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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. MERRY THANKSTURKEY TO ALL MY FAVORITE FOLKS DOWN SOUTH! I hope you are all having a wonderful day with friends, family or just on your own...in the way you love best. WHY do you suppose I have an almost insatiable desire for turkey/dressing and a green bean casserole I've never tasted in my life??? Might have to visit Swiss Chalet tonight. When I saw that, I visualized this face.... OMG! I agree!!! Haven't heard a thing about this, but I'm extrapolating that there were complaints the city was spending too much money to bring in a "cheesy" singer? By certain people? How TRULY awful first, that Celine knew about this (I gather...) and second, that it affected her performing. Your daughter must have been crushed, and although I'm not really a Celine fan (altough not a not-a-fan either), I feel badly for Celine. Sorry, but some of these things just go right off the deep end! How incredibly stupid!! Well that was great fun! Thanks for bringing it over! I haven't spoilered myself for Spamalot as I want to see it with fresh eyes. I didn't see boyfriend's character in that group I don't think...but if that is the "tone" of the whole production how much more fitting could it be for him than "Look on the Bright side". He's the master. I'm off to get someone to bring me a turkey pizza or something...through the drifts and ice. I refuse to go out in that mess. And God knows I don't cook!!
  2. heh, do what I do when I go there, read the index page. You can also look through their clack alerts thread. Thanks, I did actually, but there is nothing in there except a non-working link to ...I guess somewhere where someone put it on their own website or something? Anyway, it doesn't work and there is no mention of it having been vaulted. Really appreciate the info, anyway. I think it's interesting that Clay will be doing his UNICEF trip this year during his Christmas "break"; certainly somewhat out of necessity based on his schedule this year. BUT I do recall seeing somewhere, information that the Ambassadors do not get "taken" to these locations~they PAY for them out of their own funds. So, effectively, this becomes Clay's "gift" not only to the children he will raise funding and awareness for when he returns, but also to UNICEF. So, the fact that he seems to take more trips than other Ambassadors (which I agree with)...is up to him, I would think. I think he's incredibly special...and I think I need to start saving for UNICEF donations when he returns!
  3. It's been vaulted - the usual places. Here's the CU Link. Thanks so much! I have no time to go through the 1000 pages on CV to look for it...and the last time I asked over there I got my head ripped off and handed to me on a stick.
  4. WOW, so many things I wanted to quote and respond to today! Nothing to respond to...it just CMSU!! :lmaosmiley-1: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! WTH, we don't have a "GAG" emoticon? Sure lucky we're all different, isn't it? My bolding........SO agree!! I don't think there's ever been anything in his life Clay has done that has not been done to his 100% best at that moment. It's just not in him, IMO, to do anything but. Number 1,376,008 of the Reasons I love Clay Aiken. I agree about the cheese! I must be the biggest cheeseball on earth cause I loved it all. Re the "vinegrettes"; this makes me laugh...I've heard it so often I'M starting to call them that! First few times I heard it me said to me "WTH are they talking about?"...now, as I said, I'm starting to call them that....scary!! Does anyone have the ability to rip that interview? I'd love to have it for my Zen.
  5. ETA It was meeeeeeeeee Eeeeeeeeeehhhh!!! We wanna hear all about it! (and see the clack....)
  6. Oh, Lordy, my concerts aren't even in that batch and I know I probably can't win, regardless....but that doesn't stop me from hyper-ventilating! Can hardly wait for the usual suspects to start announcing their wins.... ETA: green-eyed monster? Oh, heck yah!!
  7. Nope, neither of us, but maybe goldarngirl.....I like Jacob, I went and saw him in a little club with my son a while back. He's crazy, but like you say, he makes me laugh. Ahh, I think you're right! I had a feeling I was mis-remembering. And ooh! ooh! the next time you see a club date for Hedley, let me know...I could make a trip south! ...and ansam....so with ya on the "have patience!" I am truly excited for this new CD IF Clay is given free rein. I trust his instincts. ETA, and back to another day, another subject ....mmm'mmm! honeycrisp! I found a fresh-from-the-orchard fruit stand when I was up North Bay way last week.
