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Everything posted by wandacleo

  1. I think the point of The Waiting List was more to educate than appeal for money because there were no appeals. Just knowledgeable people speaking about the subject. I think that if anyone is interestied in finding Clay's foundation, they could find it easy enough through Google. I think it was a real honor for Clay to be included--especially so prominently.
  2. Post-ho here: There's a very nice SD video from this afternoon (from CB)12-27 afternoon SD video
  3. Clay spoke about his experience working in a classroom with students for 2 years--about how children are usually isolated and not seen by other students. Then, he talked about setting up a "fake" foundation for a school project and how people kept giving him money and when he had $50,000 he decided he would just go ahead and make the fake foundation real. They showed clips from one of his camps--the one with Clay playing with the kids. Really, very, very nice. Oh yes, he talked about how his music career and interest in working with the disabled intersected when he worked for the Bubels and Dianne Bubel encouraged him to try out for AI.
  4. Well, that was a very nice interview. Clay came across as intelligent and charming (how could he not?) Nice that Geraldo started with Clay and then interviewed him in the first 10 minutes. Good company, too. Impressive.
  5. Oh, I've had one of those days. I went to see Gran Torino and right when it got to the big finale, the film stopped and the lights came on! So, after sitting through the whole thing, I don't know how it ends. I got a pass to see it again, but CRAP. So....if anyone out there has seen the movie, could you please PM me and tell me how it ends.
  6. Thankful4Clay You have a very cool husband. Love the money!!!
  7. Merry Christmas everyone!!! Eat heartily and laugh well.
  8. The thing about the Sardis pictures that I find so endearing is Clay's taking a picture of the picture with his cell phone. LOL. Wonder whom he is sending it to?
  9. I'd try taking it apart and drying it out. Maybe by some miracle it will work.
  10. I just hope that when I lie dying I have the strength left to crawl to my computer and delete 5000 frigging pictures of Clay before my family finds out I'm insane.
  11. Spamalot is doing pretty well--up 8.7% over last week with overall attendance at 85.1% and income of $646,303. It's in 13th place--pretty damn good considering some of the theaters are much larger and Spam has been around so long.
  12. The holidays really bring out the evil in some people. I had just weighed myself, screamed, and vowed to eat like a frigging rabbit for the rest of my life when I look out to see that the postal truck is parked in front of my house and hear a thud as the postman drops a package by my front door. I run to the door, grab the box, and open it to find HOMEMADE FRIGGING COOKIES!!!! Like I said, evil. (Munch, munch, munch)
  13. Couchie Surely the doctor will send your mother to an extended care facility for the next few weeks so she can have PT there. The people at the hospital should be able to help you with applying for MediCal, etc. I'm so sorry. I'm so glad, though, that you will be able to take your trip--even if it is short.
  14. PS: Have I mentioned how happy I am to live where it doesn't snow????
  15. Well, I knew the man was mad talented...but I didn't expect this! Kim OMG, do you think he'll let me rub his belly?????
  16. Couchie OM goodness!!1 Can't you find someone to stay with your mom for a few days? Do you have other family? I'll bet you could find someone to stay with her. You just CAN'T miss out on your trip to NYC.
  17. Well, wanda...I don't know to whom you are referring, but I know that when I rant and rave about smut, I know lots of shit. Smut rules.
  18. I'm not sure it's productive to label people who did or did not "reach out" to JH. Unless WE are JH, we can't really know who did what, when, why, or how or know how she feels about it. I hate it when people characterize every little thing that Clay does (or they think he has done) because often subsequent information comes out to show that the people ranting and raving the loudest didn't know shit.
  19. General musings: Smitten You are moving within driving distance of me and I live in tourist heaven and have a guest room. Welcome to CA!! Couchie You've been through the wringer. Maybe after things settle down, you and Mama can come to (see above) vist for a few days and walk on the beach and just relax. Leave Clay and Reed alone web site: The loonies on this site are WORSE than the ones who WON'T leave Clay and Reed alone as far as I'm concerned. The frigging nerve of using pictures of people protesting Prop 8 and inserting words. I mean, who the hell do these bitches/bastards think they are??? (Snort) Jennifer & Beyonce: This is SO their issue and since I know nothing whatsoever about their relationship, friendship, or any other damn thing, I'll let them handle it. Dr. Kildare: I confess to owning one of those doctor Kildare shirts at one time. At the height of his popularity, I saw him on some interview show, and he can bouncing out in this bizarre zigzag striped outfit, giggling away. I thought to myself: There aint no woman living gonna get a piece of that. LOL. (Didn't change his being hot!)
  20. I think it would be great if Jaymes and Clay decide to have another child--but equally OK if they don't. I really think it's a personal decision that has nothing to do with me. Hopefully, the nutcases that had hysterics the first time around will be gone or quiet if Clay and Jaymes do a rerun. I just wish he'd call and ask ME to carry his sperm. I'd do it in a heartbeat! (And I'm older than Jaymes). LOL.
  21. Couchie, I'm thinking positive thoughts for you mama. Please keep us informed. Fear Congratulations. It's always good to see a child doing well!
  22. Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I spent the day eating and shopping with my best friend (since we were 18!). We just can't believe we feel this young and look this old. There's just no justice.
  23. Annabear I'm thinking positive thoughts about your mother. I'm so happy to hear that the news is relatively good.
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