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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Pax already has a regular cap up at her site for those without keys. I don't have a link, but I'm sure that those who use it regularly know it.
  2. Good morning! So...here's something that brought ME up out of my chair last night, and I don't see anyone else talking about it, so it's entirely possible I'm nuts. In AIR, remember the two girls who were there because 1) was the ex-girlfriend and 2) was the current girlfriend of the same guy? There was a fairly extended little piece about them..... Well, I think this girl.... was person 1). Anyone else want to go back, have a look, see what you think?
  3. Just checkin'....nuthin to see here.... Well crap, that didn't work! Oh...now it did! Sorry, folks, talking to myself as usual...I had to get a pretty new avi to match n=my new designation! Wheeeeeee!!
  4. Eeeeeeehhh! Thank you for the screencaps! I too can hardly WAIT to hear words I've not heard before, from a voice I know and love. luckiest, you have a son that rolls out of bed in the morning??! You ARE the luckiest1! Oddly, me too...do you live in Toronto? Although I hate winter, it is cool to hear them in their travels. They ARE talkers, aren't they? I'm up early this morning to go to a beadshow in the city, then I'm off to dinner with goldarngirl. We should be back just in time to see if that 1 AM version of AIR is showing up on my teevee.
  5. Eee-hah! Except I've discovered today when I tried to DL something, I appear to have been cut off. I've sent a PM.
  6. Scarlett :F_05BL17blowkiss: I only wish they could be convinced. Re the sooper-sekrit clack...I'm assuming this is going to be available only to the CH? (sigh...) Does anyone know?
  7. Awwww...I think that is so cool you did that! I'm thrilled for them that the Japanese fans were able to get some of these things. I also think it's wonderful that the woman's family knew enough (perhaps from instructions from her?) to contact the message board and ask to have it distributed. Makes note to self re will.... PS...How much did you want Paypal'd again for that note re my youth? That will offset the young whippersnapper in Shopper's Drug Mart that, when I dragged my weary 10-hrs-at-work body in there tonight, asked if I wanted my senior's discount. I refrained from whacking her.
  8. :lmaosmiley-1: I knew what you meant!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :lmaosmiley-1: I didn't!! If anyone would like to listen to Bo Bice's new CD, it is sampled on his site here. It works for Canadians too. I don't like them all, but there's probably one or two I'll cherrypick from Itunes if they're available in Canada.
  9. Yaaay! I'm guessing that means I can leave my camera at the hotel that night? ...and thanks so much for the quilt show offer! What a sweetheart you are! I can't think of anything right now, bu may just PM you on further thought. Re (my) bolding: I've been thinking about this ever since I went to the Anne Murray Centre. I think that, as a fandom and individuals, we have the most amazing opportunity to document the "birth of a star" that might ever have existed...because we have it all, from day one. I seriously and sincerely hope that those of you that have unique items take really, really good care of them...and then give Faye or TBAF right of first refusal if they need to be disposed of. I'm thinking of things like the original score of LAA signed by David and Clay...and there have been other things over the years that are truly priceless to this history. I do hope that someday there is the opportunity to present them all somewhere, housed beautifully, as the documentation of the growth of the huge star he will have become by that time. down smutters! Playbiller Par'm me? Are you suggesting that Roger and Clay have a "relationship"?
  10. Love the note! Another one falls captive... ....and! Meeeeeee!!! I'm going to Williamsport! Row AAA dead centre, bay-bee! Life is strange in this day and age...while I was posting, I received a note from my youngest son...who at the moment is here. Although he can't figure out how to upload pictures on the Korean-language computer he is on...I can "talk" to him in real time...from Korea...now how cool is that??
  11. mmm....those sweet chili wings from Sobey's are GOOD! Or, could it be that I just haven't eaten since yesterday aroujd 1 PM? :lmaosmiley-1: Anywhoo...I went only to my HS 20 yr reunion. It was a BLAST! My graduating class was the last of the school; but the building was not torn down, it was just made into a private school. So our reunion was held in the summer, right at the school. We got to explore those hallways once again, check out our old lockers, and a bunch of the teachers came as well. We were asked to wear "fashions of the time" (the 60's) and it was a hoot! I was neither a nerd, really, nor was I one of the popular crowd. I was just "average Jill" . Like Clay, I sang, so I had a builtin group of friends. I DO remember the two nerdy boys from my year...one of them sat right behind me in many classes (alphabetically) and I quite liked him. He was funny and really, just poor I think and shy. The other guy he hung around with for most of the time, I didn't really care for. At the reunion Mike (Nerd A) was there~a very charismatic priest. Nerd B had just the week before been arraigned for pedophilia. I believe he's still in jail, 20 yrs later. You never know.
