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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Omigosh, not sure if this has been posted yet, but Cindilu's current calendar.....GORGEOUSSSS!!!!!
  2. I particularly like the body in both of them!! Not too many Tshirts happenin' there.....gaaah. ...and Couchie....DEAL!!
  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed them! Unfortunately, merrieeee now thinks I'm her enemy, when I merely posted purdy pics of Clay at your suggestion. I mean, really, how can that be so much of a sin on a Clay board??? But I guess she's into revenge, so I'm kinda skeeered. :confused-smiley-014: *sniff* Doncha feel sorry for me??? I've never had a M&G or a picture, either. Someday we'll get lucky, I'm sure! :thbighug-1: Hey, no problem!! I'm there for ya!.....and I sure hope you're right about the M&G thing. I'm going to bring a post from another board over (with the poster's permission) because I thought it was lovely, and expresses my feelings far better than I can: From bweber9 at CV:
  4. Thanks from me too! I don't have the stomach for seeing things like that about my BF. Definite thread title!!.....and georgie....I love that you have the PJ's! ITA. But is it wrong that I could hear you in my head saying "oh my fucking god" with inflection? HAH!! :lmaosmiley-1: Me too!! Gibby, there's only one missing! The snowflake hair!! (Merrieeee you know i'm kidding, right?) Well, I guess I'd better fix that oversight! Heee heeee heee . . . (get ready to scroll, Merrieeee) SIGH..... Yikes! Pretty close to what it was here today...and I was hoping for warmth too, luckiest! Make that WE leave for the gala, Lady! What am I, chopped liver?? :F_05BL17blowkiss: Me THREE!! Content?? :013085001176249046: and ALL his parts! Even when they're in lavendar flowers Seriously, Gibby, thanks for bringing those pics over. They are bee-yootiful! He looks very, very happy. Can I admit to a teensy, tiny (OK a whole hell of a lot) bit of jealousy for those able to go now? By the time we get there in January he'll be sick of the SD again, and there'll be a zillion more fans there too. I've NEVER had a M&G or a picture or ANYthing! I'm Soooooooo jealous!!
  5. I actually thought it looked like it might be part of the "equipment" he wears under his costume? georgiesmybaby!!! OMG, it's awesomely good to see you here! Weirdest thing....I was thinking about you this morning and almost called you, but I ran out of time. See you in a couple of weeks! I'm in Thursday night, Cheri may have told you. Knew you'd be still with us. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  6. Oh, you have no idea. Aspie spilled her heart out and talked about how she was so afraid of going to hell for her sins and thought her brother and mother died because of her sins but that she found some comfort in the fact that God loved David, even though he sinned--and this raging evil bitch posted that David's son died because of David's sins so there are consequences for sinning. CAN YOU IMAGINE???? I'd have reached right through the computer and choked that bitch if I could have. My God, and she said this in the name of the Lord. WTH happened to "be nice to one another"? Are the mods not taking care of that? Gawd, I feel bad for her. Thanks! That makes more sense! Whew!! Gibby, there's only one missing! The snowflake hair!! (Merrieeee you know i'm kidding, right?) Ah, OK, that was the perfect word....celebration....now I'm there. I think it was the word "allowed" that put my blood pressure up 150 points....sorry, Jenna! :lmaosmiley-1: Perfect! Absolutely perfect. And for me, you hit the nail right on the head about what bothered me for a bit (not too long actually). One of my huge failings....I hate like hell to let an asshole win. But I love Clay with all my might, and I ain't going anywhere.
  7. I think Disney is quite "gay-friendly." My husband knows someone who refuses to take his children to Disneyland and will not allow them to watch the Disney Channel. Why? Two reasons. One, because apparently, they give benefits to the domestic partners of their gay employees. Also, because they permit gays and lesbians to come to Disneyland and Disneyworld on "Gay Day." (I could be wrong, but I don't think it's organized by Disney. I think it's an outside organization that just makes plans for people to show up on a certain day.) Gosh, Jenna, no disrespect to you at all....but Disney ALLOWS gay people to come to Disneyland on "Gay Day"???? Well, whoop-dee-shit!! Last I saw, it's a free country!! To use a Wanda-ism....fuck them!! Sounds like they created a day to point and sneer! Crap! That made me livid! Or had you guessed? Uh-oh....is Kathy taking crap? How truly sad!
