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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Clack alert..hope someone in NC is going!
  2. I like Penn and I am looking forward to the song and video..I think he and Clay have a lot of respect for each other and I enjoyed watching them work together...I also don't mind Lisa all that much and find Dayana whiny and am really surprised that she is still there. It really is a game show and I just take it as that..people are going to do what they need to do to win and eliminate the competition so I don't take it all that seriously. Link to Clay's blog..not sure how long it will be up: http://www.nbc.com/the-apprentice/clays-take/
  3. Preview for Sunday: http://www.starsentertainment.com/item/the-celebrity-apprentice-april-22-ultimate-preview.html
  4. R.I.P. Dick Clark: http://news.yahoo.com/dick-clark--entertainment-icon-nicknamed--america-s-oldest-teenager---dies-at-82-20120418.html
  5. Loved the article..the last line really got to me and I hope it comes true for him. Kim
  6. TVgasm Recap: http://www.tvgasm.com/recaps/celebrity-apprentice-recap-people-suck-puppets-rock.html
  7. Recap from News & Observer: http://blogs.newsobserver.com/tv/celebrity-apprentice-clay-aiken-the-master-puppeteer#storylink=misearch
  8. Loved the show last night..Clay was amazing doing the puppets...If I did not know it was him, I would not have realized it was him doing the voices. The man is so freaking talented! Lisa/Dayana..totally bored with the whole thing..it has been going on for too long. You can almost set your watch by it each episode..10 minutes into the task.time for Dayana to start whining about not being used..okay..Lisa..now its your turn to yell at Dayana. Okay, that's out of the way..let's get to the rest of the show. After seeing this every week, I have very little sympathy for Dayana and just don't care if Lisa yells at her. My daughter watched the show with me last night for the first time..had no idea of the dynamics between Lisa and Dayana and actually agreed with Lisa and thought Dayana was acting like a baby. Hoping we don't have to go through more of this drama next week. Kim
  9. I saw this posted by a friend on Facebook this morning, and I LOL'd like crazy. Watch the video, but know that the language is NOT family friendly. Just watched..it was awesome! Kim
  10. Can't wait to get home tonight and re-watch the chat..hubby will be at work, so I can drool in peace, LOL! Kim
  11. Enjoyed the chat very much last night..Clay looked great and it was fun seeing him and Cameron interact. I lost my chat box right before the trivia questions so missed out on that..typical luck for me..it seems it was just not meant for me to have any connection with Clay..never have any luck with M&G's either and I don't see that changing. Would love for the Gala to be in Chicago, I have always wanted to go to one, but flying is not an option for me financially and I would love to have it close enough to drive to. My impression when he was talking about entertainment for the Gala was that there might be others there besides Clay and my first thought for something special for Gala attendees would be having Dee there to sing the duet. I could see that getting people to attend if that was the only time they would sing it live. Kim
  12. Don't forget..Live video chat tonight with Clay at the OFC; 8:00 eastern time! Kim
  13. Rolling Stone recap: http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/celebrity-apprentice-recap-extreme-couponing-20120409#ixzz1rYLOxEjT
  14. Per the OFC, Clay will be doing a video chat on Wednesday, April 11th at 8:00 Eastern! In the OFC News forum/
  15. TNT and Steadfast are my favorites of Clay's CD's. Loved the show last night..yep time for Lou to go...I had to smile when Ivanka called out Aubrey. I liked Unanimous's commercial better..we sell the Entertainment books as a fundraiser at the library so I can relate to the coupon cutting (and I cut coupons every week before I go shopping) and I like that they showed both ways of accessing the coupons. Might have been old-fashioned but I think a lot of people beside me could relate to that. The other commercial just did not grab me and found the woman annoying..it just would not have enticed me to check out Entertainment.com. Kim
  16. You can imagine the reaction of some in the fandom to Clay's answer about Invisible. Kim
  17. Good Morning, Having a houseful for dinner tomorrow so lots to do today. Phone rang at 3:30 this morning and it was hubby's job asking him to come in early..so did not need that. Going to color eggs today with Austin..should be fun! Have cleaning and cooking to do...sun is shining even though it is going to be cool. Looking forward to the show tomorrow night..hopefully all my company will be gone by the time the show starts or else they will just have to watch it with me, LOL. Kim
  18. Preview for Sunday..Clay gets dirty: http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/04/05/celebrity-apprentice-aubrey-oday-clay-aiken-teresa-giudice/
  19. YAY! This is just great..so happy for them! Kim
  20. CELEBRITY APPRENTICE" "PUPPET UP!" 04/15/2012 (09:00PM - 11:00PM) (Sunday) : THE CELEBRITIES GET CREATIVE WHEN THEY ARE TASKED WITH DESIGNING TWO ORIGINAL PUPPETS AND PERFORMING FOR AN ADULT AUDIENCE WITH HENSON ALTERNATIVE’S IMPROVISATIONAL TROUPE, "STUFFED AND UNSTRUNG" This week, the teams must create their own puppets and perform in front of a live audience for Henson Alternative’s "Stuffed and Unstrung" improv show. One outspoken Celebrity struggles to be a team player. On the other team, another Celebrity fights for a role in the task, but is marginalized and has a breakdown. Both teams put their improvisational skills to the test, but only one is declared the winner and another Celebrity hears Donald Trump’s dreaded words, "You’re fired!" Boardroom advisors: Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/03/nbc-prime...y-april-15.html
  21. LOL! Well, I could countdown to the finale but that might be a tad depressing..we need tour dates so I can start counting down to those! Kim
  22. This conversation was on Twitter; Scott Evan Davis is a singer-songwriter, musical director and performer..apparently he is working at this club and invited Clay to join him. He will be working with a teacher in Manhattan in June to write a musical with 10 autistic children:
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