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Posts posted by aikim

  1. Nope not nervous at all..kind of surprises me to read about people being nervous and worrying, I figure since we know he gets to the final two that people would have been a little more relaxed. I just try and keep it in perspective and that it is just a TV show..game show really and for me it won't be the end of the world if Clay doesn't win because I think he has won already with the exposure and money the Foundation has gotten so far and the contacts he has made..end of sappy post.

    I didn't get a renewal notice..will have to check and see when my renewal date is.


  2. :GM_FCA:

    I have no sympathy for Dayana at all..she was totally insulting to Clay and Lisa. Suggesting they call Debbie Gibson? Trying to tell Clay how to perform and stage the performance. Sorry but if you have freaking Clay Aiken on your team for a singing challenge..you get the hell out of the way and let him do his job. I am glad she is gone..she was around for way too long.

    8 Days until Clay is at the Family Equality Gala!:yahoo:

    22 Days until peformns at the HarboringHearts Gala!:yahoo:

    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


  3. Preview of Dee Snider's Broadway album on Amazon

    Needless to say: 1) Clay sounds great! 2) The preview cuts off before it starts to "rock out." This is gonna be interesting!

    What are the lyrics Clay is singing..hate to admit it, but I could not understand him..looking forward to hearing the whole thing.

    I had to look up the original Luck Be A Lady Tonight to know too... these are the lines in the snippet:

    ...evening is over you might give me the brush

    you might forget your manners

    you might refuse to stay

    and so the best I can do is pray

    I caved and pre-ordered the whole album. :) I can't wait!!

    Thank you..I have ordered the CD too..love Broadway music and I really do like the people he is singing with..besides Clay..anxious to hear the whole thing. And did anyone notice that Clay's song is the longest on the CD..a full 5 minutes!


  4. Preview of Dee Snider's Broadway album on Amazon

    Needless to say: 1) Clay sounds great! 2) The preview cuts off before it starts to "rock out." This is gonna be interesting!

    What are the lyrics Clay is singing..hate to admit it, but I could not understand him..looking forward to hearing the whole thing.

    I thought Clay was great in the preview..I don't know how he stopped himself from slapping Dayana..what a bitch!


  5. Hell has officially frozen over. New tweet from Clay:

    The IMPOSSIBLE has happened! I have found a breed of cat that doesn't scare the hell out of me! And I actually sort of like it!

    Did you see this response:


    Steve Haviland @kingodawg


    @clayaiken is this your first experience with a pussy? #CelebrityApprentice

    in reply to @clayaiken

  6. Aster many listens, this is the best I could do on the lyrics to Penn's song:

    Clay Aiken By Penn Jillette

    I have never felt so set up in my life

    You got your I-Pad 3, you got your I-Phone 4; got the I-Pad2 ; ? phone

    Steve Jobs is dead; Apple’s jumped overseas

    (……for a living)

    Working factories

    Leave your family behind for the plastic they’re making…while I’m having public heart to hearts with Clay Aiken

    That’s the job…hypothetically.that’s the job, I’m a celebrity

    If your working in the kitchen to the point of breaking you not hanging with arsenio and Clay Aiken.

    (You’re not on celeb with Arsenio and Clay Aiken)

    Meanwhile back in the jungle

    ( ………………spending the night)

    Yeah, a diamond is forever like the treacherous mines,

    (making no money with child laborers)

    Around Zimbabwe and their African Neighbors

    Family left behind for the ? they get

    ( They’re not hanging with arsenio , the hulk and penn jillette).

    On a thousand dollar ? on a million dollar ?

    That’s my job , hypothetically, that’s my job

    (uh huh)

    I’m a celebrity

    If your working life makes you suffer and sweat, than have fun being fired

    (Like Dee and Penn Jilette)

    Those 5 weeks in New York City with the art of the deal praying for Trump’s ?

    But New York City in November can feel like a mere 5 minutes


    (yeah, yeah, yeah)

    Cut it out

    ( yeah, yeah, yeah)

    There’s an outbreak, there ain’t no cure, Got to send some doctors to Kula Lampur

    American Heroes bring some ?

    Emergency measures, quarantine..they’re barely hanging, there is no mistaken,,they ain’t

    Playing the apprentice game with Penn and Clay Aiken

    That’s my job, hypothetically, that’s my job, two bit celebrity.

    While your going from one bad job to another, we’re having heart to hearts with each other.

    That’s my job, (oh yeah) hypothetically, that’s my job, I’m a celebrity

    If you’re given it your all but you still get taken

    You ain’t having heart to hearts with me and Clay Aiken

    If you world is shaking you ain’t having heart to hearts with adam, penn and clay aiken

    If your goosed is cooked from bringing home the bacon you ain’t having heart to hears with me, the hulk and Clay Aiken

    Meanwhile back in the boardroom.

    (Now tell me tell it to me Penn)

    I really hated those heart to hearts with Clay Aiken

    (What about Clay, Penn?)

    He really hated those heart to hearts with Penn Jillette

    I’m so condescending

  7. I think those in the fandom have known for years that the man is quick on his feet, and really, he's been doing improv for years via his concerts. So, I'm not surprised by that at all. He certainly is multi-talented -- maybe that's why I'm always frustrated when people INSIST he sing on TV shows, when I love his personality just as much.

    Actually, I think I've known how fast and funny he was since the beginning of my fandom. Here's the line that sold me on him, first person who can peg it gets an "attagirl" from me (wish I could offer a real prize!):

    "Well, if you're here...who's at home?"

    Knowing Clay, he'd have magic skills down in no time flat. cryingwlaughter.gif

    Q&A from American Idol with reporters..it was addressed to a reporter from Raleigh..talk about quick thinking!


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