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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Exactly.....and I sure hope you're right. I sure wish I was in NYC tonight too....there's nothing in the world I want right now more than to give him a big HUGE hug. Even though I know I couldn't do that even if I were OK, the second thing I want right now is a great big piece of pizza ....latah!!
  2. The website that is linked is now saying Clay is online on OFC reading the People thread there. PLEEZ, PLEEZ can someone bring information over here, this is the only site I can access.
  3. Laljeterfan, I'm not feeling like shit. But I thank you, from me, for being honest and being respectful. I personally, truly appreciate that. What I am feeling right now, is a mixture of two things I guess IIT....that I just love him to pieces, honestly and sincerely.....and that I'm frightened for him for what this may do to him personally, and to his career. I'm afraid they'll rip him apart; I'm afraid it will affect his earning ability, and therefore my opportunity to see him perform (how incredibly selfish!!....but I'm not sure I can deal, without him); I admire his courage beyond anything. Always. That never changes. What a screwed up world. And if this is PH's idea of a joke, I'll hunt that little bastard down and kill him with my own two hands this time.
  4. Yes he does!!.....and I can't stop staring at Parker (if that is indeed him...). IIU (gawd, never thought I'd say that again)...he has Clay's mouth. Not too sure about the nose. Overall, I think he looks more like Jaymes. IIU. Whatever...... I'll wait to hear from Clay. ETA: I'm hoping that's soon. And not HIS soon.
  5. A note of caution before the world goes nuts.....it is stamped with PH's insignia.....but, as Fear said.....I will love him always and forever. Period.
  6. You also have to watch out for ice cream that has morphed into "frozen dessert" Not sure if that's just a Canadian thing, but I had no idea until someone from the Dairy Board filled me in at the grocery store last week. Gross!! May as well serve cool whip instead!! :kotz0: You really have to watch the labels!! That's one of the things I miss the most when I'm in the US~REAL chocolate. Did you guys realize your "chocolate" tastes comPLETEly different from ours? It's kind of~waxier, is the only way I can describe it. The funny part is, when I'm at home in Canada, I rarely eat chocolate. But when I'm in the US and can't get it......I WANT IT!!
  7. Well, first.....I want y'all to know that was NOT me commenting on James Beaman's blog! ...and second.....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! for the GMA interviews! I don't care WHAT he says, I am fascinated listening to him say whatever his heart desires. I do have to wonder: -if he's listened to those of "us" saying that we'd love to hear a Part Deux of the original Diane interview (not 2006, but 2003 original) from his perspective now. That's been a recurring wish I've heard expressed for several years. -or.....could this be a new book? Also a wish I've expressed, and heard expressed, many many times. Whatever! I'm lovin' it, and I'm so thrilled that he continues to have that very valuable relationship with Diane. She's been a good friend over the years, was in 2006 and continues to be, that's obvious. I'm delighted she's the interviewer and I'm really looking forward to hearing it. I'm also loving the Broadway kudos he's receiving. Although I realize they're promotionally-driven, it's still exceptionally nice to hear for a change. Broadway ~ :F_05BL17blowkiss: Could someone remind me what time GMA usually runs? Is it 8-10 AM? ETA: Cotton :thbighug-1: that must have been scary! Head wounds bleed like no tomorrow! Also, PLEEEEEZ is someone going to be able to capture the WHOLE thing rather than chopped-up bits of the interviews? I know I'd love that, and I'm sure I can't be alone in that either!
  8. KF, as the story goes, we are never alone.....! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  9. Omigosh, he looks wonderful!! Thanks so much for bringing those over, as this is the only website I can get on my business laptop....hint, hint to everyone else I LOVE that hair! It looks great messy, done, whatever....and I personally do NOT mourn the loss of the sideburns They're my "snowflake hair" merrieeee....and he just looks....luminous....and wonderful in white. :00000442:
  10. Yah! THAT!! Zena.... :thbighug-1: ..........I thought maybe you were lost in Minneapolis! I've been thinking about/wondering about you! Thanks for checking in!....and stick around, huh?
  11. Heh....or maybe I'm just too used to Clay's self-deprecation!
  12. Oh yum. Very yum. Lickable yum. As for the blog itself, I think it has to be hard to see someone in a role that you identify with so much. IMO, he wrote a good blog that really highlighted the good about Clay, and the play itself. Just got back from getting a bite to eat.... OK I obviously didn't make myself clear about the James Beaman blog....as I said, I thought he was nice about Clay too! Had no problem whatsoever with what he said, and I tended to agree with his comments about the fans in the front as well. But.....I WAS referring to this description of himself: and this: OK then.....he obviously thinks he's pretty talented! Does he cook and chew gum at the same time too? Nothing against him at all, as I also said, this is the only thing of his I've ever read. It was just the above that made me kind of squint one eye and laugh. Maybe he's just trying to present his credentials and to me, it didn't come off very well.
