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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. I'd be interested in hearing anything in regards to BAF and Canada. What is RCI? RL sucks. I much prefer my Aiken fog, so I think I'll stay here just a little bit longer. ETA: Yay, cindilu2 finally posted! Hee, you can claim the mic drop, luckiestdaughter is claiming the ARLG shout out during WIDTL, and I'll claim the entire performance of RHW, m'kay? RCI = Registered Charitable Institution; the legalities which make a charity in Canada non-taxable, and able to issue tax receipts to donors. Some years back, I dealt with Fran (at the time) and Kristy to discuss initiating that process. Kristy told me that it had been started; it's not something that happens in two weeks, it takes years sometimes to finalize. So the fact that we had heard nothing was not a concern to me. I did kind of have a feeling, though, that it had been shelved as other priorities took precedence, and that is in fact the case. I spoke to Jerry at some length about it on Saturday and he is not committed, but is interested in possibly reviving it once again if it looks feasible. I have some contacts that can both help him to work through the details, and have a vested interest in doing so (as they would love a grant) so I think there's a good synergy there~and as well, I just think they would be interested in talking with one another. I've promised Jerry that I will put him in touch with my contact, and he's promised me he'll look into the feasibility. Good to know someone else here is interested!
  2. To me, this is exactly what he was doing - saying thank you (to all the fans) and that he would indeed be right there waiting. Does every line of the lyric say that? No. But his arrangement, delivery, his words certainly did. I don't think that's just an interpretation on my part - he said it, and then he made me believe it. I only have one other thought about the evening, and that is how very much he and Jaymes mean to each other. To hear him speak about her, their son, their family - if we didn't 'know' the situation, there is nothing to indicate that they are anything but a couple who love each other. Watching his face as he spoke of them, and looked at her - it just made my heart swell. Oh gosh, cindilu2, I'm glad I'm not the only one! I find it SO difficult to "recap" at any point after the experience; for the first few days I need to just hold it close to my heart and savor it. And then after that Clay-heimers or whatever sets in and it starts to be distorted by all the perspectives I hear and then my memories of it start to fade~and besides, I'm not good at expressing on a message board how deeply some of these things affect me. I see we are of one mind about his relationship with Jaymes (not that I ever doubted); to me, there is absolutely nothing "unusual" about this family, other than perhaps in this day and age, the depth of their love for one another. Clay makes it abundantly clear that he loves and admires Jaymes. Jaymes looks at him and there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that she loves him as well. They're thrilled to be able to share their child with one another and the world~isn't that the way it's SUPPOSED to work? The only unusual thing I see is that, sadly, for so many others it's NOT that way. It made me so happy to see, and relieved my (few) fears for him beyond measure.
  3. We missed you! The Round Table discussion~let me see if I can reach through the fog ~ centred mostly on: 1. What the Foundation is currently working on and some discussion of camps and other outreach projects that have taken place (really interesting, there was lots of stuff, I had no idea) 2. Jerry spoke about corporate outreach and the need to cultivate the corporate sponsors, and those corporations that they have reached so far, and how....also interesting, and there is so much to do here! 3. Back to Aron and a few exercises to help us interact with and meet the other people at our table, some questions for discussion; unfortunately, our table had a resident speaker whose monologue took up most of the time so I didn't personally get much from that. 4. Back to Jerry, who fielded some questions from the group re WFI, my question re RCI status in Canada, other things I found interesting but didn't retain (!). georgiesmybaby and claylove, what have I forgotten? I wish I'd taken more notes. 5. Ben Habib then spoke and we watched his film about his and his family's struggle to include their son Samuel in the day to day world; the film centred not only on Samuel, but on others fighting the struggle and was VERY, VERY well done. I did purchase a copy for us, and will put the website up for those interested when I've had a chance to unpack and find it! I had to think about it a bit as well, but that does make sense, especially in light of his comment about it being a "thank you". Interesting. I was so caught up in the emotion, to be honest, that I didn't care WHAT it meant~it just burned itself into my heart. Forgot to add, heidiho, that I couldn't agree with you more about Jaymes' and Clay's relationship; I think it is truly a special one, and I am beyond thrilled that they have found one another.
