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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. I dont' mind this, but there are times I think his voice goes "flat"....nasally...in the beginning, on the long held notes. When he does that in concert, that's when I imagine him thinking about what he's going to have for supper later. When he hits Faaaaaaaate and Paaaaaaaaaage in the first bridge is where I don't care for it I don't hear country in it, though, as others have said. Rest of it is quite nice.
  2. Yeah- I keep wanting to change some of the lines. But I love the SOUND of the song. Yah, I think so too. I suspect it has great potential for the Random Lyric Generator in concert...but I DO want to be there when he grrrrroooooooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllss!!!!! Haven't really gotten into this one, and I LOVE funk...but this just doesn't do it for me as much as some of the others.
  3. I love the little unexpected falsetto notes in this and "While we are here"; you would, in context, think he's going to a certain note and then he takes it into the next octave (?) in his falsetto. As a 2-note step. LOVE it.
  4. Yes!! Try and remind me now!! LOVE that!
  5. My favorite line in song. Ditto that!...and I love the unhhhhh....sound he tends to make at the end of phrases.....GAH!!
  6. Exactly! Me too! And yes, you can hear the "finger clicks" in the chorus just prior to "here" and "hard" especially.
  7. Just for the first time heard my favorite finger-clicks behind the chorus. Love the finger-clicks but hadn't noticed them before.
  8. Heee.....waves....hi luckiest! Apparently you and I are anxious!
  9. Didn't listen because I am work, but it sounds like it would funny! Thank you! That was great!! We were there just the other night....wish Clay had been! ETA: he knew he was a dead man when the conversation turned to "cycles" and he knew he was being video'd....
  10. Loved that piece from Nightline! I forget now who posted the link, but thank you! Also thanks to whoever posted the youtube of the Kirk Franklin piece...what a great bopper! Saved that puppy down; I'll try and DL it from Itunes, but the chances of getting it in Canada I suspect are slim to none. I'm looking forward to seeing Clay on Today...what a great week this has been, and I've been SO fortunate as to be working from home this week, so I can take "lunch" whenever he is on and watch it live, which I love to do. Nothing like seeing it in context. Ahhhh, NYC....I SO want to go back again! I'm hoping Clay will have something again I can go to, but if not friends and I have already made tentative plans to meet there for a round of sightseeing and fun. My Spamalot visit was my first, and I absolutely loved it. I didn't really think I would, as I'm not really a city kind of a girl...but it was great! Have a good one, everyone!
  11. OK, you're all dead wrong! It's ALL about ALAWH!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Luckiest, see you Saturday! Nite, all!
  12. OK, luckiest, I've never been logged out before as you've described....and it just happened to me! JINX!!! Unfortunately, I did NOT "copy" beforehand, and I've lost every. single . thing I wanted to high-five someone for and/or help them eeeeeehhh! over. CRAP. So~the Raleigh CDR party was fun! Lowkey, we gabbed and ate and watched clack and went over to the B&N across the street at midnight and screamed the countdown in front of their doors. It was a blast!! They would only let us buy a maximum of 2 CD's though....what's up with that?? It was Soooooo cool to be reading along, minding my own business, mentally bitch-slapping people over at the OFC last night; then I came across this post that made a WHOLE lot of sense....then I looked at the poster's name ...THEN I started to cry! Made my day. Made my week. Made my YEAR. LOVE that man!!! He looked stunning yesterday on GMA, and today on The View and sounded great too small voice...although the girls were a little off on the backup for Ashes, which I'm sure they'll fix. Loved Elizabeth Hasselback's reaction! Saw someone mentioning the piano player as looking like Sean...heee....that's Sean's companion, Ben. Am I the only one that thinks the guitar player on GMA (didn't notice on The View today) looks a LOT like David "X" (can't remember his name) on AI this year? Thought for a few minutes it WAS him. Can't find a pic right now. Sounds like a busy day for Clay tomorrow! Sure hope all this hard work results in some additional numbers on the chart for him...wish I could make it be, but...the lottery hasn't come in yet!
  13. Hi all! So glad all the NYC-bound peeps had a good time! Is that the understatement of the year??! Wish I could have been there, but it was not to be. In the meantime, I'm here in beautiful Raleigh, NC which is one of my favorite places on earth even withOUT Clay in it. Very excited about this CD drop, and the party tonight here, and the one in NYC which should be a blast! Looking forward to hearing all about it!! As someone very special just said last night...... :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: gdg, what's up in Cali? We need reports from our roving reporters all across the country! Say hi to Leslie (comfiecozyclay) for me if you see her...altho' she may be in NYC
  14. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!!!! My laptop now has a US IP (at the hotel), so I was able to download OMWH from Amazon. You have NO idea how thrilled I am!!! Only thing....it didn't ask me for payment information! Just went ahead and downloaded....scratches head........what's up with that? Did anyone else do this? Do they bill you or something?
