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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Muski, have fun in Raleigh! There are lots of cool little bars and things downtown...and I've never felt unsafe walking down there. Claylove? would be a much better judge. HAPPY HALLOWE'EN EVERYONE!
  2. muski, although I'd LOVE to meet you in Raleigh for dinner/drinks I have a date for Saturday night....waves to the London clinner bunch ....but I can definitely recommend a VERY nice cheapo hotel/motel, easy access to RDU and close to a huge shopping centre, should you feel the need . It's an all-suite hotel. Comfort Suites north
  3. When you see him up close, he has more freckles than you can even imagine and the most beautiful, soulful green eyes... Halleluiah!!! I echo the JBT banner love! Yah, all of that! He really, REALLY has lots of freckles. That's one of my few memories of the Chicago book-signing, is looking down at his freckles as he signed my book and laughed at me. Such a pretty man. I got to pet that JBT jacket..... Unfortunately, he wasn't in it. Probably just as well. ....and I vote for changing the emotie names as well!
  4. Couchie, I can do merchandising and Friends of Clay if that's OK. Just saw this thread.
  5. Love the banner and the pictures! Thanks so much for rescuing them for us! Jaymes looks (and is!) so teeny I bet they do have a good sitter; wouldn't be surprised sometimes it's Jerome, or perhaps this time Mrs. Jerome. It's great to see Clay out and about; bet he's so glad his family is with him at last!
  6. There are TONS of pictures at this site now....and several of Clay and Jaymes that look really nice, with Dr Phil and his wife. Is there anyone that can rip/enlarge? I would imagine if there are pics at wireimage, there will be at the other photo sites as well. heee.....merrieeee.....high five!!
  7. Couchie, you'd never know it from my performance with my media responsibilities *blushes ashamedly* but I AM interested in and willing to help with anything needed. I too have limited time. I work about 50 hrs a week and am frequently travelling, where I may not be able to access whatever is needed.... but I'll gladly do what I can if it helps!
  8. Thanks everyone, it was the clue that it was a TV appearance that I needed....that had not been mentioned that I saw, so I had no idea if it was on a news site, or on AH, or ET, or....??? Apparently I don't get out enough. Hee, this reminds me of Clay when he finally got the JBT jacket zipped! HAHA! Me too! ....and re our lack of snow? Where's that ppbbfffffftttttt!!! emoticon!
  9. Could you give us even a little hint as to WHERE? I have no clue where they'd file something like that. WOW, for something like the first we really, really need a "YES!!" fist-pump emoticon ......and re the snow...we were supposed to get 3-4" but.....nothing. Maybe later today It's bright and sunny but chilly now. So, apparently I'm the only one who's all schmoopy about the book they gave us in the BAF gift bags. again....I started to read it last night, and I'm loving it. I really, truly see it as another gift of love from Clay, and I'm just thrilled to have it.
  10. WOW! It's quiet in here! Where is everyone? Watching clack? Watching the World Series of somethin' or other? Holy smokes.... Couchie, I'm betting there is someone here who might have a WOMWH to replace yours for you. And just think what joy you've left for the next person renting the car! (((((Jennifer Hudson))))) OMG I think this thread needs a prettie....
  11. Want to ask Clay a question about Spamalot? Ask Clay Aiken
  12. Sounds like my kind of place, Fear! I may have to check that out.... Here's a cute costume idea from LALate.... Sir Robin
  13. Well, I've spent the morning playing with my Gala pics instead of doing laundry . So, without further ado: The view from the second-worst table, at full zoom on the camera: Actually, I do have some wonderful pics of friends and occasions, so will share those with those of you involved. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit another area quilt show. For those of you who enjoy, here's my favorite from the show: and one I was able to purchase. This is a miniature, about 12" x 18". The rest are Here in Photobucket and a couple of other pix I just had to take:
  14. Me too! ....but I'm wondering if he was showing off his socks....or saying "look guys, no cast!"
  15. I love this one! Me too! There's just something about it.... Me three! The lighting and the expression on his face are just incredible.
  16. Yah, me too. Right here Also in CV and CH vaults. AH Thank you! I swear to God I can never find anything in the vaults! Thanks gdg! .....and Wanda, I'm withya....it's clear that what one person (not you gdg) thinks is a good "tree" to find things is not necessarily where another person would look. Happens all the time at work too, when we file things at the offsite facility that then need to be retrieved years later for the taxman. Seems so simple at the time!
  17. ...and she looks even better in person....lovely picture, though! She is sooooooo little!! Scarlett, if there's a chance for 3 I would LOVE one too!
  18. Couchie and Mama Tomato :thbighug-1: Clay :thbighug-1: You get to bed and let Jerome and Jaymes take care of you!! claylove I thought maybe the weekend worked. Just got home from work and it's too late to call you tonight but will try tomorrow night.
  19. Eeeeeehhhh! Thanks Scarlett! Hope our "sickie" and our "injured member" are feeling much, much better today. I understand bouncing a baby on your knee is great medicine for a sore ankle.
  20. I'm late to the party, but hope crimsonice is already safe in bed....somewhere! And will feel better tomorrow.
  21. In answer to a couple of questions: Dan Habib's website, from which you can order the video "Including Samuel" and view other resources is Including Samuel . com ...and, I thought you might enjoy seeing the book:
  22. Me neither; but I did have a chance to chat with her earlier in the day. She is SOOOOOOO tiny!! Made me feel like an oompa-loompa! If that child ever weighs over 100 lb at ANY age it'll be a miracle!
  23. Claylove :F_05BL17blowkiss: get better soon! I know I'll happily wait for your additions to the Round Table info, because I know I've already forgotten so much, and any recaps you can muster. PS....one for the "shave the sideburns" team!
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