make a trip to Buffalo...if you want, I can get for you once I can figure out if they'll even BE in stores.
  10. Not a problem at all! Glad the explanation made sense. BTW....it's ALL the vaults, not just CU that operate this way. I am SO jellus of luckiestdotter! ....and, actually, I'm wondering if she might be able to do me a big favor...I'll PM you. And your dream....keep that thought, and I will too!!!
  11. Second worst checking in here....and I second all of that! Tribeca and ausdon....I'm a great "why?" person....so if you are too... The servers on which the .mp3 and video files are held for any vault cost money to maintain; it's almost like one of those physical "you-store-it" places. They rent you a "shed", you put your stuff in it and it's all good. Of course, the more stuff you have and the more space you need, the more it costs. "Bandwidth" is the unit of measure for the cost of an online storage space. When you download (right-click and save target as) a file, it uses hardly any bandwidth at the storage facility. When you stream (left click) the same file, it uses a great deal of bandwidth for every single time you do...so if you play it multiple times (as we often do with Clay's files) it is very, VERY expensive for the provider of the files as it uses up "bandwidth" at an enormous rate. In order for us to maintain these wonderful sites, it's important we be able to keep costs down as much as possible...and that the people using them contribute to their upkeep! Can you imagine if CU and other vaults went away, how dreadful it would be not to have the history and resource for all those youtube files? Hope that helps!
  12. Ooooooh, I LIKE your musing out your ass!! This also just CMSU this morning....someone else on another board pointed out that "The BEST was yet to come!"
  13. I wish to protest this omission....I didn't get no stinkin' test!! That was no lady....and it wasn't even my wife! I woke up this morning with the BIGGEST grin on my face! Funny how a "new" or "reworked" or ANY Clay Aiken CD can make that happen! I'm guessing that Cyndi (sp?) Berger had something to do with an Amazon posting which happened Sunday; you go, Cyndi! And it looks now as though there were three clues in Clay's question.... 1. The date-which I think referenced the CD and the date has now possibly been moved up, or he knew it would be BY that date but not exactly when at that point... 2. Google-if we kept googling, we would find it. 3. Independent-yes, he's away from RCA. Actually, I'm inclined to think that may have two meanings. Independent usually means "free from"; but couldn't it also mean "no dependents"? ie, that the CD is the "last stop" on his time with RCA, when he had "no dependents". I think having dependents is the thrill of his life! Musing out of my ass, as usual ....carry on! In any case, my order went in last night, and I'll be thrilled with whatever it turns out to be!
  14. Woooo-hoooo!! for Amazon Movers and Shakers!! :dancingpickle:
  15. Don't care what it is! THAT just made my whole WEEK!!! Where ARE those dang happy-dancin' things?? ..... :dancingpickle: Off to watch the Oscars....
  16. Clay's name is on it; does it even matter? Eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO buying!!!
  17. Me too! I actually checked to make sure that TAR was on and it is, but it's one hour earlier. I think I may watch a dvd tonight, if I get tired of channel flipping. OMGoodness, thank you! I would have been choked if I'd missed it.
  18. This'll be TMI, I'm sure but I just spent 20 min doing something I've been meaning to do since I moved here, never quite got to...and which will change my life!! Yes, I changed the toilet seat in the master bathroom. Ahhhh....GOOD mornings from now on in!
  19. Here's an article on what looks like a music website, dated 2002. It's long but interesting, I think, and certainly relevant to our latest "news". There were definitely some things I didn't already know. I take it with a very large grain of salt because of....and here come my prejudices ....the numerous grammatical and spelling errors. But hey, take it for what's it worth! Oh, PS....you'll probably have to highlight to read....as it's in black print on a navy blue background Melodic Rock article
  20. OK, folks, sorry but it's the weekend and you're going to be seeing a lot of me while I veg.....here's a lovely blog from a new OFC member, brought to CV by smitten.
  21. Always lots of great stuff while I'm sleeping Good Lord, I never see where you guys are reading this shit...must be some seriously whacked places out there! Exactly! My playlists are extremely eclectic; but Clay is a completely different scenario for me. There IS noone to replace him. I don't replace my kids if they annoy me either. Most of the time. Better yet...it is! It's called "Life Experience" or something dumb like that here. And re the $5K to Oz parents....I believe that was initiated as a facet of needing more population in the country at some point in the past. Clearly not the case here. Exactly!! ...and I think your "Plan B" scenario could be it. Scarlett, LOVED your post...that's what I miss most these days, is the logical-think-it-out/explore it/research it that used to happen years ago (hee!) as opposed to the roof-is-falling that seems to happen now.
  22. Lotus, this one's for you......are you a Best Buy Reward Zone member? They're offering a pre-sale for tickets to Leonard Cohen in Canada, I just got the email. You could become one pretty quick, I think if not. Online signup.
  23. Well-well, MY theory is that that point IS the point! That "we" are more accurate than Google! I think it's fun to speculate light-heartedly too, as long as you're not too invested in your theory, and it's not detrimental in any way to Clay. Kind of like shipping light-heartedly.
  24. Awesome!! Thanks for bringing that over! I love that the Foundation is receiving kudos for its work from people who really know. I absolutely agree (my bolding).
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