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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Just a quick update....if your OFC membership was set to expire tomorrow (02/20/09) or 02/24/09, it should now be set back to 02/27/09. By that time butterflyshine, who is one of the mods there, believes they should have the glitch that is impacting renewal fixed so that renewals can begin.
  2. I agree with all of this and enjoy Facebook very much! Easy, some cool applications, and just....fun! This just HAD to be seen again! You made my day, ldyj...wasn't that easy?? Holy crap! I probably wouldn't have recognized him without Jerome either, other than perhaps a vague sense of familiarity....he looks JUST like several of the guys I dated in the '60's ...and I LIKE it! He sure do clean up good too! P.S. Ohhhh, cindiluuuuu-oooo Anything you can do with that? I know it isn't a good quality file.
  3. Kind of like asking a skunk to show you how to stop smelling bad! LOVE the batiks!....and that you're still using your Clay Aiken color selection method. I think that's awesome! Certainly a possibility! But John didn't really seem to me to be Clay's "type", which in women and men has seemed to be intelligent, classy, well-travelled, well-read people with mature opinions and broad ideas. TO ME, that doesn't describe John. But hey, everyone needs ONE bimbo in their lives!
  4. Eeeeh, thanks Scarlett and ldyj! Wonderful HIGH-RES!!! pics and video, I'm busy downloading WDC, ANMHE (eeee!!) and the pip-picking. ETA: hee, Ruben's responses remind me of Clay and the DWTS response... NO
  5. So, is anyone having a birthday today? I hadn't noticed! :lmaosmiley-1:
  6. ....AND it was the top earner. :04: Sowwy, it's my competitive side. ETA: Just had to bring this quote over from CV, because it CMSU... However....gotta say....not in favor of cruising Reed's private myspace...but I think he might be doing some cruising of OUR spaces! Good for him, if so!
  7. Here's something fun for TAR fans....don't forget it starts tonight! Phil's video diary
  8. Is that smut I see????? Or just me...... Hee....I love him! Can we have him??
  9. Oh, thank you!! I wanted to say that several times and just couldn't phrase it without being nasty. Squicks me out too; and I also know how to scroll. Haven't had a SINGLE conversation with my gay friends about being gay....I may want to at some point, to clarify something or other that comes up from their perspective, and I hope that I can do so without offending...but it is SO not "what defines them" for me. Thanks for reminding me, meant to say~when it was mentioned here, I went and read all 167 (at the time) comments on Clay's blog; of that 167, there were 2 that were from nutjobs. Now, I do realize that really, that's 2 too many....but to me, it seems to be improving. I haven't looked since; maybe they turned the tide. But it was looking good at that point. Oh, so many WORDs!! Claylove, not sure if you've arrived yet but if so, hope things are settling. Although I know we'll see you, somehow it's just not the same. You certainly are in our thoughts! And this "Newsflash: That river runs both ways. They are certainly not the people that many of us thought they were, either, and we are very, very, disappointed in them, too. And furthermore, unlike Clay, they had a choice. " just had to be repeated. For me, that's the crux of the whole thing. Right there. .....and yaaaaay!! for the pulled-back friend! Nothing less than I would have expected. Now THAT's the way to work it. :thbighug-1:
  10. Unfortunately, I DO know this person from Adam...and I can absolutely guarantee you that NOTHING she has ever done was for Clay or anyone else~it was for her. In many ways, I suppose we all do a lot of that....we just, in our heart of hearts, understand that is the case. And I think she does too, really. One thing at least~she knows me well enough NOT to send me that letter.
  11. I'm not sure if luckiest1 is around right now, but it's Mitchell Gold and Mindy Drucker. Crisis at Amazon Hmmm....I see it's actually available now. When I looked yesterday, it was out of stock.
  12. I am a few chapters into Crisis as well. It is amazing to read a book that agrees so wholeheartedly with my views.......I find it hard to read more than a chapter at a time though, because a lot of it is so painful. I will eventually make my way over to that CV thread and put in my 2 cents. Luckiest1, where the dickens did you find that sucker? I ran a search for it at Chapters and there isn't a copy within 200 mi of me. Amazon.com is also out.
