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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Thanks for reminding me! I keep meaning to ask about this! I have now had three different people tell me they have seen a pic of Clay's baby. I at first thought they meant the one coming out of the hospital door, and have had all three say "no, not that~a profile pic of a beautiful baby". Have I completely missed something in all the traveling, in which case GIVE please........or are they confusing Brangelina's baby maybe with Clay's, do you think? Well, Hanna and I have both arrived in Sydney, NS. Both of us in one piece. The driving was not pretty for the last hour or so, but fortunately it was just 20 km or so (15 mi-ish). It's raining HARD and blowing harder and harder, but I think the car and the hotel will remain on the ground by the look of things. For the Canadians~I drove through Port Hawkesbury of course, on the way here. I had forgotten that is Mitch's (McDonald is it?) home town. The VOTE MITCH signs are absolutely everywhere! I may be the only person on Cape Breton NOT voting Mitch on Monday night! It was kind of cool to see the support, though. Even if he can't sing.
  2. a minor change and thread title in most major cities the sunday paper comes out on saturdays. The Sunday paper is all about the inserts not the news. GREAT ad!! I love it! Luckiest1 and Cindilu2 I know our Barrie Chapters carries the NY Times so I bet yours does.....but I bet you won't find it there until tomorrow, regardless of what day it's published. They go fast. Better call and get them to hold you one (2) Well, Hanna is now off to Halifax I guess~glad you were spared, cotton, and I hope that bodes well for us. I'm actually hoping it gets here overnight so I know whether to set out on my 5-hr drive or not tomorrow morning when I get up.
  3. A little piece of good news from CV that might interest some, from MarieDrummond: Yikes! I copied this and then didn't press "Add Reply". So...here it is! ETA:...OMG....that picture sure is.....something! Guhhh pretty much covers it in my vocabulary as well. Hokey Dinah.
  4. Aren't they going to have to have another one printed up in just about 2 weeks? Have fun, ausdon! I thought exactly the same thing! ....which makes me think it must have been donated before they knew he was coming back.
  5. I know you're all dying to spend some money on Clay, so here's a little something to tide you over until Spamalot starts again..... Broadway Cares on ebay
  6. Sorry to post on the main page with Spamalot stuff...but there doesn't seem to be a lot of action in the Spam threads right now.... There seem to be several of us in NYC for the ending shows, Jan 1 - 4th. Anyone up for dinner at Carmine's before the show some night? We wanted to get there last trip but could not get reservations three weeks in advance. We should book now if we want to do it.
  7. I see there is nothing current in the Spam tickets thread, so I'll post my plea here....I am looking for a single ticket for most of the Spam performances from Jan 1 to Jan 4th....anyone have any extras?
  8. Anna, please add us to all performances from Jan 1 to 4th... Goldarngirl From Claygary Preden
  9. I'm seriously trying to talk my friend into going at this time as opposed to our original end of Oct. timeframe. The hotel prices are soooooooo much better. I'll be there for the last weekend too -- please include me in your plans!!! Eeeeee! Eeeehh!! We'll be there too! Goldarngirl, Preden and I....and maybe me myb! We need to make arrangements for a family dinner at Carmine's or sumthin'! Anyone have any extra tickets for sale? I bought tickets for everyone but me, and am now having problems getting single tickets for the performances from Jan. 1-4th....so if anyone has anything for that timeframe, let me know.
  10. Couchie, I think they're fine....we had broadwayoffers.com promotions his last run as well. Muski been there, all I can say is :thbighug-1: Cotton, I'll be in Sydney NS on Sunday....and I understand I'll be dealing with Hanna and whoever follows her as well just a day or two later than you. Sure hope I can get out of there on Tuesday! Keeping my fingers crossed for you as well!
  11. Here's something kind of interesting from CV....no performers yet. Broadway World . com If anyone is going to be in NYC at that time anyway.......
