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Posts posted by aikim

  1. My list:

    What Kind of Fool Am I

    This is my favorite song from T&T. I just think it is so perfect for his voice and every time I hear it, I can see him standing on a Broadway stage singing it. Plus he was sitting about two feet in front of me in Waukegan when he sang the song and that just sealed the deal for me.

    Welcome to our World

    I fell in love with this song the first time I ever heard him sing it; he sang it so tenderly and with such emotion. Of course then we found out later that was the time that he knew that Parker was on the way and it made sense why it had such meaning for him.

    Oh Girl

    One of my favorite songs from the 70’s..I remember singing along to the radio in my room to this song..it is just one of those songs that you have to belt out and really get in to. Clay sang this on Hometown Connection. I made a CD once of favorite songs and this was the first one. It is on youtube. His rendition is just as good as the Chi-lites and was the first time I realized what a powerful voice he has and he was only 19-20 when he sang it.

    I Can’t Make you Love Me

    He sang a partial version early on in the JBT and it was just wonderful and then as the tour progressed he added a full version. For some reason this was the song that inspired people to yell out “I love you” Clay during the song so it ended up with a long piano introduction so people could get out their professions of love before he began singing. I remember at the Indy JBT shushing a couple of young girls who were yelling out during the song. It is such a powerful love song and he does a wonderful job with it.

    To Love Somebody/Grease

    The night I totally believed that he would win the show..there was no way he couldn’t. Absolutely showed his versatility and sexiness and I was thrilled that he finally let himself go a bit. The hip shake was so darn cute!

    Everything I Don’t Need

    Favorite song from OMWH..my fondest wish is to hear him sing it live someday.

    Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me

    Another Demo song, but one of my favorites..better than the original..just a fun song.

    Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me

    The first time I saw Clay on AI…was finishing washing the dishes and walked into the living room to see what the kids were watching and he was being introduced. I was blown away and from there on, Tuesday night was Clay night.

    All Is Well

    I was also in Merrillville..couldn’t here a pin drop and then he hit t he final note and the place erupted..still gives me goosebumps.

    Those Magic Changes

    Played this to death when the clack first surfaced..totally an “OMG” moment for me.

    Bring Back My Love

    Loved it from day one..just so Clay..sorry it didn’t get more radio play.


    AI performance…I remember sitting on the floor in front of my TV and shushing everyone so I could hear him sing..it just blew me away.

    Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem

    Such a beautiful tribute to his Papa and just a moment I will never forget. I play this song often

  2. :GM_FCA:

    I seemed to have passed my cold to my husband..just hope he doesn't pass it back and that he gets a mild version than I had..still fighting the last of it. Neither one of us got much sleep last night as he was up and down getting medicine. So glad it is Friday and another 4 day week-end coming up.

    We got a dusting of snow last night..hope the major stuff stays away.


  3. Merry Christmas everyone! I think this cold is finally on its way out..feeling almost 100%! Cooking and cleaning today and then tomorrow we take the whole shebang to my daughter's..hope there is room in the car for us after we pack all the presents, food and her dog whom we have been taking care of for the last two months and all her stuff!

    Looks like any snow we may get will hold off until Wednesday which is fine with me.

    Hope you all have a great Holiday!


  4. Did someone ask for the JNT 2005 book? I actually have a Photobucket album with the pictures...

    http://s6.beta.photo...our Book photos

    I've always loved that set of pictures. Good to know that I love stoned Clay...

    aikim, I'm getting a cold too. I'm seriously thinking of taking a sick day tomorrow. Of course, tomorrow is also supposed to be 1-2 inches of snow too. And Friday at my workplace -- no computers whatsoever. That should be a fun day. We're going to close to the public, but yet, we are still supposed to work. Sigh.

    I am beginning to think it was something at the theater..I have heard of at least 3 other people at that show who are sick. Going to stay home today too...mine is more a head cold and scratchy throat..so tired of coughing. At least I will have the week-end to get the rest of my Christmas stuff done.

    The new stove is great! I love having three racks and so much room. I can use pans now that were two big for my other stove.


  5. The new stove is hooked up!

    Had my first "doh" moment..I am looking at the burner knobs and not seeing any temperatures nor anything for the oven and ask my husband how do you know what temperature you are cooking at..he just looks at me and points to the computer on top of the stove..oops..need to get used to a whole new way of cooking. My old stove was from the 1950's..nothing fancy there..but I am going to miss it. I am going from a huge 36 inch stove to a 30 inch..it looks so small.

    I have never had a self-cleaning oven before...no more Easy-Off.

    Just spend 30 minutes reading the instructions and all the warnings..guess they have to cover all the bases..some of it seemed pretty obvious..don't store flammables in the oven..but I guess you never know with people.


  6. Home sick today..trying to fight off a cold..can't be sick for Christmas! Installed our new modem yesterday and could not get the wireless to work..called ATT and got Shannon from Nevada..spent two hours with her and nada..doesn't bode well when your tech support person tells you she is googling for help! Called again this morning and got another gal who helped me through the configuration..turns out Shannon had me change all the default settings which I was not supposed to do..finally got the right settings and I am back on.

    My hubby surprised me and bought me a new stove for Christmas, it is being delivered today..yay me!


  7. :GM_FCA:

    I have been having major internet issues at home so this is the first time I have been able to get on and say "Hello". Had a wonderful time at the concert! I was so excited when I realized the man Clay was talking to was Amy's husband. I was in row F but in the center but the theater is so small every seat was pretty good. As been mentioned, this was an old theater..the chairs we were sitting on were what I call mismatched dining room chairs with tape on the back with the seat number written in magic marker. We were really packed in their and it was warm in the theater. I had a nice time talking to some CV'ers who I recognized. Saw a lot of people I recognized..some I knew their names, some I did not but had seen them before at concerts. I did see Luckiest 1 and Cindilu walk in and ran into Amy in the bathroom line. Only two stalls in the women's bathroom so there was a long line. I decided to go before the show so I would not have to crawl over people during the show if I needed to go.

    Clay was wonderful and funny and people were really enjoying the show. The girl, Erin who did the lyric contest was a doll and really had a nice voice. Apparently before the concert she was tweeting and as not thrilled to go to the show but her Mom was making her, but she seemed like she enjoyed it when she was on stage.

    All in all it was a great night and really made it feel like Christmas to me..I have missed those Christmas tours.


  8. :GM_FCA:

    Sorry I have not been around for a bit..busy getting ready for Christmas and baby-sitting. I did two trees this year which is a lot for me..one small tree that has all my Wizard of Oz ornaments on it and a large tree with family ornaments. Looks really nice! Almost done shopping and baking.

    Looking forward to the concert tomorrow..hope we can say hello, Ldyj and any other FCA';ers that might be there!


  9. :GM_FCA:

    I agree that Clay was basically saying it was none of our business who he is dating, but there always going to be fan who make it their business no matter what Clay wants.

    Pictures are just lovely..he is looking especially gorgeous this tour..can't wait to see the show on the 15th.

    There is a new interview posted and vaulted last night. It is very good. Check CV


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