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Everything posted by Cotton

  1. claytonic, thanks for the "transcript". I can actually see/hear Whoopie telling the story. Thanks! I hate missing out on stuff! :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  2. I love Whoopi! Is there somewhere to watch/listen to the newborn baby thingy you mentioned? I remember her special YEARS ago - the long white shirt as her blonde hair, the little girl in her deciding she would be that white girl with the long blonde hair when she grew up. I'd love to see her in a night of standup LIVE!
  3. Thank y'all for the hugs and thoughts for DS. I don't worry too much about him "finding someone", it's just that as I was driving home last night after seeing the "divided property", it kind of hit me - the reality. He can be quite charismatic and charming in social situations. Plus he's CUTE! Which I think was actually part of the problem with DIL. I think she expected that their life would be filled with socializing, coming home from work and going out with friends, etc. Not DS coming home from work, exhausted, and crashing on the couch, his "charisma" turned off, so to speak. No real grasp of financial reality, either. I mentioned to DH last night that looking around DS's little house, it felt like his life was going backwards. He turned to me a little hurt and asked, "Was I a step backwards?" Of course he wasn't. And I hope DS will be as lucky as I was when I found DH after my first marriage ended! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I don't know about y'all, but I'm really hankering for some What's Coming Next news from Clay. I know we probably won't get anything like that until after his run in SPAM, but I want some hints or signs that something is in the works! Demmit. I'm pretty sure I won't be SPAMming a 2nd time. I am going to the gala, but I wanna know we have something to look forward to!!! January 4 seems such a long way off!
  4. Yup. So Christ-like, right? Unbelievable! ~~~~~~ OT ~~~~~~ Spent the day with DS. He and DIL of 5 years are getting a divorce, so I was helping him unpack, going with him to Lowe's for a few things. Just trying to help him turn his little house back into a home. They lived there when they first got married, then rented it out. So he's now moving back in. Looking at trying to figure out how to be a bachelor again. We did have a good day, laughed a lot about politics and SNL and other things. I took him out for supper and it was nice. The waitress has the same first name as DS so that was kinda funny. He seems like he's doing okay - although he has a really bad cold right now - but it's still hard to see the pieces of his life scattered in boxes and wrapped in newspaper. He's a good guy. I hope the right girl finds him after he has time to reframe his life. It's hard to see your children hurting. . . . a bit more . . . DS and DIL aren't fighting. It's been coming for about a year. She's the one who wants out. DS says she's happy when she's working but that's about it. DS loves, loves, loves childen and she doesn't want any. So - there's one good thing. There are no children being torn asunder. And - I hope he will find a young woman who wants children. I imagine it's going to be hard to find someone his age (33) who doesn't already have some and that can be really good or difficult. I just wish he'd meet someone he loved, who loved him back and who would be thrilled to have children with him. I guess that's one of the reasons I keep looking at Precious Parker on the cover of People. I wish my son could have that Joy! I'm feeling a bit low tonight. I am, however, wishing I could go find that mystery song on Youtube. I'm don't want to download. Computer acting SL-O-O-O-OW and I don't want to wait for a dl. Sorry for barging in with such downer Non-Clay stuff. Hopefully I'll be feeling more like me tomorrow. I never cry and I'm actually getting teary tonight. No energy for self-righteous folk posing as Christians. That's my opinion about them. Sad, really. Must be hard to live inside those hard hearts.
  5. man-child Dictionary.com man-child [man-chahyld] Pronunciation Key –noun, plural men-chil·dren. a male child; boy; son. Also, manchild. [Origin: 1350–1400; ME] Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. Yeah. Marginalizing Clay yet again. I think some people can't let go of this Clay . . . . . . instead of recognizing this Clay . . . Who will be 30 years old in about 6 weeks!
  6. Wanda I'm not sure. How about stop being so damned subtle and tell us how you really feel? Yeah. I saw her protesting her fear. Shit. If FBM and her ilk can show up and not get beat silly, what are her chances? :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  7. Political "discussion". Elizabeth sitting between Whoopi and Sherrie. Thought they were gonna end in a fist fight! Even Barbara couldn't calm the storm! I just wondered if anyone else was witnessing it?! Wouldn't be surprised if it ends up on the Entertainment shows tonight!