  12. Muski, hope it turns out well for your MIL and family! Would you check on my kids for me while you're there? I haven't heard a word from either one of those buggers in ages. I can only assume that means they have money. Can do! I'm good at the slap upside the head! :lmaosmiley-1: Just need to know which ONE of these un-named streets in this lovely city, they're on..... I wonder if Clay has ever used Medium Brown #5. I think it's a given! Is there a colour he has NOT used? :lmaosmiley-1: SO glad to hear you're back to Cotton Top. It suits you very, very well.... :thbighug-1: Loved the letter and the sentiment it expresses and I also vote for you to send it!...and the next time someone I don't know from Adam calls me "dear" I'm going to slap THEM upside the head! Another one of the little disrespects that just peeves me to the nth.
  13. Good morning from Halifax! Luckiest1, I'm so sorry to hear about your Ipod! That totally sucks! I was so worried about losing/forgetting my Zen somewhere when I was travelling that I bought a smaller 8g one that I load up fresh every time and take with me. I wouldn't be so devastated if I lost it...and it hangs on a lanyard around my neck, so I can leave it "stuck to me" a bit more than the other one. I do leave my big one in the car as well, though, when I am just driving on a daily basis. I always hide it when I leave the car, but nevertheless.... This morning in the local paper the front page story (slow news day in Halifax apparently) was about a series of thefts taking place in the shopping plaza where I worked yesterday especially, and in other locations through the city. Seems "someone" in Future Shop/Best Buy locations is following customers who purchase big ticket items out to their vehicles; and then if they stow the item (lots of laptops) in their car and go into another store~lo and behold, car breakin, laptop gone. Brand new~with receipt in many cases, I'm sure. From the detail in the story, I think it pretty much has to be an employee(s) at the stores who is in on it, but I'm sure they can't say so because of legal/investigation concerns. In any case, if you purchase something of the sort from a Future Shop/Best Buy store in Canada be aware that this is the latest scam; people are being advised to go straight home with their purchases.
  14. Forgot to mention, I received a note from Aron at TBAF re the Round Table at the Gala, as I'm sure did everyone else who expressed an interest. Here are the details:
  15. Thanks, desertrose....wow, that could be tough! I remember all the evacuees being in Houston and other cities, and families getting split up in the furor. Living in those circumstances for however long would be a nightmare, but obviously better than getting caught in the storm. I'm sure there's lots of people who don't HAVE a place to go out of the hazardous areas.
  16. Hee....me too! That is, my name is Lauren too...if you've had as much trouble with it as I've had, you probably already know why most know me as Lori instead. Libby, good to see you here too....and LAluvsClay, I remember you from years ago at the Clayboard. It's so nice to see you're still around! And Betty Jean....wow! I'll be proud to relinquish my title as the oldest FCA'er and one of the older Clayfans...to you. Aloha! (that means welcome too, right?) So good to see so many new folks checking in!
  17. Just got back from supper, I was here in spirit only....I LOVED Bar Harbor! Except for the fact that most of the residents of NY, NJ, DE, MA and ME had the same idea...so it was a zoo! Or maybe that's the way it always is, I'm not sure! I lucked into a parking spot right on the wharf and had a great walk around the pathway at the ocean's edge for about a mile and a half or so, took lots of pictures. Then I walked up into town and did both sides of the first few blocks or so up from the harbor (whew! what a climb). Treated myself to a blueberry soft ice cream (yummm...) while I sat and watched the world (literally) go by and did a quick go-round of the craft display they were having on the village green. It was fun! I wanted to go into Acadia Park, but by that time it was too late to be walking around on forest trails. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, couldn't have been better weatherwise. Now I'm back in Bangor for tonight~and back to Moncton tomorrow (waaahhh!!). I hope you're right about the border guards. I'm a leeetle over my limit.... :lmaosmiley-1: Ah well. I've paid before. Thanks for the contest link!! Solo, I've probably missed you~but to you and all the others in the area....we'll be thinking good thoughts for you! ETA: Sorry for the really dumb question, but never having been involved...where do you evacuate TO?? Do they set up shelters and you have to live there for X period of time? Or do you have friends/relatives you can go to?
