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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Home, home at last! Long drive today....thank goodness for nice weather. Thanks for posting that! It IS very nicely done. EXACTLYY!! Thank you!! I was trying to describe that to goldarngirl the other day, and couldn't remember what venue it was! I was thinking Syracuse, but that didn't seem right. It completely freaked me out seeing him do that....and jump between the sections. Eeeeeeekkkk!!! That was just an awesome show....but the people AT the venue...not so much! That was the venue where they called the police on those of us waiting for the busline....then when the police came, all dressed up for a riot, which apparently was what had been described to them~they did a WTF??? and left...after calling the venue's security manager a few choice names. The SM was so rude to Jerome I couldn't believe it. We actually placed a written complaint to the venue. Ahhh, good times!
  2. Yaay!! Good buy! ....and Scarlett, no disrespect to you and your car....but quilters will do ANYthing to get to a quilt shop that is going out of business! Sounds like you're having a fun retreat!
  3. Cool!! Be sure to show us what you produced.... Isn't that great???!! I'm not sure whether it's partially because of a fan initiative or not, but I don't care, either...it's great publicity for him and I'm done with looking gift horses (or rabbits) in the mouth. I'm going to happy dance around my hotel room! Woo! Hoo! I would say so! It's a well-known, solid brand. I had one for many years (a full size one) and it was very dependable. The only thing I didn't like about it was it sucked at machine quilting;the feed couldn't be dropped, and was extremely positive. That's likely not something that would concern you anyway, and when you get to that point you'll probably want a more advanced machine. I'd say go for it! My two top brand choices from my experience with them are Janome (I have 3 LOL) and Husqvarna (I wish I had one). Bernina, IMO, is the "Ipod" of quilting; overpriced, over-hyped, and under-featured. I'm so glad you did a short recap! I was dying to know how it was! I agree about the NJU...it's interesting, isn't it?
  4. Original Caste~One Tin Soldier Wikipedia~The Original Caste According to Wikipedia, yes, yours is a cover Kim
  5. Nope...unless there are two of them (certainly possible)...that one's Dixie Lee Stone. I worked with her and knew her well when she and boyfriend Keith Hampshire recorded it. Her one hit. Those of you Ontarians that have been to a bazillion concerts hee...shows the difference between living in "Mecca North" to where I was at the time...the only people that came our way were Kenny Rogers and Neil Diamond...both of whom I have seen many, many times! And, of course! Burton Cummings!....oh, and Tiffany! Although, Neil can put on a hell of a show. *cough* When the Saddledome opened in Calgary, we got as big as Bryan Adams...I loved him! Cuz, y'know....who in the WORLD would TRAVEL to see a concert???!!
  6. (((jmh123)) and family Gosh, if the rest of your family are your size, I can imagine lifting was a struggle! Tell your brother to be careful! You don't need another invalid if he puts his back out. The state of health care on both sides of the border is terrifying these days. Clay's influences?....I believe he's always, in every way, tried to be the "one and only, original Clay Aiken"...and succeeded admirably. Claytonic, isn't that funny re the initials! But yes, Christina is a favorite of mine as well. That girl can SANG!!
  7. I miss all the good stuff while I'm sleeping! Are you OK with my bronzing this on a plaque, one for every board?? Exactly!! Absolutely nothing there to be embarrassed or worried about! Doesn't everyone?? and every other part of him too!
  8. I just read your cute recap. Just wanted to add one thing...the dessert table was right next to where Clay was sitting soooo if you sauntered very casually over to get a yummy piece of pie for the third fourth or fifth time you could see him texting first hand. Awwwww, CRAP!!!
  9. For the "couldn'tcarelessaboutFootball" folks ....I just posted my GFI kindofarecap in the members only thread.
  10. Not to be a pest, but... Just a reminder for those that are on Facebook...that there is a TBAF page on Facebook. In the last few days, this has become an official TBAF page (originally started by a fan) as Aron has joined and become an admin/officer. He plans on making it more current and getting involved on Facebook. I think it could be a really good tool for them. If anyone is unsure how to find it, just PM me and I'll issue an invitation on Facebook for you.
