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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Hee, except it's not Clay on the screen! I don't do politics. Nope....she's hoping to expose some other folks to our wonderful CD I don't do politics either....even Canadian ones!! We're so blase up here...probably not good. On the other hand, if there was anyone I even was remotely interested in voting for....I would.
  2. OK, I'm back! I just spent several hours copying/pasting all of Clay's blogs into a Word doc for a project I'm working on. Didn't have a lot of time to read, but there was definitely some of this and some of this and a HECK of a lot of this! :F_05BL17blowkiss: There was lots I'd forgotten about. ETA: Playbiller, from toni7babe at CV: Also: According to IneedaClaybotomy at CB:
  3. Done! Thanks very much! B. (not mentioning that I would pretty much bid on anything that Clay rubs himself against. Including something it would cost me $500 to get home from the Gala)
  4. Could you walk me through doing that? I have it on my myspace, but it doesn't automatically play I don't think. ETA: I'd also like to add it to gather.com, which is the more adult (or more old-fogy? ) version of myspace. If anyone knows how to do THAT, I'd appreciate it as well!
  5. Thanks so much for catching that! It IS absolutely hilarious! I love his sense of humor about himself, and think this was a kind and generous thing to do for the newbie coming into Spamalot. Maybe from now on....that's what they'll do! Clay made them think about it...as he has made me think about different things differently. I don't think that's Hannah in the thong to his left, though. Could be wrong. Hope I am. But I bet whoever it is, he's lovin' it! That was SO weird!! He made me completely uncomfortable! Is the whole GROUP of them on that show on something?? It was like he was hotwired on uppers or something and literally could NOT sit still! Me too! EIGHT MINUTES in my neck of the woods! EIGHT minutes! of phone sex and Pizza Hut commercials!!! AAAAAaaaaagggggggggggggggggggg!!!
  6. Completely off-topic, but fun! I know lots of you have other fandoms as well, and you might just see something here you can't live without: National Doodles Day auctions Scroll down past the autographed pics to see the doodles...there are lots of them, so page forward as well. For a good cause too!
  7. I'm trying reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaalllllly hard to not let those kind of people ruin the enjoyment I have loving and supporting Clay!!! I believe his people and his label know what they're doing. They may not always be right but at the time their decisions were made (and Clay's as well) they were made with the best knowledge and information they had at that time!!!! I agree whole-heartedly! If it does turn out that what they're trying is not successful for this CD, next time it will be different, I have every confidence. Sure am glad I don't have a job where I have to be perfect 100% of the time! ...and I strongly suspect the ones whining the loudest are damn glad they don't either.
  8. Call me an OTT fan if you will, but I LOVE this! Well I did, but now hawt California model Clay is showin' up! Oh good. Would you like to see him again? LOVE to see him again! That is one beee-yoo-tiful avi! I see the broadway awards site is back again...hmmm...wonder if those us of who voted early need to do it again?
  9. Oh, yes, I saw your bracketed comment! I just wanted to point out for anyone that is travelling, that it is possible that way....and my disappointment that I can't do more.
  10. Speaking for myself only, I would be more than happy to do so! But it is not available in Canada..... I was able to do one download while in Raleigh with a US hotel IP. I'm not seeing the link to vote...can someone point the way? luckiest, it seems to have disappeared...someone on another board posted a link which was the link to HER voting page (and therefore not usable by a million others...) and I think it might have crashed the server. Keep the link, though....I imagine it'll be back long before the end of voting on May 29th. Those crazy Claymates!! (KIDDING!!!>>>>>>)
  11. Broadway awards Nominees are now up for the Broadway.com audience vote awards! Clay won the nominations in each of his categories, as did Hannah and Spamalot. Please be sure to vote (click on the link in the middle of the attached article) if you wish!
  12. Yes, you're right. A link does help! Still looks like a fairly official blog for the auto industry though....I've been wrong before, probably am now!
  13. Because it is from FORD, not just Joe Smith blogger off the street. I don't think Ford's marketing/legal department, if they have a brain in their heads, would allow it to be used in what is effectively a commercial, without a payment to Clay. (this is an opinion) Widgets's question: Does anyone happen to have the code for the OMWH widget that had the link to guptamedia embedded?....and does anyone know if it might work on gather.com? TIA for any info.
  14. Eeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh!!!! Hope this is true! Tina is also AWESOME in concert!! They would be a lay-down HOOT!! together!....and she'd finally have a good man!
