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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Couchie, another suggestion, as I said in the first post......call and get another table! That way we could get 20 or so in, which should be enough. But someone else would have to do it, as they won't take it under my name and phone #
  2. Awesome! Gotcha added to the list for Carmines. bwah what do you think this is, your birthday or something? Ok I hate to jump in here at the last minute but if there's a limit on Carmines can we do that another time cuz last show party really should be open to everyone and I know there could be a lot of last minutes people deciding to go. Maybe do Carmines at lunch or the previous day. Sorry I'm just saying this. I agree, couchie, but can't do it, sorry.....they only take reserves for 12 max and that was the only time I could get other than 8 PM for 12, which I thought was too late....?? People might want to be heading home? chacha I have you.....and yes!
  3. Eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh, I just got the Gala info forwarded to me (cuz for some strange reason, Aron can't send me THESE emails...any other email, no problem! ) OMG, those auction items......!!!! Pleez, why wasn't I born rich?? OR beautiful??? :lmaosmiley-1: This is going to be SOOOOOO fun! ETA: OK, I was waiting on the phone at Carmine's while I typed: For those attending Clay's final week at Spamalot: We have two reservations at Carmine's for Sunday, Jan 4th at 5:30 PM and 6 PM (after his final show). There are two different reservations because Carmine will only reserve 12 max....and we wanted everyone to be able to come! We'd love you to join those of us who already expressed an interest: couchie ansamcw goldarngirl preden me myb From Claygary annabear chachatrusty and friend Here's the website for info: Carmine's Theatre District Please note we are at the Theatre District location which is right across the street from the Shubert. And here's another spot I'd love to visit this time: Ellen's Stardust Diner Anyone up for lunch before the show on, say.....Friday Jan 2nd? .....or, suggest a time? PM me if interested!
  4. Running off to work so this has to be quick..... Thanks, Lotus, for that information about Young@heart. How very cool! The trailers say "out this spring"; is that as in, spring 2008? Or spring 2009? .....was that a premiere you went to? Happy Birthday ldyj!! Hope you have an awesome day!
  5. Hope it's a much better day today for all of our folks involved with Ike...wherever they may be! Annabear, I missed the convo about your condo last night somehow. Congrats! Is this a first home purchase?? I know!! I've been SO excited to hear Clay several places around here in not-much-Clayland. I've even heard people OTHER than me unconsciously humming along I agree with this. And saying that can only make people defensive. Really, if you disagree with an opinion and aren't free to offer your own, then that leaves only silence on the topic and then what would be the point. Back to work. I'm feeling good about this trip to NY> Won't even have to eat off the dollar menu. Hey FromClaygary ..how is Carmines coming along. Count in me and Ansa! Ooops!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I was going to do that, wasn't I??? Tonight when I get home! OMG!! I LOVE it!!
  6. Me too! But I have a feeling he was there last week, actually. Something about having time to blog...twice .....and read fan submissions for his bio. I suspect Jaymes and Parker may be waiting to join him until Parker's 6 week checkup is done. MHO only, no knowledge at all, yada yada and all appropriate disclaimers, 'cause I know absolutely nothing, really! ETA: From his first blog, I got the feeling he might be a little lonesome....please note all prior disclaimers....
  7. Well, being as we're on the subject.........I have the stupidest question of the year! I've lived most of my life out West in the prairies, where before moving here I'd never even SEEN a sump pump. I wondered when I toured the house with the realtor, what the heck that thing was! So~from someone who's never dealt with them before~who SERVICES sump pumps? The plumber? The electrician? Is there maintenance that should be done on them? I've never done anything to mine, but it's been working overtime this year. Also, the way it drains I think is wrong. It drains fairly close to the house, and I think it's basically just repumping the same water over and over and over, and I'd like to have someone take a look. Thanks so much for any info!
  8. Jazzgirl, I hope you're able to rescue your basement when it stops! We're having a great deal of rain here too...my sump pump is struggling to keep up but is so far keeping ahead of the game. I haven't seen this much water in the (almost) 4 years I've lived here. The pond in back of our houses is full up, and even the migrating geese and other birds have abandoned it. The weather is just unbelievable this year!....but we have very little to complain about in comparison to Houston and Louisiana.