  4. I see you already have the answer re the name change; but regarding the rest of your post~boy, do I agree! Maketh me very sad. And I too am happy the name is not being changed at the moment. I'm a traditionalist, what can I say? I am confused...... Hee, I hope you are referring to my table as the first-worst. Seriously, at that distance I needed binoculars. But it didn't matter. Because the emotion was palpable. The voice was indescribably amazing. It was something I would have been devastated to miss. I am so glad I went, even though I will be paying off these visa bills for the next several years. And I am confused, because I've heard more than one person refer to the price of the individual tickets as more expensive this year than last. I am pretty sure that they were $250 both years. Unless my memory is failing again, which is entirely possible. Hee, I'm confused as to why you're confused~but let me try again. I took pictures at the breakfast as well. When I did, there were people who said they did NOT want them posted online. I have no problem, though, with you posting the pictures YOU took of ME online. Does that help? Re your table~yup, that was the one I meant was the first-worst! Although, because I can't use binoculars I call "special case" But the rest of it? Hell, yah! ....and I think the tickets last year were $100....pretty sure....but I could be wrong. Claylove, THANK YOU for posting your pics! They are gorgeous as always! Just a very small PPS to BFS's post quoted above~the name of the film is "INCLUDING Samuel". ETA: I'm at JFK on JetBlue's free wireless, which is nice as I kill a few hours between flights. Haven't been able to see ANY of the clack as, once again, I am on the business laptop (sigh...). Yes, , I know I was there; but all I had was the audio and emotional not the visual, KWIM?? I'm DYING to get home and DL some of the good "stuff" and really SEE what was going on.
  5. I have no problem with it at all for me, luckiest1~but some of the folks at the Gala did specifically request that MY pictures not be shown online. I finally have a few minutes here to talk about not really a recap, because you all certainly know, far better than I do probably, what went on at the Gala on Saturday night. Our table was the second-worst one at the Gala and I SAW absolutely nothing. What I heard and what I FELT in that room was quite another thing. Last year I said that if there was any way on earth I could help it~I would never miss another Gala, and this year's experience certainly reinforced that. I've never been lucky enough to be present for one of the fandom "moments"; but now that has changed, and the singing of RHW and the emotional presence in that room will be etched on my heart forever. I have no idea how he does that, and for hours afterward I couldn't even think about it without bursting into tears again. What a lesson, what an incredible gift from an amazing teacher who has so much love to give the world.. One of the other gifts of love was a bound copy of the Christmas stories which was included as part of the "gift bag" given to each Gala participant. I hope each of you that was there got yours; and thanks to those of you who allowed your stories to be published. FYI, I don't think it's telling any tales out of school to let you know that Faye was MOST excited to get hers; it's the first time I've seen her really anxious about getting one and thrilled to be able to sneak it out the night before, to make sure she got it. Yes, it may be used as a BAF fundraiser at some point in the future~but believe me, this was a gift of love from Clay and BAF~to you. I am always inspired, as well, by the message of the reason for the Gala~to celebrate the Champions of Change nominated by BAF. Betsy McNamara and Dan Habib's outstanding movie was partially shown at night, but fully screened in the afternoon preceding the Gala. I am really sorry that most of you missed seeing it; I did purchase a copy, and we can watch it at one of our London cluncheons if you like, for those of you in the area. It is an incredible emotional journey through daily life with their son Samuel, who has cerebral palsy. The presentation by Rich (?)~I'm so sorry, my part-timers has taken from me his last name~who also suffers from CP and gave us some moving comments on dealing with corporate life as a person with a disability, was also unbelievably inspiring. The morning Round Table session was awesome; there can be no better person to lead and train the BAF volunteers than Aron Hall. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, and it was great to be able to have the morning with him and with Jerry Aiken. (BTW, don't anyone tell Diane Aiken, but I heard a few people saying they now knew where Clay gets his hots from Watch out, Jerry! ) Seriously, he's a sweetheart~funny and good-looking and kind and dedicated. BTW as well~several people mentioned to me that they would have come to the Round Table, but thought there was "no point" because you had to be "connected" or be there since 6 AM to get in. Nothing could have been further from the truth~and I hope you'll be there next time. You'll never regret it. See you there. I also want to say, as always, a special thanks to my North Carolina friends and associates; my time here is always so special to me, and as I told a few people this weeked, it is always incredibly difficult each time that plane lifts off from RDU to take me away. I didn't "reconnect" to them this weekend, because I am never "dis"connected from them. Some day perhaps I'll be lucky enough to BE that North Carolinian so many people here think I AM! Thanks Cheri, Karen, Sammie, Pam, Dawn, Theresa, Kristy, Diane, Frances, Kath and Jim, Terra, and Faye for letting me be part of your dream.