  18. nc rocks, just wanted to say thanks again for the sighting info...believe me, it made my night! I think I can safely say most of us share your excitement. It was such fun to hear about him carrying a bag from a baby store, and what he was wearing which I think most of us recognized the description of. To explain~there's a friend of mine who lives in NC whose screen name is very similar to yours; she complains a lot about having made it waaaaay too long without thinking about it beforehand. So~I thought you were her...and you'd just shortened the name this time. It's all good, either way! Clay's hair? I'm with Ansa (I think it was?) who said she's usually..."Oh, Greasy...." and then moves on. I notice his look...and then I focus on his interaction with the kids, the crowd, the other actors, his voice, his intelligence, whatever... I just love him. Not his hair...although, I gotta say, I was happy to hear the kind-of-blonde might be back. I loved it on him. :lmaosmiley-1: I missed the rerun last night, and am sure sorry I did! I loved it when I first saw it. It's another beautiful day in Maine~and I'm off to Bangor/Bar Harbor shortly. Have a good one everyone!
  19. Post-hoing to say nc rocks and WELCOME!!....if this is who I think it is, you shortened that name! THANKS for letting us know the man is alive and well and shopping in Durham! :lmaosmiley-1: Mmmmmm....the hair sounds yummy!! PS....hope you're feeling better!! PPS....what was he wearing? :lmaosmiley-1:
  20. :F_05BL17blowkiss: from Portland, ME! This is my last and furthest south stop on my Maine journey; yesterday I spent the day partially in the outlet shops of Freeport, the home of LL Bean, and partly in the 1700's neighbourhoods of Yarmouth,ME. What a dichotomy! Then, thanks to the advice of a fellow FCA'er, I stopped at Simply Custard and had a taste (well, , a BIG taste....) of the absolutely decadent custard ice cream they sell here in Maine and as far as I'm aware~nowhere else. It was FABULOUS! I think I may have to stop again on my way north tomorrow. A new featured flavour every day..... :lmaosmiley-1: Today was a mall and driving day, but I did get to stop at one of the largest bead stores in the country (Caravan Beads) and spend several hours there indulging my (other) obsession, to the detriment of my Mastercard....and when I took a quick jaunt through Macy's at the Maine Mall, I found a 2-piece dress which I am thrilled with, for the Gala! Regular $200-something, on sale for $71, rang up at $55...and it looks great! How much better could that be!! Now we're down to the shoes....I hate shoe shopping. So now it's the trip northward again, tomorrow. I'm hoping to stop at Bar Harbour and the Acadia Park on my way, both of which are supposed to be really beautiful, for a last shot of sun and sea and photography. Cotton, to add to my previous notes for you~I would definitely recomment Freeport, which is a very pretty little town and a shopper's heaven; and LL Bean's home store is kind of fun to see. I was at the Comfort Suites on Hwy 1 between Freeport and Yarmouth, and it was wonderful...loved the room! Yarmouth was really neat as well; it's very old and there are some really neat buildings etc to have a look at. I especially liked the church on Main St east of the highway, and the old mill around the corner from the church. Portland, from what I've seen of it is a city~ho hum~kind of grubby...not such a much. There's probably lots I haven't seen; I'm at the Marriott in S. Portland and it is also an absolutely beautiful hotel. If I were to come back a second time, I probably wouldn't bother coming in to Portland again. A demain!
