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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. cha cha, I have a scanner so I just would just print it, then scan it~presto. Jpg. Couchie! Thank God!! I bet you just about had a heart attack!
  2. WOW! Loving all this coverage! Hope a few of them that I don't see here got vaulted.... ldyj, I can help too if annabear is not able to do them for you. Just let me know.
  3. Me, too!! He looks so happy! Even moreso in the video than in the still pics! Yes, he gets the ICG IPG <----- when he talks about Parker. SO cute! I'll BET they're looking forward to his first Christmas. He'll be a great age to enjoy the lights and things.
  4. Squeeeeeeeeee!!!!! ....and is that a new red striped shirt I see??? Thanks so much for bringing those over ldyj What a GREAT way to get up in the AM!
  5. Nope~I didn't! Read back, and you'll see you're not alone in your battle. ....and Sean and Ben Cohen are a couple, I believe.
  6. Well, here's another culprit that would give almost anything for the opportunity of a pic with Clay~and is a participant in the "take a picture with my sign please" crew. As that's likely the only opportunity I'll ever have (and I'm not so sure about that one), I will appreciate it greatly and THANKS SCARLETT! for giving us the chance. To each his own. I actually plan to enjoy my time going to Spamalot in January. A lot. Cindilu2, glad your new life has started...congratulations! Claylove, I know how hard it is to give them the "Wandacleo" treatment ...but it could be time. Don't forget, too, you have many, many friends whose opinion has not changed one iota. We love him like-buckets!!
  7. Ooh! Ooh!! I bet I know! :pickme: But the link isn't working for me ....and I'm not seeing anything on the main page, or in anything that makes sense to me
  8. Fear, is there any way you could post that "blonde Clay" interview that you posted on CV....over here? and then.....is there anyone that could rip it by any chance for us "furriners" that they don't let see it?? Lordy, you'd think it was unfit for our consumption or something.... ETA: never mind, I see it was vaulted! Thanks!
  9. And this site has a cute promo for the Rosie special (no Clay): http://www.hollyscoop.com/rosie-odonnell/r...show_18521.aspx (my bolding).....well how cool is that!! Great work, Dr. Claydawg! (why do I get the feeling that's NOT what the folks from Ecuador said re the Dr in question )
  10. A little blurb and short video preview of Rosie Live on Thursday....I like that they mention Clay as an A-list celeb appearing on the show. Hollyscoop on Rosie Live
  11. Just got back from watching our Santa Claus parade downtown....Fun! but I'm a complete popsicle...it's 15 below (ie, 2 degrees-ish for our US friends). Another fun recap from MarieDrummond...I'm going to miss her when she goes home! OH!! Forgot to mention...I wasn in Pier 1 today picking up some little goodies for stocking stuffers (finished most of my Christmas shopping today)...and they have a Christmas CD which is "theirs" with a variety of artists on it...one of which is Clay doing Sleigh Ride. I didn't get it (can you imagine?) because it was $15...but how cool!!
  12. But you know, I can relate...I grew up in an area, and in an era where you DID NOT take taxis. They were WAY too expensive, and they ripped you off and drove you all over where you didn't need to go, and charged you for it, and....and...... So a taxi isn't something that occurs to me immediately unless someone else suggests it.
  13. Another great recap from MarieDrummond at the CV. Preden, you need to read this! ...and another good one from Marilyn....was it full moon yesterday LOL?
  14. Happy birthday, Cotton! ...and luckiest1 and CarolinaClay, thanks for reminding me about the calendar! I forgot to send my $!
  15. Via every board in the Claynation, I think........and apparently this one too! Late as always. Sendspace of Rosie commercial showing Clay ETA: Sorry, Claygasm....missed your earlier post of this!
  16. Morning, troops! Luckiest1 thanks for bringing over the recaps and the announcement from Playbill.com. It's always amazing how perceptions differ from person to person about a particular show. I guess it depends partially on where you're sitting as to how you perceive it too. Fear, I'm sorry your snow stopped! Could I send you some? Anna, missed that last night in my rushed runthru..... :thbighug-1:
  17. Well D101! What did you expect? Paris broke up with Benji!!! I KNOW!!! I think she did it on purpose....
  18. Oh, that is SO totally cool!! That's one of the things a few of us suggested on the "What do you want" thread on the OFC. Crap!! Is there ANY way I can get to NYC for a half hour?? Oh, I totally LOVE him! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! PS It doesn't look like he's going to be on ET tomorrow night....AGAIN!! Grrr.....
  19. OMG!! You're so right! I need to amend my will to name someone who will come clean off my computer before anyone else sees it. Yeah, that, one more time! I keep daydreaming, as I drive for hours in the snow, about the day when we will see a little redheaded boy clutching his Daddy's hand, in pictures. I know, don't wish their lives away...but I love them when they're about 2.
  20. cindilu2 :lmaosmiley-1: ETA, ldyj thanks for bringing over that recap...LOVED the part about Shannon's "pet". I MAY share him with her.
  21. Yes, it's called "Sounds of the Season"; there's one on ebay right now. Sounds of the Season CD But I thought it was put up in the vault as well....let me search....BRB! Yes, here it is.... Mary Did you Know with clicks from Clack Unlimited ETA as well: I thought this was by far the best version; never did understand why they didn't use this one on MCWL...it's phenomenal, and it's the one most people seem to like the best.
  22. Someone was asking about The Ugly Duckling the other day.... ebay auction for Clay's Ugly Duckling
  23. For anyone going to NYC...check your reservations!! Milford Plaza has a 48-hr sale on....good rate! We just saved $150 on ours! Milford Plaza reservations NB: YOU MUST click the little box that says "Show all packages and promotion rates" just below the dates of your reservation to see these rates!
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