  6. I'm meh on the sweater-vest, but glad he gives us something to talk about while we wait for him to arrive! The person INSIDE the sweater vest looks some kinda hawt! And yes, Kim.....ARMS!! ELBOW!! Love that picture of him with little "Billy Elliott" as well....they look like they were both having fun, and he looks absolutely WONderful in that pic (the clothes ie) claylove, off to visit Target and do some other minor stuff as well; then I'll check out of this hotel, take the car back to the airport, go to the Marriott (see what I do to myself?) and see you later. I think I have the phone problem fixed. Maybe. Eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
  7. One more checking in from Cary....or, really, N. Raleigh What an absolutely gorgeous night! Looking forward to seeing most everyone tomorrow or Saturday...BTW, I'm having some cellphone problems (can't get the fr***n keypad unlocked!!). Hope to get that resolved at Target early tomorrow, but if you call me and it just rings and rings...that's why!! Ah, technology. EEeeeeeeehhhhh!!!! PS Miss Georgiesmybaby....you better get in here!! We and that Parker's Daddy guy will get you right fixed up! PPS Anna, great townhouse! Love the pics!
  8. I'm shufflin' off to Buffalo in about 15 minutes to catch my flight. :F_05BL17blowkiss: See y'all in Raleigh!
  9. Scarlett, from one of the enablers...........eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh!!! I'm so glad to see you getting involved in the quilting world! You probably already HAVE found it much like the Clayworld, in that it's a great sisterhood. PS Did you notice the request for picture takers on the guild website? little do they know who they have, I suspect..... I'm a little PW this morning, so I'll just add this on: did I miss this being posted? Linda Huber's website, to order
  10. Wanda?? Is that you?? How totally cool re your pic of .....Craig, isn't it?....I LOVE that they did that!! ....and eeeeehhh!! for the stage door....I think that's a GREAT crowd for a weeknight! And in the video someone else took, I see lots of men again. I think I'm going to brush up on my jujitsu! Me toooooooo!!! Me too! I didn't have the picket fence dream die....because I really, truly think he already has that picket fence; but for some reason I really, REALLY need to see Clay. Not Sir Robin. Clay. I realized the other day that it has been well over a year now since I've seen Clay; again, not Sir Robin, who is a completely different person....but Clay. When we were in NYC in the spring Clay never did the SD. So~I can hardly wait. A year + is WAAAAAAYYY too long not to have seen him. I miss him BAD!!
  11. I say "moe-um" ....and on the birthday of Clay's first CD, I was at work all day~but thinking of him! I had not yet discovered the message boards, but had been haunting ClaytonAiken.com for months at that point, looking at all the pics and stuff and drooling, and I did know the date of the release. (down, muski) As soon as work was done (I don't get lunch) I RAN to the nearest HMV and GRABBED that CD up!...and spent the next hour in the parking lot at Southcentre in Calgary, listening and crying! Had it (and several others) on repeat in the car for months and months and months....used to cry every day on the way to work, listening to it.
  12. Oh definitely! The show I went to this last weekend is annual; and there 's the two (Fall is better) Creativ Festivals....and lots and lots of quilt shows! Right now I have Celebration of Quilts X on the agenda for Nov 7-9, which is the same weekend as the Toronto Bead Society Fair (they seem to schedule everything on the same weekend grrr). The quilt show in Kitchener/Waterloo (which is a big one) always runs around May long weekend (ie, around May 18th next year)...and there's Chicago Quilt Fest in April and.... :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  13. Muski, what a beautiful montage! Thanks for sharing the link. Scarlett, I do indeed know which ones are your faves....one of these times we'll get to go together! And that reminds me, Bella, I think I neglected to mention earlier~we should definitely make plans for next year; and I'll let you know about any others I see coming up. This tour had a venue hosted by Camphill artists. The link I've posted refers to one of the US communities, but in fact there are Camphill communities all over North America. I had the privilege of talking at some length to Terrie, who made the mosaic I purchased and several other items in the show. She is high-functioning autistic, and leads a life of purpose and joy in her art at the Camphill facility in Barrie. Thanks to Clay, for giving me the opportunity to relate to this young woman/fellow artist in a meaningful way; and for a possible opportunity to help them with some plans for their future. It is truly incredible the ripples this man has caused in the worldwide pond.
