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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Getting my dibs in for July 11th! .....AND Nov 28th for JNT09
  2. You make a TON of sense! Great post! Hope your new start in Cali works out well for you. Well.........ALMOST anything. Have a safe drive, and I won't tell you what the weather's like today. Please hook that Florida sunshine onto the bumper and drag it along with you! Bwahahahaha! Also I bid a sad farewell to just ignoring unpleasant posts and thinking they will expire peacefully! FWIW, big lumpy muscles are not in the least bit attractive to me. :-) I always associate big lumpy muscles with not being all that bright, for some reason. My bad. Although I am sure that Ace is a really fine person! Maybe he can use a bit of career guidance himself! Yeah. That.
  3. The tall lady you need to thank is SueReu (I believe she posts on CV). Getting there! Getting there! Have to work for a living, y'know? As I was clicking like a mad thing, I think I at one point verbalized the "fine ass" picture I had just gotten...sure cracked up the lady next to me, anyhoooo.... Re the bolded....if it makes you feel any better...I just expect it now. In respect to Reed, I think there is a fine line; certainly, I wouldn't walk up and introduce myself. The man doesn't know me, Clay doesn't know me and I'm 100% certain Reed couldn't care less who I am. BUT....I think it would have been 110% AWFUL if in fact everyone in the room had just turned their backs and pretended he wasn't there. Kind of like the people who refuse to "see" someone with a disability, you know? In their efforts not to stare, they make things actually worse. I think it would be/is absolutely fine if those that "met" him (Claylove) in the course of passing by, or were in the row in front of him, or whatever~simply met his eyes and smiled and said "Hi" or "excuse me" or whatever and acted like they would with any other normal human being...which he is! Gosh.
  4. Hahaha!! You are never alone in Clayville. Although, in our couple of visits there this time, it was definitely better than in March when we went. But, I agree. Thanks for the info about the people in the afterparty pictures!
  5. Okey-dokey, let's try this one more time....I just lost the best post I ever made *snerk* so you'll have to have this instead. I'll do a "recap" when I've got my head together a little better, but the short version? Hahahaha Eeeehhhh!!! Yum. Ooohhhh....cool....Yum. Eeeehhhh!!! *dance of joy* Yum. Hahahahahaaa!!! Eeeehhhhh!!! Yum. Gibby, thanks so much for bringing those pics over. Does anyone know where they are from? Cast party by the looks of things, but how do we have them? And WHO is the guy to Reed's left in the first picture? I recognize him but I can't think why and it's bugging the crap outta me. It isn't John Dahlstrom, is it? And yes,that's Chris Seibert in one of them.
  6. PSA for those in NYC: Virgin Megastore on Times Square has the Spamalot soundtrack on sale for 50% off $18.99. Don't buy it at the show, if you want it! In the Broadway section on the middle floor at Virgin.
  7. Hope everyone has a really special New Year's celebration, and an exceptional 2009! We're off shortly to dinner out and then karaoke around the pool....although it's supposed to be 55 degrees tonight, it should be fun.
  8. Claymatron and Bella OMG it's gorgeous down here!! Today, about 70 above~but has been around 80 degrees the past few days. Sunny~not a cloud in the sky~what a relief from the snow, snow, snow, snow and then let's snow a little for fun! I have lots of pictures of palm trees! I have cool shells from Venice beach.... I'm hoping to be able to shovel my car out when I get back to Buffalo and....eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I'm off to see Clay tomorrow!!!
  9. Might be easier to just talk across the table!
  10. Here you go, Claygary: BroadwayBox.com Thanks so much Anna!
  11. Change of topic for a question, please.....I'm away from my PC and have no favorites to access....would someone have the link/information to the Broadway Offers stuff for Spamalot for January? I apologize for having to ask for it again...I forgot to email it to myself before we left.
  12. OMG, luckiest, you make me feel so much better!! Thank God that didn't happen Monday when I was driving. But I SURE hope you get at least some reprieve from the shovelling and miserable driving for the holidays! I may not be able to FIND my house and car when I get back! Buffalo had about 4 ft of snow on the ground when I was there. ldyj, I so agree about the clothes; they are SO him in all their quirkiness! Love him to pieces, including every . single . little . foible. It's all part and parcel of the "him" that is him. Fear, for some dumb reason your WFI tale brought a quick tear; it's so nice to hear once in a while about all the people who are out there loving him and we have NO idea...
  13. I'm heeee-eeere!! Arrived about 4:30 PM to the welcoming waves of the goldarngirls' and the palm trees. It's WARM here! There's no SNOW here! Had a great supper at Carraba's and have been gabbing ever since about Sardi's and Gala and Christmas music and concerts and cuteness and stuff in pockets and gorgeous eyes and....and.... I'm so glad I'm here!
