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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. See...you ARE me! I knew it! A bottle of zinfandel and pics of Afghanistan Clay and beads in the corner somewhere...that's gonna be us!
  2. Iseeme, the difference with us is that we're in Canada~and neither UNICEF USA nor TBAF is an RCI in Canada. But I believe they have actually changed the tax tules (in 2007 I think) to allow the out of country donations to be deductible.
  3. I do donate monthly to UNICEF but since I am a member of the Zombie Horde (TM LBFCA?) when it comes to Clay's requests for UNICEF donations...he commands, I obey, I do donate to UNICEF USA when he asks me to. But I did get a tax receipt, can't remember if it was e-mailed to me or if just printed it off the UNICEF USA webpage and I included it in my charitable donations when I e-filed my income tax form. So far no problem. Me too. I submit my tax receipts from UNICEF and they've always taken them~or ignored them and humored me, I'm not sure which! Exactly!! :lmaosmiley-1: That's about as good as my day got too. I knew there was something to be happy about! Oops, forgot....laljeter, no, if it's the lady I think, she's very nice! I just kind of think it's humorous that, in fact.....we DO know her!
  4. Ok, last week while driving in SF, everyone ELSE in the car EXCEPT me said that they were gonna go. (according to KAndre, Ron the God of Irony is loosening up his hammer)... Well today I kinda logged on out of habit... and then what do I find -- no one else in that car has gotten any tickets yet! FromClaygary, you may have to adopt me in case my order gets processed. Besides, we haven't slept together yet, have we? *winks* Not a problem! I have a room at the hotel! Now I see many people (EXcluding me) have gotten a confirmation email.....MORE stress!! AAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! MORE primal scream therapy!! me myb did you get an email?
  5. Oh, MAN!! Ticket stress! Couldn't get in until 12:06, but my order processed so I hope that's good news. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (Primal scream therapy) :lmaosmiley-1:
  6. Thanks for the link. Too bad there doesn't seem to be a sale on from Buffalo to RDU! Oh goodness, yes there is! Maybe just not on the days you want to go? I can get a really good fare on Thurs/Tues.....
  7. Forgot to add! For anyone that can use Jet Blue, they announced a sale this morning, and this time it looks like a good one! Use this link, not the regular website.... Jet Blue Sale
  8. Oh, no egg on your face! I work with those puppies every day, so it's a familiar name to me....and yes, if you needed enough to knit/crochet a bag with, it would be the world's most beautiful but expensive!! bag! Wonderful colours though...it's my ambition to own a tube of everything they have ...and the note about the shawl in Mamma Mia made me REALLY laugh! I haven't seen MM so can't help, but only a fabri-knit-aholic would have noticed that! Too funny! AH-HAH!! Us Canadians are rubbing off on you!! :lmaosmiley-1: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Actually, for beading, the left-handed shouldn't be a problem....I'm willing to give it a shot! And yes, please some good thoughts for us ticket people!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: again! Claymatron, me! :PickMe-1: How about donating them to the SSS sale this year?!!! Good idea!! I know if I cooked I'd love them! Iseeme, re the earrings....maybe tell me more in PM? ......and oh yes, unfortunately, been there done that, so I SO DO get the picture!! Awesome, thanks for those! One of my favorite concerts last year. This actually might be a great thing for the play, which I think was fading a little! Ummm.....sadly enough..... I think I might know her!!
  9. Oh, I wondered if anyone used those cellphone dangles! I'll add those to the list too! ...and re the CITH bracelet, sorry for the confusion....it IS for this year, just done in CITH colours. Kewl!! I would LOVE to have some company at the CSNF...and Scarlett, we'd have such a blast with you! It's not as big as the IQF, but it's fun. and Bella, I would LOVE to see some of your daughter's things....my youngest son is an artist as well (watercolour, pen and ink, acrylics etc etc) and one of the promises we've made for a few years to one another is to gift each other with original art for occasions...birthday etc. Last year for Christmas he brought me back to beautiful pieces from his SE Asia trip. Miyuki perhaps? They are very high quality Japanese seed and other beads...one of the finest companies in the world. I LOVE that idea!!
  10. Chardonnay, that was awesome! Absolutely beautiful pictures (and couple!)...and I loved the song from "Mr X" and your other daughter? It does make a wonderful wedding song; I'm thinking of asking for it at my funeral. No plans for it yet, BTW! Cotton....we all started out doing everything as amateurs! I've only been beading for about 5 years, but have had years and years of needleworking prior to that, and most of what I do is beadweaving~ie, needleworking with beads, so it kind of makes sense to me. Most of it is just being able to follow directions anyway. What I do really enjoy is working with the colours. Next time we're somewhere together, I promise to teach you peyote stitch, and you'll be off and running from there. Earrings for short people too....got it!
  11. Cool idea re the anklets, thanks! ....and yes, I'll have some danglies for sure.
  12. Here's the pic of the CITH one... Yes, I could probably do some grape earrings for you! We should get our heads together in August when I'm there, and I'll get you to show me what you're visualizing.
  13. What a bummer that the Creative show is that same weekend! I LOVE that show, especially the Fall one. We'll have to remember in the Spring, and maybe make plans to go together! I'd love some company for the aisles. Thanks everyone, for the compliments. Some are going to Kristy tomorrow, and some (and others made in between) will be going to the Striped Socks Sirens etsy site pre-Christmas, and to other fundraisers. They are all done as fundraisers for BAF. Question for you, on that note: Because I personally love bracelets, I (obviously ) make a lot of them. What other types of jewelry do you wear, and would like to see made for this kind of project? What kinds of things do YOU like/wear? ETA: I am going to be adding some earrings and crystal rings.
