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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Waves to Fear, who I haven't seen in ages!! Yup, that was me. I'm still quilting, but beading travels better so I have more time. Good God. Muski, as I came into the story with your having found her, I neglected to give my sympathies re your scare yesterday! I sure wouldn't have wanted to be MY 13-yr old Mom! Hang in there!
  2. Sorry, I've been off making money to buy beads! To answer the couple of questions: The blogged one is papier mache on an unfinished wooden bangle, then glazed about a million times. They will be at several different fundraisers that I know of right now~one that Minnesota Clayfans are doing, the SSS etsy site before Christmas, and hopefully at the Gala in October...and couchie if we decide to have one here, I'll gladly donate one for that as well. None of them are running curently, but I'll definitely let everyone know when they do happen if you'd like to bid. I'm so glad people like them! I've really enjoyed doing them...not that I'm finished LOL! I'll be working on more as the year goes on. Oh, of course! See above....No, I don't sell them anywhere...they are absolutely unique pieces. There will never be another exactly like any of these, and as with all my stuff, I ONLY do them as BAF benefits. I have another one just about done, and lots more in the planning process. Definitely! As I said, more than happy to donate something if you would like it. And I was at the OFC so freakin' fast my computer's still panting! I was cussing at Clique for making it so take so long to log in (hates that s-l-o-w way a page has of rolling on) and gearing myself up to be zen about whatever the TRUTH is as told from his own pearly pink lips and wondering why FromClaygary wrote those two little words in such a normal font size and color. My heart's still racing, demmit. I never even thought of that!! Sorry for your heart attack!! :lmaosmiley-1: I haven't gotten my poo together for my 3/3 list...but I am SURE enjoying everyone else's non-Clay choices! Lots of stuff I had forgotten about, and/or is new to me. LOVE it! I'm going to be doing some Itunes DL'ing or Youtube ripping for sure!!
  3. THREE songs? Three....... Gonna have to think some, for both categories... In the meantime, thought I'd show you a little of what I HAVE been working on... (all clickable) These will all be given to various fundraisers for BAF: Celebration of inclusion: Christmas in the Heartland: Christmas in Mexico: He blogged! Any more beaders in the crowd??
  4. Eeeehhh!! I KNEW we'd getcha after that visit to the IQF last Fall....hee....warning, though~it's immensely addictive! YES!!!! Aaarghhh!! I remember those years well.... I think Kandre had the best advice: My youngest son, the expert complainer, always says this is the best way to go as well. You're hard to ignore when you're sitting in their office.
  5. Happy birthday, Couchie!! 46??? Pfffft!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ldyj, glad to hear your knee has been looked at and a solution is on the way! ETA: There, that's better!!
  6. Hee....nope! Doesn't work that way! On the Celsius scale, -18 would be about 4 below Fahrenheit. Easy way to do the conversion (not totally accurate) is Celsius x 2 + 32 degrees. So, 18 above = 18x2=36+32=68. 18 below = -18x2=-36+32=-4 Doesn't work once you get below a certain point...then the two scales merge. More than you EVER wanted to know!
  7. I'd guess you're right about Clay having "relative" pitch; remember the "out of tune piano"? Good point!!...and I have the same problem. Hadn't been really able to identify why he bores me senseless, but I think that is it.
  8. Thanks for all the interesting Falling posts! I can't really contribute much to the discussion from my LACK of knowledge but I love listening to/reading it! Luckiest1, it's been a chilly spring/early summer, hasn't it?? Not that I'm complaining really, because a) I don't have to shovel it and B ) I love the sun at most any temperature....but I'm ready for some HOT weather! Claytonic, I know whutcha mean about the cold! When I lived up north I just about died in the winter. And believe me, we're not talking 18 above! More like 18 BELOW for months and months and months and months...is 18 above really cold for you in the winter? Yikes!! Don't move here!! ETA: for the Fahrenheit folks....18 above is about 70 degrees.
  9. No, here's the updated quote from butterflyshine via CV: ....or what KF said.... Oh, one more update.... from irishbookgal at CV.
  10. Yes we were! Oooh, I forgot! An update to the post re Clay being at Spamalot tonight....his hair is back to being dark!! ......mourns the beautiful California blonde sex god.....until the next time he decides to be a blonde....