  14. from JFK gate 8 where my flight to FL has apparently been delayed an hour after 3 gate changes....but there seems to be some confusion about that, as all the screens say "on time". Guess we'll see what happens! In the meantine, Jet Blue has free wireless so I can catch up with you hussies (Scarlett!!!) for as long as my battery lasts, which on this Dell clunker won't be long... Looks like a gorgeous day in NYC~but I haven't been outside of course, so it could be cold. This new Jet Blue terminal at JFK is absolutely beautiful! Preden and me myb and goldarngirl, we'll be able to spend some quality time eating and shopping here when we fly out on Jan 5th! So happy to see Clay and BAF are going to be a part of the Geraldo program...about time! .... Hope everyone is having a good pre-Christmas! Sure am glad to be out of the snow:)
  15. Via CV, a short matinee report from CH:
  16. Stage door video from last night on .... Well, I don't know if Jaymes does....but I do!! Give it a rest, indeed...
  17. Just interrupting the convo to post my latest creation for BAF...and a reminder that if anyone is looking for BAF fundraiser items (only), please get in touch and I will donate items for you. Scarlett, I've been meaning to ask, I'm guessing the Striped Sock Sirens did not do their etsy site sale this year? I have been waiting with open purse but heard nothing.
  18. Well, only about 1 1/2 in. of snow overnight....wow!....but it's snowing lightly again. And cold... So much for the weather report Thanks for bringing over yesterday's reports ldyj; I'm going to miss them so much when Spam is over! I wonder if he's counting the days yet... Gift cards - I did a lot of gift cards this year as well (our Christmas is already over). I do have to say, I disagree personally about the specialized store GC's. Those are the ones I LOVE...as long as the giver knows it is something the user enjoys. For example, my grandson's favorite snowboard store....my son's Harley Davidson GC....my own request for online bead store GC's. Personally, I would MUCH rather have something like that, that in the normal circumstance I might feel guilty about spendig the money on~but when I've got a gift card! Eeee-hah!! Santa was very, VERY good to me this year~I got the Zen X-Fi I've been pining for AND the Roomba I've wanted as well! What can I say? I'm the gadget queen.... ETA: I meant to add....the 30% unused GC's also includes those that are not redeemed because they are lost. Word to the wise: in the furor of Christmas morning, if you enclose GC's in cards, or in a package with something else, speak to the recipient and make sure they saw the GC....they CAN get tossed out in wrappings, particularly with kids. Also, keep your "activated" receipt separately; lost GC's can be replaced by the vendor if you have that. (advice from the retailer here)
  19. Couchie, I'm so glad that at least you're now feeling more tuned-in to what's really happening with your Mom....AND that you're going to be able to come with us for at least the weekend! I think you owe it to yourself, so I'm so glad. I know absolutely nothing about the ins and outs of American health care, obviously....but looks like jmh found some great links for you; and somehow, on one of the boards. there always seems to be someone who can assist with expert advice. It's quite amazing, really, the resources in the fandom. My experience with strokes (with my Dad) has been that everyone is different; but that many recover very well from a minor stroke, with the help of physio and the will to do so. I hope that's what happens for your Mom!
  20. Well, I'm hoping we might get a glimpse of the "Clay Aiken bay-beeeeeee" sometime during the season then.....both kinds!
  21. aikim... I had that happen once. It took all of 15 minutes to x-ray it and then when it was found all was well, to glue it back on. I've had no trouble since. Good luck! Me too! The second time it happened with the same tooth, he used Crazy Glue No problem since!
  22. OMG!! It has finally stopped snowing here!....AND the power is still on *crosses fingers*
  23. Current view out to the "back 40"..... Yes I know you can't see much....neither can I out the window!
  24. Good God, Cindy! I'm glad you're OK! Can't even imagine being on the highway in this, it must be killer. Literally. This "light snow" we were supposed to get of about 5-10 cm (4") is going to end up being 2 ft I bet. I can't see a thing moving out my windows~but then I can't really see out the windows, so that's not saying much! Right now, I'm feeling sorry for my neighbours that can't get their cars in their garages....and a wee bit smug that I can. Have changed to praying the power stays on now. Going to be a bit chilly in here if it doesn't! ETA: just heard from my middle DS in Calgary~it's 35 below (=35 below F as well) in Calgary, snowing and blowing there too. BLECHHHHHHH!!!!!!
  25. that'll be me as I try to get out of the house when this quits! Hope I have as good a sense of direction as that dog has!
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