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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. One of the really useful things I've learned in this fandom, is not to respond to crap and people who spew it for whatever reason. But I loved the above!
  2. Me too! Don't get 'em, don't understand the addiction...and I can remember in my SLEEP the noise from that "Pong" game my ex and my boys played all. friggin. day!! Maybe that's why I have such a hate on for them! On the other hand, I bet my art sites and work would bore you guys senseless too! YEAH!! THAT! GREAT post! Did you also see the fan pics from GMA, that showed Quiana and Clay removing/trying to remove something from his eye? Everything in perspective.... Luckiest1, thanks for the well wishes....ldyj, glad to hear your back and knee are doing better. Not so lucky here...getting progressively worse, and I guess I'm going to have to cancel my trip out of town tomorrow and see if I can get a referral from my doctor to a chiropractor. I'm scared, because years ago a chiropractor did work on me that was SO bad I was nearly incapacitated for life....but, I know my doctor can do nothing for what is wrong now other than drug me some more, and then I can't work, and then.....yeah. So I guess I'll see if I can find a decent chiro and see if he/she can do anything. Worst of it is, I suspect this relapse was caused by a trip to the hospital for a bone density test...and the forcing of my back into unnatural positions to get the pictures. Sigh...
  3. Sorry for the marathon-full-of-quotes post...I'm in ldyj's boat sort of, with a flareup of the arthritis in my back that has me hardly able to walk...or sit....or lay down sigh.... Anyone know of a position I haven't tried?? Good for ATDW! Looks like it's the little engine that could too, whether overseas or wherever...it might just make platinum yet! Not even going to repost that, because, absolutely no disrespect to you cha cha, but that is SO NOT funny! Disrespectul and over the line IMO. Beautiful....and SO true! Especially the bolded, which is the only thing that makes me sad about this whole thing. Nothing? THAT was a great thing to add!! Yes, I'm completely in the same boat~have never in my life had a pretty moment, wouldn't know how it feels~and one of the things I've always enjoyed about Clay is that "pretty" appears to be something that is irrelevant to him. Please understand, no disrespect intended to Jaymes at all; in my book, she definitely falls into the "pretty" category. But I definitely don't think that's the first criterion on his list, or possibly even ON the list. Heart, humor, strength of character~those I think are definitely there. See my prior post..... I'm in!! Santa Fe is right at the top of my "always-wanted-to-see" places. But, you see, it's complicated!!...because if you aren't quoted EXACTLY right ....and we and he already know that's a given....it's going to come off looking like a rejection of Jaymes. And I'm 100% certain that he wouldn't want that happening.
  4. Can you explain? I haven't heard anything other than they talked a lot about his hair! From what I understand, a planned (and heavily promoted) piece on that show about Jaymes became....a piece on his hair changes over the years. Doesn't sound like a subject that needed to be featured today to me, but hey...his hair is gorgeous! Other entertainment "news" shows have had nothing. Not one word. It just says to me that his PR firm has been busy controlling; that's GOOD news to me. That's what they're there for. But I've certainly been dead wrong before! And could be this time.
  5. Gosh! Sure hope you don't expect me to apologize for what I've been thinking! Actually, I hear the Winn-Dixie has MUCh better bag boys! Or did at one time, anyhow.... This was from the liner notes to ATDW...don't even know why I posted this, but it makes me feel kinda schmoopy. Not sure what kind of love it is, but it looks to me like Clay loves Jaymes very much It appears that Clay felt Jaymes stood by him and cared about him as not just a colleague but at the very least a dear friend during one of the roughest periods of his life. I think I can easily see "Why Jaymes?" Lovely!....and absolutely!! From what I hear of the entertainment gossip shows tonight (I didn't watch), sounds like Clay's PR firm has been put into motion. I'm so glad of that! He and Jaymes do NOT deserve what they got yesterday. OR today.
  6. Love it!!....isn't it wonderful when "someone" does something like that?? YEAY! YEAY! YEAY! YES!!!!! Exactly!! Nope~not those either!!
