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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Well, I'm glad at least I'm not alone! I did the same thing with the spatula right away (well, not onto the FLOOR!! I'm not completely stupid ) but there's still an H of a lot of cheese in there and the whole house smells like pizza! Not a bad thing unless you're wanting....you know....pizza. I'm going to sue the store (kidding.....). After my panic attack, I realized there were TWO cardboards under it instead of one; I had hold of ONE. Not a good thing. ETA: LOVE the WDW picture and the Afghanistan one....just loved, loved, loved that beard with his favorite hair.
  2. Here's another nice reprise of the Talkback, from winkatme at CV, with permission: and yes, I AM procrastinating....
  3. Playbiller, you definitely ARE a trouper!! Holy cow! Talk about above and beyond! Why don't you do your own little straw-draw for it, and whoever gets first dibs, gets first dibs....no need to tell us who it is as far as I'm concerned. And thanks once again for the attempt! Oh gosh, me too! Wish she hadn't cut him off when he was telling about his reaction to realizing his very own, first-born son was in the hospital about to have surgery though... I love whatever Parker tidbits he wants to share, and I particularly love "he owns us". He does. And I'm not talking about Parker, needless to say. Well it WAS a good night....you won't be-LIEVE what I just did!! You know those unbaked, ready-to-bake pizzas you can get from the grocery store? Well, I was putting one in the pre-heated 400 degree oven....loaded with extra cheese, olives, and hot peppers on TOP of the already all-dressed super-duper....and instead of sliding it onto the rack...yes, indeed, I DID dump it upside down onto the burner in the oven OMG!! WHAT a mess! Thank God I had presence of mind enough to turn the burner off immediately~but there's still half-melted cheese and "stuff" EVERYWHERE...and the oven's still too hot to get it off before it cements itself there. So much for supper tonight. So much for supper for the rest of the week, unless it's in the microwave. I'm leaving town Saturday AM, trying to pack AND get Christmas gifts done for my family out West...and I have no time to be cleaning ovens! Anyone got any super-duper solutions?? And no, of COURSE it's not a self-cleaning oven!!
  4. Love him talking about him taking care of Parker..."he owns us." LOL! Such a great interview, and I think this is gonna be different from tonight's airing! (Or, I hope so, anyway...) Thank you SO much for posting that! What a great interview!....and yes, even seeing "terrified" in print before watching the video made me tear up. Loved Jann Carl's reaction though~probably would have been exactly mine, and I think was a very honest one. Thank GOD there were fans there through that period to pass along love and appreciation from all of us. I agree that's not what he said. My take (only) on it was, that he feels it made people in his life who already knew~but preferred to ignore/sweep it under the rug/whatever~face what was really true. He is gay. I'm not sure if that's what you meant as well, or if I'm phrasing my OWN thoughts correctly. But that's the way I took it. You DO know that isn't legal up here in these woods, right? Just sayin'.....even for your boss, who is a salaried manager I'm assuming. We're managers~not indentured servants, although that IS the way it feels sometimes. She does have recourse and should pursue it if necessary....unless they're going to pay her instead.
  5. Just thought I'd pass along a virus warning from our Corporate IT department that I received this morning. I've already experienced the problem on Yahoo, although I don't have a virus on my home system.
  6. Very nice recap from butterflyshine of yesterday's performance:
  7. I LIKE!! How cool are those! Thanks cindilu2!
  8. In case you were wanting to get your bid in before bidding ends.... The dinner with Clay and cast at Sardi's is now up to $11,000 Sardi's on ebay
  9. Me too!....and me too. Thanks for posting that.
  10. (my bolding) I have no idea about the rest, but I sure think that statement is true! Speaking up for Leo too!
  11. CLAY May it be the happiest of your life~until next year's. We need one that says "I love Clay's everything"
  12. YES!!!! pumps fist.... Me too, Fear! In fact, I think it sounds like an incredible experience for those who were there today. Honestly, what a great opportunity! I am green as grass, but SO thankful for all the reports. I just love him to pieces; he is such a good guy. Cindy, great banner!
  13. Whew!! You kinda freaked me out for a minute there! Cindy, I understand your frustration, because I share it at times. I've learned to NOT read the boards before an appearance because it sometimes colours my appreciation; not because I don't appreciate him anymore, but because I'm then kind of LOOKING for the "bad hair" or whatever and not focusing on the gorgeousness. I think it's akin to reading the book before seeing the movie. I loved both Rosie and the parade interview; particularly the parade interview, as he was "Clay" and so obviously happy, despite being up at an hour he's just not accustomed to. I'm looking (cautiously) forward to ET~cautiously only because I'm not sure it will really happen. I want to see his "nice sweater" (WHY!!!! didn't those parade people make him strip???! ) and I want to hear anything that comes out of his mouth for whatever reason he deems necessary. I love him! Scarlett and Playbiller, thanks once again! You tried! If it doesn't work, I'll make my donation via the website. ETA: Eeeeeehhhhhh!!! I forgot it's Talkback day! Keeping my fingers crossed it goes well (for him) and that we get lots of reports. Audio would be especially appreciated! Just sayin'.....
