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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. ....WTH is the OC??.....and is it just me or does that look like a Linda Huber portrait? Linda Huber
  2. I think its awesome Clay is presenting this to Tyra! Very cool! How awesome for both of them that HE gets to present it. Couldn't be better.
  3. Nope~I'm the Virgin Hooker until my class starts on Apr 19th! But I definitely think I'm going to be happy hooking when I learn how!
  4. We did have a good time! It was the rug-hooking guild, so we used acid dyes to dye wool. My right arm may never be the same again as we were dip-dyeing but I got some really cool "swatches" to use for my rug class. I kind of had to laugh~I know you've probably done both~the teacher was firmly in the car that cotton is SO much harder to dye....but from what I saw last night, it's really just that the chemicals are different, any maybe more accessible, for wool. She used Jet Dry (as a wetting agent) and citric acid, but of course you could also use vinegar as the acid. I'll have to get back to it. I haven't tried dyeing anything since I've been here, and the water is so different I'm sure my colors will be completely different! Nice people at the guild! They were very welcoming. Crap, I'll have to get a picture of the rug they are raffling; some of you may be interested. It is the COOLEST "cattitude" rug I've ever seen. 100% wool of course, hand-hooked, about 3 ft x 4 ft, in lots of different colors, so it would go with any decor.
  5. One of the things that makes me laugh and about those pictures, is I see he has the same problem with his earphone cord that I do It gets all wound around between your ears and the centre connector and you end up getting strangled by it! If I didn't know better, on a quick glance it looks like he's wearing a cowboy hat with a string and a whistle.
  6. lilyshine, those books are beatiful!! I'd certainly be interested in a journal or something like that! I did some (simple) marbling at one point for a class I was in, and really enjoyed it. I had marbled everything as I didn't want to waste the ingredients. ETA: Scarlett, I'm going to a dyeing class tonight.....really looking forward to it.
  7. And then, there's these....taken yesterday at JFK.... Sorry! Forgot to credit mee2u2 at CV....
  8. Heee....Jimmy Kimmel on The View today....see anyone that looks familiar BESIDES Jimmy?
  9. As possessive and controlling as some fans are, I can only imagine what it would be like if he actually got as friendly with them as some people want him to. ACK!! Very good point indeed, and it wouldn't surprise me if that was part of it. I think the other parts might be 1) not inclined 2) dang busy and 3) digging his heels in. Very cool! What an interesting hobby!
  10. Hee! I see there's a few of us! For anyone who hasn't read them.....run! You CAN find them secondhand. I did. The library usually isn't really an option, as they're too popular. I was in Chapters on Friday and they're still selling them in paperback - I think I saw the whole series there, right up to ABOSAA. You'd probably enjoy Gabaldon's website - she's been posting excerpts of the new book An Echo in the Bone, which is tentative for a fall release. Here you go: Diana Gabaldon's Home Page Cool! I'll check out the website... Re buying the books, though.....I guess I'm too cheap! I refuse to pay $15 apiece for them when I can buy them for $5....and then go back, get $4 for it and buy the next one for $5...well, you get the picture.
  11. omg, FromClaygary....I absolutely am in awe of Gabaldon! You know, don't you, that the next book in the series is supposed to be published this fall? I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to reread all the books again so that I'm refreshed and whatnot on all the storylines by the time it comes out. I LOVE her writing and the characters and the art of her books...all the research she's done to make it all so amazingly real and engaging. Sigh. I *heart* Jamie and lust after him, too. No, I didn't, actually! I'm a late starter, so I just read "Voyager" a short while back. I have the other 3, but other "reads" have taken priority. Good to know there'll be another new one soon! My son will love that too, as they're the ones who recommended her books to me. Hee! I see there's a few of us! For anyone who hasn't read them.....run! You CAN find them secondhand. I did. The library usually isn't really an option, as they're too popular.