  7. Well, that was quite the night last night! I came home from work with a hot calzone, plopped myself down in front of the TV for a few minutes to eat it hot.....and Inside Edition was on....I nearly died!! Just about broke my neck getting upstairs to the computer. I think the calzone might be still down there... Me too!! I'm waffling between: a) It's true that Jaymes is pregnant, but the AI part is NOT true ...ie, they're a couple B ) We're being punk'd I don't know which I prefer! a) would be AWEsome!!! Clay having a child in any way, shape or form would be awesome, don't get me wrong! B ) would be hilarious!! Yaaaa!!!! for #29!!!!...and luckiest, I'm the same way! My boss called at 9:40 PM last night, and again I just about broke my neck getting to the phone thinking it was a friend calling me back....and then had to endure half an hour of her multiple reasons why she just COULDn't work today! Like I cared!! Gawd.....
  8. Cotton, PLEASE do as I did and complain to Kmart head office. I was (reasonably) pleasant but firm, told them this was the second time in a row that they had failed to provide advertised promotions for Clay...and that I was going to report them to RCA/BMG and the Advertising Standards Council. RCA pays big bucks for these promotions~and if Kmart isn't going to provide them~where ARE they going?? I received a response from head office within a couple of hours, which told me they had called the store I dealt with and the store manager would call me within 48 hrs (form letter, but personalized); he did not. I sent it back to them (just replied to the email) after 3 days and told them. They said they contacted the District Manager and he would contact me; he did not, but the store manager did. I picked up my posters Saturday....which actually was not my point in complaining, but hey, I'll take them! When we encounter something like this, it does nothing much to rant here (satisfying as it is); Kmart promotions and anyone else that will listen needs to KNOW that we're pissed! Because they won't fix it if they don't. And I will also be forwarding my complaints, regardless, to RCA and the ASC (online). What they are doing is SO illegal!
  9. A cool new youtube for the DWTS fans.....and us!! Falling Now THERE's a duo I definitely couldn't miss! That I would love to see! Only problem is I'd have to take a year off to see every . single . show and follow them to Europe!
  10. Hank Snow???? THANK YOU!!!! I can sleep tonight!! Or possibly, Hank Williams? Kim I don't know Hank Williams, so couldn't say if that also describes him....but no, it was Hank Snow. Hah! Little do you know! I think we DID yesterday, up and down Transit Road! But I would definitely consider coming to Texas for good Mexican. My mole chicken enchiladas were AWEsome!! Corey Hart! Oh, yes!! Me too!
  11. laljeterfan, are you talking about the David A article i brought here? If yes, the reason is 1) because it has Clay mention and 2) it shows that he is not the only one facing these crap. JMO as well, but I don't believe every single thing that has a Clay mention in it necessarily belongs on the boards, especially with a link to give it MORE hits. I know there are spiders in the world, but I don't bring them to bed with me. Luckiest1, a trip across the border could be arranged! We missed you, and expect that you will be there next time around! Spent a FUN day yesterday talking Clay, enabling Cindilu2 (and myself) into spending too much money, and eating! We found a great Mexican place after only 6 or 7 trips up and down the complete length of Transit Rd in Buffalo! To hell with the cost of gas when you're looking for the right food. OH!! I forgot! First concert? Country...in the Municipal Auditorium in Penticton, BC where ALL the big acts came....NOT!! Patsy Cline, a young Kenny Rogers, and the big star...an old-time country classic of that era whose name TOTALLY escapes me now, and it's going to drive me nuts until I remember...anyone? Short, skinny, older man who was a real legend. AACK!! I was about 12 and my older sister gifted me. I loved it! Still like the real old country music of this era, but not the modern country. I lived in the boonies until I was 17, so there were no concerts available for me to see. None. No, really. None. No TV either, until I was about 15. I led a deprived childhood filled with sand, sun, and water instead of pop culture. Seriously, I've missed a huge chunk of pop culture. I am in a movie, though....does that count? At 19, I started working for the TV station in the big city, as an "on-air personality" on the Canadian version of American Bandstand. It was SO much fun, and I worked with Bobby Goldsboro, Bobby Vinton, Bobby Rydell, The Kingsmen (holy parties!!), Paul Anka, Dixie Lee Stone...all of the "teen heart-throbs" of that era. Most of them were about 5'4" and at 5'6" I towered over them. What is it about short men and music?? When I started working as an adult, I worked for what in later years became Ticketmaster, for about 4 years, so I got to see whatever I wanted that came to the city. Neil Diamond, Bryan Adams, Bette Midler, Tiffany (shuddup, it was for my kids), Rod Stewart, Tina Turner (haha...took my son's future FIL and MIL to that one~this very traditional Chinese couple just about had a stroke in the front row!), BTO...I'm sure there are more lost in the sands of time. I loved all of them. Kids and divorce ended that run. Clay Aiken started it up again!
