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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Yes, from what I hear about Chamberlin Clay is already extremely protective with him so I can't imagine with his very, very own child.... I would LOVE to see pictures but I'm not sure that we're gunnah. As the child of a Mom who had me when she was 46 (MANY more years ago than you were born!) I can relate! I think in her case, though, it was more by accident than design. One of those there freaks of nature In any case, I will definitely be praying hard that all of this turmoil does not affect Jaymes. PS Scarlett! One benefit of the back problems I've been having...I've gotten lots of things done for the Etsy site! Sure hope it's still a go for this Fall
  2. Someone mentioned seeing a post at the OFC regarding the statistics around risk for mothers in the age-50 range (I still do not believe Jaymes true age is 50). I think this is probably the one, and I thought it was very good and very thought-provoking, so I'm bringing it over from CV, from Permaswooned:
  3. OK, I HATE that there are people still feeding these sites with hits....but here's one description of a TMZ video I'm happy to copy over from andee1960 at CV: You rock, Ruben!
  4. Well, I'm not struggling with keeping sane, but I do like any of your three scenarios; and, in all honesty, any scenario which includes some basic respect for Clay and Jaymes expressed in the media and in the fandom...and a beautiful baby in August. Wait a minute...maybe I'm not sane! My father loved me unconditionally. My mother--not even close. She loves me, deeply, but she just isn't able to feel unconditional love. Would have to agree with that! Not about your parents but mine; the only person my mother ever loved was herself. That certainly didn't extend to any of us kids. Thank you kindly! Not to belabor a point - but in the Olden Days, when we grizzled old posters lament the demise of snark - that was snark. Snark was usually poking fun at ourselves as fans, not taking cheap shots at others. The situation has pretty much completely been reversed, we can't hurt widdle feewings, but we can take passive-aggressive jabs at Clay, family and friends. I remember when I first found the Clay message boards, I was so struck by the humor that was demonstrated by regular posters. I miss those days when we were able to laugh at us I wonder what happened, was it when outsiders started laughing at us (Cue stereotypical Claymate reference) that we became so sensitive? I think that's partially it....and... To me, it changed when the "rules nazis" (sorry for the expression) came out on the board I was a resident of at that time. It felt to me like two things: -being treated like a 4-yr old, slapped, and told to mind my manners (and I was NOT one of the ones causing the problem, BTW...it was the same culprits it still is today) -it felt like it made so many of the things that were "not to be discussed" dirty~when, in fact they were nothing of the sort! The example that immediately comes to mind is boobgate. I laughed my head off!..but on that board it was quickly shoved under the carpet, in my mind to fester there and become something it most definitely was NOT. I think the same thing is happening today. I'm very glad we can discuss it here and sort it out.
  5. Really enjoyed the discussion about voice technique! I also had noticed the points in WIDTL that others referred to; I don't know whether it's deliberate or accidental of course, but I've always thought of that sound as Clay going from (X song) to "mac n cheese". By the looks of Gibby's explanation, perhaps I'm not far wrong. Beautifully said! Hope you are recuperating as we speak! Ooops! Lost a quote beginning, but luckiest1 said: Hee....the EXACT one I have on my desktop right now. Had to add, from iseeme above: That's it exactly!!
  6. Well....cough....it DOES look like your Ms Spath is a little OLDER than Mr Spath...and a bit TALLER....but what the heck! I'll have him give her a call!! Those are called weeds. I should know. Yaaay for Sebastian and you!! And what if 12 years later, the separated twins meet at summer camp, switch places, and conspire to bring their parents back together again? That'd make a great movie... Just got a myspace bulletin from one Mr. Clay Aiken....just about hurt myself getting over there!...I have NO idea why! I actually thought it might be an appearance announcement of some kind., really. It was. AOL Sessions. Anyone else but me sometimes wonder if HE does his myspace etc updates when he's bored?
  7. Well.....Mr. Spath is a leeeeetle disheartened you don't remember him....but he's bearing up. Stiff upper lip and all that:
  8. Hmmm.....you mention a "series" but I only see one; are there more I'm not seeing? http://www.youtube.com/results?uploaded=d&...uery=Clay+Aiken You will see the others from that link. There are 5 YT videos called Claymates: Chapter (1 through to 5) Thank you!
