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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Have to run, but wanted to answer girlcanuck's question in a more public forum than the responses to Clay's blog, as there may be others wondering: The BAF site on Facebook is REAL; I understand there is more than one, but the real one shows Aron Hall as a moderator. I have confirmed this (weeks and weeks ago) with Aron, and it is definitely for real. Donations made through Facebook are processed through a third-party provider, and absolutely DO get to where they are intended. Isn't it sick to have to post that???
  2. I decided to come as well, and I believe luckiest1 is planning to also. Looking forward to seeing you there!
  3. The Playlist CD I think, not OMWH, unless I'm looking at the wrong poll. ....and not surprising at all in my world, but hey, what do I know? Claylove, that's a ditto on the ordering of the COC Gala files....it makes life so much easier! I'm downloaded and have 2 DVDs burned, just have to get the third one done. Fell asleep over the second one last night ~but I'm almost ready for a Saturday night popcorn party! How sad is MY life!! ETA: We have to get an acronym for the Playlist CD! PBACA?? Sounds like some kind of Star Wars alien!
  4. Me tooooo!!! Oooooppps!!! for the Westerners! Penny, could you maybe spoiler for those who haven't seen it?
  5. Eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh!!! Thank you! For anyone who is not familiar with these, they are the GREATEST!! They've spent a lot of work taking the "best of the best" shots of, in this case, the Gala and blending them so you'll think you've been there. In this case...I HAVE been there! but in the worst seat in the house~so I'm dying for these as my vision is really bad and I couldn't see anything while I was there, so I had an "audio-only" experience. Really looking forward to experiencing it! Thanks to both luckiest1 and goldarngirl for all the hard work!
  6. Welcome, headoverheels! Love the screen name and the location! ...and Scarlett, LOVE those screencaps. GAH!!
  7. Great job!! How long are you going to be doing this? I may have some I can send you.
  8. Well, I would love to, but with my office (and computer) on the second floor and my TV in the basement family room....it ain't happenin', sorry! Although it might be good for me to do those 4 flights of stairs at top speed 4 or 5 times my body isn't up to it.
  9. Join facebook and Demand Clay Aiken in the Woodlands!!! HEY!!! Demand Clay in TORONTO......Massey Hall needs them some Claaaaaaaaaaayyy!!! So... you've never driven with Kandre or Scarlett then?
  10. To participate in the "Notes" (the lists and things you're tagged in): 1. Once you're signed in, from your Home page (which you'll likely be on at this point), scroll down to reach one of your friends notes that you've been "tagged" in. 2. Click on the title of their note, which will appear in blue (indicating a link), or on the phrase which says "continue reading" underneath that. This will display the whole note on their page for you. 3. To respond.....highlght the whole note, right click and "copy" just as you would any other item online. 4. Click on "Profile" above your friends name in the dark blue bar at the top of the screen (currently, you're on his/her profile; this will take you to your own). 5. Below the dark blue bar, you'll see you're now on a page which is multi-tabbed, at the top. The tab you'll be on is called "Wall". Click on the tab which says "Notes". 6. To the top right, in a grey bar, you will see "+write a new note". Click on it. 7. You'll get a page which has a "Title" blank, and a "Body" blank. Create your title, and in the body, right click to "paste" the note you copied previously. Most of the notes ask you to then delete the prior person's information and put in your own. 8. To the top right of the same screen, you'll see a bolded phrase which says "Tag people in this note"; simply type the beginning of anyone's name from your Friends List in the box, and then click on them when Facebook brings the name up in the list. 9. Once you've completed your note, scroll down and you'll see you have numerous options, from adding pictures (click on Browse to upload from your computer), importing one from your FB (just click on the album picture), amending privacy for the note, previewing and saving drafts. 10. When you're happy with it...click Publish! 11. If you "Preview" your note, the "Publish" button will move to the top right of the Preview screen. 12. After you click "Publish" you'll get a popup which asks you to identify whether you want "Full", "short", or "one line". This just identifies what will appear on yours and your friends pages once you publish. I think most choose "short" but it's not a big deal! Click "Publish" once you've made that choice, and you're good! In my notes on FB, I've created a sample that you can play with, and tagged anyone in this thread that said they wanted to know. Have fun! ETA: Well, I think we have that covered!
  11. Ooooooh, no, not PBS please!! Because I don't think we get your PBS here.....and I wanna see him in the Real!! LIVE!! FLESH!!!...and gallivant all over the country with my buds. Luckiest1 I love TAR too. Don't really know who I'm pulling for this year; originally it was the mother/son but the guy is beginning to come off lik a bit of a spoiled brat to me now....so I think I'm kind of leaning toward the father/son. It's early days yet. Loved the bits of Romania last night....and that glider flight in...Switzerland was it? What an experience! I'd love to be a contestant on an "old folks" TAR!