  15. :F_05BL17blowkiss: everyone! Unlike most of the rest of the Clayworld, I'm down in Raleigh! Have finally given up on their wireless which booted me off every 5 minutes last night and am trying the wired....so far so good. Airline lost my luggage, which I am now waiting for....nice hotel, very happy with it....normal traveling stuff! I'm having dinner with a couple of special friends tonight so won't be around to listen in to the final night (not that I could on this connection anyway); but we'll all be thinking about him! What an amazing trip this gig became! I'm so, so, so thrilled for him. And now~on to the next! I will not, NOT be downloading OMWH in any way other than through Itunes when my email comes. I can wait until Monday night, to celebrate with friends an accomplishment about which Clay is proud, and enjoy (most of) it for the first time. I did watch QVC but can't wait to hear the CD version of those. Have a wonerful time, everyone in NYC! I know I don't need to tell you to make sure he feels the love.
  16. OK, I must be the dumbest, blindest thing in six counties....my top right corner is blank, and there IS no video screen that I can see. Says nothing about video anywhere. Oh bless you!! I never was able to find it.
  17. OK, I'll bite...where are you guys seeing anything to do with Clay on this page? I can't find it!!! Oooooo! Pretty chestnut AMA hair!!! I miss pretty chestnut AMA here! ETA: berkely posted this at the CH: Check out the listings on Clay's MySpace. Ok, Nightline? Nightline? Now THAT'S cool!! Jimmy Kimmel Live - from NY? The Today Shwo at 8PM?? And what is "Satellite Media Tour"? Good Lord!! The boy's tryin' ta kill himself! Holy Toledo!
  18. Glad you're having a good time, Couchie! Re the above: serious question here~why wouldn't your friends, at the intermission or for that matter, while this is going on~ask for an usher and make a complaint? This type of behavior at ANY theatre is usually grounds for a stern talking-to at least from a staff member. I'm curious as to why this does not seem to happen, or if a complaint is made, do they just ignore it and carry on? We weren't close enough to them at our shows (TG) to see.... ETA: or what cindilu2 said, quicker Us Canadians may be seen as polite (we're not), but we also know how to appropriately complain.
  19. It's always difficult for me to post in the AM (even though I'm often reading) as I have such limited time.....but this was SUCH a great discussion last night, I just had to get two bits in! I had tons of things "quoted"; but in the end, it all came down to this.....kandre.....you are my hero!! The only other thing I wanted to be sure to add is a response to this note... Good Lord Playbiller - do you know what the population of the San Francisco Bay Area is????? I don't know if you have the most people in close proximity as much as the most concerts in close proximity. There was a time when I took it personally - but now, I'm numb. There's nothing I can do to change it. But I swear, if he does another North Eastern centric tour again - I'm going to be pissed!!!! That is NOT the way to gain new fans. It's just the same ol' same ol' going to eleventeen concerts! I see jmh123 has already clarified your misconception about population, and I swear, iseeme, I'm not picking on you, it's just that your comment brought up something that a lot of the fandom expresses. So....I have to say, for once and for all......Clay does not pick where his tours go!!!! We KNOW that....it's been explained over and over and over again how a tour works, by those who know; but this type of sentiment keeps being expressed every time Clay tours. The solution? Keep in touch with YOUR local venues, your local promoters, and your local fans in a positive, enthusiastic and NOT over the top way...and maybe he will receive an offer he is able to accept from them! (/end rant)...sorry!! Hot button for me, obviously....FYI, we are working on a venue in my area and hope to see Clay there someday. ETA: and, of course, while I was posting my sentiments that noone cares about some of the most BEAUTIFUL pictures known to man crop up! GAHHHHH!!!!!! .....and OMG!!! But :giggle: I do think now that there is no Clannah...because of the way he's walking with her....no hand behind her back, no cuddle-up. Oh well.....sigh....signed, shipper extraordinaire.
  20. Head nodding here....but I still loved him to pieces! That SMILE!!!!1!!1 Those killer EYES!!!!1!!! LOVED it. my bolding....y'mean everyone there wasn't from the "Tomato" family??? Who knew?? Finally managed to get caught up after working this weekend through my usual Claytime. Another exciting week! Eeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
  21. Part of the Spamalot fundraising for BC/EFA...it was added later than the others, possibly to have time to get it framed (?) or maybe just because Clay went a-ha!! I know!! after remembering the success of the scores at the BAF gala. Glad to see it really getting up there! Ends tonight. ETA: so...I got the taxes fixed based on the latest info from my employer ...and it printed the enclosures page and then ran out of ink! Good God....will this thing go on forever???
  22. Uh huh, and there are some artists for whom that would mean taking writing credits *coughcoughcough* Clay's such a good guy when it comes to things like this. On that Billy Bush interview, Billy practically forces him to stop saying he didn't write the songs, lol. Exactly. OK, somebody make me step away from QVC online (just practising!) I'm about this close to buying something.....and it ain't a Clay Aiken CD!
  23. Thanks so much laughn!! Someone was looking for a Spamalot ticket, right? There's one here. May 4th evening, Centre Orch Row N $150. ETA: Clay's "public persona" is NOT silly???? Boy, does he NOT know Clay!
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