  11. LOVE the banner! LOVE the Barnum pic! LOVE this cute new montage.... Smile on Youtube
  12. WOW. Because it's all about me.........I wonder how that will affect us? *Add disclaimers about how I hope he does well, and enjoys the tour and blah, blah, blah.*
  13. Love the idea! 1. I think 10 items is a lot at once...how about 4-5? 2. Everyone submitting their own money would probably be best; not to sound negative, would it be wise to then forward a receipt showng the donation made to someone to keep track of? What about those of us in Canada? 4. Have already PM'd you and will have other things as time goes on.
  14. me neither - as long as it's what it is - informational - and I don't have to read whacked out blog opinion I'm all good. Yes, me too; and I understand there are other boards involved as well. ACK!! I keep forgetting to add... I have 5 copies of the GFI program that I liberated from captivity in FL . If anyone who was NOT able to attend would like a copy, please PM me and I will mail until I run out.
  15. Some are suspicious...but, I could be naive...but I agree! I think it's great, and will appreciate it when I'm travelling and can't access the boards. I may eat my words later but sometimes I think we've gotten TOO wary.
  16. And, on another note completely.....also posting this, hope it isn't a duplicate but if it is I don't care because I'm SO PROUD OF TBAF!! TBAF Inclusive Learning Service Projects Here's some fuller information, from CANN: Together We Make a Difference Congratulations, TBAF...Kristy, Aron, Diane, Clay!
  17. Article from the Palm Beach Post, which we searched before we left PB, finding nothing.... Clay Aiken drops in Now, looking at this, there are a number of the usual problems... Diminutive??? In whose world? I also think it is likely that the $100,000 is not final. I would be surprised if that was a final number, I think it will end up higher than that. But, in any case, FWIW.... ETA:...and also, in the comments section.....awwww.... "Broadway vet Brad something or other" turns out to be... Brad Oscar at Maltz Jupiter Theatre
  18. My two oldest boys are 13 months apart...and although I certainly wasn't 50 when I had them, it was very doable. Somehow, an extra one isn't as much trouble as the first one. They were inseparable while growing up, but are not as close now they are adults. Funnily enough, the one that is nine years younger and was the "pest" is closest to his older brother I think. My oldest was born with the same problem Parker had, as a matter of fact, and his first 6-9 months were just not fun! I'm also in the group that thinks it's very possible Jaymes is pregnant again, or trying to get there, because of her age. I do recall Clay mentioning at some point that he would want more than one child, as he didn't want his child suffering from the "only child" thing. And, I do believe Jaymes had been a member of Clay's (real) family long before Parker came along. ETA: Scarlett, I think you're already on Jerome's list....with a smily face beside your name. Congrats on your win! I won nothing I bid on...but it was fun to bid, anyway!
  19. smitten you are WAY too nice for your own good! Somebody (not you) needs a smack upside the noggin. That was wonderful, merrieeee thanks for bringing it over...and IMHO, Clay was RIGHT on the same page with her! What a memory, and what a keepsake he has now made that sheet of lyrics, for her. If you've seen the video that goldarngirl captured, you'll know he gave her backstory prior to singing the song~she couldn't be a more appropriate winner of that particular set of lyrics. It was schmoopie indeed!
  20. Where's the "waving wearily while lying prone" emoticon?? Got home from GFI last night around 9 after travelling for 13 hrs and I'm pooped...and have to go to work momentarily. I MAY have some pictures~I obviously have had no opportunity to even have a look at them yet, so if they're worth posting I will. I know I'll have some decent pictures of the area and Mirasol itself, which was absolutely gorgeous. GFI was awesome~much lower-key and more casual than the main Gala. As merrieee already told you, Joe (the auctioneer) was not there so the terrific auction twosome of Joe/Clay weren't performing, which was a shame.... Food was very nice, served buffet style; Mirasol did a BANG-up job of the whole event. Very attentive and pleasant servers. The room was small and intimate, thus Clay's choice of music, amongst other reasons I'm sure. The James Ingram piece blew . me . away!! More later as I think of it, but by that time you'll be sick of recaps. Had to add my comments to the following, though: Cool! You can be our guide! Well, for Pete's sakes, I was there and who knew that shirt was striped??? In the lighting in the room, goldarngirl and I thought for SURE it was the mauvey-gray one he wore for AH when he did the interviews. Heee....and sounds like I'm rubbing off on you!
  21. Eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh!!! Just a few minutes down the road, and in.....an hour and a half....I'll be there! The hour and a half needs to be spent making a frog look like a princess ...or maybe I should make it a prince?? That might be easier.
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