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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Post-whoring, and still haven't gone back to the taxes! I see elsewhere there is a Billboard interview mentioned that I seem to have missed. Anyone know anything about that, or where I could find it? TIA!!
  2. Thanks Gibby, for the information, which I also find very interesting. I liked his comment about her "being kind enough to rewrite" some of the lyrics for him. I suspect (with little basis!) that Clay rewrote the lyrics, and got her blessing on them. I think he is an exceptionally good lyricist/poet, and notice he often changes things (deliberately, as opposed to the random lyric generator we all know and love). Me too!! My backyard faces west/northwest, and at this time of year in particular I find myself at the window with the camera almost every night. What a great idea! I'm looking forward to it. Still not listening to the snippets. Claygasm, we might be the only snippet virgins standing at the end. Nope. Just OMWH for me. No snippets. None. No other singers. Couldn't find the emoticon I REALLY wanted, so just visualize me thumbing my nose at you! I know you can do it!! Off to do my taxes today for the (3rd?) time.....as my company has changed its mind A-GAIN~!! about my expense deductions!
  3. Just catching up......re my bolding above....Cooooooll!!! I totally didn't catch that Gala time will also be State Fair time. Good catch, and yee-hoo! for fried Twinkies and dill pickles! Not going to beat a dead horse, just want to say how happy I am to see my friend cindilu2 back! Backyard pictures: I have a vacant lot behind my house that, in years without drought, has a fairly large pond in it. I absolutely love it as it attracts birds and other wildlife and beautifully reflects the city lights and sky above and beyond it. My yard is just grass (I'm SO not a gardener) but the pond....is awesome. ETA:....hmmm...not sure how to get rid of the thumbnail, which did not show in the preview so I thought it didn't attach. Oh well.....enjoy twice!! ETA2: There....did it!
  4. Thanks so much merrieeee....you rock!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. So, I don't know who "zoopy" is but .... HAH - sorry, incorrect information. Canuck was thinking of Spooky and she did not win the dinner. In fact, no one knows who won the dinner. I'm sincerely hoping it ain't FBM and her crew!!! Not possible, this is the good news....purchasers were "vetted" first. Only approved purchasers allowed to bid. chacha, is it that he/she thinks they have to do it thru the US site (not true, and in fact impossible)...or is the person actually having trouble doing the preorder on the Canadian site? On the Canadian site....bring up Itunes. Go to the Store in the task list at the left of the screen, or via the "house" icon in the grey bar at the top. In the "Quick Links" square at screen right, see "Power Search". Click on it. In the white "artist" bar at the top on the resulting screen, type Clay Aiken. Hit Search. Voila! On My Way Here is to the top right. Click on Preorder. Type your password, and click Buy. It will ask you to confirm. Done. Hope that helps! :F_05BL17blowkiss: On a second note:....Is there anyone going to Spamalot prior to the end of the EC/BFA promotion that could purchase a signed Spamalot for a friend of mine? She has paypal and would be most appreciative.
  6. Me too!! It totally MADE my (12 hour) workday yesterday to receive a text from Clay in the middle of it. Eeeeeeeehhhhhh!!! Oh please!! Me and my 12 relatives are losing! You're not alone. I have never gotten it at all; I've heard kd lang's version that everyone raves over and hate it, and Jason Castro's version, which "sucked donkey balls" to quote a well known personage ...and I still don't get it. oolsee I appreciate your explanation....now I like the lyrics but I STILL don't like the song! Maybe if I heard Clay do it, I dunno. I like WAMLAW, but would love to hear something different.
  7. EEEEEEEEEEeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ordered my OMWH!! Oolsee, LOVE the banner! liney and jmh, thanks for joining me over at Gather! Off to work....
  8. So....has anyone checked out that site that Clay's most recent webisode is on? Gather I'm actually quite impressed....a social site that looks like it might be something I'd be interested in! Who'd a thunk? I've spent most of the last 2 hours there doing my profile etc....like I need something else online to waste my time on.... But if anyone else also joined....please feel free to add me! There's already a Clay-nation group there (started by the site admin) with 23 of what looks to me like NJU. Cool! Here's my Gather
  9. Yah, me too. And I do believe in "Pay it forward". Doesn't mean I expect everyone else can or will.
  10. hee...thanks luckiest1 from Notacanuck at the CH...possible link to the new webisode http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.jsp?arti...;nav=Groupspace seems like the video is not up yet though. It's up now!!