  21. Good heavens, NOW what??? Hello from busy Freeport, ME...home of LL Bean, the neatest outlet mall I've ever seen....and a 1790's tavern where the state of Maine was created. How's that for a dichotomy?? :lmaosmiley-1: This is a reeeelly nice hotel~I definitely recommend Comfort Suites, every one I've ever stayed in has been very nice. No view of the ocean here, though...I miss it already! I managed to wander through about 1/10th of the LL Bean flagship store before my feet gave out tonight after I got here..my gawd, it's Ha-YOOJ! It's in at least 5 different, very large, buildings. They were having a free summer concert on the lawn between the complex, but I couldn't find anyone who could tell me WHO was performing; and it seems like you have to be there early, bring a chair, and get it parked on the lawn before a certain time or no go, so that let me out. I'm curious as to who it was, though... Hmmm, looked it up~and apparently it's not even tonight, it's Saturday and it's Lonestar. Now THAT's camping out! All I've seen of Freeport so far is the outlet mall area~which looks as though they've built a brand new town, in the Maine style, all down the highway from the village of Freeport. The outlets are all in individual buildings down the highway, not in what you would usually think of as a "mall". It looks very nice, but parking looks like being a huge issue. I'll have to give it a shot tomorrow and see what's exciting. I did see a Gap outlet, a Reebok/Rockport outlet, and a Chilton furniture outlet just in the few minutes I was down that way. Could be fun! I may have to rent a trailer to get all this stuff home!
  22. OK, I am officially jellus. PM sent. Thank you!!...and Yaaaaaayyyyy! Good choice, in my books. Will do, Cotton! How funny that she should be headed up this way as well! Re the lobster....I laugh, because I'm SO not a seafood fan! Blechhh!! I've had no problem finding places to eat that serve other things as well~but for many people, that's 80% of the attraction. For me~not so much!
  23. I love Survivor too, but the reason you mention is the reason why I love TAR!! Love TAR. I’m ashamed to admit that I’m watching (and enjoying in a sick, sick way) Big Brother. Hey, there’s nothing else on!! Ack! I MEANT TAR, don't know what I was thinking! Love it~actually don't like Survivor at all! Luckiest1, I obviously can't see Canadian Idol here~do you mind PM'ing me who gets tossed this week? I'm hoping for a Drew/Theo close as well, but I'm betting the lovely Earl (gag...) will be in there instead. This week I'm betting it's Mitch that goes. No internet here at the hotel yesterday, so I'm just catching up! I did get a few phonecalls from the office yesterday, but did NOT have to go back to New Brunswick to resolve anything for the case...so the vacation is able to continue! I've spent two GREAT days driving the #1 highway up and down the coast of Maine; before leaving Bangor yesterday I DID get the pictures of the Stephen King house~pretty cool, and very easy to find. I'm now at a hotel in Belfast, ME right on Penobscot Bay; my room has a beautiful view of the Bay and I've spent several hours sitting out on the balcony enjoying it. Yesterday afternoon after I got here, and today, I spent driving the highway taking in the sites as I mentioned; stopping wherever I felt like it, to take pictures or visit some of the many interesting shops and little towns, and doing some wading in the Atlantic. Great fun!...and just to add to the purse discussion, I bought one I really like today in Camden ME....NOT a Coach, but hey, I like it! :lmaosmiley-1: ETA: there are windjammers in Camden harbour...how beautiful!! Keep up the great HK recaps Kandre and Scarlett...
  24. Ahhh, OK! I think I was able to watch that for about 5 minutes at one point but I obviously didn't retain her name. I love Survivor too! The glimpses of different countries really intrigue me, and it's very suspenseful, which catches my interest. I seem to miss a lot of it for whatever reason, but those I do catch I enjoy.
  25. Morning! Kind of foggy here this morning, but it's supposed to burn off later in the day. I'm hoping I have an opportunity for a "later in the day" here; keep your fingers crossed for me. I haven't heard from my company yet, but it's early in Alberta just yet. OK, it's my turn....WTH is a "Misty May Trainer"?? :lmaosmiley-1: Sounds like a porn film star? Or am I completely out of the loop as usual? I've never cared for or watched DWTS; I'm with you Cotton!...and am also wondering how 2-week old Sweet P and his Daddy and Mommy are doing....
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