  13. Yup!! We weren't muttering, but I know we both were thinking it! LOVED it when it happened though! He said Solitaire is the "most covered" of his songs, so I think it was quite a compliment to have Clay included.
  14. How cool that Clay's "package" (I wish!) went for that much!.....and would we ever have doubted that he was competitive enough to be checking out what it went for? Dying to hear who it is! Anyhoo..... from beautiful (not) downtown Timmins, ON birthplace of Shania Twain. It's a lovely night and I'm very happy I got here before the moose came out to play on the highway. Goldarngirl and I went to see Neil Sedaka at the casino north of where I live last night. What a fun show! The man has been in the business for 56 years! That's the first time I've seen him live. Cute little teddy bear of a guy, I bet Clay just loved him; he seems very nice. The show was excellent, boppy and fun just like the music, with people chiming in on the choruses of lots of the songs (not to their detriment, it was great). There was, of course, a Clay mention. He does an audio/video lead-in piece before he comes onstage, which shows many of his songs done by other people....and of course, guess who for Solitaire. It was the very nice picture of him done up retro with the TV on his lap, from the TV Guide a few years back. Very sexy picture. Goldarngirl and I eeeee'd and poked each other Well, I poked her, anyway I have quite good "nack" of the entire show but as I am not at home, it'll take me a while to render it and get a yousendit or something done. If anyone's interested, I'll get it happening as soon as I can. Clay He is just glowing. ETA: Thanks, Cotton, for linking that blog of James Beaman's. Interesting. Funnily enough, they look a bit alike standing side by side like that! I haven't read anything of his blog other than this one, so I probably shouldn't judge.....oh, OK, I will! ....he seems to be a bit full of himself. But hey, he liked Clay, and I bet it was interesting for Clay to meet him. Works for me! Me....just :013085001176249046: and every other piece of him. Have I mentioned how thrilled I am he's baaaaaaaaack??? Or was that obvious?
  15. Congratulations on a successful conclusion to the stress, Kim! Looking forward to pictures. And speaking of pictures.....THIS and THIS: : dies :
  16. Short video HERE from LAST night. ETA: no worries, Couchie! We should be able to schmooze just fine with the two tables. I'm really looking forward to it!
  17. The little one he took pictures with was in a wheelchair...her parents had trouble taking a picture so it took a while. They got video. Apparently the hair is just gorgeous...TMZ was at the SD, and other professionals inside at the finale.
  18. HE'S OUT!! Hair is very short, Clay has a hoody on.....they're getting pictures.... He's posing with some little person (ie, child) for a picture....lots of awwwwing. He's been and gone.... ETA: They really think he could feel the love.
  19. Reporting now on CV....media outside at the stage door filming the crowd. Five or six at the door filming the fans~100+ fans at the door. Show was not sold out but the alley is very tight. Lots of people at the door. D101 finger did not come all the way down; it got stuck. Very funny. Had to look up to see it. His bottle dance was very good; but the tongue had to come out to make it happen He was concentrating. Clay got a huge curtain call, second to the King. Photogs in the theatre to take pictures. King is really good. It's like you're seeing a whole new show. He's gorgeous (the King). Merle Dandridge (LOTL) is very good. Knights of Ni said that Rick was the real father of Palin's daughter's baby. Tom has changed up his part a bit. Screaming in bursts...noone coming out I don't think, it's just the media inciting the crowd to yell and scream. Two first time Canadians seeing the show tonight, loved it so much they're coming back tomorrow. Screaming.....and then they lost the stream!!
  20. Gosh, he looks fiiiiiiine! Now that I can see an un-marred picture, I just have one question....is that a large pattern of some kind on his tie, or baby spit-up? Can hardly wait for the reports tonight!
  21. well, so much for that!! LOL........eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee2222!!!!! So with ya!! LOVE those pictures! He looks absolutely gorgeous, wonderful smile, slim, beautifully dressed. happy....and WOULDJALOOKATTHOSEFEET!! He looks frippin fanTAStic........
  22. For those attending Clay's final week at Spamalot: We have a reservation at Carmine's for Sunday, Jan 4th at 5:30 PM or 6 PM (after his final show). We have reservations for 2 tables of 10 people.....we'd love you to join those of us who already expressed an interest: couchie ansamcw goldarngirl preden me myb + Jean From Claygary annabear chachatrusty and friend DuckyV (party of 6 - you know who you are) justclay12 muski claygasm and lurker friend georgiesmybaby claylove Here's the website for info: Carmine's Theatre District Please note we are at the Theatre District location which is right across the street from the Shubert. And here's another spot I'd love to visit this time: Ellen's Stardust diner Anyone up for lunch before the show on, say.....Friday Jan 2nd? .....or, suggest a time? PM me if you're interested!
  23. That sounds great! Thanks, Playbiller! I'll amend the information I posted previously and add it to the Spamalot thread (if I can find it )
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