  8. Which, to me, would be far preferable! Love Bon Jovi, and love Jake...he's just SO OTT!! He makes me laugh, and I feel like he makes himself laugh. I'd love to see that show if it's true....weren't you going, BTW, or was it Cindy? For those in the US wondering who the heck Hedley is....their website
  9. christelklein Worked until 3 AM and my butt is draaaaaaagin'!! Nope~equally wonderful Pam G., who is also in Greensboro; you will remember her as the lady who accepted the award on behalf of all the Beta Alpha folks at the Gala. Pam H. is still with our group, though. And still hilarious! I'm much too brain dead to put sensible sentences together; but wanted to add my agreement that the effect of AI on the music scene today is mind-boggling. I'm hoping that eventually, the influx of singers that CAN, for the most part actually SING...may turn the trend back to music that can be sung. Hope it's in my lifetime.
  10. Hi FearofH2O! Wish I could have been there...I'm so glad to hear a little recap! What a coup getting this show is for Pam and all of you; I'm so proud of y'all! And so delighted it came off well! What happened with the merch the lady from Ireland gathered? Are you going to/did you do some auctions or something? ETA: I keep meaning, and forgetting, to mention...it amuses me to see that Clay's hair was spiked from pretty much Day 1 of at least Hollywood, if not Atlanta. So I'm not sure exactly what Dean B. was going on about with the "huge makeover" he supposedly did. A little hair lightening, and a little eyebrow tweaking looks like about the extent of it to me...and some clothes advice (which I believe Miles did, not Dean).
  11. Thanks so much Kim! When I saw this this morning earlier I died laughing...I knew there was something last night when I first watched it...you can see by the mischief on his face but I didn't "get it" until I saw the .gif. Little shit! I'm loving AIR2; there were many, many of these episodes I never saw because of my job at that time. I'm thrilled to have the DL available especially, because of the expanded focus on Clay. Fun!! ((((((zena))))))
  12. Kim, I'd love that sugar cookie recipe; I used to have one that was just wonderful, but lost it. For any Canadians buying books for K'zoo...Chapters is having a Customer Appreciation 20% off day tomorrow. It would be a great time to buy your books if you haven't already! 20% off all books, doesn't include magazines.
  13. Rohdy, I must admit I actually laughed....because I remember when you thought only one or two people were interested in participating.... First, congratulations on such a successful project, and on leaving such a GOOD taste in the city of Kalamazoo's mouth re Clay and Clayfans! Great work! Second, I think your instincts are correct too...I like Kareneh's idea of their having a display in the lobby if the venue will agree to that, though....and I think it would be beneficial to the tune of $ added for them. I think they probably not only want to say thanks, but also to bring a little more high-profile attention to their cause; if they have someone that's good at marketing, I'm sure they're pushing for it. Now that just CMSU!! OTOH, Diane IS a good friend...is she still on GMA? I don't even know....but there definitely is a con-eck-shun if she is. TOO funny!! Cindy....gaaack!! That is A-MA-zing!! Holy crap, girl, you are the PSP queen! Great job!! Thanks for sharing!
  14. jumpingjacks, you just put my crappy day into perspective... :F_05BL17blowkiss: What are the criteria for a kidney match?
  15. OMG, Gibby, that is gorgeous! I have one of Linda Huber's prints that I actually purchased from ebay, it was a BAF auction...and I love it. But....one of these days, I am going to treat myself to that one and the UNICEF one....if I am a VERY good girl. ETA: those eyes are mesmerizing...it's tough to look away! ((((((muski)))))) Many people never recognize themselves as you do. You're one step forward already.
  16. Hi from the Best Western in beautiful downtown North Bay, ON! Went to respond and realized I wasn't logged in....the AIR spoiler for luckiest and anyone else....scroll if you don't want spoilers..