  14. Bringing this over from Goodbabybrush, as I know there are people here who use Clack Unlimited:
  15. Thanks everyone for the comments on the pictures~I do love doing them! Luckiest1, I've had the same impulse lots of time on the 400...not a good idea! I had to laugh actually, on one of the sideroads I was travelling on I saw someone stop DEAD in the middle of the road, open the door, and stand in the doorframe to take a picture up the road. Now granted, this is just a little country sideroad~but my gosh!! I have everyone added for the brunch and am very glad to see luckiestdotter is going to be joining us. We're fine I think if others want to join us, as we can very likely expand into the other side of the private room if necessary. We're at 24 now I believe. Isn't that great?
  16. I have everyone added up to here...don't worry about numbers for the brunch, we will be able to expand into the second section of the private area if necessary. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
  17. AND, some especially for Scarlett and all the other craft artists on the board: This was the Simcoe Co. Arts Guild show, which took place about 3 weeks ago. There was some amazing stuff! The lighting, unfortunately, in the area where the quilts was was NOT good, and the quilts themselves were boring for the most part. I was disappointed in where the quilters here seem to be at. But some of the other disciplines were just amazing. I especially liked the hand hooked rugs...but here are some samples: Amazing colour work on this quilt: Some more nice colour work on an overdone pattern: The most beautiful hooked rug I've ever seen: A nice knit sweater (there were woven ones also): And some neat adaptions of basketry: More here: Simcoe County Show OK!! You'll be glad to know I'm done!!
  18. ...and some from the area around where I live, taken this weekend. In this area, there are numerous "studio tours" done on weekends; tours of potters studios, weavers, painters, quilters, jewelers etc studios and their wares are of course for sale. BUT....sometimes the studios themselves are just amazing~and the environment, just beautiful at this time of year. This is the Images Tour, which takes place around Simcoe Co. every Thanksgiving weekend: Curb litter in Marchmont: Dave Beckett's studio: Woodside pottery studio: The old mill stream just outside Marchmont: Sugarbush area: Loft in The Barn studio: ETA: more here: Images Tour
  19. And some early Fall colour, taken early September in Northern Ontario, Lake Huron area near Sudbury/Sault Ste Marie: More here Timmins Sudbury
  20. Oh gawd, me too Anna! ....and I spent most of the weekend out in the woods! WHAT was I thinking??? What a darling little girl that was the peasant (was it last night?)! Great post over on the OFC from her. Well, I FINALLY have some of my pictures from this summer and fall edited and uploaded to PB, so here goes: These are for luckiest1: Stephen King house and the home where he actually lives, which is right next door: and, some representative bits of Maine: Haunted house...can you imagine leaving a house this beautiful, to wither away?? Frenchman's Bay at Bar Harbor, twilight: Main street, Monroe ME: Penobscot Bay, from my hotel balcony: Many more here Maine 2008
  21. Here's another blog a friend found for me, which I think is absolutely lovely....about fans and their loves and their lives. Possible kleenex needed here too: Private Lives
  22. Cotton, thanks for bringing those pics over! I can hardly ever get into CV anymore.
  23. I think, from CV, that hobbitkitty, who has recently gotten a great voiceover gig was teasing Clay that Parker would be wanting her autograph someday. That's what he was laughing at. If I'm remembering right! Cool!! Good for her! Eeekk!! Gibby, I forgot to post! GDG and I have tried to figure out how to get that file from Realplayer for you...unsuccessfully, sorry! It LOOKED like it was going to be so easy to either burn, or transfer to my Zen and re-rip from there. Not so much! The only thing I can suggest now is for you to upgrade (freeware) to Realplayer and download it for yourself with that player. Sorry!!
  24. LOVE that laughing pic too! I'm finding it odd, actually, that the guys now want pictures with Clay~just what changed, exactly? He's still the same guy he was before! Heeee....the LAUGHING pic, please note! THAT one is just plain weird!!
  25. Gibby, sorry for the Claytime....I didn't realize when I made the offer that my Zen was completely out of juice and had to be recharged. It is now recharged, I'm back home, and I'll get that file done ASAP. Another gorgeous day in the woods today! But my allergies are now KILLing me...apparently leaf mold is NOT a good thing. Ah-choooooo!!!!
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