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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. OMG, gmb! Get thee to that neighbour as fast as you possibly can~or any other police connection that will give a personal note to the complaint. Hate to say it, but it helps to know someone. Failing that, make sure you deal with the fraud people at the police station... AND, if this is a reputable firm, they will have a "tip hotline" for anonymous complaints, run by an outside party. CALL IT and tell them you are being victimized. They are liable for allowing this to occur and will want to mitigate that. Research online~there will be a women's support centre somewhere close to you~it's a big city. They're used to dealing with abusive situations and will know people to contact. Talk to claylove and see if her organization has a list of resources...I bet they do. Gahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
  2. Hmmm....you're going to DisneyWorld too??? See you there! It means their heads are about to explode...... No, seriously, it means they are in the process of posting.
  3. Indeed. Yeah, somebody was pointing that out to me earlier, lol. They hated it. I think that it was all part of the quirky, goofy, I'm not sure if I'm going for the "Orville" or the "University Professor" look. Thanks canfly! Those are great versions!...and thanks muski for bringing over the "harem" pics They're wonderful, as was the occasion; I'm super-green. I can NOT imagine why anyone would have a problem with those pictures. I laughed my ASS off at them when I saw them last night; they are SO, so Clay. ...and as for the "goatee" and "mustache"? I think it's just that it was quite late at night....Clay's beard grows faaaaaast. I'm off to Florida tomorrow morning.....wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
  4. Thanks for bringing over the "signed items" luckiest1. How wonderful to have that tangible memory! I LOVE my signed CD from our trip to NYC! ....and we've already learned something from the occasion Who woulda thunk that Clay bowled?? ....and obviously enjoys it, if it was something they were considering.
  5. Sorry to just jump in after not posting for awhile, but I wanted to correct this. All of the 10 were there. The person who took xxx's place does not live in the Raleigh area, although her screen name might make people think so. A picture was posted of the whole group taken right after the dinner and they were all there. Oh, I'm so glad! Thanks for the correction! I can't imagine how awful that would have been.
  6. Another easy one over here....and I'm withya Jamar, saw this one coming 10 miles away! With no chance of ever being in the situation, I'm not sure how I'd deal with it. It's pretty easy to say "Hey, I'd share!" when I know it isn't ever going to happen anyway. And re Clay being a "little shit" and doing it deliberately~my opinion is no, he's a prankster for sure but he would understand how divisive that is...and divisive he is NOT. I imagine there's likely one of two things happening here: the participants would rather not share, and blaming it on Clay is the easy way. Their choice. Or~Clay says what he says, in order to ease the conversational process. If you think there's a good chance what you're saying isn't going to go anywhere, I think you'd feel more comfortable just having a good discussion about~whatever! I personally think the more unfortunate circumstance is that the information WILL be shared~but it'll be another of those "back channel" things whispered about on the phone or in PMs within the clique...with most of us never knowing WTH people are talking about all superior. THAT circumstance frosts my cookies. I think it's a hangover from high school. Just me! ETA: Actually, y'know who I feel sorry for? The one person in the group who lives in the area and was added at the last moment to replace xxx4clay; apparently she was not notified of the change in plans and missed it. Now....disclaimer here! That's how I'm reading her posts...I could be completely, totally wrong....but can you IMAGINE how you'd feel missing that opportunity??
  7. What an absolutely fantastic, and totally typical, thing for Clay to do. I totally love him to pieces!!
  8. Actually, merryclay, I think the description said the woman was NOT in her 40's or 50's. OTOH, Jaymes doesn't look 40 or 50 either, so it still could be her!
  9. The description of two of the people would fit Nick and his GF, whose name is comPLETEly escaping me! Gah!! .....and about 234,000 other people of course... Sounds like he had fun, and I'm so glad!
  10. For the Neil Sedaka fans, here's an update on his doin's...with a very brief mention of Clay: Ventura County Star Neil Sedaka interview I found it interesting that they mention his "new" children's album; it's a new article, but the album has been out for quite some time now. When we saw him here in Ontario in September (?) 2008 it had been out for quite some time, he mentioned it at the concert.