  8. I'd love to get together too, but I'm fairly tied up while I'm there. Sunday brunch would work GREAT for me.
  9. Yup, I'm withya! I'm hoping his "poll" from earlier on this year was for the Gala. So, maybe Ave Maria (was that it?) or Hallelujah or the full WAMLAW....?? And, of course, Faye's favourite
  10. Just musing aloud....I wonder if now, he will feel more able to express himself by writing more? That would be awesome... I can hardly wait for the Gala! I've given myself a budget for auction items, but I strongly suspect it will go unspent, as my measly budget ain't gonna touch what some of those folks can bid. But hey....I can dream! ETA: There are a few very nice pictures from Sunday screen door HERE~scroll down
  11. *scratches visit to Japan off next year's agenda....must write note to Clay to not tour there*
  12. #1....and I'm SO with you on the blueberries and fish. BLECH!!! What an insult to blueberries...and I don't even LIKE blueberries. OMG. Do you think maybe, just maybe, Clay LIED when he said he thought that was good? yeah he lied and he is so going to hell! But I look at it like this... he's an even better actor than I thought cuz he actually looked like he enjoyed it....hell maybe he did..IT WAS FRIED. Some things never change. hee. #2....you're so right....AND it was cooked by someone that was NOT him. A bonus I can empathize with. Well, the things ya don't learn at FCA! I'm a quilter and have seen about a million of those little bags and never had clue #1 WTH they used them for! They were clearly not purses....who woulda thunk? :lmaosmiley-1: Have I mentioned lately..... :013085001176249046:
  13. I'm catching up on all the stuff I wasn't able to have a look at this last week. I just finished reading this article about Chris Seiber and found it very interesting. I know it was posted before, but thought someone besides me may have missed it in the furor, and I think it's definitely worth a read. I do hope that he and Clay remain in touch even though he's moved on to another show, as I think he would be a great "touchstone" for Clay. Perhaps he already has been.
  14. Unfortunately, the lovely CB poster did NOT leave it at that; this same note was posted at OFC and was, I believe followed up by more in detail posts quoting scripture and verse. Granted, over there she was of course provoked. But at that point my sympathy for her took a trip to Denmark. Or somewhere. When I was young I always wanted to be tall, blonde and blue eyed with dead straight hair. Now I just want to be thin!! See I have always wanted to think the word "christian" was an all encompassing term meaning you were a good person and lived a good life. It really for me is not about what faith you are or aren't and this is an example of why I think this way. When my grandmother died when I was in my 20s. My DH paid for my DD and I to fly back to England even though we really couldn't afford it. At the funeral her SIL and BIL didn't come. They told us it was because it was raining. Now they had a car and it was about 5 miles from their house. My Mum's friend lived 25 miles away, left 3 young children with her neighbour, took three buses to get to that funeral to support my Mother who was having a really bad time. Her friend didn't have any organized religious beliefs left any more (she had come from Holland after the war and saw a lot of inhumanity during that time.) My grandmother's relations were devout Baptists who went to church 3 times a week but didn't show enough compassion to support us when we needed it. Did it matter that my mother's friend had no belief system? No I think she did the "christian" thing. Treating anyone with caring,respect and dignity is not about any religion. Oh and yes she got a ride home! WORD!! Oh, I love that!....and completely agree! I know he's taught me more than I would ever have dreamed, and this episode is only reinforcing the teachings. ....and on that note....Pyloric Stenosis This was very interesting to read, actually, because I now realize my oldest son had this same condition (but probably not as bad as Parker); it was not treated with surgery.
  15. I've missed so much in the last week, I hope this hasn't already been posted....tickets apparently ARE available for the Matt Lauer roast, for anyone in NYC and available.... Friar's Club Roast
  16. OMG, Paula's Party was great! He was absolutely adorable....
  17. Thank GAWD I'm back home and can download and follow links!! What a week to be away! Maybe he found her beautiful/wonderful and wanted to kiss her. There is no denying they had a lot of chemistry. I’ve been kissed by gay men before; those who are good friends. It wasn’t like there was tongue. It’s not like all gay men are afraid of girl cooties. The gay men I've known well (3) all LOVED women....the impression I get from Clay is he does too. OH, ditto!! Not that I think it's ever going to happen~to me, he's taking steps to consolidate his career, not abandon it~but I'd be in mourning for years for that announcement! Yup! Carmine's, Sunday night at 5:30 or 6 PM (your choice, two reservations) Thread is here and you will see that I've added you to the list. I think when Clay does finally date publicly we're going to through this all over again. God forbid he comes to California and get married. BWAH. No heads will be rolling every other month from here on out..in other words, just like last week. He DID say on GMA wasn't gonna happen! The publicly part, that is....but I kinda see him with a Richard Gere lookalike! The Clere?
  18. How true! He continually amazes me....and yet, in many ways I would expect nothing less. And on another subject......... I have a friend who has had a family "thing" happen and is now no longer able to attend the Gala. NOTHING to do with Clay's announcement. She has a single ticket available (one of the $250 ones). If there is anyone who might be interested, could you PM me please and I will put you in touch. ETA: I'm about to set out on an 8-hr drive home, so don't worry if I can't get back to you immediately. I'll catch PMs later tonight.
