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Everything posted by FromClaygary

  1. Woo hoo for those of you who get to stay home today! I don't think they ever cancel work here....we're in the midst of a blizzard, and it's supposed to get progressively worse as the day goes on, who knows if we'll even make it home tonight, LOL. But at least they closed the schools so I don't have to worry about that. My son is a happy couch tomato potato today. FromClaygary, let's think positive. The most recent forecast that I've heard says that Saturday and Monday are supposed to be ok. It's today, Sunday and Tuesday/Wednesday that are going to be snowy. Which airport are you flying out of? Buffalo....I fly out early Tues AM and have a hotel for Monday night, so at least I can drive during daylight hours hopefully and just take it slow if there is a problem. The forecast here says Snow for Monday; yesterday it said sunshine. Who the heck knows until you wake up that day, here. Really glad I'm not driving today though!
  2. Morning!....NB, not GOOD morning I should take a pic out my window and show you what it's doing right now. Will this winter ever end??? Still praying for any hope of getting to my plane on Monday....it's a 3 hr drive away. But for some sunshine to brighten your day: Vanislandgirl, the winner of the option to sit in the orchestra pit with Sean McDaniel, has posted her pics as well on the OFC. I would bring them over but she has asked that they not travel. It's post # 10756 in the Spam Thread (Message Board/Tours/Spamalot/Spamalot 2.0)
  3. Hmmmm....just noticed something for the Claynadians...I've added the IGIVE toolbar to my explorer, as I shop online a fair bit and may as well contribute while I do. Today, as I was browsing at Chapters.ca the toolbar window popped up to inidcate that if I made a purchase, a donation would be made to BAF. How cool! I had no idea there were Canadian websites involved in this. Just FYI.... For our Americans, there are TONS of websites on the list, and BAF has already realized about $162 in just a few months through this program. Every little bit helps.
  4. Thank you, I'm SO looking forward to seeing good friends again....and getting out of the snowbelt!!
  5. smitten, I forgot to say "congrats" on your decision.....it's great to see a new start being offered to you. I hope it turns out to be a dream come true.
  6. I had a great Clay day too! I found 3 AIW in the bin at our local Walmart! I'm so happy!! And you're right, I had forgotten all about those shirts . What a blast from the past!
  7. Luckiest1 re the gay thing. There are days I fear for Clay; but most days I'm just so DARNed proud of him. Here's a little laugh for those as tired of winter as I am: ....and over at the CV they're saying: IIT...... They really, really need that little red-headed girl. ETA: here's the article....that's not really what it says.
  8. Thanks chacha, but it's Saturday night we need. THANK YOU!!! :thbighug-1: Eeeeeeee!!! Me tooooooo!! I'm getting so excited! I leave Monday for FL, and I have soooo much to do! You take care of yourself and don't get so exhausted you can't enjoy NYC! I do too! Absolutely love it! ....and what a great idea to see if Clay would sign it. I may have to take mine with....not that I'll ever get close to the screen door. Eeeeeee!! re Richard Chamberlain...havent' seen either of the movies, but loved him in Dr. Kildare. Wonder if Clay knew who he was? (((((Couchiemama))))) Fearson (dancing broccoli is my FAVE....)
  9. HELP!! A short while back, someone...somewhere.... posted a special offer on Spamalot tickets for the next few weeks. Would anyone have that link? I'ts not in our Spamalot thread and I can't find it anywhere.....would like to purchase a ticket for a friend who is helping us out on our visit. TIA for any info!
  10. WOW, I'm thrilled for VanIslandGirl! I met her and her Mom in Raleigh...I think summer 2006? and she's a nice girl. And how completely appropriate that a music student got to experience that. GREAT idea to do a fundraiser to get the money for the auction....good for Mom for suggesting it! Thanks for bringing that over ldyj....great read!
  11. Hey, very cool! Any positive mention is a good one.
  12. Sorry to post-ho, but here's something I really loved and hope you will too. Read the explanation at the side of the video before you watch it....
