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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Hmmm....have to go have a look at those! Cool, thanks! ETA: Here's a neat site I found with an illustration of what Scarlett's talking about.... Wormspit.com Very cool!!
  2. jmh123, thanks for bringing over that link! I enjoyed the narratives and the pictures. I also enjoyed the thought of Clay in a tank top and Q wandering the streets of Raleigh....
  3. Interesting. I'm glad to hear that's an older one of Rube's, because a) I thought he looked NOT well, and I thought he had lost weight (so, hoping that's changed) and B)I thought he was getting away from the hip-hoppy stuff I hate~and I was looking forward to hearing what he's done~and that song I don't like. ETA: for anyone watching Canadian Idol....at last!!! Looking forward to SYTYCD tomorrow night if I get home in time. Thunderstorms and rain most of the day here too; it's finally quit, I think. My sump pump downstairs is just a-chuggin' away though! What a rainy summer we've had.
  4. I have also been thinking along these lines, so I tend to agree with you. Sure didn't hurt his gala sales! Blink and you'd have missed them, they sold out so fast. To me, that will only increase the longer we don't hear from him. Sure, there are a few fickle fans who will move on, but they would have eventually anyways. Hee, glad to hear you voted, cuz I crashed immediately when the show was over, and never got around to it! I would have voted for Drew & Theo, so thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I don't get Earl, I will never get Earl, I thought he was totally horrendous in that Eric Clapton cover last night, so much so that I couldn't even watch the end of the song, I covered my eyes. And then the judges heaped so much praise on him......I.just.don't.get.it. Mookie is cute and entertaining but the boy can't sing! Mark can, but no one would pay to go and see him, because he has no stage presence whatsoever. Amberly is sweet and has a beautiful voice, but the last few weeks I haven't been inspired to vote for her. And don't even get me started on Mitch. What was that? Way to totally butcher and ruin a classic, heartfelt John Lennon song. Bye bye. :thbighug-1: Exactly! Absolutely horrendous! ...and yes, I agree about Mitch too; so memorable I forgot he was even there. Mark does have a decent voice most of the time; and he has the Maritime vote. But I agree, it just ain't gonna happen, and I think actually it will be him that leaves tonight. I also agree with those thinking that, first of all, Clay DOES need the rest. Like most jobs you don't do....I think we have NO idea what "being Clay Aiken" entails on a day to day basis. I've seen other "supposings" re the revival of White Christmas on Broadway this year; I'd be up with that, even though NYC is so expensive. I'd love to go back, and I enjoyed Clay in Spamalot. Really, though, I just need to see Clay being Clay~which of course I did NOT get out of Spamalot. I feel like I haven't seen Clay since Christmas, and that's a looooong time for me. I'm really, really looking forward to the Gala; I think that's partially why thinking I had not gotten tickets just threw me for a loop. Movies? Again, I'd love to see that for him and I definitely think it would be a career-booster for him, as I'm quite sure he'd do well. Me...I need to see him in person. Preferably, even, feel him to make sure he's real....
  5. Just finished watching Canadian Idol, which I thought was exceptionally good tonight. The mentor tonight was Tom Jones, who I absolutely can't and never have been able to, stand...but he seemed to bring something out in them tonight! Great show! I haven't voted for several weeks, as I've thought the shows have been pretty boring the last few; but tonight I threw in a few votes for each of Drew Wright and Theo Tams. Absolutely have NO idea what the judges are seeing in Mookie Morris and Earl (someone or other)....ick! Poo! Blech!!....and IMO Mark Day should have never been in the Top 10...but there he is, hangin' in there! Shows what I know! :lmaosmiley-1: I like Nigel on SYTYCD too...looking forward to seeing it this week as well.
  6. FromClaygary, Yes, it sounds like I would have had the grandest time! Between your festivals, the lake, health care and data privacy laws -- I'm this close to moving there! Or how about if we arrange for a way to spend spring & summer there and fall and winter here? Now THAT would be awesome! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm sure those little old green card laws don't mean MEEEEEEEEE.... It was a warm one today! Evan the ducks were doing a little bobbing to keep cool....
