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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Sure! I'll go anywhere!! Totally cool cha cha, thanks! Kennebunkport is now added to my list. I'm a photography HOUND when I travel...love to take pix, and will definitely be taking lots there! I love the ocean as well and am looking forward to what is supposed to be a beautiful coast, and the lighthouses. Me too! I would LOVE to see him there. ....and you know....we keep saying, we really could probably do it....it would only be about $1000 apiece.....???? I enjoyed the latest blog (thanks for bringing over the link)...such an intelligent man! When we had dispatches from Nairobi earlier I wondered if he had gone to Kenya as well. Thanks everyone as well, for the fun info about places you've seen/want to see Clay....I think my favorite so far is Chautauqua....really cool....or, as Couchie said, Minneapolis was great too. But I would LOVE him to take me to Santa Fe, which is a city I've always wanted to visit.
  2. Love the pictures from QC, luckiest! Hee....was the store in the Chateau Frontenac? I BET they were out of his price range!! WOW...it's quiet in here! Maybe it's time to repeat my plea for information about Maine? I'm planning a trip there the last week in August....any must-sees from anyone who is there, or has visited? Or....failing that....how about the (Clay or non-Clay) discussion of the day? He's taken us to some fascinating places; what was your favorite of the places you probably wouldn't have been if it weren't for him? And why? ....and what's your favorite vacation spot without Clay? and why? I love to travel...had you guessed? Always looking for new adventures...but can't afford overseas.
  3. Awwww, that's so cute! I will NEVER....EVER figure out where in the world he got the impression he was not good looking...EVER. Other, of course, than kind, well intentioned (THAT is sarcasm!) people telling him so. Idjits.
  4. Here's a really interesting series of youtubes on Somalia/Somaliland from the BBC for anyone interested in learning more about the country: (they're each about 10 min long) There are also several others that look interesting there.
  5. I don't care if she is on baby watch, someone needs to slap her upside the head Indeed!.....and how many people do you suppose will add comments to ask who he was with and what he was wearing? Sure, I wanna know.....but I don't wanna ask!
  6. Another "Thank you" for this! Really enjoyed it! I don't follow Prince but do see him on stuff from time to time, and I think that's the only time I've seen the man smile. He sure can play that gee-tar!! I had no idea. You and me are twins today, Bella! I have kind of half a day as I worked last night til 3:30 AM and just got up around 11....but hopefully I'll manage to get a couple of things un-hippo'd!
  7. I think you can BET on it!! Mine too! I was sitting right behind Quiana's Mom and Dad, and I had no idea either. What makes me REALLY laugh is that he should be so embarrassed (sp?) about it. You'd think after all these years touring together they'd have seen some things, y'know? And I know they're really good friends. In some ways, he's still really naive....and I think it's totally adorable. ...and ah, Cotton, I'm so mising a tour too! I have to take some vacation time in August and I don't quite know what to do with myself! Speaking of which....part of my territory is the Canadian Maritimes (ie, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland/Labrador). I'm thinking I might do my trip to New Brunswick (which usually takes 4 days) then drive down to Maine. Here's a visual....NB/ME It's only a short drive from either Fredericton or Saint John. But.....does anyone have any input as to cool things to do in Maine for a week? Other than driving along the coast obviously, which I certainly intend to do. Things I really should see? Places to spend a couple of days?
  8. Ahhh, thanks again! Cripes, am I the only dummy? I would NEVER have figured that out! NICE pictures!! I'm wearing the ICG.....and so are those kids! ETA: looks like HE is wearing a sarong of some kind with a linen shirt.....kewl! Love the way he dresses in native dress when he goes~and often learns some of the language. Very respectful. Love him to bits.
  9. Thanks Annabear! And Happy UNbirthday! Is that it? Just that one paragraph? For some reason I thought it was longer....
  10. Hey, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I missed Clay's second blog when I was in Ottawa this week and I can't find it on the UNICEF site....does someone have a link by any chance? TIA!! Couchie, apples aren't in season until late September. It is the Honeycrisp...but if you find some, don't eat them now! YUCK!! ICK!!
  11. Another July 28'er checking in! I was able to get one ticket last year, but needed two, and finally was able to find someone who sold me one more, so all was well. Sorry to hear your seats were crappy, jmh, ours were great...but we were in with the plebes sitting in the third dining room. And I didn't go peek either; wish now that I had. I see they are talking about planning a morning get-together for volunteers...that sounds great too! Hope it comes to be.
  12. Hi all! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Just a very quick checkin from Starbucks....as I've been forced offline since Saturday afternoon, I thought for SURE something wonderful would have happened! But that's a NO by the look of things... In Ottawa working, the hotel has no working internet connection and hasn't had since last week~hoping for tomorrow, if not I'm outta there. Latah!! Someone PLEEEEEZZZZZZ call me if there's anything dramatic!!
  13. I'm away too to do the 96 things I have to do these days to keep my poor old body operating...I'll keep in touch while I'm away though!
  14. You know what would be fun to call it?......our six cents.
  15. I thought it was 6 cents too.... Sure, why don't we look around to see what we can find that might fit in and re-gather? Scarlett, as I mentioned, I'm off travelling tomorrow AM with limited online access, so may not be able to get back in for a while~but I'll do some researching in that time.
  16. No children here...but cool! This was posted a few days ago and is a pretty cool site too.....wordie We could create some neat stuff from there to add.
  17. cha cha, my understanding is the link is not necessary, as it would be linked to UNICEF's website....see Scarlett's link on the main thread.... ....and I think we were not thinking about being Clay-centric particularly?
  18. Scarlett, I just saw your post on the main thread...that helped clarify MY mind....maybe it should be brought here? I was completely clued out until I saw that. .....and heck, I think ANYTHING that will add .06 to the pot is worth a try!
  19. I like the header page, cha cha a blog is easy...you can create one any day at blogger.com...but I thought it was going to be hosted somewhere on FCA?
  20. OK, I guess I'm really confused....ldyjocelyn, I agree to a point....not to be a naysayer, but most of my friends would simply delete that kind of spam like the other 156 they get every day. But then, if we're simply creating a chainmail callout, the purpose of the site.....??
  21. ...thoughts on how we would attract people to the site? I ain't got many friends
  22. Wheee! Thanks!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: So... this project is really just a small one -- an online version of those inspirational books -- so that several of us could contribute (pictures, quotes, poems, anecdotes, etc) to support the Somalia fundraiser. Just one more way to help, since times are tough. Scarlett, could you expanc? Like the Chicken Soup for....books? ....and how does that impact the Somalia fundraiser? Never mind, see your addition....
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