  17. After having spent 40 years in retail...believe me, I've seen it all when it comes to Christmas commercialization. For at least 25 of those years I was not able to celebrate Christmas with my family, who were European and therefore celebrated Christmas Eve...while I was at a store somewhere stacking up Tshirts or saucepans for Boxing Day (day after Christmas, for you Americans...it's our version of day-after-Thanksgiving) sales. Clay has actually given new meaning to Christmas for me~his expressions of hope and faith in mankind, that simply happen to happen around Christmas have me now looking forward to it for the first time in my life. Most of my best Christmases ever have been spent in little churches in NC with friends~and in that "friends" group I count the people in those churches that I've met for the first time that day. It's been absolutely magical, and I'll miss it this year like nobody's business. I never understood why people were offended. What difference did it make? I always felt he sang if for himself and it was important for him. I loved that song and downloaded it after every show and like I said I'm not religious at all. He was just so passionate while singing it. Me too; one of my absolute favorites of his for that very reason. He exposed his soul to us in the singing of that song. ...and I think he's doing a wonderful job! Completely agree! I have sent in a story, and been asked to read another if it is chosen. Chances are neither will happen...but if one or both does, I hope I don't have to crawl in the woodwork afterwards. I also think the reason Clay has not received MORE submissions is because of that very fear...it's already being taken out on many who have submitted stories, every day, on every board. I don't get it. And that's the crux of this whole deal for me: Are the storytellers going to see themselves and their stories (heartfelt or sappy or blatantly manufactured or whatever) eviscerated on the boards? It seems to be heading in that direction already in some quarters and I find that to be very troubling. Me too.
  18. For those who don't like CD spoilers......SCROLL!! Looks like this has been "held" for the new CD as follows from Brent Paschke's myspace. Forget I Ever Knew You has apparently been removed from the site pending it appearing on the CD....but I REALLY like the other things I am hearing on his player on his myspace. It's very personal, of course, but this is the kind of music I love to hear Clay sing (kind of funky, bluesy ballads) and I'm excited!!
  19. Ah yes, we know....but WHICH aisle is the thing....centre....or off in never-never land over on the side??
  20. Yup, I like "D" too! Scarlett, so glad you enjoyed the show...there are usually some a-MA-zing pieces there. Off to bed for me as I have to be up at 4 AM to catch a flight...wish it were to Vegas, but unfortunately I'm off in the opposite direction to Ottawa to work..
  21. My vote goes to B. as well...I have no problem with smutting but can't see myself wearing C. onstage with Clay....cause I'm thinking positive. CG, thanks for the YorkPhoto suggestion. ETA...and Gibby for the EZ Photo one...I'll check them out!
  22. luckiest1 and luckiestjr, glad to see you're having fun! You know we're going to want to see ALL those pictures when you get back! playbiller, I neglected to add earlier my horror over your story! Been there, done that with the early AM flights. I applaud your stick-to-it-iveness; hope the rest of the trip is a joy, and your foot gets better ASAP.
  23. Morning! Just to confuse the issue, I have to catch a really early shuttle to the airport tomorrow for work, so I'm "saving" my extra hour until tonight The things we do to our minds! Question: I'd like to do both a Clay and a family calendar for next year. Can anyone tell me from their experience, which are good sites and which might let me actually use my Clay pics for a calendar without copyright issues? (The Clay calendar is of course for my own use only)
  24. I was hoping you might be heading there today! ....and hee, yes, I hope you're not going it alone! I think they do deliver, though....:insert evil grin emoticon here:.... So excited that you're coming to Erie! Hope you got decent tickets, shoulda given me a holla I could have done it for you yesterday. PS....OK, this Canadian gives....what the heck is a segway?? I know what a segue is.... I'm off to a Christmas Craft show not nearly on the scale of the IQF...but I bet I'll spend less! Latah!!
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