  7. Forgot to add, so I'll do it as another post....for those who are CV members, their BAF group has started a fundraiser which will end just prior to the Gala in October. They have a very special first prize....and for those who were interested in my jewelry, one of the bracelets is included in the prizes. Details are here. (You'll need to scroll down on the page to get to the raffle post).
  8. Exactly, luckiest1 and Kim, especially the underlined part. Luckiest, I love your premise about the CD timing and dedication, and I'd like to think that is so true. He knows "us" well and has proven it time and again. Scarlett, you would have loved Kempenfest! Beach, sunshine, arts and crafts, music and food...how much better can it get?? I'm off for the second round shortly.
  9. Yes, I love having the lake so near! Where I grew up~in BC~we lived right on the shore of the lake, and when we moved to AB I really, really, really missed it! Every vacation I ever took away from there was to someplace with water. Camping~have fun! I don't do camping unless it has running water, a shower, wireless and a manservant. :lmaosmiley-1:
  10. Here's some totally off-topic laughs for anyone who has ever been in retail, or customer service. The Customer is Not Always Right
  11. Here's where I was today! ....and, BTW, to the know-it-all man who stood behind me as I was taking these pictures telling me it was not possible to take a photograph of a rainbow...?? PHHHHHHHHHTTTTTT!!!!!! Kempenfest I worked until 3 AM this morning and didn't even get up until around noon...so I didn't spend my full day down at Kempenfest....but I walked for about 3 hours and now I'm pooped! Saw some very, very cool stuff at the vendors, most of which it would be impossible to describe...bought a neat bracelet and some goodies to make a necklace from....sat on the beach under the shade of an umbrella and had the obligatory hot dog, lemonade, and cookie...enjoyed a great band with the worst singer in history ...people-watched....altogether, a great day! I'll probably go down for a bit again tomorrow and try to catch the part I missed.
  12. Actually, I'm in Ontario~but the information is from their National website so I would have to assume it's the same everywhere...it's 10 kilometres, actually, not even 10 miles! CAA Scroll down for membership information. ...and don't tell anyone, but you found a good person in England! I've had that refused several times when I was a member a few years back...it is not part of the membership according to the people I talked to. I was told the membership is particular to the vehicle, not the person.
  13. I used to have CAA, and never had a problem with it. I only ever wanted it for an emergency, and felt better knowing I was covered when I was out on the highways, particularly at night. Now I am covered by the roadside assistance call centre that we have on site at work, so I have no limits as to how many tows per year or how far they will tow me. It's one of those jobs that doesn't pay well, but the perks make it worth it. Sorry, I know that was no help whatsoever..... Shoot, and I was counting on you to be the expert! Any suggestions for companies that provide assistance based on your work experience? It's not that I think there'll be a problem with CAA like there was in Alberta~but I truly can't understand how they'd be able to help if you ran into an emergency at night on the road? They won't tow you far enough to get anywhere......I guess I maybe don't understand what they're providing that would be of assistance?
  14. I have no idea about the tools thing ...but my car until very recently was under warranty, and although I know going to one of the quicklube places will not void the warranty~I still needed other stuff done for warranty service, and I don't have time to go to two places. Thus ends the longest sentence on earth. My dealer has a shuttle service also, which is a great boon for me; and, I find the advice about what needs doing invaluable~cause I ain't no car mechanic!! I do know what to say "NO!" to...I once had a dealership advise me my car was going to fall apart in the street unless I had my engine washed; yah, what-EVER! But this dealership seems to be pretty honest, and they've saved me a few problems, cuz my car is my job and my office, so it's pretty important. I'm out on the highway too much to get stranded. And an oil change is $50. And, BTW.....some opinions please? My roadside warranty has now expired, and some have suggested I pick up a CAA/AAA membership. My experience with them in Alberta is not a positive one; and I visited their website and can't imagine what good this $65 membership would do me? They'll only tow 10 km (about 8 miles), which will get you absolutely nowhere....and only do one lockout service before cutting you off....so tell me what's good about this?? They'll do gas delivery, but I've never in my life run out of gas....and I don't need maps, I have mapquest and a GPS. Thoughts, and any other suggestions besides them? Your experiences? And possible leaks. Just running a car couldn't burn up oil like that, unless it's been 15 or 20 years maybe. Like KAndre, I've never seen such a thing. More likely, you have a leak. Could be just a leaky gasket, which can be easily replaced. Yup. Exactly. It's time...... :thbighug-1:
  15. Yaaaaayyy!!! sigh......yes, wouldn't it be!! Can hardly wait for my vacation at the end of this month!! Have a FABulous time! I'll be there to wish HB to ClaymatronMr in person!