  8. I'm kinda sick of being lumped together with media perceptions of the fandom. Sounds to me like she grudgingly gave Clay a compliment while simultaneously putting him down. And - really - she says nobody cares about Clay's sexuality? Who kept that story alive? The media. So obviously somebody cared. pffft! Sorry. What a bitch. Lori? How much is the brunch? And please forgive me if you already posted and I missed it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  9. I emailed my Aunt to ask her if pyloric stenosis was what my cousin had when he was a baby. I don't know why I remembered that. He's several years younger than I am - I'm guessing he's 47/48 now. Aunt is a nurse and always explains things, so maybe that's why it stuck with me. I can imagine Clay and Jaymes' distress! My Aunt was in distress and she was an RN! But it seemed none of the docs wanted to see past the Nervous Mother to listen to the NURSE who knew something was wrong with her baby beyond spit up and cholic! My Cuz was 5 weeks 4 days when he had the surgery. Perfectly fine after that. But they did kind of tie it in with some allergies in his case. I think she may have changed his formula at the time. No cow's milk IIRC. Other than that he's quite the adventurous fellow! He was a FULL SPEED BOY! At 17, fell water skiing and broke his neck! Small fracture, required a brace for the entire summer - then that was it! Who knew you could break your neck and not have repercussions?! When you see that cute little baby on the cover of People, it's hard to imagine that he'd been any kind of sick! BTW, has anyone ever come across just the cover phoro - without the text? Really missing Clayaikenpix. Seems like something she might have had for us.
  10. Oh, I hope it won't take that long, either. But - look at women's rights. Man! Clay told the truth when he said things don't change overnight! Okay, this is a stupid example, but have you seen the way HOUSE wardrobe dresses the hospital administrator, Cutty?! I love the show, but any female hospital admin who dressed like that would have a hard time being taken seriously, IMO and DH always gives me grief for wanting to snatch wardrobe - or the director who oversees the show - bald-headed. And . . . I made the mistake of going over to the OFC "support" Thread. Speaking of wanting to snatch some people bald-headed. Saying you were mislead and you can't "trust" Clay, but you have no problem with Clay being gay? Shit, people. Go look in the mirror and strip your bullshit off and take a good look! Ack! I know. My own fault for looking. :bigemo_harabe_net-24:
  11. Muski? Are you still here? I just wanted to say that I really, really admire your writing. Who knew you could write non-smut stuff??!! You expressed your opinion (pretty much mine, as well) so clearly and - how can I say this - kindly, reacting to some of the other posts. You have a way of stating your opposing view without attacking or marginalizing their view. And yet you state clearly, but much nicer than I could - the 'maybe you should move on' without saying what I want to say - 'Don't let the door hit you on the butt as you leave'! I know I'm not saying this very well. I just wanted to thank you for saying what I didn't know how to say. You and GBB and a few others - I think may have helped a few people who were there for help. Nobody's going to be able to help those who insist they can't support Clay but they've paid their OFC dues and are gonna stay come hell or high water! But for those really grappling, you guys may have cracked a window and let in a little light. KWIM? :F_05BL17blowkiss: And huggles for Carrie and her teammates hugging her for Shadow today. Sounds like friendship to me! ETA: I still love Rock Hudson and, for that matter, Tab Hunter! Rock had the most wonderful smile. I hope we truly see a day when people can be: white/black/tan/young/old/gay/straight/Asian/Irish/Catholic/SBaptist/Methodist/short/tall/ or in a wheel chair and seen as the person first and the identifier second. Clay taught me (although I still don't fully succeed) to see the person first and the wheelchair second. Maybe in our children and grandchildren's lives.
  12. Muski! I love this guy! I think there are times when a singer sings from his life experience and times when he draws from his life to interpret, i.e. act the meaning and lyrics of a song. I, personally, feel Clay is a fantastic interpreter. I think of the time he sang on the soap ( I don't remember the name of it!) and he sang as a man singing to a woman, even introducing it to say this song is "from him to you". EIH, right? I have always sensed a stubbornness on his part about Touch. I don't think it has anything to do with his views on anything. I think there is some conversation somewhere, sometime that we aren't/weren't privy to that put him off of Touch. Whether he was told it wouldn't make the cut for MOAM and it did. Or whether someone pushed him to sing it and he really didn't like it. I don't think we'll ever know. Well, maybe when he writes that second book (If I live long enough to see that!) we'll get the story. But I think there's more to it than lyrics he can't relate to. Because I think he can interpret almost any lyrics. Well, not ones about killing cops or MF'ing this or that, but you know what I mean! 'Course, as I've said many times before, I don't know JACK!