  12. Careless Whisper wrote: Oh, very cool! I'm so glad he was able to, and chose to, go. Hope he had a helluva good time! Bookwhore, you are baaaaaaaad!!! I wondered why your avi was the only one that got changed. You need a spanking! :thdom2: Yay, my quotes work again! ....and bookwhore, you win the prize! Gottem! (Got me too, but I ain't tellin') Yup....everything seems to be working! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And yes, the little guys tell who's online. CV works the same.
  13. Hmmm....I keep trying to hit the quote button to quote Cindilu2's post about her swears *g* and I can't...it just jumps away and throws me up to the top of the page? hmmm....others seem to be able to quote...?? Also...the code doesn't work in my reply by highlighting and hitting the button above the reply box...I'm having to type the html code. Let's see if this will even post... Well it posted...any ideas, anyone?
  14. I lost y'all last night, and took it as a sign I was supposed to be in bed.... (my bolding) Now there's the understatement of the year! The International Quilt Festival is one of the largest quilt events in the world, and still I believe the largest conference event hosted by the city of Houston. You should definitely have a look-see! It's dedicated to all kinds of needlework, not just quilting, and you'll see all manner of delicious things. If you're art-inclined, or color-inclined, it's a must! Don't plan on going for just one day though...I warn ya! And take a camera...you'll be able to take pictures, as long as you don't use your flash. There are always dyestuff companies there as well...for sure Jacquard. I've been to it many, many times but not since 2003...wonder what happened then? We have met, actually, but very briefly and casually so I'm sure you don't remember. I think it was Canandaigua, and probably jmh123 who introduced us...could have been goldarngirl...or maybe luckiest1? Hee...see what I mean? I'm not even sure! I'm the funny-looking one with the spiky hair which most people remember. After I quoted this, I see Kareneh has posted some pictures. They're beautiful and went right in my (other largest) collection! Kareneh, from the places you've been, I'm guessing you're in the oil biz. No stays in Calgary? Azerbajain should be a terrific adventure, and the additions to stash from over there would be very tempting. When I moved here to Ontario, I got rid of about half of mine to my guild members, and the movers still complained. Well, enough of boring the rest of you! Have a good week, everyone! Canuck Don't rush em! My youngest son is as we speak over your DS's way...he's on a 2 month jaunt to Korea. Japan, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam etc etc. Left Friday. So far no requests for bail money.
  15. Just to change the subject once again...I'm kind of ADD today, sorry...but this time a bit more on topic. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I had an interesting visit earlier this morning. I just flew back from two weeks in the Maritimes (working) today; on the way back from Moncton NB to Halifax NS to catch my flight home, I took an hour and stopped in at the Anne Murray Centre in Springhill, NS. I know the Canadians will know Anne Murray (those of a certain age at least *g*), but I think many of our American friends will as well. Since the start of her career in 1966 approximately, she's won Grammies galore (10 I think) and awards from every aspect of the music business. Springhill at the time she first became famous was a town of about 5000 just recovering from the Springhill Mine disaster. She became well known as a performer on an popular variety show on TV in the '60's (Don Messer Jubilee). It featured east-coast music, and Anne was one of the singers on the show at age approx 20. She is well known for the beauty of her alto voice, and for her groundedness through the years of her fame. Every step I took through the centre reminded me of Clay. The way she started, singing in talent shows etc and then going on to be featured in a TV show; her quick rise to fame, and the grounded and sensible way in which she handled it. Her love of her family, her hometown and her friends. The Centre is a non-profit organization whose proceeds go to provide jobs for the people of the village of Springhill today. Can't you see Clay doing something like this, if Raleigh were in that kind of situation? I've been a fan of Anne's for many years (well, fan is relative...I've seen her in concert 5 or 6 times in 30 years) but I found it very interesting. I'm so glad I took the time! Here's her website if anyone wants to refresh their memories: Anne's official website with links to listen to her music
  16. Well how totally cool is THAT??!! What a great way to develop colorways! I've done quite a bit of dyeing and loved it, when I used to live in Alberta. I was dyeing cottons for use in quilts, though. Here in Ontario, the water is completely different and I haven't had time to do the experimentation necessary for the work. I'd LIKE to find a studio where I could work and not have to worry about dyeing my laundry room magenta *g*! Here's a couple of the pieces I did; these were auctioned off to raise funds for BAF. I'm thrilled to say I've been able to raise more than $1500 for them from the auction of these quilts. This is "Measure of a Man": This is "This is the Night"...not quite completed in this pic, but you get the idea: and the back of TITN: ETA: I forgot to mention, the words to the songs are quilted into each piece. Hee, I'll pass along the compliments, thanks! My son would be relieved to know that...he's just 38, but married a girl who had children from a prior marriage, and is a few years older than he is. My granddaughter (Keigan's Mom) is 23. It was a big hurdle for Steve when he had to tell the guys he plays baseball with that he was going to be a grandpa! :lmaosmiley-1:
  17. Oooh....what kind of Fibre Art do you do? I'm into pretty much everything except weaving.... I'm awful too so I wasn't going to mention this but just in case the people who knew my travel plans (cough-eHP-cough) read your post about our meeting in California and think I picked up someone over there -- I didn't -- KAndre was my partner throughout the state. Besides, we couldn't fit anyone else into the miata. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Well, then - colour me confused = Who the hell did I meet at the Pala pool who introduced us to their DH and I had a long conversation with him???? I thought it was you, Scarlett but now I'm all confuzzled, and I'm going to hide in a cave! I gotta tell ya, this was the funniest conversation ev-ah to read! I have to join the baby pic brigade tonight, even though I know y'all couldn't care less....humor me! I have waited 2 months and 7 days to see a picture of my brand new (and very first) GREAT grandson! His grandparents (my middle son and DIL) are techno-challenged and have no clue how to email pictures....his Mom (my granddaughter) has been a leeeeetle busy since he came along! In any case, here is Keigan at approx 3 months: (clickable) and here is Keigan and his proud Grandpa, my son Steve, just after his birth:
  18. luckiest, you're not the only one...but I am cheatin' a little, cause I'm in an earlier timezone than you. Funny discussion about the names. I'm one of those people that has to "visualize" someone's name to be able to remember it well. If your name is Diana and you don't "look like a Diana" to me....I have a hard time remembering your name! Isn't that the stupidest thing?? Funny thing is, you don't LOOK like a "insert luckiest's real name here" to me; now Lucky....yes! Maybe even Licky! Definite Awww...I haven't been able to listen to it all yet, and hadn't heard that. I'm delighted that he has dear friends...or whatever that are willing and able to tour with him. I'm betting last year Christmas wasn't nearly so fun. I know that after he was ill, in Detroit when Quiana showed up out of the blue, I literally burst into tears like a fool when I saw her, I was so relieved. Until then, I hadn't realized how worried about him I was. I don't know whether her visit was a surprise to him or not, but I'm betting it was the medicine he needed at that moment. I love Q's voice, and generally like some of A's work; but this tour, I was blown away by the choices. Just wanted to add my thanks, too, Cindi for your posting of the lyrics to WTLGD; I had picked up on some of them but couldn't get the whole thing. It IS a beautiful, beautiful song no matter who picked it. I am enjoying this discussion about voices and the physical necessities around keeping them...interesting.
  19. Wow!! Cool stuff, everyone! Thanks for the response to my questions. When I get home I'll have a look at their website and see if there's any dual-core info.
  20. I don't know why it would work with yours and not with mine either, Cindi. Short version of what happened: I installed the software (PSP X); the install crapped out. When I went online to investigate WTH, the "fix" stated that there was a problem with PSP X and dual-core processors, and that I had to DL a new set of video drivers. I was finally able to DL the new set of drivers (after many problems doing that, their directions were completely wrong); nothing changed. The install had completed to the point where anytime I tried to open a picture, it tried to open with PSP but couldn't, for the obvious reason...and completely froze up the computer. I couldn't UNinstall it because it hadn't installed to the point where the OS "saw" it...and so there was nothing there to uninstall as far as it was concerned. I ended up having to do a complete system restore; thank Gawd for recovery disks. Never~ever~having anything to do with PSP again. $169 down the tubes. I had had the software for about 3 months before my (old) computer got fried by a power surge and I purchased the new dual-core one.
  21. Eeeeh, I'm happy to see this thread...but you may be sorry, I probably have some of the dumbest questions ev-ah! I'm not a dumbie, but just have never been able to figure these programs out. So here goes: 1. I'd LOVE a suggestion for a PS software that works with dual processors, and that is reasonably easy to use. PSP does not (just about destroyed my computer completely getting it off!) 2. I'd love to know how to tag pictures! I currently have Paint, and the photo-editing program that comes with XP (sorry, I'm not at home right now and I can't remember what it's called!) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  22. Just bringing forward a suggestion of Cotton's....for those who would like to express their condolences in a more concrete fashion, a donation to BAF would be a wonderful way of doing so. Donate
  23. Exactly....and I think that was the perfect way to say it! ...but it would be SOOOO nice to just leave it be for a bit, as Clay obviously wanted.
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