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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. It is here! You're good to go! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I just went out to the mailbox, and slipped and fell on the unplowed, icy road. Twice. I think I may, seriously, have broken my right wrist. Crap.
  2. Re the "friends"....EXACTLY!! Re the books....FromClaygary = Bookwhore2 Perhaps we should trade?
  3. Speaking of airfares.....I was doing some business searching today (HTH DO you get to Labrador City, NL, anyway? ) and found this, which may be of interest to Canadians wanting to get to NYC: NY Weekender pass This is a dynamic link, so it may not work; if it doesn't, go to aircanada.com and look at the top right for the NY Weekender pass. Generally, we fly out of the US to US destinations, but that isn't feasible for all. This offer from AC gives you 4 flight credits + a 40% discount on your hotel in NYC for $549 (out of Toronto). MUCH cheaper than I had seen previously.
  4. Ahhhh, you totally crack me up! Send a ticket to Clique?? I'd probably get a response somewhere along the lines of....."we regret your inability to renew your membership. Try changing browsers and updating your Java to the newest version". But on the other hand.....yeah! Why DO I need that list of friends? Just didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings that had asked me to accept them. Yes, they do. I ordered three mugs from them at different times and got them all with no problems....just a little GST at the door.
  5. Thanks ldyj and ansam....well, if that's the way it works....noone is interested in being my friend apparently! "Friends" is greyed out, and I can't click on it. So guess that means that anyone that was my friend previously is also gonzo. Oh well. Junior high all over again.
  6. Thanks couchie re the mugs...let us know what happens with it! Kind of OT....does anyone know how to see your "friends" at the OFC? My understanding was that if you were signed in, and went to "Fan HQ", your friends appeared listed on that page. They don't for me. I've had people tell me they've requested me/approved my request, but I have no idea how I see that. Don't want to have people thinking I don't love them anymore! What am I doing wrong?
  7. :F_05BL17blowkiss: all! I agree. He's probably looking forward to all the speculating and extrapolating that will inevitably result! He's such a little shit! Marilyn, I bet he would have LOVED your quickie comment! You should have left it in! No, thats the point. I DID leave it in!!! I took out the reference to Mr Happy though!! Aw shucks! I bet he would have loved that too! So....couchie....if you manage to get them talked into it, I'd LOVE one of those! Aren't they cheaper the more you get? I wanted one so bad when I first saw them at CH, but yah, like THAT was gonna happen! But I still want one. : (whine)Well, we had about 2 ft of snow here overnight. Took me almost an hour to get out of the house, as I couldn't get down the front steps which were completely buried....and my car was in the garage ....and my car exactly fits the garage. So you have to sliiiiiiiide down the side of the car, bend the mirror in, sliiiiiiiiiiide as close as you can to the garage door handle, and try to figure out HTH to get the door open when you can't reach it! Altogether, NOT a good start to the day. And then I got out, to find that my snowplow driver had, unbeknownst to him, dropped the load of snow from my driveway....onto the front steps! So I had 2 ft + 6 ft from the driveway to get thru. (/whine) Have I mentioned how much I hate winter?? ETA: I WAS glad to see that note from Aron re the Gala though...I figured as soon as we gave up on him and booked for Spamalot, they'd book it either the week before or the week after we were there
  8. Well, luckiest1, we're in the middle of it now! I think this is the worst stormy night this winter. Thank GOODness I'm working at home doing yearend this week! I'm so happy I didn't have to drive home in this! It is blowing about 160 miles an hour and we must have gotten a foot (of snow) in the past 2 hours. Marilyn....good to see you! Sorry, but I laughed my butt off at your predicament over at the Spam thread at OFC I bet he'll remember you next time too!! I'm so happy I know he's safe and warm on a stage in NYC.
  9. (my bolding).... I originally read this as "flies" off my desktop and thought WOW...you really must be bored!....and the same kind of housekeeper I am! Glad to see I'm really still alone in that. Eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh! I got my pins tonight too! Thanks, Canada border crossing guard! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I thought maybe you were keeping them for yourself! ...and I would understand that! They are wonderful!! Prettiest pins I've ever seen, I especially love the FCA/green one. Thanks cindilu2 and couchie! PS...no postage due, couchie. I've been reading at another board a bit, so now I have to go wash the gooey, sweet sticky stuff off myself...ewww.....la-tah!!
  10. Luckiest1 eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh re your flight news!! I'm thrilled for you! As alspaz suggested, we're going JetBlue and they were the best flight prices I saw out of Buffalo. They do only go into JFK though.
  11. OMG, I'm so far behind after missing a day! But it was a good day spent in the company of many good Clayfriends so it's all worth it. I've got to head off to work shortly, so I don't have time to see if this has already been posted, from toni7babe at CV...but if it has, enjoy it again! From last night's stage door (I think...could be matinee): Now....if you can manage to tear your eyes away from that GORGEOUS hunka ass for a minute..... look at the lady with the white hair to his immediate left in the pic....and the way she is looking at him... That will be me when I get there. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Have a good one!
  12. Not TOO far behind, much! They're not that great now because you're eating an apple that is out of season and has been in storage....I can't stand storage apples. Blech!!!! Try again in September next year...they're orgasmic, I promise! Well, not as orgasmic as some other stuff, like some of those pictures from the stage door showing eyelashes and chest hair and ......oh, but I digress... If you didn't click on that DHP link, you HAVE to! That was hilarious, thanks for bringing it over! His French is pretty darn good! I'm impressed!