  19. And if he did I hope he wasn't wearing a T-shirt with a picture of the Claynation on the front!! Lying - ahhhhhhhhhh I would place money that I have lied more than once to "save face" during my lifetime when answering an unexpected question. I probably reqreted it afterward, but as someone said "do-overs" are hard to come by. Unfortunate - but we are not all Saints. YET I raised my kids telling them NEVER to lie!! Go figure... maybe I was having a human moment. maybe Clay has had a couple human moments in his life. I know Clay has done more good for this world in his short life than I have or could do in 5 lifetimes. I am glad he is human and I feel blessed to know he exists. I pray everyone still having dealing problems finds comfort and peace within themselves. Big, giant WORD!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  20. I support Jaymes in that whole post and was glad to see her being real. It's about time. The GMA piece is wonderful! He just glows, and the pictures of him with the baby and Jaymes are definitely schmoop-inducing to the nth. Nothing really new, but I think MOST will just love what he has to say about the decision they made, the reasons they made it, and the arrangements (which we really already know). Don't miss it!! ETA: I meant to mention as well, I think even the TIME the pieces were shown on GMA was well planned. Gay man announcement? No big deal.....shown halfway thru the first hour. Announcement re his parenthood and its parameters? Important! Excellent 2nd-hour placement. I thought it was really interesting. Yesterday I had a 4-hr drive from audit Point A to audit Point B; I was going to put my Zen on, but instead decided for a bit to just drive and think. Now, I'm not one of the people that has had a problem with this whole thing, but I did do 4 hrs of thinking. I know that the people I know have had some difficulty with the "death" of their white-picket-fence dream for Clay. He talked about that yesterday. But I guess, in thinking about it yesterday.....I can't imagine what exactly, in the white-picket-fence dream he is missing. His fence may be blue....and some of the pickets might be applied upside down or unevenly...but would we expect anything else of Clay? He has a partner that he loves, and who loves him dearly; he has a beautiful baby boy, the start I suspect of a larger family. He has a great job which he enjoys, which pays him well enough to maintain a very nice lifestyle. He has the respect of many of his peers in his industry, and the love of many, many friends and extended family. What am I missing? What is he missing? I think he is clearly as happy as he's ever been in life....and I'm so happy for him! This is EXACTLY what I wanted for him. Always. I'll be in NYC in January for a week, and at the Gala with bells on. I wouldn't miss either of them.
  21. duckyvee, I so agree! To me, that's the ultimate secret to dealing with anything around Clay~just to hear him talk about it to me. If there was anything I wish about this fandom, I DO wish he'd do that more often, even though I know it must be tough. He was wonderful. He looked great, there were a couple of lovely Parker/Clay pictures, and he spoke honestly and directly. Love him to pieces. and still :013085001176249046:
  22. I originally hit that to quote because I was hoping against hope that it was NOT at the OFC. I see that it was~and that literally makes me sick to my stomach. Now I can only hope that neither Clay nor Jaymes saw it. She's asking to have her membership deleted? Good riddance. Could I do it? I'd delete her membership all right. BIG thanks to ldyj, couchie, and others that have posted the articles they've seen all over the place. I really, really appreciate it while I'm not able to follow links to this stuff. Clay on GMA? :wub: Diane? ldyj, yes, I saw it....what did you want to know? ....and Jaymes?.....just solidified my already present opinion of her as exactly who Clay needs in his life. I'm so delighted he has her. ETA: muskifest, I'm so glad it's not me that's gonna get crapped upon by the left-coasters!
  23. Crap, I miss everything! His post.....People online....the GMA thing....IT won't play either!! Probably overwhelmed, hopefully it'll work later. I hate having to work for food at moments like this. But I LOVE Clay. Obviously my requests are falling on deaf ears, but I'll ask again....could anyone bring over the text of the People interview? Gawd, it's gonna take me two weeks to catch up when I get home!
  24. OMG, those are two gorgeous babes! I'm starting to see all the likenesses to Clay too....those ears! ....that forehead! ...and the feet look like they might be dead ringers too! And wow, those eyes of Clay's in that picture! swoon! Parker's eyes look very dark...I wonder if they will change to become sparkling greens? I could stare at that all day....can we agree to post it once a page until there's a better one? I'm so thrilled they had professional photographs done. Scarlett, thanks anyway....it's not going to be an easy rip I suspect, and I thought you might be the one. No worries! If we can't have it, we can't.
  25. By the looks of things that video is not available to Canadian IPs. Any chance someone could rip and bring it over? Or at least, precis? Scarlett? Anyone?
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