  9. Good day! I've been tooling around Facebook a little ( to annabear). I didn't realize until someone said so the other day, that Clay had a facebook page, so I just added him, and was looking at some of the fans listed there. There are TONS of overseas fans! Not a huge surprise, but a surprise at some of the locations. Who would have known that Mauritania, Egypt, Russia, Poland have heard of Clay? ...and interestingly for the Canadians, TONS of fans in the Maritimes that I certainly didn't know about! I wonder if they're at all organized? There are no names that I particularly recognize. ....and lots and lots of men! It was quite interesting.
  10. Very happy to hear most everyone has checked in somehow or other and is fine....with or without cable Loved his blog! ....and I bet the person who wrote the French one is just over the moon!
  11. Hee....I love cats. Think he's trying to tell you anything? Well, I dunno about anyone else, but I haven't seen that previously! LOVE his truly genuine smile dealing with Lynda (and hers)....and LOVE that his NC accent seems to come out a bit more when he's talking to her. Thanks for bringing that over!
  12. Oh, puh-LEEZ!! He thinks they are so in love with pottery that they need to announce it on their car? :lmaosmiley-1: There IS no other Clay.....is there? :013085001176249046: annabear, what a wonderful story!
  13. Not me, as you know! Oooooohhhhh.....fresh meat?? Hugs to all those in the path of Ike....and those who had a personal experience with 9/11. It changed the world forever.
  14. Is there any reason y'all are torturing us with oblique references? Details, please!!!!!!!!! Canadian Idol ETA: Just didn't want to get my face ripped off if someone hasn't seen it yet!
  15. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE the blog!!!!....and thanks so much to Preden for letting me know! I'm thru the MOON, Alice, that it sounds like we'll get pictures...or sumpthin'!! Re the Hedley comments~yes, I've also seen Jake on a program I just happened on on MTV (which I NEVER watch) one day; it was discussing fame and how it affects people. I was a-MA-zed at how introspective and intelligent he sounded.....and then I felt bad, cause who knew??!! The music he writes is very deep~and I don't know, really, why it never dawned on me he had a brain! But he sure does. ...and re the Clay song? YUP!! EXACTLY!!....and by the looks of it last night, the whole of Cape Breton! I couldn't even get a phone line to order a dang pizza!! Crap, he better not win!! Me tooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
  16. Well, hope this works because I've been kicked off twice....succinctly....can't vote! Lines blocked! HATED the two "crowning" songs! LOVED Hedley's comments! Unfortunately~quite liked Theo's last song....you know the one. If Mitch wins, someone should get indicted....and yes, Scarlett we're all for the same person.
  17. I just turned the TV on, and happened on the televised ceremony for induction of Canadians to the Walk of Fame; two of my (other) favorite people are being inducted this time~Bryan Adams and Michael J. Fox. I just watched the smiles on the audience's faces as Bryan accepted his award with a short speech~he is well loved in Canada as well as internationally, and it was good to see many in the audience obviously enjoying this honor for him. It will happen for Clay too...perhaps not the Canadian Walk of Fame~but the legend. I'm sure of it. PS~not giving anything away here. These have been well publicized. But for those who haven't seen it yet and like any of the inductees, it's worth watching. It's on CTV. ETA: I haven't seen David in the audience...but I wouldn't be at all surprised he's there. Just showing KD Lang while she gets roasted by the host.
  18. I know someone said that, but I didn't notice them~but I'm betting there's been one or two more taken since then! :lmaosmiley-1: I sure do hope we get to see something~baby, pictures....I live in hope!
  19. Sure hope you're right about the Gala! Maybe Faye'll have pics in her wallet I'm headed home on Tuesday, thank goodness! Ah'm so tired, and I'm dying to sleep in my own comfy bed!
  20. Luckiest1, I got out of the car to take some pics of them for you and just about drowned! :lmaosmiley-1: So I decided not to risk ruining my non-waterproof camera. Now if only my son worked for the PHONE company instead of the ELECTRIC company! Seriously, if he wins, there's gonna be some yelling in THIS hotel room! There is absolutely no way he should even be in the running.
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