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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. cha cha, I was on a whole different wave length for whatever reason....so I'm not sure what "material" we are posting? Can you give us any hints what we volunteered for?
  2. Hee....merrieeee, I think I heard that echo!
  3. Why don't we? If anyone gets sick of us, just tell us to go to a new thread! We'll take it nicely.... So....Scarlett, 'splain more about your previous post? Cause I was a bit confused as well....
  4. Yeah.....that!! Well we can talk on a thread if you'd like. Or on AIM, Yahoo or Google? What do you say? Whatever works! We can do chat if we can find it....or on a thread. Just let us know where, oh fearless leader! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA....dont have any of AIM, Yahoo or google....that I know of.
  5. Yeah, that was a toughie, but since I was there for "Listen" (with you, in fact) and it blew me away how he and Quiana pulled that off without rehearsal, I had to go with that one. It is, without doubt, one of my favourite Clay moments. Oh, me too! Even though I wasn't there....talk about schmoopie, it made me all schmoopie when Jesse was so obviously proud of them for what they had done that night. Anyone watch Canadian Idol last night? I was bummed that Omar in particular went home; I think he's wonderful....and Adam Castelli and Mark Day got in but Oliver Piggott didn't? Good Lord.... LOVED SYTYCD last night!!
  6. Scarlett, I love the idea of doing something as well....I have NO idea WHAT! but I'd love to be able to contribute something more than my few $.
  7. First....LOVE the banner cindilu2!! Hate to say it, but I'm thinking those just mean ....but I'm always into keeping high hopes!! Stealing Scarlett's questions shamelessly from Claymatron's post.... 1. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? How much time do you spend on your fandom? I very joyfully consider it an addiction...of the very best kind! Addicted to love, joy, smiles, laughter...what's to not be addicted to?? 2. What would you considered a "blowtorched puppy" -- in other words, what could Clay do that would make you stop being a fan? I don't think Clay is capable of doing anything that would turn me against him or stop me from being a fan. Yeah. That. 3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way? I think it's kind of fun up to the point where it gets too personal, or someone is too invested. I want him to have love, love, love...and if he is happy with someone, and they make him smile even for a while, I'm all for it. 4. How does Clay combat the tabloid media? I think he's doing the best he can, and we need to back off and let him. 5. Should Clay be a "superstar?" A "pop star"? An "entertainer?" Or all of the above? Does he really have to choose? I don't think he has to choose; but my choice for him would be "entertainer/humanitarian". 6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years? It has acquired an adult depth and timbre and emotive quality influenced by his experiences these last few years that wouldn't have even been possible for his "teen voice". Yup!! Not a problem; they've revised the website permanently for us. Thanks so much for letting us know! That brought tears to my eyes as well! I HOPE we can do something equally meaningful for his 30th this year.
  8. Wow....looks like this one was a toughie for him. I wonder (IIT and all that) how his becoming a father himself affected his thoughts about the children in Somalia? Looks like they couldn't get the pictures happening for whatever reason WTH is up with the tags??....they're all screwed up....gonna have to TYPE all the tags?? OK, I give up....never mind!! Not working at all for some reason....
  9. Well, that was weird! Lost everyone I quoted, and just gave me one I didn't! Oh well....let's see.... I'm an "L" girl myself, closely followed by "D" and "G". I loved the blonde on him. I'm with (someone...sorry!....maybe jmh?) that said people are just going about their regular lives and will be back with a vengeance (hope not literally) when something comes up again. I've done lots of beading....and am not able to sit much right now anyway. Should have cleaned my house. Didn't. Might still. Most of my expendable dollars have been taken up for medical costs this year....and, to top it all off, I broke a tooth Friday night! Aaaarrrrghhhhhhh!!!! I can not BELIEVE all this stuff happening to my body this year! There goes another $1000..... and probably another day off from work. Anywhooo.....off to work shortly....off to do laundry now.....
  10. So far, yes, although it will be at other retailers later. MusicPass info What a great picture, thanks for that! He looks all of 12.
  11. Up to you! If you don't have an Ipod, though, I would say WMV....mp4's only play on Ipods. ETA: Thanks by the way!!
  12. Yes, it does, cotton! They are the bonuses...Invisible vid, TW vid, ATD vid.
  13. Forgot!! For everyone who purchased a MusicPass, whenever you purchased it....could I remind you please to download the music/videos from your pretty bookmark? I'm talking out of my ass of course....but I kind of think Clay might not get credit for the sale unless it is actually downloaded. Humor me.....and THANKS!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. Yaaay you, the wine merchant!! Knew you could. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Isn't that hilarious?? What a GUY!! Sorry, honey, ugliest shirts I've ever seen...maybe suitable for the tractor on the farm? I bet you have! (insert evil grin here.....) My favorite tooooooo!!! Ditto. But I kind of relate it to him, in a way, even though I know that's not what he means. You know, "our" trying to figure out what it is about him.....??? I take it as his saying the same thing about the relationship of the people in the music. Happy 4th to everyone "Down Under"....and I don't mean in Oz!...although, happy 4th to them too!