  12. Canadians can vote on AI???!! Romantic movies etc..... Movies~I'm not a big movie watcher. No time, little inclination, can't sit still that long. But, from what I have seen: 1. Out of Africa~my favorite movie of all time, and it has Robert Redford. What more could you ask? 2. Gone with the Wind 3. The one with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts in, where she's a big star and he's....not. Can't even remember what it's called, but I loved it! 4. The Way we Were (you can cheat on Scarlett, right?) Books 1. Anything from the "Outlander" Series by Diana Gabaldon 2. The Notebook (although normally I hate Nicholas Sparks' stuff....treacle of the worst kind) 3. I'm allowed to name only 2, cuz I had 4 movies....so there! Not really my genre. I'm more into non-fiction, biographies, mystery/suspense. Songs: 1. As Long as We're Here - Clay Aiken 2. What are you Doing New Years Eve - Clay Aiken 3. Fields of Gold - Clay Aiken Tribeca, forgot to mention....thanks for bringing over the Walmart thing. Very cool that it's sold out (even though I suspect not that many were ordered)....but to me, even cooler to know that it WILL be in stores! (if you get there fast enough, probably....)
  13. Just to beat a dead gerbil one more time re the books....you live and learn! I thought I was doing a good thing by donating the book so more children would be exposed to the idea of inclusion through a book they could enjoy reading. Next time I'll just make sure before donating, that I'm donating to someplace that is able to appreciate the donation. Never occured to me by donating I was being a PITA! ...and just for the record, I don't have an attic to store my books in, wouldn't if I did....and I don't pee on them either!
  14. No....and honestly, I think the person I was speaking to really had no clue~she was just making up something that sounded good at the time. I'm not worried! But, honestly....I DO wish people would not make every second comment on his blogs or on the OFC board something like..."hope you're going to sing to me soon" or "when are you coming out of hiding" or some such. Would YOU like it if your boss called you every.single.freakin'.day while you were on vacation and said "I hope you're coming back soon"? I don't think so. For God's sakes, let him rest and enjoy his time off as much as he is able. And, by the way....it's only been 5 weeks! He was at GFI Jan. 26th.... All in your interpretation, I guess.....to me, a brand new book which I've paid $20+ for going direct to the garbage bin is NOT a benefit to anyone. So, as I said, I simply will not be donating any more books to the library. Simple.
  15. From your profile....in the grey taskbar, at the bottom left, you should see "Applications"; if it's not in the list already, you can "find more" (top right in that popup). It's called Ilike, and when you add the application you'll see all sorts of neat stuff you can do. Or........I sent a thing earlier to all us ON folks that says "LF wants Clay Aiken to come to Toronto, Canada"; you should see that on your wall. If you click on "Vote for your town" in that, I think it will ask to add the application for you.
  16. Thanks for bringing that over, Kim! My guess is that the something that might be up....is Charles Boyd's birthday party! ....but who knows!!
  17. Thanks goldarngirl! Here's one of the applications on Facebook, called "Ilike". One of the (many) things you can do on there, is to "Ilike" artists and music which you ummm.....do! I thought this was kind of an interesting result from the "Come to my town" feature on Ilike:
  18. Post-ho'ing to bring this over, cuz I know I've long since forgotten and I'm sure others have as well.... HAPPY 7TH MONTH, PARKER FOSTER AIKEN!!
  19. Well, I spent yesterday visiting 1) the SCACA (Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Assoc) show and 2) the Home Show The Home show, which I paid to get into, was a total waste of $7....I don't want or need a hot tub, and the painters and renovators I went to look for weren't there...what's up with that?? ETA: and I have to voice one of my pet peeves, just because I can WTH am I PAYING to go to something so that someone can sell me something?? Can someone answer that for me?? The SCACA show was awesome! Free to go to, and I got a goodie bag worth about $20 at the door...but I did spend about $80 on classes and goodies so I guess it all works out. I'm going to be taking a Traditional Rug Hooking class in April; yes, finally, at my age...a hooker!
  20. I fixed the link, so it didn't look like gobbledy gook. That's the one with over 4,000 fans and it doesn't allow for "friends". ETA: OFC has confirmed it's real. Ahhh, his MUSIC site! The ones you linked previously were personal sites ALL named Clay Aiken! About 8-10 of them... Ye gods. I'm enjoying Facebook; there's some fun apps, and a place to post pictures...not really into it to stalk Clay! OR Reed! Just another way to keep up with friends...
  21. I HIGHLY doubt any of those are real, canfly. I think he'd be a leeetle more subtle than that. Thanks for the kindle info! I havent' really looked into it, but that sounds attractive. Are there lots of books available on it already?
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