  11. I appreciate your sharing that as well, iseeme, and I completely understand why you would feel that way...I agree with you on your idea of a "hands-on" Dad. BUT....I think you completely misread and misunderstood my question. What makes you think Clay would NOT be there to wake up to in the morning?....to take his child to school?....to throw around a ball with? Not on the weekends...but every day he is not at work somewhere? Just like every one of those "real Dads" you would have wanted? Eureka! I am speaking English! Exactly!! ...and yes, I was watching, loved it!....but have to pay some bills and check in here
  12. Y'know, it's totally amazing what working from 3:30 PM Saturday to 6:30 AM Sunday will do to your (well, my...) body! I feel like a crocka poo! And that ain't a dog, folks! SO many good things these last couple of days....so here comes another of my boring "quote that" posts....just scroll...I'm just getting it off MY chest.... Not "piling on" you at all iseeme, it's just that your post re this brought back my memories of seeing similar statements all over the place, in places where I won't post....and I have to say: I have NO idea where people are getting this! NONE. What in the world would make you think Clay would NOT be a hands-on Dad? I'm seriously flabbergasted and mystified by this. Have I come into an alternate world where there ARE no airplanes once more? And, just sayin'....I've met Jaymes three times. All three times she was in Raleigh. Exactly. My bolding. Pouting. Have seen this before but LOVED seeing it again! Thanks!! Thanks also to the person who clued me into "Full screen" on youtube about a week ago........what can I say, I'm a slow learner!! There was also a video taken from Clay's BACK....showing, literally, just his back the entire time. A-MAY-ZING!! You wouldn't think, but you can see every emotion in him, running through him as his muscles flex and move.....seriously, it's amazing! Have NO idea whose it is, sorry, but it's very emotional to watch! Just as an aside....WHY is it that just a picture of this man can bring me to tears....often. Loved this post, and completely agree! What a great example! .....and thanks for the thought, I agree, and although I hadn't been successful in defining it even in my OWN mind, I think you've hit the nail on the head with what bothers me. I did not grow up with my mother in the household (long boring story....) and do not take kindly for the most part to mothering. And, to add to the Jerome stories (which I'm thoroughly enjoying) with first of all, a not-a-Jerome story I had the opportunity about a year and a half ago to meet Jerome's brother. I'm not 100% certain of the setup of Jerome's business, but my understanding is, it is his...and several of his family members work for him, or perhaps for the family business of which Jerome and his brother are a part. In any case, after talking to Jerome's brother, I can assure you....Clay is VERY much a member of THEIR family as well. Jerome's brother, BTW, is very, very good looking and not quite as large, but very imposing as well. Very serious. Very sweet. I ADORE Diane!! She also has the most amazing "aura" about her. I have a picture of the two of us together which I absolutely love. It was taken with the sun behind us, and the sun has highlighted Diane's hair in such a way that she literally looks like she has a halo. Oddly, it didn't do the same thing for me I think it's very apt. Hey, Cotton! It's beautiful here today, but I miss you guys down there! A friend and I were talking, semi-seriously, about taking a little trip sometime this summer, even though our bud isn't touring. If it happens, we'll let you know... Yeeks!! Have I experienced a time-warp?? Wasn't it Friday the 13th TWO days ago?? Hope all the accident victims have survived relatively unscathed, and are feeling better!
  13. Just loved every bit of the above, and couldn't <snip> it. I KNOW!!...I actually laughed! I was sitting with some really good friends, one from Raleigh and one from CA...and they were dying! Complaining nonstop! I really didn't mind it...it was "close" in more ways than one, but it wasn't THAT bad! It's about 80 here today, and humid...there were days this last week where it was 60. It's been a weird spring/summer...but as long as I don't have to shovel it, it's all good! And if you need some sunshine and humidity?....the Claydorm's ready! ETA: Had to add this from thankful above me there... Yup. And, unlike many others I've seen on the boards, I LOVE it. LOVE it. I would want nothing more for him than to be loved like that. Always.