  12. Now that's just about the finest ass I've ever seen. FC says: Yeahhhhhhh... And BTW Bottlecap...you don't scare me...yet. It's taken me awhile to get caught up, but I will say that I'm not worried about Clay. I really have nothing to add, as ITA with most of what's been said. He has a good head on his shoulders and presumably good people advising him in his career. Do I wish that OMWH had better numbers? Absolutely! It's a crime that this work of art isn't being heard by more people. While taking into account the economy, which BTW if gas goes up any higher, I'm going to have to take out a bank loan to fill up my tank..., and other factors, I think he's done alright. After looking over HDD the past couple of weeks, I'm not worried about him. He's going to be just fine. *Hums...Always Look On The Bright Side of Life* Thank you all again for the warm welcome you've given me. So good to have you here!
  13. Not Tijala....but it was me you got the Spokane from, so let me correct that. No, not Spokane, she lives in Montana; but it was in Spokane that we met. I love Sandpoint AND Spokane! Two of my favorite places when I lived out West. Going to PM you, actually....I have a bit of a favor I won't bother the board with.
  14. Could you write that for me 500 times too please? TIA!! ...and I'll just hit "back" on that other post I have ready to go..... I'd like to know about the "ringback" thing also....
  15. EEEEEEEEEEehhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Tijala!!! Welcome!! I'm so glad you found us!! This time, I can't do a silly "introduction" to someone you think you don't know... but it's SO good to see you! Alas, no, neither of our submissions for JNT07 made the cut...I was sure yours would!....but there I was, all the way along anyway, dressed in black, just in case. I was SO honored by your request. You have no idea how that made my month! Tijala is one of my very first Clayfriends...we officially met at the Spokane, WA pre-party for the IT, which she had helped organize. But long prior to that, we had "met" on the CB. She owns the very first, official. BAF/Clay fundraiser quilt. Since that time there have been four more, but they are all completely unique and hers was the first. Tijala, me myb and I were talking about you in NYC as we were reminiscing! I still see her often considering we are 3500-ish miles apart, and we have plans in place to be at the Gala in October together. We need to get you out here to Clayland! The Claydorm in my house is ready and waiting anytime you want to see if you can get out this way. So many great friendships in Clayland...the friend I drove to the IT in Spokane with is having some health issues and has teenagers with whom she is very involved right now, but I still email with her regularly after five years. We still laugh about her initial decision on that trip to just see the show (she had 3rd row tickets) and then go back to the hotel, and back to life. Buses afterward?? NO WAY!!! Only stalkers do that. After spending an hour leaning against the catwalk that night looking up at Mr Aiken, she ran out of the venue, grabbed my arm, and said "Hurry!! We'll miss him at the buses!!" We SERIOUSLY.....SERIOUSLY.....thought about abandoning our hotel rooms in Spokane that night and following the bus through to the show in Denver (?) the next night. VERY seriously. It was fortunate that we chose to be sane people~because that was the night that the blizzard of the century hit the area, and we were all worried that Clay and company would make it alive! We mighta died there! We DO have some great memories, don't we?? And are making more, every . single . day. I can hardly wait until the next whatever-it's-gonna-be!!
  16. Hee! It's funny how different we all are except in one case, isn't it?? I quite enjoyed the show, with all the different styles of music showcased. Loved Donna Summer. HATED Ryan Tedder and what you could see/hear of One Republic; I'm with someone else, who said he's extremely fortunate ProTools exists apparently, for his recordings. He can't sing at ALL. I've always been a NJU Bryan Adams fan, since he was very young and I was too; buy his CDs and would think about attending a concert, but fan club stuff/personal stuff? Naw. He has always impressed me as a very artistic, intelligent guy though, and I enjoyed his performance last night. I noticed that one of the idol guys (David C?) had his arm around Bryan most of the time; wonder how that would have flown with Prince? Can't STAND Carrie, but that's probably partially because I dislike country music with the heat of a thousand suns. Or modern country anyway; I love Patsy Cline and the Dixie Chicks. WHO in the world chose that dress that Jordin was wearing last night? It made her look like an overweight teen going to the prom alone. Yuck. I like Jordin, generally, but didn't care for the one she did last night. The Pips WERE great! Michael Murphy might be shocked to hear he was in that role on AI last night! (He's the conspiracy film maker dude). Mike Myers was pretty funny though. He's always completely off the wall, but that looks like it might be a funny film. Couldn't care less about the results....but the show was kinda fun!! My sincerest sympathies to Steven Curtis Chapman and family, and especially his son; he will live defined by that moment forever. I pray for him and his family that he can get beyond it.
