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Posts posted by aikim

  1. Dinner is done and the turkey carcass is in the stock pot; everything else is put away..still some dishes to do and some bowls.

    By far the best turkey I have ever made despite all the drama with it; I used Alton Brown's method..roast at 500 degrees for 30 minutes to brown the outside and the lower the temp to 350 for about 2 1/2 hours until the breast meat is 165..the moistest turkey I have ever made. It got rave reviews! Forgot..put an apple, an onion, some cinnamon and a cup of water and microwave for 5 minutes, put in turkey cavity with sage and rosemary!

    I also made the stuffing in the slower cooker...sauted the veggies put them in the cooker with the bread and apples and raisins, added chicken stock and set it for 4 hours. I checked every once in awhile and added more stock if it was getting dry and then at the end added a ladle of turkey gravy...it was very moist and flavorful!

    These two will be on my list for future Thanksgivings!


  2. :GM_FCA:

    My turkey is still lounging in my bathtub..been soaking all night. Hubby normally gets a turkey from work but this year they forgot to order them so I had not bought one. He calls me at work yesterday to tell me so I had him go buy one. He did not want to buy a fresh turkey because they were too expensive so he comes home with a 19 pounder that was harder than a rock. To boot..I have a very old stove from the 1950's with a small oven and I don't even know if this turkey will fit..going to be interesting around here in a couple of hours or so. So off I go to check and see if Mr. Tom Turkey is thawed out.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  3. Kareneh -- Happy Birthday! We miss you and your world traveling stories!

    couchie, you can always use Clack Unlimited to get the interviews. I'd contact the CH (probably geekette would be your best bet) to see if you have a valid vault key.

    The other two interviews from Sirius XM are up now. I'm listening to the one from the rap channel. Sway (from MTV) is the interviewer, and it's really a good interview.

    I just checked my link to CV cellcerts, and it's not working. Can anyone tell me if they aren't doing anything at the moment and I should check later, or if I should be worried? I've posted in their trouble thread too...

    Best thing to do would be to contact caperkeeper over there..she is in charge of cellcerts.


    6 Days until the JNT12! :yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  4. I am very disappointed this morning..I really thought Romney had a chance; guess I was wrong. I didn't think Obama was qualified to be President 4 years ago and I still don't think he earned a second term..still don't understand what people see in him or why they think he is so good for this country. Are people really voting for the man or for the Democratic platform? I am sure there are a lot of people who voted for him simple because of the color of his skin just as there were probably just as many who voted for Romney for the same reason.

    All I can hope for now is that the Republicans can come up with a viable candidate in 4 years..going to be a very long 4 years for those of us on the other side.


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