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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. nope, not just you..noticed it right away....Clay's momma trained him well. Always the hand to help and guide. Exactly!! I'm glad it was not just me......and Hi!! about time you delurked!
  2. Here's a neat little story from a few years back, courtesy texasorbust from CV: http://www.logistech.us/lsi/resources/wils...es_02_15_04.pdf
  3. No, it might have been, but I think the quilting industry kept it alive! It's still available in grocery stores, though, and definitely at your local quilt store. ...and sorry, no can do on the closeups...these are the only pics I have. Here is the link to my PB, though, which will let you see them a little larger than I can do them here. There are a couple of others there. Scroll down a bit....Photobucket ETA: Glad you like them!!
  4. Post-whoring to add another pic I just found in my PB for iseeme...picture of me and my last group of students before I moved...with two quilts they did as a round robin project under my direction. There were 12 in the group, not everyone in this pic obviously.
  5. No, it's not difficult at all to do the "photocopy onto fabric" thing. There are a number of different products you can use to set the colour. I like Bubblejetset the best. You just soak cotton fabric in the liquid....iron it dry....generally, iron it onto plastic-backed freezer paper so that it will feed through your printer OK...and cut it into 8.5 x 11 sheets. Printers which use dye-based inks are the best; mine does not, but they still come out fine. One of the things I will buy myself eventually is an Epson printer which uses dye-based inks in separate containers for each colour. Some day. You can also purchase printer fabric sheets which are pre-treated, although they are exceedingly expensive.
  6. Very nice, laljeterfan! I have no doubt that he loved it!! I'm a quilter too, and I wish my kids felt this way. I'm not sure who I'll leave my quilts too...but it WILL be someone who will appreciate them. Interestingly, I have three quilts which were my grandmother's. They originally emigrated from France to Ontario via Manitoba (which is where most of my relatives, and a family farm are). As I was the only survivor at the time she died that appreciated them, they were given to me. When I moved from out West they returned to Ontario, which I think is quite fitting. They went West in a covered wagon with Louis Riel....they returned to Ontario in a bit more modern mode of transport with someone not nearly so celebrated. I still like to think they came home. They are pretty much in daily use. Here's a couple I did as BAF fundraisers in a similar vein as laljeter's: This is Measure of a Man....front: ...back and label: and, This is the Night front (I don't have a picture of it finished, unfortunately, except for the back!) ...and back and label: The words to the songs are quilted into the quilts.
  7. Absolutely. When it got to Clive actively attempting to destroy Clay's career....I ran. They looked very nice! Her dress is beautiful!....but did anyone but me miss "our" Southern gentleman in Ruben? Just me then? His mama didn't teach him so well. Yeah. That. Oh yes there is! This, not so much. It made me think about the one-dimensionality of the narrow interpretation of "Rock-Star Clay". I prefer the multi-dimensional, always engaging real man even though I may not agree with everything he does or says. Love that!! Me too...which started the trend of my multi-coloured green posts. All I had to do was say "good morning"...bingo!! Gone! You MUST have had the newbie advantage. What makes me gag to this day is the people that were deeeeeeep into it that remain "pure as the driven snow", undefiled by the crap, unouted. Although I have no sympathy for the original perpetrators, I do have a (probably exaggerated) sense of fairness that is offended by that. Although it's not in my Top 3, there is nothing on this CD I DON'T love. I've always seen WOTW as his message to (some of) the fans. Favorite words?.....today, at this moment ........"my-iiiiiiii hands" in ALAWH.....WOW.
  8. There IS no "well now" in EIDN :lmaosmiley-1: Welcome to Poison Ivy, gothedistance, TayforClay! We like fresh meat opinions!! Good to see everyone here! ETA: lizzybutts, I see you down there too! We need another Canadian!
  9. A few nice Spam and CD signing pics here: Jasr's pics
  10. FINALLY managed to get caught up after 48 hrs on the road! Wow!! That's kind of weird and scary, but very effective! Yaaaaayyyyy!!! I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!! Something About Us and it's "Stop the music" phrase....definitely on my list of Top 10 lyrics, and the song on my Top 10 Clay list. To me, it's a little more subjective than simply "Stop playing that music and play our song". The phrase "Stop the music!" has come, colloquially, to mean "Hold it!!" or, in our board terms WHOA!!! To me, it's used in that way here.....then, the softer "Play the song"....using the same idiom, to signify playing the beginning notes of their romance and their future. Beautiful music played together? I think it's one of the most lovely lyrical phrases ever. Clay may say he's not a romantic...but I think he lies!!
  11. Would love to hear anything you find out! Yes!! LOVED it! Really, really, like this show~so much better than the ballroom stars one. The dancers on this show are absolutely amazing. Is that irishbookgal? Didn't think so....Whichever, it's a nice montage, and I love the song! May have to make a trip to Itunes. Thanks for dropping it off. Tijala, thanks for the fire explanation! YIKES!! So glad it turned out OK! Scarlett, batik fat quarters......oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Candy!!.........and here's a website you might like, although I'm always good for online assistance as well... Quilt U Sitting here waiting, with credit card in hand.....
