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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Gibby, thanks for the beautiful Rockies pictures! I did much the same thing yesterday. No Rockies here, but the leaves are stupendous!! We have an annual Open Studio Tour in the area, and the art AND the leaves together are just beautiful. I'll get my pictures done.....sometime....and post a couple. One of the "Open Studios" this time is Camphill; which is a cooperative run by and for adults with disabilities. There was some amazing weaving, mosaic work, glass art and pastels from these folks. If it's still there (and was therefore meant to be mine) I think I'll go back today and purchase one of the mosaics that I really liked. Gibby, I downloaded the "Clay Aiken Remixed" and will put up a sendspace for it shortly.
  2. Here's a pretty cool blog regarding "coming out" that brings up a lot of issues I never thought about. WARNING: you may need Kleenex as you think of the parallels Coming Out
  3. THANK YOU Scarlett! Much appreciated! ...and thanks Claygasm for the CUTE picture! All he needs is his tongue sticking out for the "totally focussed" look! :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  4. Thanks for that Cotton! Looks like it's going to be just perfect. Scarlett, I'm with you....all the colours on the board look just wonderful...I love the gradations you've been providing. I think this is me rather than the Stonewash Pantone 17-3917 that the chart prescribed. :Kolobok_Laie_haha: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I think I'm going to go out and try and get some pictures of the autumn colour. 49 edits later........did everyone that needs to get Aron's letter last night re the bidding? If not, I'll post it here.
  5. WOW, that is an absolutely beautiful picture! I'm Ottawa at the moment, and had a chance to wander through St Laurent mall the other day. I'm afraid a little teeny Roots thing for Jaymes fell into my shopping cart. I had to take it home. It was lonely. I was hoping for a teeny sweatshirt just like his Daddy's but no can do.
  6. Forgot to mention.....eeeeehhhhhhh!! for the honeycrisps! I've been looking at the grocery store every time I went, but no luck yet~I'm off to the grower's stand on the long weekend! *happy dancing*
  7. (my bolding) Love that way of putting it. My youngest son's "victory lap" of about 2 years was the best thing he ever did for himself. One more FCF checking in from a MOST frustrating day...but nothing to do with Clay! Would it be TOO much to ask for the city shutting down the main entrance to a town from the highway for road construction to put up a f**king SIGN telling you where the alternative is? Apparently the answer is YES.....but after driving around lost for 45 minutes, the construction guys I yelled at led me personally to the right street! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: Maybe we should change our name to FCF? First of all....can I just follow ya in? Second...I know I'm supposed to "further the conversation"....but ...but....she just said it all! Especially the bolded parts! WORD.
  8. Hi claywithme! I don't know that we've even discussed GFI yet, we're still dealing with the Gala itself....so can't answer that one for you! Why don't you pose that question over on Main (Let's Talk about Clay is the main thread) and see if anyone is going?
  9. Very. I've used them before and had no problems at all....other than that the seats are like sitting on a (lumpy) park bench! Very good on time record.
  10. from Ottawa, where it was a bee-yootifully bright but slightly chilly Fall day. WHAT a traffic jam getting to the hotel tonight! An hour and a half for a trip that normally takes about 15 minutes...a dump truck rolled over and spread something or other all over the highway around noon and it's STILL there. Our government in action. I'm just brain dead after being up since 4 AM...so no pithy comments from me! Delighted to see Clay's UNICEF appeal...I can do that! Pleased to see the hair-rending and cloak-tearing thread at the OFC is being shut. I think it's been self-perpetuating, not self-healing. REALLY pleased to see claylove and georgiesmybaby and HippoGA here on a regular basis~HippoGA, are you coming to the Gala? Going to join us for brunch on Sunday AM? Off to get something or other to eat before I faint..... :Kolobok_Laie_haha: (LOVE that emoticon!)