  16. Oh, you rock!! I'se been waiting!! ....and re the allergies....yes, I agree. I'm allergic to many nuts as well and have to avoid them and anything near them and anyone eating them and....well, you get it...like the plague. But I'm also allergic to fresh milk products (ie, not cultured milk like cheese etc) and I have to have an ice cream fix every now and again, and do without any serious repercussions as long as I don't overdo it. Same with some seafood for me.....and I'm sure some of Clay's allergies are likely the same way. He's OK as long as he doesn't go crazy. Mint, for him, seems to be as bad as the nuts; he had a serious reaction one time as I recall to mint in something you wouldn't expect mint to be in. That's the dangerous thing with allergies...people adding an ingredient you wouldn't expect, to something you're normally OK with. e.g. "Salad can kill ya".
  17. Oh, Cotton, those are so cool! Every one of those wimmin is just LOVIN' him, including Paula! They're all wearing the ICG! :lmaosmiley-1:
  18. ClamsorConchorMusselsorSnails? *be still my heart* And those shoulders are very broad... Thanks for the pic, Cotton! And too! ETA: Couchie, it's Friday in Baku! *blows a kiss to Kareneh* ETAA: Yes, they look like clams! Hee....guess it's all in your perspective! I thought it looked like scalloped potatoes! :lmaosmiley-1: Cotton, THANKS for doing those!! I needed that leeeeeetle hit of new clack even more than Wandacleo!!
  19. Back from oil-change land.... I hear so many mentions of Aflack's piece...but I don't think I've ever seen it. I came to the internet fandom after that...what does it consist of? And re our vaults?......I agree, we are SOOOO lucky....and I think this resource will be incredibly valuable at some point in the future, even more so than it is now. Thanks again to all the clack takers,maintainers and keepers! Happiest of birthday weeks to luckiest1son2! WOW, that's gorgeous!! Thanks so much for bringing it over! Back to work.....
  20. :lmaosmiley-1: Exactly!! I forgot about the Fair....that'll be fun!! The vest from the hat picture - now I know why it's familiar. Never would have placed it without that hott and wonderful banner! mmm.....could be....but I don't think so; I think the banner one is much lighter than the Chinese food one. He does seem to have multiples of things he likes in various colors, often. Just thinking as I dance around the room.....I wonder if, to Aron's request to notify him who I wanted to sit with at the Gala....would adding Clay Aiken to my list have helped??
  21. OMG!!! I just received my ticket confirmation!!! Can you believe it.....after two days of complete stress!! :04: :00000442: :laola0: :00000441:
  22. Got it, Scarlett! Thanks so much! Love BAF, but does it make you wonder sometimes? What sense is there in putting a phone contact~on an email that you don't need the contact for, if you got it?? Seems like a no-brainer to me! SO agree!! Love the "Clay Aiken Protector"! We may have to buy him a Tshirt.... I've met Jerome's brother (very tall, but not quite so large) and he is an extremely nice man as well. In fact, now that I come to think of it, I've met his daughters (2 of them, anyway) also....a very nice family! I bet Clay loves being part of it, and I'm sure that Jerome is also part of his. ACK! Forgot to add, luckiest1 we'll have to watch Ratatouille together....I have it but have never had time to watch it (I have a tough time sitting still long enough for movies).
  23. So if you are on Yahoo and haven't gotten this mail -- check your spam folders or contact the BAF! Eeek! It's lightning and I have to run, but wanted to get this in before I forgot....yes, I qualify....but HOW do you contact BAF???? Emails not answered, no phone.....???
  24. Ha! Just came from watching it! Yes, very cool. My favorite couple from the show too.... That's just gorgeous! I've just discovered SYTYCD this year and am really enjoying it. What?? I've had other things to do other years! Cindy, beautiful!! banner!
  25. Perma, good to hear you're OK! Hope all the rest of our Californians check in as well!
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