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Posts posted by aikim

  1. :GM_FCA:

    I am going to enter the transcribing contest too..my first job was as a dictaphone transcriber back in the day..you had to use a foot pedal to go forward and backward. I believe the chats at the bottom of the chat page are set up so you can watch from beginning and go back and forth.

    86 Days until the Gala!: :yahoo:

    :Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  2. :GM_FCA:

    We lost power yesterday at 7:30 in the morning and it did not come back on until midnight. Originally they were estimating no power until Friday at noon, so I am so glad they were wrong about that. It was an interesting evening. We spent it putting as much food as possible in coolers with ice and all my veggies are in my neighbor's refrigerator. I will probably have to go through the fridge and freezer today and toss things.

    87 Days until the Gala!: :yahoo:

    :Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  3. Crazy Clay Moment...compared to you all, I am pretty sedate in my craziness..I guess the Borders Book Signing in Chicago would be considered the craziest,,we were too late to get our books signed, but my friend Nancy and I hung out with everyone anyway and kept Jamar company at the corner of "staff and only" (you had to be there) until my friend Nancy shmoozed the security guard at the stairs (the signing was on the second floor) and we snuck up to get a peek at him. That was when I fell in love with the green sweater. I was following her around and made a fool of myself getting all fangirly when I saw Nick and then we inadvertently walked into the photographer's area and were about to get kicked out when a nice gentleman covered for us and said it was okay and allowed us to take pictures. We took a few and the found a nook where we could watch the proceedings.

    And we thought we were being so extravagant going to two JBT's...Merrillville and Indianapolis..Jamar was there too and some other fans and that was the first time I slept with another Clay fan in the same bed!

    Now that you are all bored to tears..let's hear some more real craziness.


  4. :GM_FCA:

    Early breakfast meeting today...overcast this morning..hoping that means we will get some rain.

    Couchie We were in AOL hell for years..AOL and dial-up..not a good combination. Took us forever to get out of our contract with them..many phone calls and them assuring me the account was cancelled and then getting my visa bill and still seeing charged, I finally had to call the credit card and have them stop payment and that did the trick..it was a nightmare. We went to Comcast which was fine for a while, but their customer service sucked and then we started getting outtages all the time..so now we are with AT&T..love them!

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  5. :GM_FCA:

    Looking at 100 degrees again today before the cool off..no rain in the forecast. My husband is finally putting up the new porch lights..than have been sitting in the boxes for about a month now. I am so anxious to get the outside stuff done so we can really start on the kitchen renovation.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  6. I remember back in 1983 I was leaving my job to have my first baby and they were just getting in word processors which were supposed to be the wave of the future...I was very skeptical..didn't think anything could be as efficient as a typewriter and I hated the idea. 6 years later when I decided to get back in the workforce, everything was computerized and I realized I was way behind the times..I had no experience on them and it was very hard to get a job. I finally did get a job, but I really had to work on those skills. We couldn't afford a PC until 2000 and by the time AI and Clay showed up I was just getting the hang of the internet and how to actually find a website..I was thrilled when I learned how to sign up for a message board and actually post something, never mind downloading videos. There was a lot of trial and error and closing my eyes and hoping for the best. Can't tell you how long it took me just to learn how to cut and paste! We certainly have come a long way!


  7. :GM_FCA:

    Last day of vacation..boy, I really could get used to not working. It was a very nice relaxing week..now back to work tomorrow. Always dread the first day back and seeing the mess on my desk.

    We are looking at 90's again all week..had a bit of rain last night, but it really wasn't enough.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  8. :GM_FCA:

    I firmly believe that if things are meant to be they will and If a Gala is in my future it will happen..in the meantime, I will hope that there will be a concert stop in my area.

    I absolutely do not begrudge anyone who is going to the Gala the right to celebrate..I celebrate for you and hope you all have a great time..sounds like it is going to be a wonderful evening.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  9. :GM_FCA:

    Good luck to everyone getting tickets today, wish I was one of you but keeping my fingers crossed I will have concert tickets to buy soon!

    Grocery shopping this morning; yesterday I cleaned my stove inside and out..such an exciting life I have, LOL! But honestly, I could get used to not working..it really has been so relaxing.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  10. :GM_FCA:

    I enjoyed the chat but as soon as they went live, I lost my scroll and chat box so I couldn't ask questions or respond to anything..pissed me off..happened last time too and I don't know why...I so wanted to try and answer some of Clay's questions.

    He was in a very good mood last night and funny as heck and I did enjoy listening to him..never saw anyone get so excited about shampoo!

    Kind of sad about the "tour" because I was hoping I would have that since I can't go to the Gala and now I am wondering if there will even be a stop close to me..getting the feeling it may be only on the east coast. Seems like maybe it will come down to if you want to hear Clay sing..you have to go to the Gala. I was really hoping more would come from his CA appearance but it doesn't seem like it.

    And yet he was happy and that makes me happy...I want him to be happy in his life. He really has given us so much over the last 9 years and if the singing part comes to an end, I have plenty of clack to enjoy. But I really hope that doesn't happen.


  11. :GM_FCA:

    Woke up to the beautiful sound of rain..we have not had any in so long..I am sure my garden is very, very happy!

    Going to clean house today; will have Austin tomorrow and Tuesday..we are going to the zoo tomorrow..should be fun and the weather is supposed to be gorgeous..82 and low humidity.

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


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