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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Annabear........looking forward to seeing you in NYC as well! Here's some news you'll like! BAF Gala Summary Over $500,000 raised at the Gala for BAF!! ldyj....jinx!!
  2. Hope Permaswooned doesn't mind, I had to share this:
  3. Thanks for all the responses re Wanda Sykes....still don't have a clue, apparently I don't watch enough TV! But thanks anyway! :thbighug-1:
  4. OK, guess I'm going to be the first....maybe only. Who is Wanda Sykes? ETA: BC/EFA ebay auctions (the small things for the most part) are up now: Broadway Cares on ebay
  5. Okay...... from tugger via CV Clay was doing pix for $50 at the matinee today....bet they change to $100 at the evening show. One further addition:
  6. Whew! Power back on after about an hour...it was getting cold in here. We had about 5" of snow last night, and it snowed heavily, big fat flakes, for most of the day today; I think the trees and overhead lines must be coming down all over. It's really heavy, wet snow. We have over a foot now. Sigh.... Power was out overnight for over 2 hours. I guess it's winter. Glad you found the pictures, cha cha.
  7. Where is the Spamalot discussion thread? I can never find anything at the OFC Msg Board without a link!! Can you please post one??? I could, but it would be useless cuz they don't work........which is why I didn't. But the thread tree is: Message Board/Tours/Spamalot/Spamalot 2.0 discussions. The pictures start on MY page 880 and are on several pages following that as well.
  8. Exactly! I thought the same thing!! That shirt must be a toddler size 4 at least...for a 3-month old baby?? It was great of them to share like they did though.
  9. The pictures from Claybella's M&G with Clay are posted at the OFC now, in the Spamalot discussion thread and in a separate thread with the reports and pictures only if you want to see just that information.
  10. Yup, that's exactly what I had hoped for!....course....I'm hoping mine will say "Hi, Lori!" :lmaosmiley-1:
  11. Glad you're home safely! I bet your roads are awful indeed, tonight. Re the price of the photo....I'm not sure we'll have an option....I believe they have been $100 for Clay, right?
  12. Yup! He did a wonderful job of reading the original Hans Christian Anderson, which has some inevitable comparisons to his own growing-up years, for a charity fundraiser. The CD is available every now and again on ebay, and I believe it's also in the vault. Yes, it is....under Audio/Ugly Duckling....sorry, I can't link as I don't use the public one. ETA: heinz It was snowing a bit here earlier...seems to have stopped now. It's been raining cats and dogs all day. Hope it's nicer in NYC!!
  13. I don't need any, as I have at least one copy of each media as well . But thank you for adopting them! I would have done the same. Someone will come along that needs/wants one. I have to say, the audio copy of LTS is one of the best things I ever bought; I listen to it still, regularly. It's on my Zen, as is the "Ugly Duckling" and that cartoon character story he did. I love to listen to him talk to me in between songs. ETA: well lol, I see that didn't take long.
  14. I think this is a fabulous idea - and more money for BC/EFA too. If somebody will adopt us, I'd love one too. I bet they'd think it's a cool idea too. Actually, that IS quite a good idea. Plus, I just thought of an added bonus -- muski and I each share the same first name. We could each make a donation (if muski can afford it, that is), with just two takes of the same "sign." Will take however many signs you guys need on Thanksgiving weekend -- assuming he's ok with it. Suggestion -- you can be v. creative with the signs and personalize them (eg. with icons/pictures that say something about yourself, a message, etc), by sending me a .jpg by Friday and I'll print them out at Kinko's. I'm not sure that the polaroid resolution will allow complex shading & photos to come out well but relatively simple ones should be fine. ldyj, I'd put something about your Broadway question on the sign someplace Smuttiness limits are up to Jerome... just don't get me thrown out. LOL! Scarlett :thbighug-1: :thbighug-1: .....I will get you a .jpg before then....eeeeeeehhhhhh!!!!! Claymatron if you need me to do you a .jpg I can do that. PM or email me.
  15. ...and a little treat for the quilt/art lovers. Pictures from a show I attended last weekend, which was probably the best one I've ever seen in the area. York Heritage Quilt Guild 2008 pics And a sample; this is a miniature, about 12" x 16"
  16. Going to repeat my request of a few days back now that Clay is (maybe...) back and going to be doing pictures: Is there anyone who will be at the show during the BC/EFA run that would be willing to take a small sign to the show for me, for Clay to take a picture with? I just want a picture of him with my sign, which would say "For Lori" or something like that. I have Paypal to send you the money. ETA: Dorky I know, but it's the nearest I'll ever get.
  17. Thanks for bringing over the details luckiest1! I'm SO glad he's back! Suuuuuuure wish there was clack though!
  18. According to the OFC....he's ON!!!....the lady who won the bio contest is meeting him tomorrow night after the show to claim her prize, and she confirmed that he will be performing tonight.
  19. There are 295 people hanging around on various boards waiting to see if Clay's "on" tonight..... Obviously....his career is over! But it looks like he might.....just MIGHT....be ON TONIGHT!!!!!
  20. But, the important part~was he/she wearing a Clay Aiken shirt???
  21. For those who didn't have a clue......like me: ETA: From CV as well, Invisible926
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