  14. Thanks so much for trying so hard for us! Really appreciate it!
  15. ldyj, someone's been listening to you. ebay just added Clay's top hat to the auction (and right now, it's going for $5. hee. right. like that will happen. lol) $3050 now! ....and re the pictures..... I knew I'd be the jinx. I'm Sooooooo disappointed!!
  16. Perhaps a few things to add to your Christmas wish list.... Monty Python goodies
  17. Finally! Thanks for posting those pics! Sure hope someone can yank them off of there. LOVE the "caricature", which isn't really....and he's SUCH a ham!! YSG....hilarious!! Who else in the entire world do you know, that could make a friend for life because she had to prop him up on an airplane the entire trip! Now I'm sure that's not the whole of it....but they're very obviously good friends. Very cool! And I wouldn't be surprised that IS whose wedding it was. Please keep your fingers, toes and legs crossed for claymatron, cindilu2 and I and probably others.....who are waiting to see if Scarlett and playbiller are successful in talking Clay into taking pix with our signs this weekend. ETA: I meant to say last night...I also loved the female broadcaster on the parade segment...anyone else but me thinking she was barely able to restrain an eeeeeeee!!!! as Clay joined them?
  19. Yup, you do now! But your first post suggesting people do the "marking" without the details? Not so much!! Thanks for clarifying for anyone thinking about it. I'm sooooooo gonna miss Clay and the parade today! Pleeeeeez, clackpeople, pleeeez!
  20. I have to agree about the singing; I kind of liked Ne-Yo, although to me he came off kind of full of himself~could be that "street" attitude thing. Alanis I just didn't get at ALL....couldn't understand one word she said and therefore have no idea what was going on with the screen behind etc. Literally did not get one word of it. Loved the kids tap dancing. Harry was OK; even he just got about 20 seconds. Gosh, the people in the audience MADE OUT with all the "gifts".
  21. Oh, I loved that! Talk about shoo-ing the elephant in the room! It was strange though....he was kind of Sir Aiken; not quite Sir Robin without the British accent....and not quite Clay, as he was mostly in character. Mannerisms were Sir Robin, speech and sense of humor were Sir Clay.
  22. Ahhh, that's totally cool, and I'm so glad you did that! A friend and I sent him a birthday card too, and made donations to BAF. And I'm sorry, but I'm not one whit embarrassed. We've often sent him flowers or little things at his "big moments" and I always just love doing so. I know perfectly well he doesn't need them, and he gets lots of things that then likely go to the hospitals or whatever....so what?? I think everyone needs to know you love them, often, whether they need it or not. And we love him. No doubt about that. justclay12, LOVED your recap and I'm so glad you decided to do your picture! Looking forward to seeing it!
  23. Yup...it's snowing so hard up here I can't even see across the street. Is it April yet??? Thank goodness, I can work from home today. ...and yes, I figured likely she was a CB'er, but I don't go into that mess... s'OK. OH!! I knew there was something else! I'm getting sidetracked by that gorgeous banner Claytonic, I'm glad you've had no problems with what you're doing marking your cards etc. But, as someone involved daily with fraud and loss prevention, I URGE you to rethink that process. Glasses are one thing~they won't get someone into your home or car or bank account~but credit cards, cellphones and keys are something else entirely. Please, everyone, DO NOT mark items like this with any additional personal identification. You'd be amazed what professional identify people can do with a cellphone number added to what is already on the card. A credit card can be easily replaced by your bank; if it can't, you need to deal with another bank. Your bank account~not so much.
  24. Absolutely beautiful banner, Cindilu! Does that mean I can do Thanksgiving all over again?? I'm another one that wouldn't DREAM of watching anything else if Clay is on my teevee! I'll be in front of that sucker with bells on...and I'm not a TV watcher....EXCEPT well, you know. I've been looking forward to this 20 seconds tonight ever since we knew. Cindilu, the "story of Koko" sounds intriguing....any hints as to where I might find it? I'm assuming I probably can google "Koko" but I'm a leeeetle afraid of what might come back. ETA: I agree with luckiest1, for me there's nothing like "live" for Clay. I know it's a space issue in the vaults, but I always wish there was at least one clack gatherer that could provide the whole event when Clay is on something. I like to see it in context, and often cut-up bits just doesn't do it, for me. Not that I don't save the clack, you understand.
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