  9. Hmmm.....you mention a "series" but I only see one; are there more I'm not seeing?
  10. OK, see, this is what happens when you are only allowed to sit for limited periods of time.... HAH!! We don't have Cracker Barrels in Canada; and I suspect, even though there are lots in the US, that Clay reacts to a Cracker Barrel sign the same way I do when I see one....ie, jumping up and down in the seat and shrieking and pointing....I can SO see him being in a Cracker Barrel in Virginia! Awww, crap!! I've already seen your further post that said kitty is OK....so awww, crap!! Are we getting the feeling this Gala wasnt' meant to be for us two?? And to all of my posts re the baby, please everyone just insert the "IF TRUE...." cause I'm tired as hell of typing it....Thanks!! So~iseeme, I completely understand your concern; but, as others have said, Jaymes' age doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the health of the baby. It can; it can not. My Downs BIL was born when my much-loved MIL was 34. And having said that.....I am SO not a religious person....but, I strongly believe that IF it is God's will that this baby NOT be healthy; can you IMAGINE a better person to be its father than Clay?? Lord, what a great choice you made, in that case! Re "someone who has talked about being a father and having a family"....I'm confused....isn't that what he's doing??? Yes. Definitely. No pardoning needed from this corner! Loved it, completely there with you! OMG!!! Someone who finally understands me!!! Are you single??? canfly re the driving....my spathyfillium can't drive either...and that's the only "us" there is in this house...unless you're volunteering to fly up and drive me? Gawd, I would LOVE that!
  11. Thanks so much for all the well wishes! It worked so well they didn't need the wheelbarrow to get me back out to my car today! Definitely better than yesterday, and now I can feel a bit of hope...I dealt with this same thing about 5 yrs ago and it took more than 2 years to get better~so I was afraid, very, very afraid. Honestly don't know what I'll do if it takes forever, as I would not be able to work. (I had an office job at that time) Yes, it probably will~have not been able to investigate as I just haven't been up to it. Doesn't he though?? Actually, I think he's SEEing something foul!! Thanks for bringing that over, I read the whole thing and laughed my head off! heinz, thanks for bringing over claymatron's experience....AWEsome to read, and thanks again to rohdy for facilitating. ETA: now THAT People article I like! Now I'm a little schmoopie...
  12. How are you doing? Hope the back is feeling a bit better. Ahhhh, crappy, but thanks for askin'!! Started chiropractor visits yesterday~$80 a visit, and I have to go 3x a week to start with, which is going to do NOTHING for my Clay fund, that's for sure! I'm probably dangerous driving, as it's my right leg that is affected and I can't properly brake or gas the sucker...so I'm trying to stay out of the car AMAP. Can't walk properly, and can't sit for long..... ...other than that, I'm great! Sure glad I have lots of Clay!
  13. LOVE the banner!! Great job....ansa? So true! That ICG has saved my life this last week!
  14. Awww, he looks wonderful! Here's another one... Getty Images
  15. Here's the snippet of "Sarah"....sounds like a beautiful one for Clay to sing... Sarah on amazon.com
  16. Me, too!! I'm hoping they tried like crazy and when it couldn't be done naturally, they went for invitro.That's assuming it's true and that they are a couple. Now that I like! Me too! Even though it IS none of my business...
  17. Here's a well done piece which explains how this whole thing happened...Squidoo article ...the NEWS dissemination!! SHEESH!! I think it's done by a fan, but well done. Might help you, iseeme.
  18. I'm lurking too but my question is why the hell would "clayandr" WANT to go read there and if she does, why wouldn't she make herself/himself invisible? And I thought "clayandr" meant Clay A & R, as in Artists and Repertoire. ***Back to lurking....*** Nice to see you, CG! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I think he's trying to move that annoying label at the back of his hoodie. My vote goes to scratching his back
  19. Postwhoring to add....looks now like it might be secondhand info...my initial understanding was that the poster had seen it. So.....HUGE grain of salt is needed!
  20. Okey dokey. I would think someone will cap this. I hope so! I checked my timeshifting but don't have it at all on a Sunday.
  21. ....and...... Just had a report that Clay was on Access Hollywood....was asked about being a Daddy and just laughed. Can't confirm a thing as I didn't see it.
  22. Maybe they're naming the baby Randolph?? KIDDING!!! Her main job as the CD producer, according to those in the know, of which I am not one. is A & R...Artist and Repertoire....so, Clay and R
  23. Sure hope so! I ordered a bunch, and I have heard nothing to indicate it was a problem. Mind you ...I've heard nothing! "Ordered a bunch" as in "ordered exactly as many as you needed" or "ordered a bunch" as in you will have extras? Will we see you at GDG's in a couple of weekends? Sorry! I emailed the list and thought I had caught everyone...no, ordered exactly as many as we needed...but if anyone doesn't want theirs...it's yours! Hoping to be there at GDGs....if I can walk. DEFINITELY count me in for that pin!!
  24. Sure hope so! I ordered a bunch, and I have heard nothing to indicate it was a problem. Mind you ...I've heard nothing!
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