  15. Cindilu, I absolutely love these, thank you!! Awwww.....now why did that make me mist up?? It's not like I really miss him.......................................................much.
  16. Oh, so true!!! From 00lsee, posted at CH, a comparison of the first (left) and the latest (right): Call me crazy, but doesn't that look like it was taken on the same day, just in a different location? Same shoes, same jeans, same jacket...looks like maybe the same shirt. Unless she wears the same thing every single day, I'm betting it was taken the same day as the first one. LBFCA poll.....fun!! Thanks for bringing that over, jmh and kareneh
  17. I'm not sure! 4 maybe? Until we get down to top 12? Yup, I hearya about the getting up thing....what is it that people don't understand about fireworks at 2 AM not being appreciated by everyone?? Really, I guess it's that they just don't give a crap. Kind of like most people these days. Sad, really.
  18. LOVED!! this! Luckiest1, I'm glad I'm not the only grinch about the fireworks; the city ones over the harbor that I'm watching right now are beautiful....but I'm afraid some of these jackasses setting them off in the backyard are going to set my house on fire! Every . freakin' . weekend!! the fireworks! Lordy, I'm beginning to appreciate Alberta's fireworks laws.
  19. FC, so sorry to hear you lost your pictures. I'll take a better picture of the quilt for you. At the time I didn't have a good place to put the quilt for the picture, but I do now. Hopefully in a day or two, I can get that for you. Eeeeehhh!! Thanks so much again! I'm enjoying it! Not much in the female department, I don't think; but I really, really like Omar Lunen; like Theo Tams and Gary Morisette and the other guy I voted for last night (WHY???!! can't I remember that dude's name!). I think there have been some good performances, and I like the CI judges for the most part. And hate me if you will, but I enjoy Ben! Liked him, definitely~not blown away, although I think he's a great pianist more than a great singer. Did vote for him though!
  20. Hey, you're not the only one living in that bubble, y'know! Couldya squinch on over a little?? ...and the good thoughts? Yah, me too. I include Jaymes in that as well. I think about her daily and wonder how she is doing....but that doesn't include a need to KNOW. Wow!! Awesome! Thanks for bringing that over! Tijala, thank you SO much for that picture!! I lost a computer to a power surge about 2 years ago, and with it all my older pictures, so I'm very pleased to once again have a picture of this one!!
  21. Me too! Although not my first time, I've been watching it all along. They don't dwell quite so much on the bad as AI does. I liked #6 and #9 Can't even remember their names, isn't that awful?? Sebastien Piggott is #6 I think....can't remember the other guy's name. Lots of pretty good folks this year though! I'm voting a few times for anyone I think did a good job; I'll narrow it down (maybe) later. Congrats on the job, Iseeme! ETA: #9 is Gary Morisette according to idolstalker....
  22. Oh, bigtime cultural thing for lizzybutts and I, I think! I know lizzybutts is from Alberta as well...and believe you me, those cowboys are SO not "Southern gentleman"! You mostly consider yourself lucky if you don't get trampled by them as you go through the door. Or maybe that's just me. So~when we see Clay, we see Unusual. With a Capitol U. NICE Unusual. And up here? Saying your mama didn't raise you right? Big nothing much.... I'm really glad you explained all that, actually! Cause sometimes us uncouth types up north here (speaking only for myself) don't get what we've said that caused a kerfuffle. Sorry for the kerfuffle! Simple culture thing....no disrespect intended to Ruben's mama or anyone else!
  23. I was just referring to his body language really...not taking her arm, no hand behind the back...you know all the little sweet gentlemanly things Clay does automatically? Also his walking ahead of her for much of the way~Clay would NEVER have done that. And the Mama reference was in comparison only....I of course have NO idea what his Mama taught him. I just thought the body language was interesting. Beautiful, Iseeme! I imagine those stars WERE quite the job! Do you paper piece? Based on your comment, I know those were not...but do you? Love the landscape! Are the miniatures free-hanging? ...and yes, an HP is supposed to be one of the best for printing on fabric. Iseeme's quilts are probably not the place you'd want to start *g*...especially those stars. But there are tons of simpler but equally gorgeous traditional and contemporary patterns. Stars have always been a favorite of mine too. How long? Everyone will tell you it's not a race...enjoy the process....but 3-6 months depending on how long you work on it every day. And assuming machine pieced and quilted. ETA: the other thing to do if you LOVE a particular pattern, but it's complex....is to do just one or a few blocks in that pattern, but BIG...they're easier if the pieces are larger. And of course you don't need so many to make a decent sized quilt. Iseeme, HP has a great website also, with lots of creative ideas for their printers HP Creative
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