  17. I have requested OMWH twice, once at my local EZRock station (who used to spout the old "we won't play it until it's a hit elsewhere" mantra, but now has a request link up on their web site), and at a closeby EZRock station (same site format). I don't think there is any way for us to track Canadian spins, but I still want to feel like I'm doing something, ya know? And, you know, MHO is that herein lies a lot of the source of other people's angst....they/we/I feel like "we" want to DO something. (BTW, luckiest, I feel the same way). I've always thought that if "our" energies were able to be harnessed by TC/RCA in some productive but non-damaging way, a lot of the angst could be dissipated. IOW, keep "us" busy, for cripes' sakes! Speaking of missing Hannah.... *Fun speculation here* I wonder if he'll be back in NY for her departure from Spam on June 15th? I'm betting yes.
  18. Yah, unfortunately I thought the same thing. Impossible. The good news? She wasn't just this close to seeing him there!
  19. me myb Whew...sounds like she's forgiven me for the "shreddies"; don't anyone tell her she'll keep finding them in the house until 2016. Huh??!! I've obviously scrolled past something! Tell me more, would you, or point me in the right direction? "Talking about the boards on the boards"? Ehh....I try not to. I'm human, so sue me. It happens. When it does, my preference is not to name names. My Dad taught me to at least try to be polite when you're being a bitch. So when I pointed, he smacked my hand. Old habits die hard. I have definitely learned I don't deal well with negativity, though. That's my problem. I do from time to time appreciate somewhere to rant about it. Just scroll. I'm thrilled to be getting some "sighting reports" though...to me, that's the FUN!!!1!!1 I love. So, can someone tell me more about that Spamalot thing? :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  20. Eeeeep indeed!! What a way to end her trip! only not....sure hope they decide to "put em through"! I'm sitting here listening/watching to my neighbours' fireworks go off; I should possibly be praying for my roof!! Eeeek!
  21. I found this: Curious. In other words, in answer to claylee's question? NO! Just my own personal mini-rant here...your cue to scroll! From Merriam-Webster: draught One entry found. draught Main Entry:draught , draughty Pronunciation:\ˈdräft\\ˈdräf-tē\ chiefly British variant of draft, drafty drought Pronunciation: \ˈdrau̇t\ Variant(s): also drouth \ˈdrau̇th\ Function: noun 1: a period of dryness especially when prolonged; specifically : one that causes extensive damage to crops or prevents their successful growth 2: a prolonged or chronic shortage or lack of something expected or desired — drought·i·ness \ˈdrau̇-tē-nəs\ noun — droughty \ˈdrau̇-tē\ adjective See, folks at another board?? NOT THE SAME THING! NOT EVEN CLOSE! OK, thanks, I feel better now! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  22. Just got back home after a wonderful (and cheap!) Indian lunch with luckiest1, to find you all SMUTTING!! Is there NOONE in control around here when we're gone?? Achhh, I'm so full and happy I don't even CARE what they're doing out there in Crazyland! We laughed, we bopped and listened, we ate, we had a good time...what could be wrong with that?? Pray for luckiest1 though....I live in Cottagetown, ON...and the highway from my place toward hers was solid bumper-to-bumper stopped cars. Sure hope it doesn't take her and Clay 6 hrs to get home! I think it can! I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!!
  23. Very cool!! Halifax??? Known for liking good music and good voices, no doubt about it...but did Kareneh buy that many?? I'm so with luckiest1 on the "I am what I am" horse. I don't push my faith, such as it is, and I don't push Clay when someone doesn't ask~but I most certainly don't hide my joy in my fandom. My "rather be at...." license plate might be the first clue. I feel sincerely sorry for someone who is ashamed of who she is.
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