  12. Now here's kind of a cool thing if you haven't seen it....and another toy for the folks on Facebook fear Discovered by someone at the OFC....from butterflyshine who is a mod at the OFC: Copy and paste into your browser, so it doesn't come from a Clay Aiken website....you'll need to scroll down a bit and look to the left for the "demand" icon, which looks like an OMWH album cover.
  13. Thanks again to goldarngirl for once again being the hostess with the mostest! Luckiest1 I'm right there with ya, with my crossed fingers and toes and knees...and...oh wait...
  14. Thanks Lotus for that link to the Fred Croshall interview; what in intersting interview and a great concept from the sounds of things! I really hope that this is the kind of thing that Clay is considering. Scarlett, a few suggestions for your desert island library.... 1. "What is the What" by Dave Eggers- a fascinating story about one young man's journey from civil war Somalia to the US. Listed as fiction because of legalities, but not really fiction. Co-written by the person who experienced it. 2. Any of the Stephanie Plum numbered novels by Janet Evanovich; hysterically funny murder mysteries. The non-numbered ones she's written, IMO, are not nearly as good. 3. The Memory Keeper's Daughter by ? (sorry) - fiction....excellent family history novel! 4. The Historian by ? - fiction around the Dracula legend. Gripping! 5. "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson if you haven't already read it; non-fiction about Afghanistan and one man's mission to build schools there.
  15. Definitely!!....and me too!....AND as the perfect, professionally-produced CD to give to or suggest to, a newbie. I'm really looking forward to it and its picture!
  16. Eeeeeeeeeeehhhh!!! Thanks luckiest1, see you there! Heee...I bet you guys didn't know I was a biker-mama, did you?? No, seriously. My son is a biker. And his birthday is the end of this month. And he collects H-D Tshirts from all over the place. Thanks, Jamar.....would undoubtedly be worse for me, as I've never used a Mac at all. I just like the virus-free issue and the graphics capabilities. I was curious.
  17. When I heard about that movie, I thought it was just the COOLest concept!....and yes, I hope Clay DOES get some ideas! I've often thought we could do that with one of goldarngirl's/luckiest1's productions, for a neat Clayfan outing. The movie theatres will rent one of their smaller screens for events. But it would be fabulous if it were something Clay would do. I KNOOOOOOWWWWW....doesn't that just drive you nuts?? I know I'm long winded, but geez..... Jamar, how was the learning curve? I've been contemplating....
  18. Here's a lovely story from over at CV for those who remember John Martin: For those who do, AND for those that don't remember John: Yollie's DUETS on Youtube
  19. OK, I thought we had this discussion?? Please, PLEASE do not "watch" it there....but you can DOWNLOAD it there!
  20. ((((Claylove)))) glad to hear you're settling in, and good luck at your (old) job I think you're likely a shoe-in!
  21. I renewed last night after work. I love the mug but I don't know about that card though, don't think I would wear it. I wonder what the surprise will be. My guess is an "autograph" on the other side (mechanically reproduced) but could definitely be wrong. PS He DID say he was bored......maybe NOT mechanically reproduced?
  22. Luckiest1, looks like we're alone in the room....dum da dum dum....I'm thrilled with that mug too...can't WAIT for the six months it'll take to get here! I thought it was smart, though, NOT to do things that required sizing like they have been doing. Maybe that'll help the shipping times. Last couple of years I've had to threaten through the BBB to get my package.
  23. I knew I loved you! For $19.99 actually, unless they want a travel mug to bitch about! luckiest1 re the photos.....exactly!....and re TGIF....oh YAH!! Had the weirdest experience with my GPS last night...has anyone else's done this? Three times in a row, in downtown Toronto it directed me to an intersection and told me to turn left....and then changed it's mind, as if I had taken a wrong turn (you know....recalculating!) Of course, by that time...I'm already in the left turn lane and committed! Twice I was able to abort and get out of the lane and go straight and once no chance...so I had a lovely tour of downtown Toronto at 9 PM last night. *sigh*
  24. Sure....but I WANT the other one, you see....thanks for pointing that out, though! It's the shipping and handling and dollar differential that does it.
  25. I'm just not sure where people are getting "pompous" out of, I assume, gravitas? When have you EVER known Clay Aiken to be "pompous"? I lke that too! And that! WOW....$50+ for a Clayonline membership....sure is lucky I love you, Clay! Oh, dear God, I just read that description of the "little procedure"...if that's what he had done. OW!! OW!! OW!!
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