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Posts posted by aikim

  1. Everyone has to do what makes them feel comfortable; given what has gone on in the fandom since the blog and the gala and what I have been reading today, I feel like ther is an agenda with regards to clack; the timing is just a little suspect and I won't be apart of it. Respect goes both ways. And this is really hard for me because I have ALWAYS Wnted to hear BBML live.

  2. You know what..I think I am going to pass on the clack..whenever there is clack from Gala's it is usually not posted right away..I think sometimes a year after the fact. The fact that this was posted so quickly after the Gala and in light of all the turmoil and things that have been said about Jerry, NIP, etc...it just seems like a big old F.U.to Clay and them. Maybe I am over-reacting but that is the way I see it.


  3. Reading some of the posts that are being made elsewhere I am bouncing between sadness and just plain anger..I cannot believe how self-important and arrogant this fandom has become..yes the fans provided the seed money for the Foundation and should be proud of that fact, but the sense of entitlement that some have because of that is just wrong. The Galas are not Clay Aiken concerts..they are events to celebrate the NIP and its accomplishments and as a bonus you get to hear Clay sing. This year in particular was special because it was the 10th anniversary and they wanted to make that extra special and have the focus on the NIP and not Clay..i do not know why fans cannot understand that. Whether the changes they made were just for this year or are going to implemented for future Galas I have no idea.

    I can totally understand Jerry's frustration especially if he was bombarded with e-mails or comments from fans complaining about the music part of the Gala and I know I have seen posts since Saturday from fans complaining about that.

  4. I have seen many posts from fans saying they only go to the Gala's because of Clay and there was an awful lot of bitching after the Gala this year because Clay did not sing enough..so I can see where the Project is coming from. The Gala's have become fan events and some fans do treat them as "Clay Aiken Events"..I realize that he is the draw..I imagine Jerry got a lot of complaints after the Gala and maybe this was just frustration from that..I mean they spent a lot of time preparing a Gala for the 10th anniversary of NIP and all they have to hear is that Clay didn't sing enough songs..I would be frustrated too.


  5. Round two of fan drama coming up..Jerry just posted this:

    erry Aiken posted on FB:


    Jerry Aiken

    Each year we work hard to convey to the Champion Gala attendees truly what inclusion is about. For all those attending this year - thank you and I hope you left feeling inspired as to how you are making a difference! For those who are only fans and can only talk about the event in terms of Clay? Let me use the words of our keynote speaker Dwayne Ballen, " it is not about Clay-it is about the children, ensuring no one sits on the sidelines".

    As I said in my remarks, "you are the fuel that powers the engines, without you we could not achieve what we have been able to accomplish".

    To all - thanks again and please do not wait a year before we hear from you? There are so many ways to get involved and our office (919)314-5540 is always glad to hear from you. All the best!


  6. My impression after reading around is that the folks who went into the Gala with the impression that he is leaving took the last song as a good-bye because they were already in that mindset and yet there were also people posting who I really thought would be upset and were not. It really is a mixed bag but it seems like a lot just thought it was a thank you song and nothing more. What is the saying "negativity breeds negativity" I think that is what is happening in the fandom and unfortunately Clay gets the blame when I think there is more than enough to go around.

    For me..he hasn't said good-bye to me yet..I was not at the Gala so the only tangible thing I have in regards to what is going on is his blog and to me that was not good-bye. So until he comes out and definitively says "I am not going to be singing or performing anymore and will be doing X, Y or Z" I am going to stay in the wait and see car.


  7. Woohoo! My new floors are going in..looks nice. Of course my stove is unhooked, there are new cabinets in the middle of the room and just general mess..but it will be so worth it, Mark is picking up the counter tops today.

    Last night at my Reader's Advisory class we discussed Horror fiction so I got to spend the whole time talking about my favorite author Stephen King..my kind of class!


  8. I don't believe that the fans bring in that much money to the NIP that if they all disappeared it would fall apart...they have to have other sources of income. It just seems very arrogant to say that "we are the NIP". I think that is problem with the fandom (not everybody) but some have gotten way too full of themselves and their importance to Clay. Yes we are important to an extent but we are not the be all and end all and I doubt that he spends 23 hours a day thinking of us. He cannot build his life and career around the fans and their wishes..sometimes those have to be put aside and decisions made that are right for him no matter what we think.

  9. I don't watch much network TV..Bing Bang Theory is must see TV in our house. Tried watching Michael J. Fox's new show and just could not get into it..it wasn't as funny as I expected, but sometimes it takes shows a few to get going so I will give it another chance. Meant to watch the Goldbergs and forgot.

    Had a nice time at my niece's visiting with family; my sister was in from PA and of course those relatives you only see at weddings and funerals. And of course I had to annoy (hopefully not) people with pictures of my grandkids, LOL.

    My counter tops are in so Mark will be starting on the kitchen floor today and hopefully in a week or two the new cabinets and counters will be in..I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel on this project.


  10. After doing some reading this morning, I think I'm going to just avoid some of the boards today. Mercy!

    Just back from niece's wedding and was checking the boards before we head to the reception..wish I hadn't..just makes me sad to see people who 6 weeks ago were loving Clay in Joseph and now are just so angry and bitter. He doesn't deserve that..the poor man is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

    I am so sick of hearing how unclear the blog was..I thought it was pretty clear and he gave us a lot of information..I am grateful he blogged so there wouldn't be 3 months of complaining about him being in his "Man cave" (can I tell you how much I hate that phrase) and not talking to us.

    It so nice to have this place to come to where there is some sanity.


    • Like 1
  11. Great news about your BIL, Tijala.

    So for me the question is..what would the fans have Clay do? Continue touring and releasing CD's that are not selling? He has to make a living and if (and that is a really big if) is not in the entertainment business..so be it. Whatever he is doing it appears to be a done deal and all the whining and complaining in the world is not going to change it. So you either except whatever change is coming or move on. Seems pretty simple to me.

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  12. My guess is they changed the Dinner Auction to Friday because they want to devote more of Saturday to celebrating the National Inclusion Project's 10th anniversary. I know a lot of fans go to the Gala simply to see Clay perform and I think that has made it difficult for the planners..ultimately the Gala's are supposed to be about NIP but they have become more and more Clay events and maybe this is a way of making it less Clay-centric.

  13. Seems likes some of the drama has finally settled down. It really does appear that Clay is on some sort of deadline and I do have to wonder if any of these events he is planning are going to be in other parts of the country. Maybe he won't have time to be flying all over and most things will be local. I am really hoping for some sort of online event so all the fans can participate.

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