  13. annabear :thbighug-1: Yay for the good news! Did everyone get the myspace note from Clay? Nothing new for those who didn't, just the information re the Christmas card~but it was fun to add it to my facebook! Small things, done to the tune of "Merry Christmas with Love". Made me happy.
  14. Thought you 'd all enjoy this youtube from The Clay Channel.....
  15. Home Sweet Home! Just got home from Calgary after a 4-hr flight delayed 1 hr because of snow, wind and cold temperatures. When I left Calgary it was -23, -44 with the wind chill; that's 47 below for you Fahrenheit'ers. Good GAWD!! it was cold! I am never, EVER, living there EVER again!!! Thanks for posting the youtube links to the ETrue thingy....I enjoyed them! Hope to be able to watch it on my teevee tomorrow, if it's still running. For now~off to bed.
  16. Another accountant checking in *g* I agree with you, Fear. I have no problem with it at all, but I just have seen absolutely no evidence that they are a couple. And as to the article that someone told me about in the Star (?) that says basically that Reed and Clay are raising Parker together, and Jaymes has abandoned him to them..... :lmaosmiley-1: Good God. If Clay's happy.....I'm happy. And he certainly seems to be.
  17. *Waves to luckiest1 and cindilu2* Hee....I'm in Calgary, and there is no snow on the ground at all! BUT......there's some awfully suspicious looking grey skies out there.... Never mind!! It's SNOWING!!! Bookwhore, IKWYM....I'm already so sick of this winter!! Re Reed....I always hope for Clay that he is absolutely the happiest he can be, in whatever way he can be. But I ain't shippin' just yet.
  18. OMG, those pictures are wonderful! I absolutely love them...the hair, with a little bit falling down in his face looks great, although those sideburns have gotta go Not too likely I'm gonna rescind my fandom over it though. We OWE this guy ( I mean Dancerdad) bigtime for all these wonderful pictures! And thanks jmh for bringing over all the charting information. The Christmas promo CD has appeared every now and again on ebay~going for atrocious sums of money as I recall Amazon? That's awesome; I can't for the life of me figure out why it isn't reflected in his sales numbers! Just goes to show how few CD's Amazon sells, I guess? ....or maybe those sales numbers haven't been published yet, as they're reflective of Christmas purchases. In any case, woo-hoo!! I'm off for a 4.5 hr flight out West shortly....attending the company's AGM next week and celebrating an early Christmas with my family at the same time. Hope we continue to get all the good stuff brought over here, as it's the only website I can access on my laptop. Thanks to those who do bring over the info!!
  19. Kim, you need the feline equivalent of a dog "cage", which is NOT inhumane; it will allow the cat to move about, but not, as the vet said, to jump and run. I'd check again with your vet. I'll second the motion about reading Berkley's post; it's a MUST read. ....and that picture is just to die for!!
  20. Here's an opportunity for a lovely little gift...AND a donation at the same time. Info re All is Well on AI If you follow the link, links for goodsearch are in the article.
  21. Eeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Stage door video and pics!!!! : happy dancing, happy dancing :
  22. Honest to gosh, I have NO idea what ANYone is talking about! I feel like I just stepped into never-never land! Luckiest1 glad it wasn't as bad as you anticipated....Liney and Perma, have fun!....Bella, it's not charcoal, it's baked-on cheese, tomatoes, olives; would that still work? You know what cheese is like when it's cooked on. Playbiller, I already AM happy, but I'd love it if you'd make me happier!
  23. I've always thought that we = "it takes a village" regardless of who the players might be at that point in time. Coming out is unfortunately not only a personal decision for him, but a business one. I must say, though, that I am loving the "we" in respect to his family lately. luckiest1 ain't life grand??? :thbighug-1: BTW, using a metal spatula as a scraper on the bottom of the oven does....kind of....work. I think in several weeks I'll be able to get the crusty layers off enough to do a sweep with the oven cleaner.
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