  15. Just bringing over a cute Leno review from ncgurrl at CH, via CV:
  16. Lawdy, lawdy, what a gorgeous screencap! WOW!! Thanks! ...and just to add to the Itunes info already posted, no, the Walmart bonus is not available in Canada. I'm sure some kind soul would get you a US Walmart CD if you asked.... Now if Clay got paid everytime someone said his name, he could produce individual records for each of us. Profit would not be an issue I strongly suspect Clay IS getting paid for the use of his name in that one in particular. Good on him!! me myb, it's about time!! Welcome! Great Leno appearance last night! Loved the raspberry...AND the "look, I'm not bitter" look. And the English accent demo. Don't think we'll be seeing that jacket anytime soon again He kept pulling at it and was obviously uncomfortable in it....that one'll go to the back of the closet and we'll see it again maybe in 2010 on Kimmel, when he's forgotten how uncomfortable it is! And we'll be able to say....isn't that the jacket from OMWH/Leno?
  17. The Trinity?? Yah! That!! Thanks for the correction, it really sucks when you get old....
  18. I think at the time, the term was soul-kiss. Which at the time gave me all kinds of vision-darkening, light-headed imaginings, let me tell you. Exactly!!....and me too! GAAAHHH :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  19. Indeed! But, despite what Clay said at that time~my understanding is there was NEVER~EVER a time after puberty when women weren't falling all over Clay. Us women are pretty smart cookies. FromClaygary... (bolding mine) tell me more, please. I have never heard this. Pretty please! Oh, believe me! NO super-sekrit info here!! I'm just referring to the oft-repeated info from years back re girlfriends from the time he was in junior high; in fact, if you re-read LTS, you'll remember he refers to them often. He doesn't specify that they were girlfriends ( I think it's just him not kissing-and-telling); but I understand there is no doubt that they were girlfriends in the way we normally think of. I remember someone (no idea whom) years back who coughed up the information that he had a pretty great rep as a french-kisser! ETA: to clarify...one of the Triumvirate, I think....
  20. Not sure if this has been brought over or not, but here is just the CUTEst picture (in my books) of Clay from Benihana....does he look like a 12-yr old at the zoo or what? This is from when the egg goes into the hat. In some ways, he is still 12 as well.....in the CUTEst possible way.
  21. Indeed! But, despite what Clay said at that time~my understanding is there was NEVER~EVER a time after puberty when women weren't falling all over Clay. Us women are pretty smart cookies. Yes, apparently spotlightlover was able to confirm that it is. PM me before you order. We're getting together a group order....luckiest, if you're planning on ordering, PM me too.
  22. Can I post-ho to add one more FUN thing to your "joblist"? It's SUMMER, folks!! ROLL those windows down and BLAST that CD you might just have playing on your car CD player as you drive around town. Summer + car CD player + Clay = instant "radio"
  23. I think it's more like.....DOY!!! ....picture someone slapping their forehead... I suspect we might be seeing even more of Clay on TV in some way, shape, form. He has said he is a creation of TV, and feels at least some of his success comes from his appearances there. Team RCA (TC don't do promo for CDs) just need some time, now that the CD is actually out, to arrange that. This was a hot topic of discussion yesterday too. Many Canadians are trying to buy at least a few copies from the US to help with those sales, since they are what really counts. But then again, we want to represent him here as well. Buying from iTunes with a Canadian IP address will count towards Canadian sales. There is no way around that unfortunately. But ordering from amazon.com or QVC is a way to count towards US sales. Heh, so is driving across the border (has anyone seen cindilu2 lately? ) Personally, I've split my purchases between US and Canadian stores. It's frustrating being Canadian sometimes......I really would love to be able to download mp3's from Amazon and things like that to help. Ditto that!! I've split my sales as well, with the majority being purchased in the US this time. As time goes on, I'll probably purchase more in Canada. I was pleased to see, though, that in my little (125,000) Canadian town, in ONE of two Walmarts, 32/43 Walmart CDs were gone by Wednesday. As far as I know, there is only one other fan here in town, and I've verified that she did NOT purchase her CDs there. I'm waiting until the store is open, and then I MAY head down to Niagara to go to the Kmart there...I want to call before I make the 3-hr trip and see if they have the poster/CDs left. So I'm sitting here freezing my ass off in my mother's basement, on her antique computer that won't play videos or sounds. She seems to think it's a good idea to turn her furnace off when it's freaking cold out. She has her windows open too. Yikes! We are going to the Manadarin (Chinese restaurant) for lunch when my kids arrive later this morning. Tried and true! Good luck with your meal couchie. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I will have to catch up on new interviews and the listening thread tonight when I get home. After I cut my lawn which was about 3 feet tall when I left yesterday. Eeep! I need a weekend to stay home and get things done soon! Oooohhh!! The Mandarin! Best chinese buffet ENNYWHERE, folks! Can I come too???
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