  14. Thanks for posting, Cotton. Crap, I'm hyperventilating already!! ETA: The latest auction items I've just finished: Snowflakes for UNICEF: BAF Tennis Bracelet: All of them are here: FCs photobucket
  15. luckiest1, glad it cleared up for you! I was thinking about you....and yes, it was chilly last night! Likely even more so on the bay~SO unlike my experience with summers here so far, but makes it easier to sleep for sure. It's amazing what having to clean/list/sell and move your house in a span of two weeks will do for your fabric stash! When I moved out here, I gave away 10 (count-em) garbage bags of fabric to my guild members. Before that? HAH! No contest! I would have won for sure!! I've been quilting for 40 years.... ETA: I've now spent the better part of last week and this weekend, trying to make some kind of order out of my BEAD stash! Purchased a very kewl big tackle box from Canadian Tire and some extra drawers for it, and now have seed beads sorted by colour and larger beads sorted by colour in one of those stacking plastic drawer thingies (waves to cotton). Whew!! I can find stuff!! Now I just have to get the lampwork artist beads into their own little nests in the tackle box. Half the fun, I think, is in the collecting and organizing and playing with and sorting and feeling and well....you other bead and fabric addicts will understand... Scarlett...LOVE the outfit! What a riot!
  16. WOW! Thunder-stormy day here earlier, so I had no chance to pop on and do my breakfast with y'all as I usually do before heading out on the errands. I have a weekend off!!!! I'm SO excited! It's been 4 weeks + .... merrieeee lots of good wishes headed the baby's way....I think, these days, it'll be fine, which is just amazing when you come to think of it. Hope luckiest1 is having a good day in Collingwood (which is just down the road from me); weather's been kind of iffy here, although it's bright and hot now (and humid). My eeeeeeeeee!!! of the day.....I KNOW it's just a little thing, but it's a biggie for me! I drove down to the biggest mall in the area today (Upper Canada, for those in this neck of the woods)...and, as I was wandering along....what should I hear but the strains of OMWH on the mall sound system!! Eeeeeeeee!!! Our BF is being heard! In Canada! In one of the largest/busiest malls in the country!! And what was especially cool? I passed at least two people humming along.... Personally, I was crying along. It just hit me like a ton o' bricks. ETA: Crap! Totally forgot to add....goldarngirl and luckiest, thanks so much for the DVD clack! It's awesome!!
  17. Ahh, but was the choice to tell all those neighbours and friends and family yours? Or were you scooped by your doctor blabbing it all over the neighborhood first - with his own salacious spin on it, perhaps questioning the father's identity, or your own fitness to have that baby? Did you have to consider first that your 'fans' might just shred up the father of your child because he didn't meet their hopes/dreams/expectations for you? Or worse, that he was just using you for his own nefarious scheme? And then when all that was said and done, was it magnified x a billion by the use of the internet? Comparing our own life-situations to Clay's, to me, is like comparing apples and oh, say, hand grenades. And even his 'celebrity' isn't treated like say, Angelina or even freaking the 16 year old Spears kid. Any decisions he (they) may have made as to how to handle the announcements were taken out of their hands by a betrayal of some sort, regardless of who it was. I believe whatever decisions they are making now about it, they are making together - nothing else is plausible to me. And that TMZ article? Makes me throw up in my mouth a little. For reasons over and above the obvious Clay implications. Well put!!
  18. Speaking of Spamalot....... ......here's a cute funny from The Clay Channel....
  19. I agree! luckiest... I went to goldarngirl's site and right clicked on the Listen montage and it is the Canananiqua or however you spell that. The wmv for Listen is not available in the list either. I loved it when it was on YouTube, but the link for that doesn't work anymore. boohoo! I love you guys' work. Thanks for the time you put in on these! The youtube vid will come up if you search for "Sterling Heights Listen" - or better still - here is the link I listened to!! - it's the same url as that last one posted, but I got a blank page when I tried it. I hope that one works!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks for that! For a while there, I thought maybe they were just funnin' with us! For me, this is the ultimate piece of clack....definitely the piece I've most watched/listened to ev-ah! I'm not really sure why it affects me like it does; but I absolutely love it. Thanks as well for the links to all the sites quoting Clay's blogs! Baby or no baby, I think it's fantastic more attention is being drawn to the cause. ETA:...and apparently, there are many, many more! Just Jared.com Ecorazzi.com AmericanIdolworship.com etc....etc.....
  20. And on another note......eeeeeeehhhhhhhh!!!!! Obama Love Songs (Scroll down a bit......) Oh, and also!! Kipper's new blog
  21. Oh kewl! My kids would LOVE that!! ...and yes, you're right, I kind of figured it'll be a lot like NB in many areas. I just had to take the opportunity while I'm out there. Yes, I'm lucky to be central (now....) to Clayland, and to have the opportunity to get out/about quite a bit as well. Every time I'm in B&N I mean to pick up a wall map to mark with the places I've been in the US, both to see Clay and on quilt adventures, and I keep forgetting! I really want to do that as well. Cotton, I'll wave at your SIL and BIL as I drive by! I do plan to stay in Portland one day. Scarlett, WOW those pictures of Tasapio's!! Where is she?? We didn't lose her, did we? ETA: Scarlett, more gorgeous pictures! Where is St. Bernard? Is that the Swiss Alps? Looks very similar to where my family is from, in the French Alps. St Vallier
  22. Thanks Heidi, that's pretty much what I'm planning too....right at the moment, it looks like Bangor - Belfast - Bath - Freeport/Portland - back to Bangor and then back to New Brunswick. I'm hoping to do the ocean road as well. ETA: Ho-Lee Crap!! Scarlett....those pics look A-mazing! I HAVE to get some sleep, but I'm going to drool tomorrow. Thanks for posting those!
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