  13. Me too! But it will never happen...he has a universe more patience than I do. Another beautiful graphic, Cindy! Re the stimulus program...I saw that too, and although you're right, it doesn't relate to the bank bailouts I still think it says something in a downturning economy, and it's awesome. I have wondered if Clay has been doing some lobbying in his spare time. And no, I DON'T think the two are connected, it was just something I was thinking about from something HE said. Couchie I'm having a day to go shopping (which is something I rarely do) for new stuff for my house. I'm off to IKEA, which is about an hour away, shortly. I'm hoping to maybe get some shelving bought/put together for the Claydorm this weekend to add to what I already have. As part of that, I'll go through my Clash for you and let you know what I have additional to offer for the BAF Flea Market. It's supposed to be a gorgeous (although chilly) weekend here, so I'm hoping to get out to do some photography on Monday . Promise I won't bore y'all with it. ETA: Scarlett, just wanted to say Thanks!! again for that list of shareware/freeware programs you posted quite a while back. I'm spending some time learning Paint.net and having a lot of fun with it! And I'm sure there'll be others I'll use. Here's the link again for anyone who didn't bookmark it. PC Mag Best Free Software of 2009
  14. See, all I have to do is go away and he blogs! :lmaosmiley-1: Eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! A con. nec. tion! I hate dentists too! Although, I notice he very carefully doesn't say that LOL. Poor baby! Hope he feels better fast....and that soon happens sooner than soon usually happens in Clay's world. Eeeeeekkk!! I googled. Yikes, ((((((Clay)))))) Do you think the #1 term on Lycos this week will be TMJ??
  15. Well then, never mind! ETA: It's been a kind of a Clay day for me today. I went downstairs to do some file indexing (read....boring!) in front of the TV, and just managed to catch, by accident, David Foster on Cityline, which is a nationally syndicated local interview show. What a hoot he is! I was totally charmed by him, as was the hostess, who is about his age. He was on the road promoting his book and Peter Cincotti's first album. I WISH Clay had someone like him in his back yard promoting for him! He's awesome!
  16. Thanks for posting this. I just donated! Me too! I'm the one from Ontario they talked about on air LOL. I recorded it on my Zen, so will get it off and get it uploaded tonight. It was good!! Minor problem...pardon my rant....the girl I work with I SWEAR to GAWD has Claydar! I've called her 3-4 times over the last few days needing some info...never ONCE had a return call. But, yup, you guessed it! The INSTANT Jaymes started to speak, the f**king phone started to ring IN the recording... Until, of course, I THREW it into the other room.
  17. For anyone who'd like to listen... WRALFM streams...and is soon going to be airing an interview with Jaymes re Parker's surgery, in respect to the Duke University Telethon. WRAL FM Sometime this hour they said.... ETA: the tollfree number to donate. 1-866-684-1015. I actually have donated to this telethon every year since 2004 when I listened because Clay was involved. Duke is a wonderful facility.
  18. *cough* I may have a few. Does anyone mind if I post them in the members thread? I've been having fun tonight playing around with Paint.net, which I got from that freeware page you posted, Scarlett. Thanks for that! I think it's definitely going to be a keeper! (((gbmifan and ldyj ))) I'm so thankful I have a job which I enjoy, although it wears me out at times, and no signs of it disappearing. I should probably knock on wood after that statement! ETA: Scarlett, I don't think you need to refrigerate the shortening; I never used to, and noone died yet.