  11. Yup, that's me, so I can SO relate! I'm usually driving, so to start with I can't drink. And other than the odd glass of light, sweet wine, I don't like the taste of liquor...so I don't see the point of trying to "fit in" and do something that's really expensive, that I don't care for. I like to think that Clay feels much the same way. Indulge me. BTW, he's "cheap" too so I can see that being a consideration. Others drinking? Couldn't care less....and will drive them home if necessary. :pickme: :pickme: Well, then, I think you better see it too! So you can discuss it with them and what-not. :clay:
  12. *waves back to Scarlett...better late than never?* I've just read/listened to some of the reports and video of the crash yesterday. Amazing. A result of good decisions (as it turns out) and a lack of panic in the cabin at the time, by the sounds of things. How wonderful that noone died! Having just flown out of there a few days ago (but out of JFK), sure brings it home! I laughed at the grammar lessons; I'm so with you all! Many of those drive me absolutely nuts too. My pet peeve? Misspelling people's names....KRISTY Barnes. JEROME Bell. Not Jermone. It's all about showing respect, I think. If you're going to talk about someone, at least get their name right! Well....we're in the middle of another blizzard as I speak....sigh....it absolutely makes me NUTS!!! when I have so much to do at the moment...and I can't because I can't even see the street to get to where I need to be. WTH is winter over again???
  13. Thanks Scarlett! I'm going to have some funnnnnn on the weekend! ETA: our year end is coming up at the end of January and my boss has discovered, of course, 70 million things that just HAVE to be completed before then...that she apparently hadn't thought about when I asked her that very question every month in the last year D101 So~my time's a little limited right now! To those I haven't gotten back to~sorry! Not ignoring you, I promise, just very few hours in the day right now....
  14. I've been working with some of my pictures from screendoor 010309 Thanks to whoever held that Playbill so he had to reach over heads to get it! And a "13???!!" funny face...I at first thought he had made the face at me because he thought I had "flashed" him...then when I saw the actual pic I realized.
  15. Nope. And my experience says yes, it's possible! Can't do decongestant because I have unregulated HBP~it's SUCH fun to wake up with my eyes glued shut every morning. My ear is starting to hurt from the congestion...may have to go get it blown out. I've coughed all day/all night since Friday...falling asleep at my desk, it seems the only time I can sleep! Just......YUCK!!!! Just hope I'm semi over it before GFI...wouldn't that be great in the clack? cough...cough...cough/cough...cough...cough/cough....cough...cough....cough/cough....cough....
  16. Sorry, for the big long-ass ketchup post....there was NO time in my day yesterday. Oh, too funny! A friend of mine won it. Does it help at ALL to know it is headed to a good, loving home? It's beautiful!!....and even $60 is a STEAL!! Isn't it though?? Truly, truly weird. Me toooooooooo! Haven't had a decent night's sleep since Friday; and I'm sure at work they appreciate me coughing til I barf......NOT!! Typhoid Mary, please stand up! Loved this part!! ...and can well imagine. His charisma in person overwhelms any look. Off to cough and try to stay awake at my desk......
  17. Maybe if we chant all together....?? clack....... clack....... clack....... clack....... clack.......
  18. Heh. Oh not me..... I'd never play anything Clay over and over. Heh. I wore a MOAM through when it came out. Never left my CD player in the car. Used to play it back and forth to work every day, for a year. Crying at points both ways. Every day.
  19. With a Canadian accent like that, no need for a passport...they'll know where you're from. Dibs on the lace-tying job (I almost typed "position" and then went....no..... )! I do a mean sneaker lace-up if I do say so myself. ETA: goldarngirl, glad you made it in good weather! You must have brought the sun with you, just like I asked.....
  20. Cool! Thanks for sharing! I reeelly, reeelly hope it's "the day". And I'd love to hear your triangle playing on it.
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