  11. Actually, I liked it! I didn't read the whole blog, just this excerpt....but I think they're coming around, one by one. Gotcha! ...and luckiest1, I have added smartcookie also as you see. And Cotton....THANKYOU!! I did post the $ of the brunch MUCH earlier, but should have added it again....reception said $12-ish but I suspect it is actually $12.99. I'll amend the thread in the TBAF forum to add that info there as well.
  12. Please do join us for a get-together following the Gala on Sunday morning Oct 19th at 9:30 AM We'll be brunching together at the POSTA TUSCAN GRILLE which is located right at the same Marriott hotel in which the Gala is taking place. Please see the website for menus etc, but note that the restaurant has asked that we do the brunch for this occasion. Cost of the brunch is $12.99. We will have a separate private room for our get-together, so we can yak our heads off and table-hop without disturbing others I'm sure we'll have lots to discuss! Confirmed so far are: Claylove+Karen Sammie Georgiesmybaby fearofH2O luckiest1 + luckiestdotter cindilu2 + Karen jmh123 claymatron sassafras scarlett solo perusingone FromClaygary goldarngirl? smartcookie Cam552000 ncgran4clay Jennclayton loyalncclayfan kareneh + bonnechance + lila permaswooned ncgurrl nicegurrrl?
  13. HAH!! Love the analogy....and so true, unfortunately! OK, so I've gone ahead and made the reservation....here is the restaurant website again for those who didn't have a chance to look earlier. The gentleman I spoke to (who sounds remarkably like Aron on the phone LOL) was not able to definitely confirm, as the banquet manager is not in today; but at this point, he sees no problem. I should hear for sure latest tomorrow. I'll add a thread in the TBAF news forum HERE but it may not be right away~that work thing again!! The reservation is for 9:30 and their preference is that we do the buffet (obviously cuts down on the wait staff needed). Cost of the buffet I believe is $12.99. The list I have so far, please do let me know if you would like to be added or are bringing someone. FromClaygary claylove Sammie georgiesmybaby fearofH2O luckiest1 cotton cindilu2+Karen jmh123 claymatron sassafras scarlett solo perusingone goldarngirl (just in case ) smartcookie Cam552000 ncgran4clay REALLY looking forward to seeing you all!
  14. Re the LWLHD~nope! I think I just saw it when everyone's attention was elsewhere. It will be well, well loved. ....and I'm hoping we would get 25...I think there will be lots of people there, but I don't know how many are staying through Sunday, of course. We're up to about 10-ish at the moment: claylove(and hopefully Karen?) georgiesmybaby fearofH2O luckiest1 (+ Donna?) cotton me cindilu2 goldarngirl? Anyone else my head won't come up with at the moment? ...
  15. Hee! Very cool! But a COMPLETELY different one than the one she had at the OFC ...not sure who's confused...maybe she submitted several different ones and wasn't sure which won. Eeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! :04: Just found out I won a LWLHD CD on ebay while I was at work last night! Have wanted one forEVER.....eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!!!!!
  16. I'll introduce you ....or RE-introduce you? Actually, I may or may not have a car for the weekend; I terminated the rental car I have booked, for the weekend, as I didn't see much point in paying $18 a day to park a car I wouldn't be using. But I may have to rethink that. Gosh, I don't think so. I think the real reason is the reason he's told us. He hates it. So....brunch info: The Marriott has a restaurant at the hotel Tuscan Grille. They serve brunch from 7-11 AM on Sunday, and there is both a buffet brunch ($12-ish according to reception) and an a la carte breakfast menu. One of the better parts is, they have a large private room at the back of the restaurant which could accomodate either 50 (at full size) or 25 people (our better bet I think). So we could actually have a room to ourselves. Now~I didn't specify the date we were looking for when asking, so it may or may not be available that day. But it's an option by the sounds of things. Menus etc are available on the website so that you can get an idea of prices etc. THOUGHTS? Once again, unfortunately I have to work tonight and will need to leave fairly shortly...so my apologies if I can't get back to it today. But if I can get some feedback and you are interested, I'll book it tomorrow.