  19. Yes, they are and they look like Clay fans, even! I'm going to give you a huge {{{bearhug}}} about IQF the next time I see you (hopefully soon, and even better, at a concert), but aren't I going to a fiber craft event in TO with you and Bella in the Spring? (assuming that I'm in the country, since I have a new job that involves quite a bit of traveling) Can't wait to read bout your fandom tale tomorrow! Picture of quilting pals -- how easy would it be to Clayvert them? *g* (and that's the quilt shop in the house behind them. Isn't it pretty?) Eeeeeehhhhh!!! You mean you can really, really come to the Creativ Festival with us?? That would be AWEsome!! It's April 24-26th, just FYI for planning purposes....know what you mean about the travelling! It makes planning life interesting... Hee....Clay makes great music-to-quilt-by! ....and what a cool house that is! Is that the shop that's closing? Too bad, what a neat location! My fandom initiation....I never missed a moment of Clay on AI, but for some completely stupid reason (as I was on quilting message lists at the time) never thought about going on the internet to check him out while AI was on. Really didn't have time to, I guess, as my job at the time was all-consuming. I basically just worked, slept and watched Clay. When the show was over and I NEEDED more I thought for the first time in my life about travelling somewhere for one of the AI concerts...but again, there was that job issue and I couldn't get anywhere. Oddly enough, I was in Seattle two DAYS before the show was there, and couldn't stay. I found ClaytonAiken.com out of desperation one day and finally took the HUGE step of downloading a video. As my computer didn't immediately freeze up in horror, I DL'd another one....and one day thought "what's this forum button?" What can I say, my son's a compter tech and had browbeaten me about DL'ing things That was pretty much the end of my life as I knew it then. You all already know about being up til 3 AM reading and downloading....I was just a little behind the times! I stayed on CB for about 2 years. I met another fan from Calgary there, and we met in person at Starbucks one evening, to "see" about travelling to the IT in Spokane together. We really hit it off and had one of the BEST trips ever~we laughed the whole 8 hr drive. My family thought I was insane, and so did hers. After the show in Spokane, we came THIS close, literally, to following the bus to the next stop in Denver~to hell with the job! It's as well we came to our senses, because that was the night we were all worried we might have lost Clay and crew....there was a major storm in the Rockies and the bus just about didn't make it. Can you imagine us in my little car?? In Spokane there was a preparty, and there I met a bunch of other fans from the Calgary area, all of whom became good friends, and many of whom are still fans and we're still in touch. Me myb, Zippy888, Tijala and others. When the NAT was announced, I talked my original Calgary friend into going to "Mecca" to see this one. Scarlett, we went to the three same concerts as you! Greensboro, Greenville, Charleston. Remember the rainstorm in Greenville that night? I thought we were going to have to break out the ark! When we decided we were going to go, I thought it would be good to see something of the area while we were there~so I contacted someone I knew from the CB was the "head honcho" of the Greensboro fan group. I asked if there might be one of the fans that would be interested in giving us a "tour of the premises" while we were there, in exchange for gas money/lunch/dinner/whatever. She hooked us up with Holly and Skeeter, two of my Raleigh area frends....and I've probably been down there more than I've been home, since then! It IS home, really....and I adore the friends I've made and the experiences I've had there. I would never have believed. My friends in this area of the world are one of the huge reasons I made the decision to move out East. Scarlett, you and I have come to both the quilting and the Clay fandoms from opposite directions; but you'll find JUST the same kind of people in both, indeed. I had many of the same kind of experiences with quilters before Clay came into my life~travelling, meeting and bonding with them. What a ride! I'm so glad to be a woman, and to have these opportunities. And especially glad to be still here with you all and with Clay. I hope it never ends.
  20. Scarlett, look at you go! That's awesome! ....and yes, the points are supposed to meet but that doesn't necessarily mean they always DO Congratulations on yours! I'm so glad to hear you had a good time, and experienced the "quiltmates" . A lot like Clay FANS, are they not?? Are you ready to kill us now for suggesting you go to the IQF in Houston? Or hug us? Telling my fandom-initiation tale will have to wait until tomorrow night, by which point the conversation will probably have passed on...but I'm enjoying the ones so far! Carry on! Catch ya all on the flip side!
  21. Oooooohhh! I'm a cup kind of a girl!...but I'd love a Tshirt too!
  22. Have the Canadian peeps seen this? Ticketmaster Lawsuit
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