  13. Having now googled "Jesse Helms"....I'm with you guys! I doubt it from what I know of Clay. BTW....no pins here (stifles big ugly sob.....) but I did receive an invitation to "Snuggle up with Clay Aiken" which I immediately accepted! I have to wonder though....who the hell thought that the "Aiken" needed to be part of that embroidery?? They thought I wouldn't know who they meant unless they added the last name????
  14. What an interesting day in Claynation! I read the article this morning before work, and am enjoying "listening to" all the differing viewpoints. I want to quote so many people.... I'm actually finding it a little amusing that so many people are picking up on that. I have no way of knowing, of course, but I think it's entirely possible that Clay actually said this and she accepted it without checking facts, as he had said so. We all know Clay has a very elastic sense of time, and I think it's quite likely he's been very interested in politics since he was much younger than 17. Isn't it possible the quote was "if I'd been old enough to, I would have...." which became "I did....". I don't know Jesse Helms or his politics, is it an issue with who/what the man is that has so many people thinking "no way!!". (my bolding)....SO not true if the tales from his "Y" coworkers and friends at that time are true! luckiest, didn't see this answered....and yes, there is if you have a second Paypal account (the only way to pay for Canadians) or can find someone who does and get them to donate on your behalf. You are me!! Me neither...I recognize some of the screen names, although I do understand anyone can post under those names taken from a board....but the ones I see are the same old, same old. Ho hum. There are a couple of them that should be beaten severely with a big stick; one I know is a teen whose internet usage should be more closely monitored by her parents. For me? I think the article is weird...but I do think that it will create more buzz, and I think it has provoked some interesting discussion, which is always good. Of course, I'm one of those middle-aged (I wish!) fat soccer moms who shouldn't have an opinion, let alone a sex drive. So me and my opinion AND my sex drive will just mosey along and pay for my tickets to Spamalot and have a HELL of a good time! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And Ariel can kiss my ass. (Who the HELL names their kid Ariel?? It's enough to make them write weird stuff in magazines.....)
  15. Kandre loved the recap, and knowing the 18-yr (only not) old whereof you speak....must say you have her dead on. Reading, you had me terrified about your plane "adventure' even though I already KNEW you got there OK! I'm the one who's sitting in the waiting area 2 hrs before the flight. I love ALL the recaps! Especially the fangirly ones of course, 'cause that's just me. But fangirly or not, bring em on! More detail the better! Pictures too! Dark, blurry, knees only...whatevah! BRING . THEM . ON.
  16. Good morning! (Phew, just in time...) (start whine...)Better morning today; yesterday I got up at the crack of dawn for me on a weekend (7:45 AM) to get ready for the delivery of a new bed from The Brick. When they came, they first of all absolutely refused to move my old one downstairs as I had been promised they would~then couldn't get the new box spring up the stairs to the bedroom. They were SOME pissed when I made them take the whole thing away! I'm not sure what they thought I was going to do with a queen size mattress only, standing in my bedroom! But they found out when I told them exactly where they could move it to for me! Now, of course, I have a queen size, quite expensive mattress pad that I was told to wash several times before using...and now of course can't return, because...duh...I washed it several times. Now I know how they make THEIR money. Advice to Canadians~don't deal with The Brick. (end whine...) *sniff* God, this just KILLS me! It's sooooooo Clay AND soooooooo us! I mean, really. Maybe this synergy we have between us---between Clay and his fans---is replicated with other celebrities, but I'm just completely new to this whole thing. He can ask us things...can direct us and we're there. And he KNOWS we will be. There's never doubt on either side, is there? He KNOWS who we are. The bad with the good, but he depends on the good. So true! I absolutely love the relationship we've developed with Clay over the years. Again, having never been a fan of anyone else, I have no idea if this happens in all fandoms. Perhaps so. But it makes me continuously schmoopie when I hear him asked about us in interviews and he fairly quickly evades the question, or amends the description used, or gives those there a quick grin a la Mike and Juliet...without really getting into it. Because when he does that, it reminds me of the way he discusses friends with others; ie, he really doesn't. He's not rude when asked~but the discussion is pretty quickly shut down. But when he's NOT being interviewed...on the OFC, or in M&G sessions...he is open and friendly and communicates with us as I believe he DOES with his friends~with honesty, openness and trust. It's one of the things I love most about him. I didn't see this brought over here....blog of the new Miss America, who is from Michegan: Miss Michigan blog Partial text:
  17. Goldarngirl and FromClaygary will be there Mar 21, 22, 23rd. Eeeeehhhhh!!!
  18. Here's the link for the Parade Challenge.....and thanks so much to anyone that can donate! TBAF Parade Challenge I still have three spots left if anyone can not donate but would like to help....just PM me.
  19. Can't speak to that one, as I don't do that....have no idea, sorry. ETA: good point, though!
  20. My understanding from everything I've seen is that it is by email address. I know that last year I was able to verify that by watching the "count" when I donated. I would assume this year is the same.
  21. I'll join you in that bottle of whine! At least it was sunny here today. Can not WAIT for Spring! IS THERE ANYONE HERE WHO HAS NOT USED ALL THEIR EMAIL ADDRESSES DONATING TO THE "PARADE" OR "SIX DEGREES" CHALLENGE? I would LOVE to sponsor up to 5 people for a donation if you have not been able to do so....in other words, you make the donation under your Paypal/credit card, I will pay you back the $11. Please PM me if you are interested; I have PayPal. I DO NOT want TBAF to miss out on this additional funding. :thumbup:
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