  12. Sure hope so, Sandy, if I can get a ticket!! Oh, I like that! Say it out loud.....it's what we do! Clay in Somalia? OMG, I'm so proud of him!!!
  13. Famous London Posse? FLP....sounds like a gagging sound! :lmaosmiley-1: Always Clayful Londoners? ACL...a union? Ontario Clay Supporters? muski ....shhh....OCS.....hmmm.... Ontario Clack Addicts? ...OCA?..... That might be more us.... and then we'll need Tshirts!!!
  14. Gibby and Tijala, my sympathies!! This is what I've been struggling with as well; the pain is excruciating and debilitating, and noone who hasn't experienced it has a clue how it affects your entire life. Tijala, have you tried a chiropractor? Normally, to be honest, I'm scared to death of them. I had a bout with one many years back that almost ruined my back for life and it put me off forevermore....until this last bout with my back. I did the Doctor route for 5 years that last time this happened, the physio route...and neither did a darn thing for me. All the doctor did was pump me full of pills to mask the pain so I could manage daily. The physio cost me thousands and thousands of dollars and didn't do a blessed thing. The chiropractor I'm going to has turned it around so I can manage to work and do most things, in about 4 weeks....which is about 200 less than it took last time! And chiropractors don't need referrals. I would ask friends/associates in the area for recommendations and give it a try. and PS.....FIRE????!! I missed something!! I hope everyone is alright!! What happened??!! ETA: Scarlett....oh, I wish too! Any thoughts on how to get a really, really rich sponsor ....or a game going online?
  15. Claytonic, just adding to the begging to make your quotes a little larger, please, so that we can actually read them! ....and, more's the pity.....Canadian Idol is not seen at ANY time in the US. Which I think is a shame, because it looks like it's going to be very good this year. I believe our goldarngirl is capping and vaulting, though, if someone wants it. It's not just the performances that make it better; to my mind...it's like AI SHOULD be.
  16. I got home late last night and was so busy catching up (never did last night....) that I missed all the newbies! So....a GREAT BIG WAVE to all the new posters, whether true newbies or just new to posting! Especially good to see bella19 and claymatron joining us! :F_05BL17blowkiss: London Clayfans RULE!! eHP wanna have a WAR??? Loved all the mentions of funnyClay (is there any other kind?)!! I miss him!! It just isn't summer without him! Hope he's enjoying whatEVER he's doing, truly...
  17. Thanks jmh! Not sure I understand, is there still something called "The Acrobats" coming out from Clay at SOME point, even if the date is wrong? ldyj, that UNICEF slideshow is awesome! Thanks for bringing it over!
  18. From Martigyrl at CB via CV: Apparently you have to go to P3 of the link, scroll down on the left.
  19. Oh, Scarlett, you're a sweetheart but I suspect the reason we don't see them is because they're too fragile to travel well. But they ARE wonderful! ETA: I've always had them from Pike's Place market in Seattle...wandering around the vendors with a bag of them is a day in heaven! One of the things I enjoy most about Ontario is the opportunity for fresh fruit! Yesterday at the cluncheon one of our members brought fresh ON strawberries....OMG! orgasmic!! When I lived up North we didn't see much good quality fruit unless we drove 8-12 hrs into British Columbia, so I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
  20. Oh good, I thought we'd lost you to the insanity for a moment there! The answer, for me, is.....they wouldn't!...and of course I know about as much about it as the ones saying he already HAS been dropped and we just don't know it (STUPID us!!) One more for good measure.... It all just smacks too much, for me, of the "oh, if you only knew what I know!" of 2006 or whenever that was. And you know how that turned out. It just irritates the PISS (sorry!) outta me that these people are driving so many away from the fandom for their own self-aggrandization, and influencing mindsets drip by drip by relentless drip. It's way too much like Chinese water torture. ETA: / rant BTW
  21. We had a great time! Here's another fun memory of the night... Beautiful!! Thank you for posting it!! Ahhh, you've been listening to those Negative Nellie's over on another board! Craziness. whimper..... OMG I LOVE Rainier cherries!! All we ever see here are the Bings....
  22. Just bringing over a sweet story from cantdecide at the CH, via CV:
  23. Perma, thanks for that! OMG beautiful!!...even if a little like intruding on a private moment... I loved that concert. Beautiful venue. Awesome concert, of course...the orchestra that night was very good. An amazing handshake lineup that went around and around a couple of city blocks... Cool older hotel... and me myb and I each scored a poster from the venue windows (we asked before taking them...) :thumbup: Lots of good memories!! ....and, BTW, did I remember to thank the person who introduced me to "full screen" in youtube? Gaaaahhhhh!!! Waves to all the London Clayfans....we had a great cluncheon again yesterday! It's amazing how lotsa food, lotsa Clay, and lotsa friends can be SO much fun!! Heinz, we missed you though!
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