  17. I have to get to work, but I did get some info from the hotel....will post tomorrow AM or (MUCH) later tonight.
  18. If you're staying overnight, I can take you back the next day....would love to have the time to spend with you at the brunch! I have to change hotels Sunday, and pick up the rental vehicle but you could stay at the hotel while I do that. ETA: it's MONday I'm changing hotels ....so, if you want to stay over Sunday night?...or, go back with fear In any case, we'll get you home.
  19. Clack Unlimited has a whole section called Scans. It contains most of the early articles and photos from magazines. Obviously, you 've scrolled past me yet again ....the article and the whole magazine are available at the link that was orignally posted, in a .pdf file! OK, am I blind? All I see is her post saying she can't find it. Keep on scrolling it is quite a way down. Post # 25 Thanks so much!! It's EX-cellent! Hits all the high points with humor and just the kind of snarky attitude Clay would use. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  20. Hi this is Cheri aka Claylove.... heard I was referenced here! lol j/k I am local so I would be glad to help plan/coordinate a brunch on Sunday if you like. I haven't posted here much (if at all) but think maybe its time I check it out! Also--have a friend who needs to sell a gala tix so yes if there is interest it can most likely be done! As for how I feel about Clay and his blog -- I simply adore him!!! Much love :-) Good to see you here!!....and now I don't have to email you . Yes, any thoughts as to a good place? Probably downtown would be best bet; I know I wont' have a car and likely many won't. OK, am I blind? All I see is her post saying she can't find it.
  21. I don't have a gala ticket, but I'm definitely interested in a get-together. Well, I think you COULD have a ticket if you wanted one! There are tickets available for sale in several places. But when? Where? I looked in the thread and didn't see anything. I thought I'd caught up on all the posts. Help! Yes, we really need to decide....I don't think you've missed anything. Sunday brunch is about the only time I have available. It's not just you, and I believe it's deliberate~AND the right thing to do. Re a place~I'm sure the hotel will have a restaurant....would that work? Often the Marriotts have a buffet brunch; don't know if this one does offhand but I'm sure I could find out. And/Or I can check with Cheri if you like, and you check with Donna... He just IS sensual ....and I agree with the vaulting thing! Claytonic, if you go back to your link, there is a .pdf right on the page that you can download. It says it contains the whole magazine....I didn't check.
  22. OK, um, I know you guys have totally moved past me and everything and I really hope you don't mind me dragging this up since I am (once again ) late to the party, buuuuut... This cheered me up so much! All of your comments that were related to me did! I think I'm going to have to bookmark that page so I can have a pick-me-up whenever I'm down. (I'll read it while I listen to "When You Say You Love Me" which always makes me... dance!) OK, I'm done. And, I really, really hope this is OK! Hey, welcome!!....I knew you'd find us. :lmaosmiley-1:
  23. Me!!....but actually, s(he) was just looking for some clack. HEEE honestly I feel bad beacuse I've spent about 2 minutes on FCA main in the last year and it's not cuz I'm tired of it - I just can't find the time. Last time when I went on there I couldn't even remember my password. And then I couldn't figure out how to post the article. Sigh. And even when I recruited lovely people here to help me..I didn't follow through. I need to whip it into shape. I think that's what I'll do during my vacation at the end of the month. Sorta reorganize myself, figure out what needs to be done and get to work. I mean 9 days in Tahoe..after I lose my money in the casino what else am I gonna do, exercise or something LOL. So if you're still interested in helping or would like to help let me know. Oh, I'm still willing!.....but I'm no better with the procrastination! :lmaosmiley-1: I see someone that has a a clue answered...'cause I don't! I didn't see any winner posted either. Maybe it'll be the French one, which was a great idea~except it's illegal, cause the author is Canadian.
  24. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! That's what I'm talking about! Awwwww, just read through that live journal. I think we need to get her over here. I see some helpful person gave her the FCA main site addy - good job. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I just got an email from a good friend. She told me she is no longer a fan. It makes me v.v. sad but on the plus side, she is going quietly. Heee.....thanks! and......
  25. ....and, a pre-order for the Playbill with the fan-written bio in it is up HERE
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