  11. I've dealt with Itunes for many, many years and I have NEVER~ever~seen them update on a Monday. I suspect RCA marketing either just grabbed the wrong date and it will be tomorrow; or they meant the WEEK OF April 21....and it will be tomorrow. Either way....I think it'll be tomorrow!
  12. BUTT SQUEEZE????????!!!!!! :lmaosmiley-1: HAHAHAHAHAHA did he REALLY say that to you???? OMFG is right! I would have fallen over laughing!!! That was your cue to tell him $100 extra for a kiss! He prolly woulda done it! :lmaosmiley-1:
  13. laljeterfan, congratulations and thanks for sharing your pictures! I think you BOTH look absolutely adorable! The chicken maybe.....not so much.
  14. It was confirmed via Corabeth's "RMD" that Itunes Canada will also have the preorder and bonus.
  15. I keep forgetting to post!.... I have about 10 copies of the colour Playbill...NOT the one with the CD ad in it. If there is someone that still needs one that is not going to Spamalot, I would be happy to mail it to you. Please PM me with your mailing address.
  16. I had to tear myself away from listening to the ukelele part of the snippet to tell you that if you go to Clay Fan Community/Clay Nation/International thread you will find what you need. Thanks merrieeee! and to the rest of you comedians......
  17. Oh, you people are toooooooooo funny!! ......right?....... Could someone link me to the "help for the furriners" thread? I can't find it, and I need to add to my post. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I can hardly WAIT!! But I'm gunna! It sounds just awesome! I'm having a good time just listening to youse guys eeeeeeee!
  19. HAH! Next thing you know you'll be nodding your head in agreement with EVERYTHING I say! Still haven't listened by the way..... As to other tracks maybe being better choices for the first single - how can you tell from short snippets??? I remember with MOAM loving songs from the snippets that I didn't like at all when I heard the whole song - and vice versa. And why does a single have to be uptempo for radio play? There have been MANY ballads far slower that OMWH that have been big radio hits. Besides, I think its smart for the first single to be something very much Clay Aiken. Its IS him after all! Just a better Clay Aiken than they might remember, which I think OMWH is. Then once he is back on people's radar he can show them he is not a one trick pony! This of course assumes he actually gets any radio play..... YAY to the CD Listening party and I think its a great idea about the online CD release party! Of course, how I am going to get up the next morning for work, I have no idea! ...nodding head.... Re my bolding: Someone over at CV this morning mentioned they had heard an advertisement for OMWH....ON THE RADIO!! PAID FOR!!! I surprised myself at that point by bursting into tears....I didn't know that was in me! I don't remember where it was, but a large market I do recall....don't have time to look for it, sorry!
  20. Alrighty, I've officially given up on catching up! It's primarily an interview with Faye about the BAF 'Dancing Like the Stars' event but they play Faye's answering machine message that Clay recorded. Could one of you tech wizards rip just Clay's message from the end of the interview? I put both mp3 and wav file of only the recording of Clay from Faye's interview on my 4shared. Thanks so much for that 4shared! I WANTED this for my Zen! Oh no you ain't, honey! But I think the difference is....I might now be the only one! Because the entire population of ten nations is ALSO trying to listen? At the same time? Oh, Dear God, I'm doomed! I find myself agreeing with CG! :F_05BL17blowkiss: KIDDING!! (but not about the agreeing) ETA: It's more special to wait. I can do this. I can. I can so.
  21. Good Lord, I didn't even know this thread existed....I know, I know View new Posts. Luckiest, I'm PM'ing. Couchie~are you using the agencies in your area? They're way, way, way safer and more reputable than anything on craigslist.
  22. Awww, no guns? Then I don't know if I want to play! ....pout.... Thanks for the thread, ansa! Could someone help me out with a Walmart pre-order? I just need one....I have Paypal...and I know how to use it! Thanks so much! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: ALL TAKEN CARE OF! THANKS SO MUCH!
  23. From CV, dksfriend posting: ...and I bet he thinks they're bidding on the chicken!!
  24. ...and speaking of bonus tracks! Hey, Heinz! *waves furiously* Have any of the Canadians tried to pre-order via Walmart? I think that didn't work for us last time, right? 'Cuz goodness knows, if it DOES...I'm so there!
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