  13. Awww! Rest in green fields of Peace, Shadow. God has a special place for dogs who love us. Damnit. Now I'm getting teary again. Muski, we have been through it. Golden Retriever - Jasmine - DH and DS and I sat on the couch and bawled our eyes out when we got the call from the vet that she had gone into respiratory failure and died. Bonnie = shi tzu Nu Nu - shi tzu Lao Lao - shi tzu Penny - shi tuz - Mama's dog who became Daddy's dog for 4 years after Mama died, who then joined our family. Bonnie we took home with us when my sis separated from her husband. She had Nu and Lao (and 2 other pups in the litter - we kept 2). When Nu Nu died, every time we took Lao outside she stopped and looked longingly and puzzled for her life long buddy. She became so despondent we had to buy the food in a tube and practically force feed her. Nobody can tell me dogs don't have feelings as much as humans! Sorry. We love our 4-legged children. Now, our shelter doggie, Droopy, rules the roost! Major hugs for you and your family. It is as hard as losing human friends. It just is.
  14. The deserters are few--basically the same ones who've been saying the same thing all week. They're just sticking around to spew hate. Lovely Christians that they are. Seriously. I was just reading in the "support" thread. Good grief. If you don't believe that Clay is "following a path" that you can't support, then GO! But stop trying to justify. I still think some folks just want to be begged to stay. They really NEED to be there and are looking for a reason. IMO I just can't see how someone could read Clay's blog - really read it - and not see his humility and Grace. How many times does he have to shout from the rooftops that he loves his fans? That blog was filled with love. More love for some folks than I have to give, that's for sure. Could we all go get some giant salmon and go on a Fish-Schlapping spree??? J/K But I admit I'm tempted! Now . . . When's the TOUR, damnit!
  15. He certainly is. As is his new brother Jamie. I was pretty sure we'd met, but I wasn't sure. I can NEVER trust my memory!! So - you're going to the gala! Yay! Please come up and speak to CottonTop, cuz there's no guarantee I'll be able to pick you out without Georgie attached! hee :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  16. Irritatingly well done! Iyamnotjellus that I didn't win. Oh, yeah, that's right. I only wrote mine inside my head! She did a great job! I always have trouble with succinct!
  17. Oh, yeah. I 'ave a feelin' that blog went through several rough drafts! I only noticed one spelling error, too1 I can't even express how happy I am with that blog. He is so articulate. He is so damned intelligent. And what heart. I can just imagine him over the past 5 years hollering at the tv or the magazine or whatever, going, "What?! There's war going on! There are children starving for basic things like water and education! And you wanna talk about ME??!!! And who I do or don't sleep with????!!!" So - maybe now his world isn't UPSIDE DOWN! :013085001176249046: BTW, I notice we have a new dogwalker. crazycoffin, my sweet little doggie, Droopy, is right here waiting for you. What time will you arrive? You got a lotta dogs to walk besides Raleigh and Durham. Get busy, girl!!!
  18. I was just coming to ETA: my post, so I'll just add it here! ETA: I finished reading the blog and I am THA-RILLED that the comment capability is NOT ON for this one. That is as it should be! He gets to state his feelings without some folks coming in to blast him for them. They had their chance!
  19. I NEVER, I mean NEVER cry about or due to Clay Aiken. I'm not one to get "schmoopie". But I haven't even finished reading his blog and I'm having a hard time reading because there's something in my eye. God, what a MAN! ~~~ I dreamed about him last night so I should have gone straight to OFC! I don't know where we were, but he was in a white dress shirt with a light charcoal corduroy sport coat! Gorgeous. And I asked him if I could hug him and we hugged and I got to tell him just a smidgin of how I felt. That I thought he was a brave, brave man. ~~~ And that he is. I LOVE that he is NOT apologizing!!! Titanium!
  20. Sorry. I promise not to mention politics again. I don't even like politics!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Where da pics from tonight's stage door? From CV
  21. OMG! I have been waiting for years to hear someone in power say, The trouble with No Child Left Behind is that the money was left behind!!! Amen! The federal gov't pushed that No Child Left Behind and left it to the states to find the money themselves to enact the program. Thank you, Joe Biden!
  22. Re: the weather Gotta remember that I'm on the Coast and Raleigh's inland, so they are not always comparable. Raleigh for Oct 11 (as far as I could get in the future at weather.com) High 74°F Low 56°F October can have some very warm days, so it's hard to say what the weather will be this far out! ETA: DH and I do have the debates on. Half my brain is on the debates and half my brain is answering emails and contemplating the gala! hee Yeah. She gets on my nerves. "Gosh Darn" and "Soccer mom" setting my DH off, too!
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