  14. snow Yes, snow. We had a blizzard day before yesterday. It's been around 30 degrees below normal temps for the past few weeks. It really feels more like fall. I think I'm the only one in the fandom that doesn't like the JBT hair. Now, the Tyra hair....THAT'S what I'm talkin about! Snow.....ahh, I remember it well! Snow 12 months a year~yah, I loved Alberta! Only NOT!!! It's been wonderful to NOT have snow on my birthday (in August) these last couple of years. Tijala, I feel for you!! I used to wonder if I would ever be warm again. I'm like luckiest1...there really is no such thing as "too hot" for me. ....and the Tyra/Christmas 2006/snowflake hair? OH........YES!!!
  15. Okay.....am I going crazy....oh wait I'm at the FCA...no one would recognize the symptoms....remembering wrong? I was always under the impression that Clay sang the duet with Cherie because it was the release day for her CD and that she was actually from France. Did I just make that up? No, you didn't make it up. I had the opportunity to speak with her in Greensboro at some length, and she was/is from the NW somewhere~ie, the NW of France. I'm from the SE. Loved "Fool" the duet, and I'm With the KLo-lovin' on Without You... I love Quiana, but did not like her version of WY AT. ALL.
  16. New rule at FCA! This: has to be on EVERY page! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  17. The important stuff first! Just wanted to express my undying love for wandacleo, kandre because of this: ....and Clay Aiken! Because of everything! I found the "ignore" key a long while back, and I know how to use it. Works for me. jmh123, congrats!
  18. Definitely NOT a Target exclusive; detailed in the page I linked. Thanks for the date!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you!!
  19. Off the current topic.... Am I recalling INcorrectly that the musicpass cards were to be available in June? Does anyone else remember? Cause, God knows, I need another copy of OMWH. (PS according to this these are supposed to be very good files.) :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: I DID look last night at my Shoppers, and no Clay musicpass....
  20. You're mean and I think that you're nuts too! Not nuts, just allergic to the cold. And I`m not joking! I can get hives in some serious AC! ETA the `who`s your baby daddy` wav file for anyone who wants it for a computer sound: http://download.yousendit.com/91E816C77DF0B347 Yes!! Slowly but (hopefully) surely....I feel so much better than I did last weekend, not only because it IS a little better, but simply because it is.... Last time I went through this I suffered without ANY relief for over 2 years, and I was seriously depressed and stressed just thinking it might happen again. Last time I turned some way~something "popped"~and, gone...pretty much just like that. Wish I could figure out which way. So... ....forgive me for not keeping the info, but could someone remind me of how to make this .wav file my opening/closing sound? TIA!! And thanks luckiest1 for the file!!
  21. Eeeeeee! Thanks so much, FromClaygary! geekette is also starting to talk about the next StripedSockSirens Fall Craft Sale for TBAF. She made this gorgeous swallowtail shawl and is considering putting it up for sale. Holy smokes!! That is GOR-geous!! I'd have a hard time giving that puppy up with all the work put into it... Everyone, be sure and watch the REST of it as well! I am really, really glad I got it! Hannah and Clay are in Act 1, but be sure to at least watch Act 2 as well...some really great performances. You're very welcome! Timing worked out great! Hmmm did you pic everyone's DVD up or.... I give up insert a praying emoticon here. Yes, they have yours too! Gosh, what a beautiful night here! I slept for a bit to rest my back (ok, so I had a 2-hr nap...I never do that!) and then felt well enough to go out for a bit of a walk around the block. I feel like I've been cooped up in the house for months! I'm so glad it's summer!!
  22. ...and I DO apologize for not asking in advance! I should have!...but I was very impressed with the information, and thought it was important that it be seen as well. I also did not realize that these pregnancies can still be lost at 7/8 months! I thought that by this six month, Jaymes was pretty safe. Apparently not! MUCH-wanted baby, indeed....and I will definitely redouble my prayer efforts on Jaymes' and Clay's behalf. I SO, so hope that this comes out well for them (all three of them).
  23. LOVE these! My absolute favorites above I did too...and that's exactly why I brought it. There is little chance this could be a spur of the moment nice thing to do for a friend, I think. No Jaymes hate from me....anytime I've spoken to her she's been nice, funny, down-to-earth. Quiet. Besides~Clay loves her, that's clear, and that makes her, as a wise someone said yesterday~my peeps.
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